lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
3. all Muslims who do not condemn sharia? they are all Islamic Nazis and murderers sharia law is genocide!!
indeed Iran & Wahhabis? they destroyed laicity(no evil secularism) in all the ARAB LEAGUE
3. tutti i mussulmani che non condannano la sharia? loro sono tutti islamici nazisti e assassini!
infatti Iran & Wahhabiti? loro hanno distrutto la laicità in tutta la LEGA ARABA
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
1. nessun cristiano vivente ha partecipato a crociate!
1. no living Christian participated in crusades!
2. all Jews who are not Zionists? they are all satanists and rothschild masons
2. tutti gli ebrei che non sono sionisti? loro sono tutti i satanisti e i massoni di rothschild
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
yes of course you have always been mentioned unitedwithisrael org/who-would-name-a-summer-camp-after-a-murderer/
In risposta a @LionjudahK
You are tagging me in both and my Italian is very weak. If you're going to double and triple post then at least untag me from the reposts.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
good boy! true! already because he did it?according to which kabbalah agenda FED IMF NWO ECB could this evil be done against Muslims and against the life of the peoples of the world?
bravo! vero! già appunto perché lo ha fatto?
secondo quale agenda kabbalah FED FMI NWO BCE è potuto avvenire questo male contro i mussulmani e contro la vita dei popoli del mondo?
In risposta a @LionjudahK
France let in islamicists and funded terrorists for dozens of years and didn't listen to the warnings of everyting trying to explaim islam versus islamicists.
La Francia ha fatto entrare gli islamici e ha finanziato i terroristi per decine di anni e non ha ascoltato gli avvertimenti di tutti coloro che cercano di esplodare islam contro gli islamici.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
rothschild FED is non cospiracy, is FED esoteric agenda occult governmet Bilderber allies: democratic party and Islam genocide nazi
In risposta a @LionjudahK
cia 666 uk fed fmi nwo rothschild..... You realize that all that conspiracy stuff you're on about is from neo nazis to justify killing jews for "running world government"? You've just twisted it around and switched "muslim" for "jews."
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
in muslims country? everything is up to the sharia: and Erdogan has said that a mosque is erected everywhere: even that has become a "muslims country" therefore, in many neighborhoods of Paris and Europe not even the army can enter: because of the democratic party they have all become "no go zone"
in muslims country? tutto è sopposto alla sharia: ed Erdogan ha detto che ovunque viene eretta una moschea: anche quello è diventato un "muslims country" quindi, in molti quartieri di Paridi ed Europa neanche l'esercito può entrare: per colpa del partito democratico sono diventati tutti "no go zone"
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Discussion on United with Israel 36 comments
Who Would Name a Summer Camp after a Murderer?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
the greatest Satanism on this planet is Cia 666 UK FED FMI NWO banking seigniorage rothschild, the less serious Satanism is that of the sharia that is allied with the first: to realize the genocide of all Christians and Jews on the planet: why with them? it would not be possible to turn the peoples Russian and Chinese: in slaves of Morgan Rochefeller!
il più grande satanismo in questo pianeta è Cia 666 UK FED FMI NWO il signoraggio bancario,
il meno grave satanismo è quello della sharia che è alleato del primo: per realizzare il genocidio di tutti i cristiani e gli ebrei del pianeta: perché con loro? non sarebbe possibile trasformare in schiavi russi e cinesi!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
YOU CAN'T TAKE sporadic cases of: criminality, illegality: that they are committed in every religion and in every state (in violation of the law): and then, to justify the legal system of the sharia law which is a legalized Nazi genocide
NON PUOI PRENDERE sporadici casi di: criminalità illegalità: che sono commessi in ogni religione ed in ogni Stato (in violazione della legge): e poi, giustificare l'impianto giuridico della sharia law che è un genocidio nazista legalizzato
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
@ThatPurplePeng1 In risposta a @LionjudahK
No, it's not. It's the PLO and Hamas strapping innocent children to targets and zionists happily sending rockets back and forth to fuel the never ending feud. Meanwhile the vast majority of palestinians and israelis just want to live in peace.
No, non lo è. E 'l'OLP e Hamas legando bambini innocenti a obiettivi e sionisti felicemente l'invio di razzi avanti e indietro per alimentare la faida senza fine. Nel frattempo la stragrande maggioranza dei palestinesi e degli israeliani vuole solo vivere in pace.
ANSWER, there is not only a Palestinian problem, there is an Islamic genocide in Nigeria, in Africa, in Asia, in the ARAB League, and there is a sharia law terrorism, in every part of the world against Christians!
non esiste soltanto un problema palestinese, esiste un genocidio islamico in Nigeria, in Africa, Asia, nella Lega ARABA, ed esiste un terrorismo sharia law, in ogni parte del mondo contro i cristiani!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
just like you say: the ARAB LEAGUE is a universal theocratic crime: so it is illegal
proprio come tu dici: la LEGA ARABA è un delitto universale teocratico: qundi è illegale
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
In risposta a @LionjudahK
League of arab nations is theocratic movement using islam as a smokescreen. Shall we point at the crusades (like many still do) and say that Italy supports genocide of noncatholics because of what popes have advocated in the past?
answer. but how can a servant of God tell us these lies?
if there had been no unfair crusades? today the whole world would be already haunted by your demon lilith in Mecca 666 kaaba
Lega delle nazioni arabe è movimento teocratico utilizzando l'islam come una cortina fumogena. Dobbiamo indicare le crociate (come molte ancora e dire che l'Italia sostiene il do) genocidio dei non cattolici a causa di ciò che i papi hanno sostenuto in passato?
answer. ma come può un servo di Dio come può dire queste menzogne?
se non ci fossero state le inique crociate? oggi tutto il mondo sarebbe già inginocchiato al vostro demonio lilith a Mecca 666 kaaba
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
about the Israeli government? it is only the sharia that prevents both Palestinians and Jews from having a homeland
circa il Governo Israeliano? è soltanto la sharia che impedisce, sia ai palestinesi che agli ebrei di avere una Patria
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
but how can you be so stupid as to think that there may be a jiadist galaxy of 3000 assassination organizations and genocide: if the Arab League did not support it?at the very least, you should think that something in Islam has gone wrong from the beginning!but unfortunately Muslims are so possessed that they can't think!
ThatPurplePenguin @ThatPurplePeng1
In risposta a @LionjudahK
ma come puoi essere così stupido da pensare che possa esistere una galassia jiadista 3000 oraganizzazioni di assassini e genocidio: se la Lega Araba non la supportasse?
per lo meno, tu dovresti pensare che qualcosa in Islam è andato storto dal principio!
ma purtroppo i musulmani sono così indemoniati che non sanno pensare!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
why the Egyptian Copts were 30% of the population 50 years ago and today they are only 5%.do you want to see the list of corpses?
come mai i copti egiziani erano il 30% della popolazione 50 anni fa ed oggi sono soltanto il 5%.
vuoi vedere la lista dei cadaveri?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
if the ARAB LEAGUE does not condemn Sharia law? all mankind will end in a great tragedy!I have many Muslim friends and I am very worried about them too
@ThatPurplePeng1 In risposta a @LionjudahK
se la LEGA ARABAA non condannerà la legge della Sharia? tutto il genere umano finirà in una grande tragedia!
io ho molti amici mussulmani e sono molto preoccupato anche per loro
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
there is no terrorism in the world that is not Islamic:if you say "terrorist" you also say "Islamic" and this is the genocide of sharia: ISIS does not have a sharia other than Iran or Riyadh etc.
In risposta a @LionjudahK
It's disgusting but that's PLO. There's a difference between between people twisting things to align to terrorism and what they're twisting. There are extremists on all sides of every coin and they should be held accountable. Israel's govt has dirty hands as well.
non esiste in tutto il mondo un terrorismo che non sia islamico:
se dici: "terrorista" tu dici anche "islamico" e questo è il genocidio della sharia: ISIS non ha una sharia diversa da Iran o Riyad ecc..
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Discussion on United with Israel 36 comments
Who Would Name a Summer Camp after a Murderer?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
THE PROBLEM of you MUSSULMANI is that you ARE: dogmatic: without reciprocity: without secularity: without human rights: without the true concept of the sacredness of human life, HYPOCRITES, paranoids, serial killers, liars, predadors, suprematists Erdogan, liars: these are the virtues: also of your demon allah (this is why you are the theology of substitution) and now go also saying that: Jesus of Bethlehem was a Palestinian?
In risposta a @LionjudahK
The arab league is a juristiction of several countries and each have their own standards of sharia. There's far more muslims whom aren't arab or have anything to do with the arab aligned politics. Sharia seen in islam gives freedom and equal rights, islamicism doesn't.
IL PROBLEMA di voi MUSSULMANI è che voi SIETE: dogmatici: senza reciprocità: senza laicità: senza diritti umani: senza il vero concetto della sacralità della vita umana, IPOCRITI, paranoici, assassini seriali, mentitori, predadori, suprematisti Erdogan, bugiardi: queste sono le virtù: anche del Vostro demonio allah (ecco perché voi siete la teologia della sostituzione) ed adesso andate anche dicendo che: Gesù di Betlemme era un palestinese?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
all the ARAB LEAGUE is a huge genocide of 1400 years: if a Muslim wants to become a Christian he becomes a traitor who is sentenced to death: if he is lucky: and he lives in Syria and Giordania sack him and take away his wife and children
tutta la LEGA ARABA è un immenso genocidio di 1400 anni: se un mussulmano vuole diventare cristiano diventa un traditore che viene condannato a morte: se è fortunato: e lui vive in Siria e Giordania lo licenziano e gli tolgono la moglie e i figli
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
ThatPurplePenguin @ThatPurplePeng1 In risposta a @LionjudahK
Which parts of Quran or hadith do you refer to? answer --> nowhere in the ARAB LEAGUE, to a Christian is allowed to marry a Muslim girl, but Christian girls are kidnapped and forced into marrying a Muslim
in nessun posto della LEGA ARABA è permesso a un cristiano poter sposare una ragazza mussulmana, ma le ragazze cristiane vengono rapite stuprate e costrette a sposare un mussulmano
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
I'm an observatory on the martyrdom of Christians for 30 years, there is no freedom of religion in sharia law, nor even equal rights from Muslim to non-Muslim!Hitler was less dangerous than the Arab League. @ThatPurplePeng1 In risposta a @LionjudahK
Which parts of Quran or hadith do you refer to?
io sono Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani da 30 anni, non esiste libertà di religione nella sharia law, e neanche la parità dei diritti da Mussulmano a non mussulmano!
Hitler era meno pericoloso della lega araba
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#sharia is nazi genocide kafir e slave dhimmis ad apostates murtids
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Nazi collaborator adorns T-shirt worn by Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff
worldisraelnews com/nazi-collaborator-adorns-t-shirt-of-ocasio-cortezs-chief-of-staff
no one should think that the instrument of the demon: NAZI Hitler did not have its valid reasons:
in fact, all those who cannot see the Rothschild's banking seigniorage, they too deserve the death penalty!
Hitler is not so bad, as is bad rothschild
EU Bilderberg FED IMF: Scam Banking Seigniorage and satanism ECB: Soros Allah lilith Baal: Ja-Bull-On
Nazi collaborator adorns T-shirt worn by Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff
nessuno dovrebbe pensare che lo strumento del demonio Hitler non avesse le sue valide ragioni:
infatti, tutti quelli che non riescono a vedere il signoraggio bancario Rothschild, anche loro meritano la pena di morte!
Hitler non è così cattivo, come è cattivo rothschild
UE Bilderberg FED IMF: Scam Banking Seigniorage e satanism BCE: Soros Allah lilith Baal: Ja-Bull-On
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Discussion on United with Israel 18 comments
WATCH! Christians 'Share in Great Miracle of Israel,' Netanyahu Tells CUFI Summit

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
my JHWH holy: non è colpa mia se non so mantenere i segreti!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Don Spilman 5 months ago
the guardian of Israel never sleepsthe seven-eyed candlestick is always flamboyant!
non dorme mai, il custode di Israele
il candelabro a sette occhi è sempre fiammeggiante!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah john ruby 5 months ago
God Bless Israel, God Bless Netanyahu. God Bless all men of good peaceful will thirst for justice and truth
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Madeleine Donaldson 5 months ago
Obama is 666 esoteric agenda sharia ISIS SpA corporation masonic system NWO FED IMF shadow government
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Casper van Cleeveld 5 months ago
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah John Triggerhappy 5 months ago
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Trump: 'The Ambassador Gb is stupid' answer. no no it is only a Freemason: Shadow Government Bilderberg Soros Trilateral: Owl Bohemian Grove: "cremation of care", his esoteric Agenda, ja-bull-On FED IMF Cia 666 Uk NATO: democratic high treason party and death penalty!
Trump: 'L'ambasciatore Gb è stupido' answer. no no è soltanto un massone: Governo Ombra Bilderberg Soros Trilaterale: Owl Bohemian Grove: "cremation of care", his esoteric Agenda, ja-bull-On FED IMF Cia 666 Uk NATO: partito democratico alto tradimento e pena di morte!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Israeli fighter aircraft 'can reach anywhere in the Middle East', Netanyahu warns Iran.Trump and Netanyahu if they threaten is because they will not intervene, while IRAN takes action anyway: building the atomic bomb and violating the pacts with France and Russia, etc ...this situation of Trump and Netanyahu is high treason!
China Russia EU US India ] the ARAB LEAGUE and its demon Lilith Allah must be reset!
Cina Russia UE USA India ] la LEGA ARABA e il suo demonio allah devono essere azzerati!
Aerei da caccia israeliano 'può raggiungere ovunque nel Medio Oriente', Netanyahu avverte l'Iran.
Trump e Netanyahu se minacciano è perché non interverranno, mentre IRAN comunque passa all'azione: realizzando la bomba atomica e violando i patti con la Francia e la Russia, ecc...
questa situazione di Trump e Netanyahu è alto tradimento!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Christians united for summit of Israel (CUFI)? they have done a precious job: that is of inestimable value in the heavenly places: in FAITH, to build a homeland to all the Jews of the world, and I am witness to their faith and their sacrifices
cristiani Uniti per vertice di Israele (CUFI)?
loro hanno fatto un prezioso lavoro: che è di inestimabile valore nei luoghi celesti: in FEDE, per costruire una Patria a tutti gli ebrei del mondo, ed io sono testimone della loro fede e dei loro sacrifici
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Discussion on United with Israel 47 comments
Israeli Intelligence Foils Dozens of Terror Attacks Across the Globe

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
hey Rivlin NON dovevi fare tanti filmini proibiti da ragazzo!
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.
[ hey Rivlin take a course for inner healing]
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. ] [ ehi Rivlin fai un corso per la guarigione interiore ] Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. [ Lorenzo Fedele250660
so even God in the Bible is a h0m0phobe: for you? so you want to condemn God by law: and you want to destroy free will: condemn even the natural law (little A s s for p o o p: and little b u t t e r f l y for a marriage project)? that's when it says: Gender dictatorship: ideology Sodom lgbt demonic infestation.
but, my h +o+ m+ o+ s+ e+ x+ u+ a+ l friends and brothers do not need special Nazi laws:
they do not claim adoption of children or marriage,
and there is already the civil and penal code that is available to everyone: for their protection!
rather they are the lgbt: satanic theosophy: s +e +s +s + o Fluid (blasphemous and sacrilegious p e r v e r t e d Satanists) who must stop persecuting h 0 m o+ s+ e +x+ u+ a+ l+ s (who are entitled to all legal protections and freedom of conscience before God
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
[hey Rivlin take a course for inner healing]
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. ] [ ehi Rivlin fai un corso per la guarigione interiore ] Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. [ Lorenzo Fedele250660
so even God in the Bible is a h0m0phobe: for you? so you want to condemn God by law: and you want to destroy free will: condemn even the natural law (little A s s for the p o o p: and little butterfly for a marriage project)? that's when it says: Gender dictatorship: ideology Sodom lgbt demonic infestation. my homo s e x u a l friends and brothers do not need special Nazi laws: they do not claim adoption of children or marriage, because there is already the civil and penal code that is available to everyone: for their protection!
rather they are the lgbt: satanic theosophy: #s e s s o Fluido (blasphemous and sacrilegious p e r v e r t e d Satanists) who must stop persecuting homo s e x u a l s (who are entitled to all legal protections and freedom of conscience before God
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
ehi Rivlin fai un corso per la guarigione interiore ] Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel. [ Lorenzo Fedele250660
so even God in the Bible is a hom0phobe: for you? so you want to condemn God by law: and you want to destroy free will: condemn even the natural law (little A s s for the p o o p: and little butterfly for a marriage project)? that's when it says: Gender dictatorship: ideology Sodom lgbt demonic infestation. my homo s e x ual friends and brothers do not need special Nazi laws: they do not claim adoption of children or marriage, because there is already the civil and penal code that is available to everyone: for their protection! rather they are the lgbt: satanic theosophy: #sessoFluido (blasphemous and sacrilegious perverted Satanists) who must stop persecuting homo s e x u a l s (who are entitled to all legal protections and freedom of conscience before God
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
so even God in the Bible is a homophobe: for you? so you want to condemn God by law:
and you want to destroy free will: condemn even the natural law (littleA s s for the poop:
and little butterfly
for a marriage project)? that's when it says: Gender dictatorship: ideology Sodom lgbt demonic infestation.
my homosexual friends and brothers do not need special Nazi laws:
they do not claim adoption of children or marriage, because there is already the civil and penal code
that is available to everyone: for their protection! rather they are the lgbt: satanic theosophy: #sessoFluido (blasphemous and sacrilegious perverted Satanists) who must stop persecuting homosexuals
(who are entitled to all legal protections and freedom of conscience before God)!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
so even God in the Bible is a homophobe: for you? so you want to condemn God by law: and you want to destroy free will: condemn even the natural law (littleAss for the poop: and little butterfly for a marriage project)? that's when it says: Gender dictatorship: ideology Sodom lgbt demonic infestation. my homosexual friends and brothers do not need special Nazi laws: they do not claim adoption of children or marriage, because there is already the civil and penal code that is available to everyone: for their protection! rather they are the lgbt: satanic theosophy: #sessoFluido (blasphemous and sacrilegious perverted Satanists) who must stop persecuting homosexuals (who are entitled to all legal protections and freedom of conscience before God)!
quindi anche Dio nella Bibbia è un omofobo: per te? così tu vuoi condannare Dio per legge: e vuoi distruggere il libero arbitrio: condannare anche la legge naturale (culetto per la cacca: pisellino farfallina per progetto matrimoniale)? ecco quando si dice: Dittatura Gender: ideologia Sodoma lgbt infestazione demoniaca. i miei amici e fratelli omosessuali non hanno bisogno di leggi speciali naziste: non pretendono adozione di bambini o matrimonio, perché c'é già il codice civile e quello penale che è a disposizione di tutti! piuttosto sono gli lgbt: teosofia satanica: #sessoFluido (satanisti pervertiti blasfemi e sacrileghi) che devono smettere di perseguitare gli omosessuali (che hanno diritto a tutte le tutele legali e libertà di coscienza davanti a Dio)!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
the mad cow Merkel? she should not suck the DNA of the children killed by the priest of her Synagogue of Satan: the cannibals: esoteric agenda: Trilateral: FED scam banking seigniorage: of the CIA 666 Uk 322 Born 187 EU Bilderberg Ja-Bull-On kabbalah Saud Salman Riyad
la Merkel mucca pazza? lei non dovrebbe succhiare il DNA dei bambini uccisi dai sacerdoti della sua Sinagoga di Satana: i cannibali della CIA 666 Uk 322 Nato 187 UE Bilderberg Ja-Bull-On
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Emma Bonino- Soros is the representation of Satan himself! 🇮🇹 @ RRobitt2011 Of a demographic policy with which to encourage couples to have children? no even talking about it.They want migrants: Afro-Muslims: Pakistani Christians? only to sharia genocide of the Talibal Boko Haram
imolaoggi it/2017/02/08/da-una-tv-araba-emma-bonino-servono-16-milioni-di-immigrati/
Emma Bonino- Soros è la rappresentazione di Satana stesso!
🇮🇹 @RRobitt2011 Di una politica demografica con la quale incentivare le coppie ad avere figli manco a parlarne.
Vogliono migranti: afro islamici: cristiani pakistani? soltanto alla cura dei talebali
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
unfortunately for the failure: Aliyah la Regel (עליה לרגל), which means "pilgrimage", ascent by way of Jerusalem: for the violation of this law there can be only the death penalty!
when Maclon and Chilion also died: to Noemi: then, she was deprived of her two sons and of her husband: whom the Lord had killed because they had refused to return to Israel
for every Jew: ie be guilty: outside of Israel, of course: is: 1. Satanism, 2. idolatry, 3. Freemasonry, 4. witchcraft, 5. apostasy, 6. treason!
Israeli education minister: Jewish assimilation 'like second Holocaust'
purtroppo per la mancata: Aliyah laReghel (עליה לרגל), che significa "pellegrinaggio", salita per via di Gerusalemme: per la violazione di questa legge ci può essere soltanto la pena di morte!
quando anche Maclon e Chilion morirono: a Noemi: poi, lei rimase priva dei suoi due figli e del marito: che il Signore aveva ucciso perché si erano rifiutati di tornare in Israele
for every Jew: ie be guilty: outside of Israel, of course: is: 1. Satanism, 2. idolatry, 3. Freemasonry, 4. witchcraft, 5. apostasy, 6. treason!
Israeli education minister: Jewish assimilation 'like second Holocaust'
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
for every Jew: ie be guilty: outside of Israel, of course: is: 1. Satanism, 2. idolatry, 3. Freemasonry, 4. witchcraft, 5. apostasy, 6. treason!
Israeli education minister: Jewish assimilation 'like second Holocaust'
Jews do not have (0.5% of the exorcistic powers dracula sodoma rothschild ja-bull-On, charismatic that some Christians actually have and can actually exercise against banking seigniorage: esoteric agenda: occult NWO FED 666 IMF ECB soprannatural power!
ebrei non hanno il (0,5% dei poteri esorcistici dracula sodoma rothschild ja-bull-On, carismatici che alcuni cristiani hanno realmente e possono esercitare realmente contro il signoraggio bancario!
Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom you have been banned by World Israel News.
per ogni ebreo: essere colpevolmente: fuori di Israele? è: 1. satanismo, 2. idolatria, 3. massoneria, 4. stregoneria, 5. apostasia, 6. tradimento
Israeli education minister: Jewish assimilation 'like second Holocaust' /worldisraelnews com/israeli-education-minister-jewish-assimilation-like-second-holocaust
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
for every Jew: to be guilty: outside of Israel? is: 1. Satanism, 2. idolatry, 3. Freemasonry, 4. witchcraft, 5. apostasy, 6. treason!
Israeli education minister: Jewish assimilation 'like second Holocaust'
Jews do not have (0.5% of the exorcistic powers dracula sodoma rothschild ja-bull-On, charismatic that some Christians actually have and can actually exercise against banking seigniorage: esoteric agenda: occult NWO FED 666 IMF ECB soprannatural power!
ebrei non hanno il (0,5% dei poteri esorcistici dracula sodoma rothschild ja-bull-On, carismatici che alcuni cristiani hanno realmente e possono esercitare realmente contro il signoraggio bancario!
Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom you have been banned by World Israel News.
per ogni ebreo: essere colpevolmente: fuori di Israele? è: 1. satanismo, 2. idolatria, 3. massoneria, 4. stregoneria, 5. apostasia, 6. tradimento
Israeli education minister: Jewish assimilation 'like second Holocaust' https://worldisraelnews.com...
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Discussion on United with Israel 13 comments
Iran Olympics Rescinds on Agreement to Compete With Israelis

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
what did a righteous, and very blessing virtuous President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, a good Muslim very dear to the heart of God JHWH like him righteous?
when ISIS Erdogan: he slaughtered his Copts on the beach of the sea: he sent his leather heads: in Libya to punish ISIS Riyadh.but everyone in the ARABIC LEAGUE scolded him for this and said: "we are serious people"so he was forced to stop his action against the ISIS of the Saudi Wahhabis their jihadist galaxy under the aegis of the CIA 666 UK FED FMI the Obama the Owl Beast Rochefeller Soros and the Democratic Party: sharia Lilith Allah!
cosa ha fatto un giusto, virtuoso Presidente Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, un buon musulmano molto caro al cuore di Dio JHWH come lui?
quando ISIS Erdogan: sgozzò i suoi copti sulla spiaggia del mare: lui mandò le sue teste di cuoio: in Libia a punire ISIS Riyad.
ma tutti nella LEGA ARABA lo rimproverarono per questo e dissero: "noi siamo persone serie"
quindi lui fu costretto a interrompere la sua azione contro ISIS dei wahhabiti sauditi la loro galassia jihadista sotto egida della CIA 666 UK FED FMI la Bestia di Obama Rochefeller Soros e il Parito democratico!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Abdel Fattah al-SisiBdAbd al-Fattāḥ Saʿīd usayn Khalīl al-Sīsī,of which I have stepped up/ supported his candidacy, he is an honest man intellectually and a very good muslim, but, the Islamic satanism in which he was immersed: all the ARAB LEAGUE because of the Wahhabis saudi criminals: demonic possesseds, this represents an impossible mortgage to be overcome for him.
he as Assad does everything to protect their Christians from the Sharia system:but it is the system of the sharia that cannot prevent them, to get from tragedy against the genocide of the Christians who in fact are disappearing in all the ARAB LEAGUE.
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ Saʿīd Ḥusayn Khalīl al-Sīsī,
di cui ho intensamento sostenuto la sua candidatura,
lui è un uomo onesto intellettualmente, ma, il satanismo islamico in cui è stata immersa: tutta la LEGA ARABA per colpa dei wahhabiti
questa rappresenta una ipoteca impossibile da essere superata per lui.
lui come Assad fanno di tutto per proteggere dal sistema della sharia i loro cristiani:
ma è il sistema della sharia che non può impedire a loro la tragedia contro il genocidio dei cristiani che infatti stanno scomparendo in tutta la LEGA ARABA.
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Discussion on United with Israel 35 comments
'Omar Must Go!' Demands Pro-Israel US Lawmaker

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Saud Salman Rothschild Satan Allah lilith Owl Belfagor Ja-Bull-ON ] [it seems that, you have no eyes that for me! yet I am not so handsome! but, as you can, do you expect me to not notice when you make me observe you?The Holy Bible - Is53It has no appearance or beauty to attract our eyes, ... it was despised and we had no esteem for it. 4. Yet he has borne our suffering,
ANSWER. yours? has become a disease!
Saud Salman Rothschild Satana Allah lilith Owl ] [ sembra che, tu non abbia occhi se non che per me! eppure io non sono così avvenente!
ma, come tu puoi pretende che, io non mi debba accorgere quando, tu mi fai osservare?
La Sacra Bibbia - Is53
Non ha apparenza né bellezza per attirare i nostri sguardi, ... era disprezzato e non ne avevamo alcuna stima. 4. Eppure egli si è caricato delle nostre sofferenze,
ANSWER. la tua? è diventata una malattia!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
is the dictatorship of pornocratic maximalist thought: sharia democratic party, homosexuals are normal people,
but lgbt are the satanists of rothschild! "I'm still in favor of adoptions by homosexual couples, for an armchair I don't change my mind. I can see the idea of modifying L. Mancino to introduce a crime of homo-transphobia in 2019 "Vincenzo #Spadafora at #agorarai pic twitter com/fYFBfOhd1K
@helg_haper In response to @agorarai
But why doesn't he come out? Hiding increases homophobia ...
Casalino is respected because he is not hiding because there is NOTHING IN HURT
In risposta a @agorarai
Ma perché non fa coming out? Il nascondersi aumenta l'omofobia...
Casalino è rispettato perché non si nasconde perché NON C'È NULLA DI MALE
è la dittatura del pensiero massimalista pornocratico: partito democratico sharia, omosessuali sono persone normali ,
ma lgbt sono i satanisti di rothschild! “Sono ancora favorevole alle adozioni da parte di coppie omosessuali, per una poltrona non cambio idea. L’idea di modificare la L. Mancino per introdurre reato di omo-transfobia la vedo possibile nel 2019” Vincenzo #Spadafora ad #agorarai pic twitter com/fYFBfOhd1K
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Discussion on United with Israel 8 comments
PA Leaders Lie to Palestinians About Terror Stipends to Justify Health Care Cuts

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
why world wear can enrich: the Rothschild SpA Morgan Rochefeller Soros Saud Salman FED FMI and all BM shareholders: a few trillion dollars a week more, through wear: the blood is sucked from the veins of children, and the milk is sucked by the mothers' breasts!
interest on bank securities must be made illegal, worldwide, starting now!then, the high constitutional betrayal of scam banking seigniorage: this crime of Satanism Allah Lilith Owl Ja-Bull-On must also be addressed! you have been banned by World Israel News.
perché la usura mondiale possa arricchire: i Rothschild SpA Morgan Rochefeller Soros Saud Salman FED FMI e tutti gli azionisti BM: di qualche trilione di dollari a settimana in più, attraverso la usura: il sangue viene succhiato dalle vene dei bambini, e il latte viene succhiato dalle mammelle delle madri!
l'interesse sui titoli bancari deve essere reso illegale, in tutto il mondo, a partire da adesso!
poi, l'alto tradimento costituzionale del signoraggio bancario: anche questo delitto di satanismo Allah Lilith Owl Ja-Bull-On deve essere affrontato! you have been banned by World Israel News.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
for your sharia imperialism and genocide Kafir Dhimmis ] Bin SALMAN [ there is always a mentally ill Erdogan who in Turkey, etc. .. etc. will go to kill the retired German tourist, etc. .. OCI .. etc .. only because he is to blame for being a Christian!
the Wahhabis have made Islam a planetary threat!
i wahhabiti hanno fatto di Islam una minaccia planetaria!
per la tua sharia imperialismo ] Bin SALMAN [ c'é sempre un malato mentale Erdogan che in Turchia, ecc.. ecc. andrà ad uccidere il pensionato turista tedesco, ecc.. OCI.. ecc.. soltanto perché ha la colpa di essere un cristiano!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Bin SALMAN lilith allah satan Owl Baal STRATEGIC Nwo #Obama Islam Cia 666 UK Gender Fluid perversion sodom: #sessoFluido 322 lgbt 187, ie, NWO Bilderberg Obama Biden: and genocide Umma NAZI] 30 years ago the Christians in Egypt were 30% of the population, today they are the 5 %: it is normal that less Christians are killed (partly thanks to President al-Sissi).This is why Erdogan does not kill more Christians: his advanced 300,000 Christians have to hide constantly!
Bin SALMAN lilith allah satan Owl Baal STRATEGIC Nwo #Obama Islam Cia 666 UK Gender Fluid perversion sodoma: ie, NWO Bilderberg Obama Biden: and genocide Umma NAZI ] 30 anni fa i cristiani in Egitto erano il 30% della popolazione, oggi sono il 5%: è normale che ne vengano uccisi meno cristiani (in parte il merito è anche del Presidente al-Sissi).
Ecco perché Erdogan non uccide più cristiani: i suoi avanzati 300000 cristiani si devono nascondere continuamente!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ @LadyLibertyInEx Peaceful Buddhism arms to defend itself.
“The aim of Muslims is to take over all our land and everything we value,” he said. “Think of what used to be Buddhist lands: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Indonesia. They have all been destroyed by Islam.”
"L'obiettivo dei musulmani è quello di conquistare tutta la nostra terra e tutto ciò che apprezziamo", ha detto. "Pensate a quelle che erano terre buddiste: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Indonesia. Sono stati tutti distrutti dall'Islam. "
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ @LadyLibertyInEx Peaceful Buddhism arms to defend itself.
“The aim of Muslims is to take over all our land and everything we value,” he said. “Think of what used to be Buddhist lands: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Indonesia. They have all been destroyed by Islam.”
"L'obiettivo dei musulmani è quello di conquistare tutta la nostra terra e tutto ciò che apprezziamo", ha detto. "Pensate a quelle che erano terre buddiste: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Indonesia. Sono stati tutti distrutti dall'Islam. "
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ @LadyLibertyInEx Peaceful Buddhism arms to defend itself.
“The aim of Muslims is to take over all our land and everything we value,” he said. “Think of what used to be Buddhist lands: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Indonesia. They have all been destroyed by Islam.”
"L'obiettivo dei musulmani è quello di conquistare tutta la nostra terra e tutto ciò che apprezziamo", ha detto. "Pensate a quelle che erano terre buddiste: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Indonesia. Sono stati tutti distrutti dall'Islam. "
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Bin SALMAN ] [ #Obama strategist joins #Netanyahu Opposition; #Pence blasts Ocasio-Cortez;
ANSWER, Obama represents the last movement of the tail of your deadly dragon Allah dead Lilith dead FED IMF NWO OIC Erdogan Owl Ja-Bull-On: of all those his and yours depraved? I made a show of it, because of your dishonor!
you have been banned by World Israel News
Bin SALMAN] [Lo stratega di #Obama si unisce alla #Netanyahu Opposizione; #Pence fa saltare in aria Ocasio-Cortez; RISPOSTA, ANSWER, Obama rappresenta l'ultimo movimento della coda del tuo Drago Allah morto Lilith morto Owl Ja-Bull-On: di tutti quessti depravati? io ne ho fatto uno spettacolo per il disonore!
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Discussion on United with Israel 22 comments
WATCH: Linda Sarsour Ignores Jewish History and Facts

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Bin SALMAN] I demand the Kingdom of ISRAEL, and of course, God will remove anyone who will oppose this project!
Bin SALMAN ] io pretendo il Regno di ISRAELE, e certo, Dio rimuoverà chiunque si opporrà a questo progetto!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
"Jesus was Palestinian of Nazareth and is described in the Quran as being brown copper skinned with wooly hair." REALLY?
is a pity that Muhammad died seven years before the Muslims could conquer Jerusalem!
to have risen to heaven 7 years: after from the Dome of the Rock: on top of a mad Merkel cow
who to has to write the Koran? even any drug addict could do it!
peccato che Maometto è morto sette anni prima che i mussulmani potevano conquistare Gerusalemme!
per essere salito al cielo 7 anni: dopo dalla Cupola della Roccia: sopra una mucca pazza Merkel
che a scrivere il Corano? anche un qualsiasi tossico dipendente potrebbe farlo!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Removed Removed Removed Removed you have been banned by World Israel News
# Xi-Jinpig] and what can I do? as a small and spiteful child: WorldIsraelNews:1. not only blocked me.2. but I also deleted my last ten comments!
ANSWER. but as they think to find a supernatural superman Mohammed Esotericist Sharia Black Magic Kabbalah Riyadh, who, he spreads panic among blasphemous apostate sinners polygamous ped0fili sodoma lgbt satan Allah dracula Obama Bibed 322 "STRUNZ and Bones"? but, I am nothing of all this: "I am only an innocent lamb!"
Removed Removed Removed Removed you have been banned by WorldIsraelNews
#Xi-Jinpig ] e cosa ci posso fare io? come un bambino piccolo e dispettoso: WorldIsraelNews:
1. non soltanto mi ha bloccato.
2. ma mi anche cancellato i miei ultimi dieci commenti!
ANSWER. pensano di trovare un soprannaturale superuomo Maometto esoterista sharia magia nera Kabbalah Riyad, che, lui diffonde il panico tra i peccatori apostati blasfemi poligami ped0fili sodoma satana Allah dracula? ma, io non sono niente di tutto questo: "io sono soltanto un agnello innocente! "
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Discussion on United with Israel 43 comments
Is Jeremy Corbyn Bringing Jews Back to Judaism and Israel?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
The greatest fraud invented by neoliberalism is that of the independent central bank: master: Rothschild & Morgan & Rochefeller: satanism and high Constitutional betrayal banking scam 666 seigniorage.
The independence of central banks, for neoliberalism, means dependence on private banks. Independent of Parliament and the people, dependent on financial elites.
La più grande truffa inventata dal neoliberismo è quella della banca centrale indipendente: padrone: Rothschild & Morgan & Rochefeller: satanismo e alto tradimento Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario.
L'indipendenza delle banche centrali, per il neoliberismo, vuol dire dipendenza dalle banche private. Indipendente dal Parlamento e dal popolo, dipendente dalle élite finanziarie.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
it is time to analyze the NAZISTA genocide of sharia in the UN [ Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️Kingdom BLOCK @lionjudahuniusreikingdom BLOCK ] Pence blasts 'outrage' of Ocasio-Cortez's concentration camps comparison you have been banned by World Israel News.
è il momento di analizzare in ONU il genocidio NAZISTA della sharia worldisraelnews com/pence-blasts-outrage-of-ocasio-cortezs-concentration-camps-comparison/
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Riyad & Rivlin] your secret services must stop to manipulate the Christians who: are in favor of my Kingdom of Israel: Acts 1.6
the Satanist FED FMI NWO Rothschild thrown overboard if you don't want to stab the revelation of Moses and the blessings of Abraham
you have been banned by World Israel News. now and again, now and again, now and again
Riyad & Rivlin ] la devono smettere i vostri servizi segreti di manipolare i cristiani che: sono a favore del mio Regno di Israele: Atti 1,6
gettate a mare il satanista FED FMI NWO Rothschild, se non volete pugnalare la rivelazione di Mosé e le benedizoni di Abramo
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Grace Joy 5 months ago
about children bled in synagogues? I have always replied to you Cia 666 Uk 322 Mossad 187AudioHoste: they have hidden all my answers from you!
circa i bambini dissanguati nelle Sinagoghe? io ti ho sempre risposto Cia 666 Uk Mossad hanno nascosto a te ogni mia risposta!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
unitedwithisrael] THE SATANISTS that: I HUMILIZED IN YOUTUBE NWO FED FMI: "lucifer eye" Owl at bohemian Grove? surely, they were superior to the satanists of World Israel News #WorldIsraelNews
unitedwithisrael ] I SATANISTI CHE HO UMILIATO IN YOUTUBE NWO FED FMI: "occhio di lucifero"? sicuramente, loro erano superiori ai satanisti di World Israel News #WorldIsraelNews
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Discussion on World Israel News 3 comments Removed
Trump: Iran 'better be careful'
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 22 minutes ago
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Synagogue 666 cannibals Simonino di Trento
//fed-hitler-isis-sharia-nwo-satana blogspot com/2019/07/synagogue-cannibals
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Discussion on United with Israel 5 comments
Israeli First: Scientists Present Environmental Sustainability in Cuba
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 30 minutes ago
President RIVLIN ] as the CIA 666 UK Satanists MOSSAD reported to you: they closed my account:
but, my friend uselessly asked me: if there is evidence about the thousands of Christian children bled in the Synagogues: and I uselessly: I have answered her every time:
since, now, I can't see her, and she can't see me!
his last question: "when do you answer me about the evidence of cannibalism of Christian children in synagogues?"
even his question has disappeared!
I hope you won't kill her too (by your satanists CIA NWO FED), as Merkel had my friend in youtube killed (by her CIA NWO FED satanists) MarlaMarleen
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
#IRAN [ who like me: has fears the Lord Almighty? he can't have human respect!that's why, I'm coming to kill you (your nuclear? it's not a problem for me) in the name of Christian martyrs:
I have legal authority to destroy all the ARAB LEAGUE.
from your damned Prophet Erdogan Muhammad all genocide 1400 years ago, all sharia genocides still today?
to date: your Saudi Jiahdist galaxy of ISIS Wahhabis!
if, I don't kill all of you? I will certainly condemn the innocent human race: to sharia NAZI UMMA Islamic genocide!
imagine how nuclear can be left to you, right in your hands like a paranoid dogmatic madman!
you have been banned by World Israel News.
worldisraelnews com/trump-iran-better-be-careful/
Synagogue 666 cannibals Simonino di Trento
//fed-hitler-isis-sharia-nwo-satana blogspot com/2019/07/synagogue-cannibals
you have been banned by World Israel News.
#IRAN [ chi come me, teme: il Signore Onnipotente? lui non può avere rispetto umano!
ecco perché, io sto venendo ad ucciderti (il tuo nucleare? non è un problema per me) in nome dei martiri cristiani: io ho autorità giuridica per distruggere tutta la LEGA ARABA.
dal tuo maledetto Profeta Erdogan Maometto 1400 anni fa, tutti i genocidi sharia?
a tutt'oggi: la vostra galassia jiahdista saudita dei wahhabiti ISIS!
se, io non uccido tutti voi? certo condannerò il genere umano innocente a genocidio islamico sharia!
figurati come ti può essere lasciato il nucleare, proprio nelle tue mani da pazzo paranoico dogmatico!
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Trump: Iran 'better be careful'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Synagogue 666 cannibals Simonino di Trento
//fed-hitler-isis-sharia-nwo-satana blogspot com/2019/07/synagogue-cannibals
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Discussion on United with Israel 5 comments
Israeli First: Scientists Present Environmental Sustainability in Cuba

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
President RIVLIN ] as the CIA 666 UK Satanists MOSSAD reported to you: they closed my account:
but, my friend uselessly asked me: if there is evidence about the thousands of Christian children bled in the Synagogues: and I uselessly: I have answered her every time:
since, now, I can't see her, and she can't see me!
his last question: "when do you answer me about the evidence of cannibalism of Christian children in synagogues?"
even his question has disappeared!
I hope you won't kill her too (by your satanists CIA NWO FED), as Merkel had my friend in youtube killed (by her CIA NWO FED satanists) MarlaMarleen
President RIVLIN ] come la Cia 666 UK satanisti MOSSAD ti hanno fatto rapporto: loro mi hanno chiuso l'account:
ma, la mia amica inutilmente mi ha chiesto: se ci sono delle prove circa i migliaia di bambini cristiani dissanguati nelle Sinagoghe: ed io inutilmente: io ho risposto a lei tutte le volte:
dato che adesso, io non posso vedere lei, e lei non può vedere me!
la sua ultima domanda: "quando mi rispondi circa le prove del cannibalismo di bambini cristiani nelle sinagoghe?"
anche questa sua domanda è sparita!
spero che non farai uccidere anche lei (dai tuoi satanisti CIA NWO FED), come la Merkel fece uccidere (dai suoi satanisti CIA NWO FED ) la mia amica in youtube MarlaMarleen
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
aldotoo Bel vs Guest •
"I do not want to underestimate your gift of finding coincidences, I only say that this is not a gift I received from God!
yet I am the political project: of lorenzoJHWH: King of Israel, and the universal governor Unius REI of all the nations of the planet: that is, the universal brotherhood that resides both in the decalogue of Moses: as in my third Jewish temple, which if it is the home of the Jewish religion: it is also the lay home of love for all peoples
this is the secular theocratic metaphysical power of rational agnostic science"
A bit of crap Lion
/worldisraelnews com/5-idf-soldiers-injured-in-car-ramming-attack-arab-suspect-arrested/
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah vs aldotoo Bel •
1. presumption: you cannot hold yourself: the final term of science e
2. Satanism: you cannot hold yourself: the perception and perfection of religion as the final of all prophecies: the final prophet crazy Mohammed, then, say to God: "I command you not to speak anymore!" ..
3. murder cynicism and hatred: then, come to the internet to insult peaceful people without giving an explanation of your criminal behavior!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
against Davey Wavey •
it is true that: Nazism FED IMF ECB NWO BM UN OCI: and Zionism were born in the same crucible.
but the Jews risked dying 100 times more than us if at the beginning
they claimed Zionism as opposed to the Cia 666 UK OTAN Bilderberg NWO FED FMI.
but now thanks to Yitzhak Kaduri my Rabbi and thanks to me his King of Israel lorenzoJHWH:
they have raised their heads ..
in reality, only Zionism can kill the New World Order!
unfortunately, all the Muslims of the UN OCI pursue the Koranic project of annihilation of the whole human race!
and the NWO OWL today is the best ally of the devil allah lilith in Mecca 666 kaaba
worldisraelnews com/5-idf-soldiers-injured-in-car-ramming-attack-arab-suspect-arrested/
it is difficult to look for a true dialogue: with those who sold themselves to satan in an ideology of Erdogan
new imperialist Ottomanism: which is also a religion of murderers,
who made the genocide of all the peoples preceding the ARAB LEAGUE:
sharia genocide of Christians as they are still doing in Nigeria etc ..
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
Fatima: “In Portogallo si conserverà sempre il dogma della fede!”, Sì, ma a che prezzo?
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Perché la Madonna di Fatima disse che il Portogallo avrebbe conservato il dogma della Fede?
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Il Cammino dei Tre SentieriIl Cammino dei Tre Sentieri Sosta 01/05/2020.

I misteri del Terzo Segreto di Fatima: "Il Portogallo conserverà sempre la fede"
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Davey Wavey to Guest •
worldisraelnews com/5-idf-soldiers-injured-in-car-ramming-attack-arab-suspect-arrested/
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Davey Wavey •
I could not answer you before because only now: my friend President Rivlin has ordered to worldisraelnews to unlock me, with this account
io non potevo risponderti prima
perché soltanto ora: il mio amico il Presidente Rivlin ha ordinato a worldisraelnews di sbloccarmi con questo account
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Discussion on World Israel News 68 comments