Bin SALMAN kills a Shiite child

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

as Bin SALMAN kills a Shiite child: 10 years old who protested. Justice in Saudi Arabia by MbS (Mohammed peace sharia be on him: BIN sulfuric SALMAN)Riccardo Redaelli Saturday 8 June 2019The most appropriate punishment is the crucifixion or at least the dismemberment of the corpse after execution. At least this is how the Saudi prosecutor seems to want to condemn Murtaja Qureiris to death. His crime is really fierce. At the age of ten - it was at the time of the so-called Arab Spring - he led a small procession of bicycles to ask for more freedom, in particular for the Shiite minority, always treated harshly by the Royal House of Saudi Arabia. At thirteen he was arrested with his family while trying to reach neighboring Bahrain. Since then he has been in a prison for terrorists and has confessed - under torture, it seems - that he was involved, when he was eleven, in a violent protest against a police station, accompanying his older brother, who was killed in the clashes.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Bin SALMAN [that's why you never pay me, it's because I criticize you !! ok but a golden ROLEX could be there too !! ] The practice of torture, whipping, sexual abuse, corporal punishment and public executions is unfortunately a daily practice in Saudi Arabia; ironically this horrible practice is one of the few things that unites it to its most bitter enemy, namely the Islamic Republic of Iran, another country used to torture and condemn dissidents and opponents to death.
But executing a boy of eighteen, guilty of minor crimes (who knows if he really committed) when he was ten - it was just a child in short - to send a signal of rigor seems really intolerable. Despite the river of money that Prince Mohammad bin Salman invests to improve his image and that of the Kingdom, and despite the paean of his well-paid domestic and international singers.

Bin SALMAN [ è per questo che tu non mi paghi mai, è perché io ti critico!! ok ma un ROLEX d'oro ci potrebbe pure stare!! ] La pratica della tortura, delle frustate, degli abusi sessuali, delle pene corporali e delle esecuzioni pubbliche è sfortunatamente una pratica quotidiana in Arabia Saudita; ironicamente questa orrenda prassi è una delle poche cose che la accomuna al suo più acerrimo nemico, ossia la Repubblica Islamica dell’Iran, altro Paese uso torturare e condannare a morte dissidenti e oppositori.
Ma giustiziare un ragazzo di diciotto anni, colpevole di reati minori (chissà se realmente commessi) quando aveva dieci anni – era solo un bambino insomma – per mandare un segnale di rigore sembra davvero intollerabile. Nonostante il fiume di soldi che il principe Mohammad bin Salman investe per migliorare la propria immagine e quella del Regno, e nonostante i peana dei suoi ben pagati cantori interni e internazionali.
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Discussion on United with Israel 408 comments
New York Times Claims Jesus Was 'Likely a Palestinian'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Guest 6 months ago

Miriam was the first fruits of all saints,
becouse she was conceived as an immaculate conception, without original sin.
where on the level that Mary left: the one for the saints was their point of arrival, she is the first fruits.
and Yeshua is Almighty God not a holy man.
respect and venerate her are synonyms
while the worship is onlyfor God.
you stop slandering Catholics about their own doctrine!
and stop excommunicating them as heretics: because this would not have happened!
there is no idol Mary in the sky for Catholics!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Doctormhl1 6 months ago

there is nothing esoteric in the oral tradition, which has been handed down from 2000 years.
and you cannot exchange the Holy Spirit of God: with a demon Allah of esotericism Muhammad ped0philia!
otherwise, we should affirm that the Church as the Synagogue are without memory and without sacramental value!
but you could never commit something so wicked!

non c'é nulla di esoterico nella tradizione orale, che è stata tramendata da 2000anni.
e tu non puoi scambiare lo Spirito Santo di Dio: con un demonio Allah di esoterismo Maometto ped0filia!
altrimenti, noi dovremmo affermare che la Chiesa come la Sinagoga sono senza memoria e senza valore sacramentale!
ma tu non potresti mai commettere qualcosa di così malvagio!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Guest 6 months ago

this is very sad! you Protestants can have your convictions, but no one can authorize you to slander Catholics: about the veneration that is due to the "Mother of God" our sister and first fruit of all the saints!
if you distort the truth of Catholics: then in your intellectual dishonesty, you also discredit your doctrine!

voi protestanti potete avere le vostre convinzioni, ma, nessuno vi può autorizzare a calunniare i Cattolici: circa la venerazione che si deve alla "Madre di Dio" nostra sorella e primizia di tutti i santi!
se voi distorcete la verità dei cattolici: allora nella vostra disonestà intellettuale, voi gettate discredito anche sulla vostra dottrina!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Daniel Indyk 6 months ago

I'm sorry! if you have studied the Torah well, you should know that without paternal genealogy, you are legally out of the Covenant of Abraham!
therefore: today even Jews, like all pagans, can be saved: only outside the Covenant according to God's mercy. that's why: too many Jews have decided to become Satanists!but God JHWH sent me: Unius REI, to restore this wickedness that the Rothschilds did to the Jewish people: because with the Christian Pentecost: those of the Supreme Sinedrio were seized by panic because they have lost control: this is why they broke the paternal genalogies to people of the Jews!

mi dispiace! se tu hai studiato la Torà bene, tu dovresti sapere che senza genealogia paterna, tu sei fuori giuridicamente dalla Alleanza di Abramo!
quindi: oggi anche gli ebrei come tutti i pagani si possono salvare: soltanto fuori della Alleanza secondo la misericordia di Dio.
ecco perché: troppi ebrei hanno deciso di diventare satanisti!
ma Dio JHWH ha mandato me: Unius REI a ripristinare questa malvagità che i Rothschild hanno fatto al popolo ebraico: perché con la Pentecoste cristiana: loro quelli del Sommo Sinedrio furono presi dal panico perché persero il controllo: ecco perchè ruppero le genalogie paterne al popolo degli ebrei!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Doctormhl1 6 months ago

as you rightly say,intentionally the translation of Isaiah 7:14 about the term "Virgin" is not a univocal interpretation: on the contrary "young woman" is to be preferred to the translation of "VIRGIN". but the "sense of the scriptures" is not something of a linguistic technique only.and if we consider that: in the Almighty JHWH: the Word (Jesus)of the Father (thought) should have expressed itself through the voice of the Holy Spirit:then, we can no longer refer to some human analogy: in our judgment criterion. in this topic we must consider: the custom of God's jealousy in trying to hide his mysteries from everyone: but not to anyone!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Doctormhl1 6 months ago

as you rightly say,intentionally the translation of Isaiah 7:14 about the term "Virgin" is not a univocal interpretation: on the contrary "young woman" is to be preferred to the translation of "VIRGIN".but the "sense of the scriptures" is not something of a linguistic technique only.and if we consider that: in the Almighty JHWH: the Word (Jesus)of the Father (thought) should have expressed itself through the voice of the Holy Spirit:then, we can no longer refer to some human analogy: in our judgment this topic we must consider: the custom of God's jealousy in trying to hide his mysteries from everyone: but not to anyone!

come tu dici giustamente,
intenzionalmente la traduzione di Isaiah 7:14 circa il termine "Vergine" non è una interpretazione univoca: anzi è da preferire "giovane donna" alla traduzione di "VERGINE".
ma il "senso delle scritture" non è qualcosa di tecnica linguistica soltanto.
e se consideriamo che: nell'Onnipotente JHWH: il VERBO la PAROLA del PAdre (pensiero) avrebbe dovuto esprimersi attraverso la voce dello Spirito Santo:
poi, non possiamo più fare riferimento a qualche analogia umana: nel nostro criterio di giudizio.
in questo argomento noi dobbiamo considerare: la consuetudine della diostrata gelosia di Dio di voler nascondere i suoi misteri a tutti: ma non a qualcuno!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

shalom + salam = universal brotherhood in my Kingdom Israel
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
One of last surviving heroes of Sobibor uprising passes away at 96

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

best wishes
granfather One of last surviving heroes of Sobibor uprising passes away at 96
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Discussion on United with Israel 18 comments
WATCH: Take a Journey with Israel's Soldiers!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Bin SALMAN] the parable of the 10 Virgins: invented by Jesus of Bethlehem, means that in a big city: the 10 best citizens are taken, and of these 5 will be discarded!then, out of mercy: someone will make the terrible path of purification in the fire of purgatory for a few centuries!all the others in hell!the kingdom of God? make no compromises with sharia or Freemasonry!

Bin SALMAN ] la parabole delle 10 Vergine: inventata da Gesù di Betlemme, significa che in una grande città: si prendono i 10 cittadini migliori, e di questi 5 verranno scartati!
poi, per misericordia: qualcuno farà il terribile cammino di purificazione nel fuoco del purgatorio per qualche secolo!
tutti gli altri all'inferno!
il regno di Dio? non scende a compromessi con sharia o massoneria!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Bin SALMAN ] dogmatic scientism Darwin ape, and dogmatic fideism:
they are two evil religions, an two ideological and mutual interference in the same field.
since science and faith are not competitors having two different fields of investigation.
science is in the natural order and religion is in the supernatural order, but, the tyrant Erdogan Kim Jong-UN will do violence to both!

scientismo dogmatico e fideismo dogmatico: sono due religioni maligne,
una ideologica e reciproca ingerenza di campo.
poiché scienza e fede non sono competitori avendo due ambiti differenti di indagine.
la scienza è nell'ordine naturale e la religione è nell'ordine soprannaturale, ma, il tiranno Erdogan Kim Jong-UN farà violenza ad entrambi!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

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North Korea Denies Existence of Political Prison Camps
May 10, 2019: 05/10/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern)

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persecution com/ ] Putin said: "Christians can fry them!" [ christin martyr killed by: kim Jong-un, SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestation ] 25 Christians Killed by Boko Haram in Door-to-Door Attacks
05/03/2019 Nigeria (Internatio... [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]]
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

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North Korea Denies Existence of Political Prison Camps
May 10, 2019: 05/10/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern)
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Islam is a sharia genocide military aggression: a islamic GOLPE subversive oppression! @uniusrei2, @UniusRei
It is by removing the symbols and meeting places: that a culture breaks down. Pechino has understood everything. Islam is a danger within the walls of the house.
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Discussion on World Israel News 36 comments
Suspect arrested in stabbing of Jewish woman in Sweden

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

news in word ] everyone knows it: the KGB comunists Bolshevik Putin does not pose the problem of Christian martyrs in IRAN and Corea Nord

Alabama also blocks abortion: prohibited even in the event of ra-pe or in-cest
ARTICLE The UN approves the resolution against rape as a "weapon of war" (so we burn in the Koran?).

ARTICLE Family Congress, rubber fetuses as "gadget".
The monstrous Bonino Boldrini kill of small children? says: "Monstrous"
Venezuela, duel Boia Erdogan Maduro against Lavrov-Pompeo: on the hypothesis of military intervention that is inevitable !!!

ARTICLE Trump praises Orban: "Strategic ally, right ideas on immigration"

tutti lo sanno: il bolscevico Putin non si pone il problema dei martiri cristiani in IRAN e CoreaNord
Anche l’Alabama blocca l’aborto: vietato pure in caso di stupro o incesto
ARTICOLO L’Onu approva la risoluzione contro lo stupro come “arma di guerra” (quindi bruciamo in Corano?).

ARTICOLO Congresso delle Famiglie, feti di gomma come “gadget”. La mostruosa Bonino Boldrini assassini di bambini piccoli? dice: «Mostruoso»

ARTICOLO: Venezuela, duello Boia Erdogan Maduro contro Lavrov-Pompeo: sull’ipotesi di intervento militare che è inevitabile!!!

ARTICOLO Trump elogia Orban: «Alleato strategico, giuste le idee sull’immigrazione»
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Diocesi di sanremo - Verso le Europee, il vescovo: la multiculturalità danneggia le radici | Nel voto per le Europee sono in gioco anche i valori fondanti della civiltà e dell’identità cristiane, Diocese of Sanremo - Towards the Europeans, the bishop: multiculturalism damages the roots | The founding values of Christian civilization and identity are also at stake in the European vote,
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

/facebook has become an instrument of democratic repression
if you don't give them back my swordsman and noahnephilim sniper everybody will think that I'm a political persecutor of the NWO PD Bilderberg facebook com / AlterVista-133168926702052
/facebook has become an instrument of democratic repression
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Sweden, now the EU's entry into the ARAB LEAGUE sharia OCI Riad Erdogan boia? it's just a storm phenomenon!
Imam Rothschild Allah Akbar? the principal!
The stabbing of a Jewish woman in the center of Helsingborg has been classified as an attempted murder for now.
The woman, wife of the head of the Jewish community of Malmö, risks dying from her wounds:

Svezia, ormai l'ingresso della UE nella LEGA ARABA? è soltanto un fenomeno temporalesco!
Imam Rothschild Allah Akbar? il mandante!
È stato classificato per ora come tentato omicidio l’accoltellamento di una donna di religione ebraica in pieno centro a Helsingborg.
La donna, moglie del capo della comunità ebraica di Malmö, rischia di morire per le ferite:
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

there is no resonance of my activity in twitter since 4 hours!
the CIA trolls? they went to the altar of satan
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Suspect arrested in stabbing of Jewish woman in Sweden.
"I'm not shocked. He's not sure he's a Jew in Sweden." becouse Imam Juncker Democratic Party bilderberg: Mogherini sharia enclave Erdogan jihad Umma gang rape everyone

"io non sono scioccato. Non è sicuro di essere un ebreo in Svezia." becouse Imam Mogherini sharia enclave Umma gang stupro a tutti
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Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Alabama jihad? Children of Brooklyn imam tied to 2nd compound

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Revenge is mine, says the Lord.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
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Iranian Christian woman pleads with UN to help family overturn ‘false and unjust’ spy charges
June 27, 2018 Assyrians, Converts, Iran, Ramil Bet-Tamraz, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh, Tehran, Victor Bet-Tamraz

An Iranian Christian woman pleaded with the UN’s Human Rights Council today to urge Iran to overturn “false and baseless charges” imposed on her father, mother and brother. Dabrina Bet-Tamraz’s parents and brother are appealing against lengthy jail sentences they have received for church-related activities. The appeal by her father, […]
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Four Iranian Christians set to begin ten-year prison sentences
June 6, 2018 Amin Afshar Naderi, Blasphemy, Constitution, Converts, Exile, Hadi Asgari, House churches, Iran, Kaviyan Fallah-Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Omidi, Rasht, Religious freedom, Saheb Fadaie, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh, Victor Bet-Tamraz, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Youcef Nadarkhani

The four Iranian Christians who saw their ten-year prison sentences upheld by an appeal court earlier this month are expecting to have to report to prison any day now. Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, and fellow Church of Iran members Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Saheb Fadaie and Mohammad Reza Omidi could receive a call […]
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Temporary release for one Iranian Christian, court hearings for others
May 14, 2018 Converts, Evin Prison, Iran, Karaj, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh, Tehran, Victor Bet-Tamraz

An Iranian Christian imprisoned last year for actions against national security has been granted “a few days” leave of absence, according to London-based advocacy organisation Article 18. Sevada Aghaser, a choir leader in an Armenian Orthodox church in the capital Tehran, is serving a five-year sentence in the capital’s notorious […]
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Iranian Christians’ jail terms ‘increasing’
May 3, 2018 Amin Afshar Naderi, Converts, Exile, Hadi Asgari, Iran, Mohammad Reza Omidi, Prisons, Rasht, Saheb Fadaie, Victor Bet-Tamraz, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Youcef Nadarkhani

An appeal court in Iran has upheld the ten-year prison sentences handed down to four Christians for “promoting Zionist Christianity” and running house churches. Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Saheb Fadaie and Mohammad Reza Omidi received notification from the court through their lawyer yesterday (2 May), said Middle East Concern. […]
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Iran: appeal heard by judge with ‘poor track record in dealing with Christians’
April 26, 2018 Ahmed Shaheed, Amin Afshar Naderi, Assyrians, Blasphemy, Converts, Hadi Asgari, Iran, Kaviyan Fallah-Mohammadi, Proselytism, Tehran, Victor Bet-Tamraz

Four Iranian Christians each sentenced to at least ten years in prison had their first appeal hearing yesterday (25 April). In the hearing, initially scheduled for February but postponed, a judge heard the case of Christian converts Hadi Asgari, Amin Afshar-Naderi, Kaviyan Fallah-Mohammadi and Assyrian pastor Victor Bet-Tamraz. At least […]
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Iran: do non-Muslims have the right to hold elected public office or not?
April 20, 2018 Ayatollah Khamenei, Ayatollah Khomeini, Elections, Iran, Minorities, Sepanta Niknam, Sharia, Yazd, Zoroastrians

In Iran, which is 90-95 per cent Shia Muslim, the passing of a date set for a decision over whether a non-Muslim can hold an elected public office is significant for the country’s religious minorities and their rights. The date, April 5, passed without that decision being made for a […]
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Iranian Christian arrested 45 days ago tells family: ‘I’m in Evin Prison’
April 16, 2018 Evin Prison, Iran, Karaj, Maryam Rostampour, Marziyeh Amirizadeh, Tehran

An Iranian Christian convert, about whom nothing had been heard since his arrest 45 days ago, was able to contact his family over the weekend to let them know he is being held in the notorious Evin Prison, in the capital Tehran. A spokesman for advocacy organisation Article 18, Kiaa […]
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Iran: Christian convert appealing 10-year sentence out on bail
April 13, 2018 Amin Afshar Naderi, Converts, Evin Prison, Hadi Asgari, Ramil Bet-Tamraz, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh, Tehran, Victor Bet-Tamraz

An Iranian Christian appealing a conviction on national-security charges was released on bail from Tehran’s Evin Prison on 11 April. Hadi Asgari, a Christian convert, was arrested in August 2016 and sentenced in July 2017 by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran to 10 years in prison for “action against national security through […]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

July 18, 2018 Assyrians, Converts, Iran, Ramil Bet-Tamraz, Victor Bet-Tamraz

The son of an influential pastor silenced by the Iranian government has been handed a four-month jail sentence for his involvement with illegal house churches, World Watch Monitor has learnt. Ramil Bet Tamraz’s lawyers were informed of the sentence for “acting against national security” on 8 July. One of the […]
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Iranian Christian released by ‘courageous’ judge
July 6, 2018 Amin Afshar Naderi, Babol, Church of Iran, Converts, Gilan, Iran, Mazandaran, Mohammad Reza Omidi, Ramil Bet-Tamraz, Rasht, Saheb Fadaie, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh, Victor Bet-Tamraz, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Youcef Nadarkhani

An Iranian Christian has been released from prison after being arrested in April for “propaganda against the [Iranian] establishment”, Middle East Concern reported yesterday, 5 July. Mohammad Ali Yassaghi was kept in Babol Prison in the capital of Mazandaran Province in northern Iran. He is a member of the self-styled Church […]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

HORROR SHARIA HORROR ] SHARIA IS WW3 NUCLEALR [ Iranian pastor taken to Evin Prison after violent raid on home
July 24, 2018 Church of Iran, Evin Prison, Exile, Iran, Mohammad Reza Omidi, Rasht, Saheb Fadaie, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Youcef Nadarkhani

Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been taken to Evin Prison in the capital, Tehran, after a violent raid on his home in the northern city of Rasht on Sunday (22 July). The pastor was sentenced to ten years in prison in July of last year, alongside three members of his congregation, and had […]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

‘How can reading the Bible be acting against national security?’ asks Iranian Christian from prison
August 9, 2018 Churches, Evin Prison, House churches, Human rights, Iran, Naser Navard Gol-Tapeh

An Iranian convert to Christianity serving ten years in prison for “missionary activities” has written an open letter to the Iranian authorities, asking how his Christian activities could be perceived as anti-state. “Would it even be possible for a committed Christian – who was born and raised in Iran and […]
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US commission calls for Iranian Christians’ release after ‘new miscarriage of justice’
August 2, 2018 Amir Saman Dashti, Church of Iran, Evin Prison, Hassan Rouhani, House churches, Human rights, Iran, Kermanshah, Mohammad Reza Omidi, Proselytism, Ramil Bet-Tamraz, Rasht, Religious freedom, Saheb Fadaie, USA, Victor Bet-Tamraz, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Youcef Nadarkhani

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has called for the “immediate and unconditional” release of an Iranian pastor and three of his church members, after they were taken to prison last week to serve ten-year sentences for “acting against national security” by “promoting Zionist Christianity” and running “house […]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Iranian Christians sentenced, verdict says ‘claiming Jesus is Lord is attack against Islam’
October 2, 2018 Church of Iran, Converts, House churches, Iran, Mohammad Reza Omidi, Rasht, Saheb Fadaie, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Youcef Nadarkhani

Two Iranian Christians have been given prison sentences for “spreading propaganda against the regime”, reports Middle East Concern. Saheb Fadaei and Fatimeh Bakhteri, who belong to the non-Trinitarian “Church of Iran”, were sentenced to 18 and 12 months, respectively. Middle East Concern noted that in the verdict it was written […]
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Amnesty launches writing campaign for release of four Iranian Christians
August 24, 2018 Amin Afshar Naderi, Hadi Asgari, Iran, Ramil Bet-Tamraz, Religious freedom, Shamiram Isavi Khabizeh, Victor Bet-Tamraz

Amnesty International has called for the release of four Iranians sentenced to a combined total of 45 years in prison “solely for practising their Christian faith”. Its report calls for urgent action from the Iranian government to “quash the convictions and sentences of Victor Bet-Tamraz, Shamiram Isavi, Amin Afshar-Naderi, and […]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Iran: ‘staggering’ number of Christians arrested –
December 5, 2018 Amin Afshar Naderi, Christmas, Ebrahim Firouzi, Evin Prison, Iran, Karaj, Maryam Naghash Zargaran, Prisons, Proselytism, Rajaei Shahr Prison, Tehran

Over 100 Christians have been arrested in Iran in the past week and nearly 150 in the past month, as part of the government’s attempt to “warn” Christians against proselytising over Christmas, according to the advocacy director of religious freedom charity Article 18. Mansour Borji called the number of arrests […]
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Two Iranian converts arrested and taken to unknown locations
November 21, 2018 Converts, House churches, Iran, Karaj, Mashhad, Rajaei Shahr Prison

Two Iranian Christian converts were taken by Iran’s security agents in two separate raids on houses in Karaj and Mashhad on Friday, 16 November, reports Middle East Concern (MEC). Behnam Ersali and Davood Rasooli had agreed to meet in Mashhad on Friday when they were both arrested. It is believed […]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

China (dove vai?) if you abound me? you abandon your good!
where will your good come from weapons and war?
but you are not as stupid as a Muslim!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

Iran sharia nazi genocide dhimmis slaves umma mecca 666 kaaba: Crackdown on Christians continues with reports of beatings
December 19, 2018 Ahwaz, Converts, House churches, Iran, Karaj, Khuzestan, Mashhad
At least seven Iranian Christian converts have been arrested in Iran in the last two weeks, including two sisters who allegedly have been beaten. Shima Zanganeh, 27, and her sister, Shokoufeh, 30, were arrested by Intelligence Service officials in their homes in Ahvaz, capital of Iran’s western Khuzestan province, on 2 […]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

IRAN Horror sharia demonic Allah genocide Umma. Iranian officials interrogate 65-year-old Christian woman for 10 days, day and night
February 1, 2019 Evin Prison, Iran, Isfahan, Karaj, Shiraz

Iranian authorities continue to arrest Christians, among them a 65-year-old woman who was held in detention and interrogated for ten days, day and night. Security officials raided Ruhsari Kamberi’s home in Karaj, 50km west of the capital Tehran, a few days before Christmas while she was there with four other […]
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Discussion on World Israel News 16 comments
Alabama jihad? Children of Brooklyn imam tied to 2nd compound

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

demonic Allah akbar NAZI genocide sharia in IRAN ] Iran continues to arrest Christians, on eve of 40th anniversary of revolution
February 13, 2019 Church of Iran, Iran, Mohammad Reza Omidi, Rasht, Saheb Fadaie, Yasser Mossayebzadeh, Youcef Nadarkhani

Iran’s security officials have arrested three Christians who were leading a house church in the absence of their pastor who is serving a ten-year jail sentence, reports Article 18. In the latest raid on a non-Trinitarian “Church of Iran” on Sunday, 10 February, in the northern city of Rasht, officers [
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

demonic Allah akbar sharia in Worldwide umma OCI UN Riad lilit

Sri Lankan Christians grapple with aftermath of Easter bombings amid fears of fresh attacks
Ten years after fake blasphemy charge, Pakistani Asia Bibi reunited with family
Burkina Faso church leader killed by Islamists: ‘I’d rather die than leave my community’
“I was last to come out alive”- Kenyan student on her life-changing injuries from Garissa
5 years on, 112 Chibok girls missing – but they are just ‘tip of the iceberg’
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

demonic Allah akbar sharia in IRAN ] Ethnic Iranians are seen as being Muslim, and carrying out any Christian activities in their Farsi language is illegal. An Iranian man who leaves Islam can be sentenced to death and a woman to life imprisonment, although such sentences haven’t been carried out for more than 20 years. However, in 2017 over a dozen Christians – most of them converts to Christianity – were given prison sentences of between 10 and 15 years for “acting against national security”. According to religious freedom watchdog Article 18, such political charges attempt “to avoid international outcry at religiously motivated charges”. Several imprisoned Iranian Christians have undertaken hunger strikes in protest.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

to stop terror training?
sharia must be condemned: and if it is not enough?
the Koran-Talmud-Bible Satan must be burned!
Possible terrorist training near Tuskegee, Alabama has been linked to a Brooklyn imam.

per fermare l'addestramento del terrore?
la sharia deve essere condannata: e se non è sufficiente?
il Corano-Talmud-BibbiaSatana deve essere bruciato!
addestramento dei terroristi possibili vicino a Tuskegee, Alabama è stato collegato a un imam di Brooklyn.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago

universal loving with China ] seems very strange to me, I who am the universal brotherhood of being able to receive someone's hostility!
mi sembra molto strano, io che sono la fratellanza universale di poter riceve la ostilità di qualcuno!
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Discussion on World Israel News 23 comments
WATCH: US warns Israel over growing ties with China

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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persecution com/ ] Putin said: "Christians can fry them!" [ christin martyr killed by: kim Jong-un, SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestation ] 25 Christians Killed by Boko Haram in Door-to-Door Attacks
05/03/2019 Nigeria (Internatio... [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n
Nineveh Plains in State of Uncertainty as ISIS GrowsNineveh Plains in State of Uncertainty as ISIS Grows
05/10/2019 Iraq (International... [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n
Shandong Intensifies Crackdown Against Churches With “Henan Model”Shandong Intensifies Crackdown Against Churches With “Henan Model”
05/12/2019 China (Internationa... [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n [ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
ICC EXCLUSIVE Asia Bibi Finally Allowed to Leave Pakistan

May 08, 2019: Christian Mother Reportedly to Be Reunited with Family in Canada 05/08/2019 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Lebanon Mourns Former Patriarch’s Passing
May 13, 2019: 05/13/2019 Lebanon (International Christian Concern) –Lebanon’s Maronite Christian community is in mourning following the passing of Cardinal Nasrallah Butros Sfeir,
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Shandong Intensifies Crackdown Against Churches With “Henan Model”
May 12, 2019: 05/12/2019 China (International Christian Concern) – China has been demolishing [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n than thousands of crosses in Henan province, with the
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Sri Lanka’s Christians Continue to Grapple with Aftermath of Easter Bombings
May 12, 2019: 05/12/2019 Sri Lanka (International Christian Concern) – As reported by World Watch Monitor, Sri Lanka’s Christians are continuing to grapple
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Syrian Democratic Forces Face Protests
May 12, 2019: 05/12/2019 Syria (International Christian Concern) –The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which are backed by the United States and took credit
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Church in Malaysia Opens Its Parking Lot to Ramadan Bazaar Visitors
May 11, 2019: 05/11/2019 Malaysia (International Christian Concern) – This year, the Church of Mary Immaculate, a Roman Catholic church, in Bukit Padang
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n
man in India
India’s Supreme Court Grants Bail to Wrongly Imprisoned Christian
May 11, 2019: 05/11/2019 India (International Christian Concern) – India’s Supreme Court has granted bail to one of seven Christians wrongfully convicted of
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Turkey Adds Headscarves into Educational Material
May 11, 2019: 05/11/2019 Turkey (International Christian Concern) –Turkey’s Education Ministry is under criticism for photo shopping headscarves on women in stock photos
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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North Korea Denies Existence of Political Prison Camps
May 10, 2019: 05/10/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – On Thursday, North Korea denied once again the existence of political prison camps
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

West Africa Has Growing Number of Extremist Groups
May 10, 2019: 05/10/2019 West Africa (International Christian Concern) – Islamic Extremism is growing in West Africa. There are established groups like Al-Qaeda
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Pastor in Pakistan Threatened with Terrorist Attack on Church in Karachi
May 10, 2019: 05/10/2019 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) – A pastor in Pakistan’s southern city of Karachi received a letter on May 1
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

A Glimpse of Iran’s “Justice” System
May 10, 2019: 05/11/2019 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – She was dying of cancer, her eyesight was fading, and her heart was broken.
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Nineveh Plains in State of Uncertainty as ISIS Grows
May 10, 2019: 05/10/2019 Iraq (International Christian Concern) – Transitional justice and security issues continue to haunt Iraq’s Nineveh Plains, traditionally home to
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

ICC EXCLUSIVE Egypt’s Constitution Changes—Now What?
May 09, 2019: In the weeks leading up to Egypt’s constitutional referendum on April 19, life appeared peaceful and harmonious. [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

ICC EXCLUSIVE Turkey Deports Another Foreign Christian Pastor
May 09, 2019: Religious Freedom Continues to Erode in Turkey Through the Deportation of Religious Minorities 05/09/2019 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Fulani Attack Villages in Taraba State, Eleven Killed
May 09, 2019: 05/09/2019 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) – Fulani have killed 11 villagers in Taraba State. According to reports, the massacre started
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Asia Bibi Safely Exits Pakistan for Canada
May 09, 2019: 05/09/2019 Pakistan (International Christian Concern) – Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who spent almost a decade on death row over
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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North Korea Denies Existence of Political Prison Camps
May 10, 2019: 05/10/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – On Thursday, North Korea denied once again the existence of political prison camps
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

North Korea Celebrates the Birthday of Eternal President Kim Il Sung
April 15, 2019: 04/15/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – Today is “The Day of the Sun,” an annual public holiday in North
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

South Korean Cardinal Asks for Prayers for the North
March 08, 2019: 03/08/2019 South Korea (International Christian Concern) – South Korean Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-Jung, archbishop of Seoul and apostolic administrator of
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Human Rights Discussion Again Missing at Trump-Kim Summit
February 28, 2019: 02/28/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – Eight months after their first meeting in Singapore, North Korea Chairman Kim Jong-Un
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

North Korean Christian Imprisoned for Her Faith Tells of Torture, Beatings in Prison
February 17, 2019: 02/17/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – A North Korean Christian, identified only as “Prisoner 42” for security reasons, told
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

China Shuts Down Many Churches Involved in Defectors Ministry
February 10, 2019: 02/10/2019 China (International Christian Concern) – China’s crackdown on Christianity is not just toward Chinese Christians, the North Korean defectors
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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North Korean Christians Preserve Their Faith by Staying Low Profile
February 05, 2019: 02/05/2019 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – In order to keep their faith, North Korean Christians have to pray or
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Asia is the New Hotbed for Christian Persecution, Says Open Doors
January 16, 2019: 01/16/2019 China (International Christian Concern) – Christian persecution watchdog Open Doors released its annual World Watch List on Wednesday, calling
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

US Sanctions Senior North Korean Officials Over Human Rights Abuses
December 11, 2018: 12/11/2018 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – Despite a thaw in relations between the U.S. and North Korea, on December 10,
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Rampant Sexual Violence of Women in North Korea
November 04, 2018: 11/4/2018 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – In North Korea, sexual violence has become so widespread and common that it
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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Pope Willing to Visit North Korea
October 18, 2018: 10/18/2018 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – Pope Francis states he is willing to visit North Korea if given an
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

NGO’s Urging North Korea to Improve Human Rights
October 14, 2018: 10/14/2018 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – In North Korean there are on average 250,000 North Koreans imprisoned in camps
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

North Korea Invites Pope Francis to Visit
October 09, 2018: 10/08/2018 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – North Korea has officially invited Pope Francis to visit the country. North Korean
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Global Protest of the Repatriation of North Korean Refugees
October 01, 2018: 10/01/2018 China (International Christian Concern) – Every year many North Koreans seek to flee the country and find refuge in
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

Study: North Korean Human Rights Abuses Have Worsened Under Kim Jong-Un
August 31, 2018: ICC Note: A new report has revealed the increase of abuses and violations of human rights that take place in
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n

South Koreans Hopefully Await Inter-Korea Summit
August 18, 2018: ICC Note: As the third visit between Moon and Kim nears in September, South Koreans hope for a discussion on religion
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] \n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ \n
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

persecution com/ ] Putin said: "Christians can fry them!" " Putin ha detto: "i cristiani? li potete friggere!" [ christin martyr killed by: kim Jong-un, SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestations ] Prisoners by Country: 3 China 6 Eritrea 1 Iran (Islamic Republic of)
1 Pakistan 1 Tajikistan
View All Countries Released Prisoners
Global Response: Users of Prisoner Alert have sent encouraging letters to prisoners and petitioned officials at an amazing rate. 114,054
Government Officials Emailed 398,726
PrisonerAlert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs. Find out more about VOM at [ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

persecution com/ ] Putin said: "Christians can fry them!" " Putin ha detto: "i cristiani? li potete friggere!" [ christin martyr killed by: kim Jong-un, SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestations ] Prisoners by Country: 3 China 6 Eritrea 1 Iran (Islamic Republic of)
1 Pakistan 1 Tajikistan
View All Countries Released Prisoners
Global Response: Users of Prisoner Alert have sent encouraging letters to prisoners and petitioned officials at an amazing rate. 114,054
Government Officials Emailed 398,726
PrisonerAlert is a ministry of The Voice of the Martyrs. Find out more about VOM at[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

persecution com/ ] christin martyr killed by: SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestation ] To encourage and empower Christians to fulfill the Great Commission in areas of the world where they are persecuted for sharing the gospel of Jesus To provide practical relief and spiritual support to the families of Christian martyrs.
To equip persecuted Christians to love and win to jesus of Betleem those who are opposed to the gospel in their part of the world.
To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries where they have formerly suffered oppression.
To promote the fellowship of all believers by informing the world of the faith and courage of persecuted Christians, thereby inspiring believers to a deeper level of commitment to jesus and involvement in His Great Commission.[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

persecution com/ ] christin martyr killed by: SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestation ] To encourage and empower Christians to fulfill the Great Commission in areas of the world where they are persecuted for sharing the gospel of Jesus To provide practical relief and spiritual support to the families of Christian martyrs.
To equip persecuted Christians to love and win to Christ those who are opposed to the gospel in their part of the world.
To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries where they have formerly suffered oppression.
To promote the fellowship of all believers by informing the world of the faith and courage of persecuted Christians, thereby inspiring believers to a deeper level of commitment to jesus and involvement in His Great Commission.[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

persecution com/ ] christin martyr killed by: SpA FED Riad IMF sharia talmud-Koran NWO: demonic infestation ] To encourage and empower Christians to fulfill the Great Commission in areas of the world where they are persecuted for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
To provide practical relief and spiritual support to the families of Christian martyrs.
To equip persecuted Christians to love and win to Christ those who are opposed to the gospel in their part of the world.
To undertake projects of encouragement, helping believers rebuild their lives and Christian witness in countries where they have formerly suffered oppression.
To promote the fellowship of all believers by informing the world of the faith and courage of persecuted Christians, thereby inspiring believers to a deeper level of commitment to Christ and involvement in His Great Commission.[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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Discussion on United with Israel 34 comments
ACT NOW! Demand an End to Violent Anti-Semitic Education in the US!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Malatya’s Kurtulus (Salvation) Church posted this message on the broken glass after an attacker heaved a brick through the church’s display window on November 24, 2017: “’Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.’ – Jesus C h r i st.” (Photo: World Watch Monitor) Turkey’s high-profile criminal case against Protestant pastor Andrew Brunson has triggered a significant increase in public hate speech against the nation’s small Protestant community, creating what its church leaders last week called a ‘climate of insecurity’ for its congregations and individual members. According to the Turkish Association of Protestant Churches’
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.

Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by United with Israel.
Pastor Brunson case increased ‘hate speech’ against Turkey’s Protestants – report
February 27, 2019 Turkey Andrew Brunson, Ankara, Human rights, Istanbul, Izmir, Malatya, Mardin, Protestants, Turkey[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

North Korea asks for food aid as its president discusses denuclearisation
February 26, 2019 North Korea China, Donald Trump, Hanoi, Kim Jong-Un, North Korea, South Korea, UN
As with the first round of talks, the conditions that make North Korea the toughest place on earth for Christians won’t be up for discussion. (Photo: Getty Images) As the leaders of North Korea and the United States are scheduled to meet in Vietnam for a second round of denuclearisation talks, North Koreans continue to flee human rights abuses and increasing food shortages. As with the first round of talks, the conditions that make North Korea the toughest [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Sri Lankan Christians grapple with aftermath of Easter bombings amid fears of fresh attacks
May 9, 2019 Sri Lanka Catholics, Churches, Islamic extremism, Minorities, Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan Arasaratnam Verl is deep in mourning. His son Jackson (13) and sister Verlini (36) were killed instantly when a bomb exploded in the evangelical Zion Church in the eastern city of Batticaloa on Easter Sunday morning, 21 April. Verlini’s husband Ranjith (39), an engineer and Blackbelt in karate, [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

Ten years after fake blasphemy charge, Pakistani Asia Bibi reunited with family
May 8, 2019 Pakistan Asia Bibi, Blasphemy, Catholics, Islamic extremism, Minorities, Pakistan, Salmaan Taseer, Tehreek-e-Labaik Pakistan
Asia Bibi is finally free, almost one decade after she was first imprisoned. (Photo: World Watch Monitor) Asia Bibi’s daughter Eicham was 9 when she saw her mum badly beaten and in front of a mob charged with “blasphemy” against the Prophet Muhammad. For over 9 years, Eicham has visited her on death row in Pakistan. Finally, today, now a young woman at 18, Eicham and her [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Burkina Faso church leader killed by Islamists: ‘I’d rather die than leave my community’
May 2, 2019 Burkina Faso Assemblies of God, Burkina Faso, Djibo, IDPs, Islamic extremism, Islamic State West Africa Province, Ken Elliott, Sahel, Sirgadji, Soum, West Africa
An outdoor church outside a home western Burkina Faso.(Photo: CIF Action via Flickr; CC 2.0) Gunmen who attacked a Protestant church in Burkina Faso on 28 April asked the pastor and five others to convert to Islam before they killed them, World Watch Monitor has learned. Last Sunday’s violence in the West African country appears to have been the first attack, specifically on a church [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

“I was last to come out alive”- Kenyan student on her life-changing injuries from Garissa
April 18, 2019 Kenya Al-Shabaab, Garissa, Islamic extremism, Kenya, Women
Reachel Ginkonyo, in Kenya, in a wheelchair after surviving the Garissa massacre, April, 2015 Four years ago, on the eve of Good Friday – the day on which Christians remember Jesus Christ’s crucifixion – 143 Kenyan university students were killed, singled out by Al-Shabaab gunmen for their Christian faith. Four more died after armed forces arrived, making it the deadliest terrorist incident in Kenya [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

5 years on, 112 Chibok girls missing – but they are just ‘tip of the iceberg’
April 12, 2019 Nigeria Chibok girls, Children, Kidnapping, Minorities, Nigeria, Religious freedom, Women
Dr Rebecca Dali talks of 5th anniversary of Chibok girls' kidnap, from Abuja, Nigeria Five years ago, April 14th, 2014, about 230 girls from Chibok Girls’ Secondary School in NE Nigeria were rounded up at night by men in army dress and driven off on trucks into the darkness. In the immediate aftermath, 47 of them escaped; some jumped off the trucks, others managed [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

‘In context of gender justice, women’s right to freedom of religion pretty much ignored’
March 19, 2019 International Converts, Hindu nationalism, Human rights, India, Minorities, Religious freedom, Women
Anurima Bhargava (USCIRF) and Helene Fisher (Open Doors) at UN NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief CSW side event, 14 March, 2019 She is a woman who can be identified only as “Z”, for her security. She is a Christian in India, a country that is overwhelmingly Hindu. And she is a lawyer defending women and youth from exploitation by landlords and employers, so she was pleased when she got the opportunity [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Christians face uncertain future as Syria enters possible last year of civil war
March 16, 2019 Syria
Christians face uncertain future as Syria enters possible last year of civil war As the Syrian civil war enters what might be its last year, Christians are trying to rebuild in the face of an uncertain future. The conflict, which grew out of the tiny spark of anti-government graffiti 15 March 2011, has claimed more than half a million lives. More than 11 [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

For persecuted Christian women, violence is compounded by ‘shaming’
March 8, 2019 International Algeria, Colombia, Converts, Eritrea, Iraq, Islamic State, Jordan, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Women, Yemen
Women to women conference in Ethiopia, February 2018. It would be hard to argue the world is unaware that Islamic State fighters used rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war against Iraq’s Yazidi women: Nadia Murad shared the 2018 Nobel Prize after she told the world of her personal ordeal at their hands. However, testimonies from [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Pastor Brunson case increased ‘hate speech’ against Turkey’s Protestants – report
February 27, 2019 Turkey Andrew Brunson, Ankara, Human rights, Istanbul, Izmir, Malatya, Mardin, Protestants, Turkey
Malatya’s Kurtulus (Salvation) Church posted this message on the broken glass after an attacker heaved a brick through the church’s display window on November 24, 2017: “’Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.’ – Jesus Christ.” (Photo: World Watch Monitor) Turkey’s high-profile criminal case against Protestant pastor Andrew Brunson has triggered a significant increase in public hate speech against the nation’s small Protestant community, creating what its church leaders last week called a ‘climate of insecurity’ for its congregations and individual members. According to the Turkish Association of Protestant Churches’ [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

North Korea asks for food aid as its president discusses denuclearisation
February 26, 2019 North Korea China, Donald Trump, Hanoi, Kim Jong-Un, North Korea, South Korea, UN
As with the first round of talks, the conditions that make North Korea the toughest place on earth for Christians won’t be up for discussion. (Photo: Getty Images) As the leaders of North Korea and the United States are scheduled to meet in Vietnam for a second round of denuclearisation talks, North Koreans continue to flee human rights abuses and increasing food shortages. As with the first round of talks, the conditions that make North Korea the toughest [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Tajikistan: Children barred from attending church, 5,000 Christian calendars burned
February 25, 2019 Tajikistan Baptists, Children, Education, Religion Law, Tajikistan
A church in Isfara, northern Tajikistan. (Photo: 2005, World Watch Monitor) Tajik authorities implementing a new religion law are barring children from attending religious services and have burned thousands of calendars with Bible verses. Amendments to Tajikistan’s Religion Law came into force in January last year, giving the state greater control over religious education, and increase the amount of information religious organisations [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

As Nigeria votes, family and churches urge candidates to remember Christian teen Leah Sharibu
February 21, 2019 Nigeria Boko Haram, Chibok girls, Dapchi, Leah Sharibu, Nigeria, Women, Yobe
Leah Sharibu was 14 when she was abducted by Boko Haram exactly one year ago. One year since the Christian teenager Leah Sharibu was abducted from her boarding school in north-eastern Nigeria by an Islamist group, a coalition of groups have called on presidential candidates to tell Nigerians how they plan to secure her release. “We are urging the political parties and their candidates that [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Nigeria elections: Whomever wins, Christians hope for justice and security
February 15, 2019 Nigeria Adamawa, Boko Haram, Borno, Chibok girls, Dapchi, Elections, Fulani herdsmen, Leah Sharibu, Middle Belt, Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria, Plateau, Yobe
Burned church in a village in Nigeria's southern Kaduna after an attack by suspected Fulani gunmen. Violence attributed to militant herdsmen in Nigeria reached a record high last year. (Photo: World Watch Monitor) As Nigerians are preparing to go to the polls tomorrow to elect a new president, Boko Haram has been stepping up attacks in the northeast of the country, making it difficult if not impossible for people to vote. On Tuesday, 12 February, the Islamist militants attacked Madagali town, Gulak, Magar [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

Another Colombian pastor killed, leaving the church ‘terrified’
February 14, 2019 Colombia Antioquia, Caucasia, Colombia, FARC
Churches like this one in Cordoba, neighbouring Antioquia, are a threat to armed groups as their message discourages young people to join them. (Photo: World Watch Monitor) A Colombian pastor was killed as he left his church last week in the northwest of the country, in a region that has been plagued by violence from armed groups, local sources told World Watch Monitor. Pastor Leider Molina, 24, had just finished preaching in his church in Caucasia, Antioquia [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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Discussion on United with Israel 34 comments
ACT NOW! Demand an End to Violent Anti-Semitic Education in the US!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Malaysia: Exactly 2 years since Raymond Koh’s abduction, his wife asks PM to intervene
February 13, 2019 Malaysia Human rights, Joshua Hilmy, Kidnapping, Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia, Raymond Koh
Pastor Raymond Koh who was last seen in February 2017. (Photo: World Watch Monitor) Two years since the disappearance of Malaysian pastor Raymond Koh in broad daylight, his family has asked the country’s Prime Minister to order a new investigation into his kidnapping. “It has already been two years and until now there’s no result [of the inquiry]. We are at our wits’ end[[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ .
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

‘Situation for India’s religious minorities is at tipping point’ – report
February 12, 2019 India Anti-conversion law, BJP, Chhattisgarh, Hindutva, India, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Minorities, Narendra Modi, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh
The report shows that since Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came to power in 2014, the number of violent acts against India's religious minorities have increased (Photo: World Watch Monitor) A report by a religious freedom watchdog shows a dramatic increase in the number of attacks on Christians and Muslims in India in the last four years and “the situation … is at a tipping point”. The number of reported incidents in the first three months of 2018 was greater [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Ethiopia: Ethnic Somali Christian police man forced to relocate after talking about his faith
February 7, 2019 Ethiopia Ethiopia, Human rights, IDPs, Oromia, Religious freedom, Somali Region
A Christian police officer in Ethiopia's eastern Somali region was advised to return to Islam but refused, claiming a constitutional right to religious freedom. (Photo: World Watch Monitor) An Ethiopian police officer was arrested, dismissed and forced to move to another part of the country after he told colleagues about his Christian faith The 25-year-old man, who grew up in Ethiopia’s eastern Somali region as a member of the nearly 100 percent Muslim Somali tribe, became a Christian [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

Pakistani top court rejects review, setting Christian woman Asia Bibi free
January 29, 2019 Pakistan Asia Bibi, Blasphemy, Pakistan, Shahzad Masih, Shama Bibi
Asia Bibi with Punjab Governor, Salmaan Taseer, who was assassinated for supporting her case. (Photo: Office of the Governor of Punjab) After nine years in prison for blasphemy, the Pakistani Christian woman Asia Bibi is free to go after the Supreme Court today, 29 January, upheld her acquittal from the death penalty conviction for blasphemy. The panel considering a review of last year’s verdict by the Supreme Court – which had acquitted her based [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Wife beaten so badly she can’t walk, he’s deep in debt: Pakistani Christian freed after 3 year ‘blasphemy’ trial
January 29, 2019 Pakistan Blasphemy, Kasur, Pakistan, Punjab
Pervaiz Masih, freed after 3yr trial for 'blasphemy' for lack of evidence, with Aneeqa Maria of The Voice Society In what might be a first-ever, a Pakistani lower court in mid-January acquitted a Christian of blasphemy after a three year trial – for lack of evidence against him. However, before his arrest on the false charge, Pervaiz Masih’s wife was brutally tortured by the police as they sought to [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️

Philippines: Authorities say church bombing not connected to Mindanao referendum
January 28, 2019 Philippines Abu Sayyaf, Bangsamoro, Catholics, Islamic State, Jolo, Marawi, Mindanao, Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Philippines
Philippine soldiers and investigators are probing the centre of the Catholic cathedral in Jolo where the first bomb went off during mass on Sunday morning, killing at least 20 people. (Photo: Getty) In one of the deadliest attacks in the southern Philippines in years, a bomb blast at a church killed at least 20 people and injured 112 on Sunday morning, 27 January. Among the dead are five soldiers who came to the rescue after the first bomb went off inside the [[ Islam satanic comunism accomplice FED NWO 666 synagogue ]] ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️ /n ☦️burn owl SpA Allah 666 Satana in Jesus's name! ☦️DRINK YOUR POISON MADE BY YOURSELF amen ☦ alleluia ☦️
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

no, agnostic is a scientific researcher: who is not closed to any possibility of knowledge of the supernatural and the divine!but, having no relationship with God? it means failing the purpose of our existence

no, agnostico è un ricercatore scientifico: che non è chiuso a nessuna possibilità di conoscenza del soprannaturale e del divino!
ma, non avere relazione con Dio? significa fallire lo scopo della nostra esistenza
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Discussion on United with Israel 272 comments
US judge posts article: Jews 'get the f*** over the Holocaust'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

ISLAM IS DEMONIACAL SUPREMATISM genocide NAZI Umma: sharia ISIS: and WILL NOT DIVIDE THE PLANET EARTH WITH ANYONE! therefore alliance of the Saudis with ISRAEL is only a geopolitical convenience: while it lasts!
Saudi Arabia has protected IRAN too many times from Israel: because the hatred of KAFIR is greater than the hatred of the TAKFIRI!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Isaiah 54:17 KJV No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

Isaia 54:17 KJV nessuna arma che si forma contro di te prospererò; e ogni lingua che si alzerà contro di te in giudizio tu condannerai. Questo è il retaggio dei servi dell'Eterno, e la loro rettitudine è di me, dice l'eterno.

Unius REI the Lion Of Judah • ISLAM sharia Riad Iran ISIS: jihad galaxy: Boko Haram: Erdogan crazy is Big crime in history of mankind: then came Communism and nazism, etc.. until lgbt sodom rothschild NWO Bilderberg scam Ja-Bull-On demonio-cratic democratic party: FED Scam banking seigniorage: Baal Peor: RIVLIN the Beast!!! ACT NOW! Demand an End to Violent Anti-Semitic Education in the US!
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Discussion on United with Israel 10 comments
WATCH: 'Iraq Won't Sell Out to Lying Palestinian Mercenaries,' Warns Former Lawmaker

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

in Adam we are all of royal descent:and the Jesus of Bethlehem we are all of divine descent:but, Rivlin Rothschild the Masons stole our royalty,
and the Wahhabis kill the Sons of God all over the world!

in Adamo siamo tutti di discendenza regale:
e il Gesù di Betlemme siamo tutti di discendenza divina:
ma, Rivlin Rothschild i massoni ci hanno rubato la regalità,
ed i wahhabiti uccidono i Figli di Dio in tutto il mondo!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Exodus 32:33
The LORD replied to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot out of My book. ☩Unius REI ☦️
KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israele
@UniusREI1 Galatians 4:6
And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”

E poiché siete figli, Dio ha mandato nel nostro cuore lo spirito di suo figlio, gridando, "Abbà! Padre! "
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Exodus 32:33
The LORD replied to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against Me, I will blot out of My book.
Esodo 32:33
L'Eterno rispose a Mosè, "chiunque abbia peccato contro di me, lo cancellerò dal mio libro della vita ☩Unius REI ☦️
KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israele
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Discussion on United with Israel 50 comments
Israel Assassinates Terror Financier who Transferred Iranian Funds to Gaza Groups

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

no more money for AP and Abbas he sides terrorist so no more money, no more visits, no more trip locked in Ramala

Sharia must be criminalized worldwide:
and Palestinians must be deported to Syria!

niente più soldi per AP e Abbas che ha schierato il terrorista, quindi niente più soldi, niente più visite, niente più viaggi bloccati a Ramala
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Discussion on United with Israel 4 comments
President Rivlin Visits Bereaved Families of Gaza Rocket Victims

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

@UniusREI1 last answer for you 12 h (12 hours ago) many too many retweets? unnecessary.
ultima risposta per te 12 h (12 ore fa) molti troppi retweet? inutili.
☩Unius REI
☦️ KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israele ☩ i am Unius REI the Lion Of Judah ☦️
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Discussion on United with Israel 13 comments
Israel to Name Jerusalem Train Stop after Trump

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

I demand total embargo against China and Russia! ] [ the Russians on the issue of #VENEZUELA use the Double Standard and only list the laws that they like, while the war crimes: of #Maduro? isn't it for them!
What international conventions is he respecting #MAduro?not going to the elections will force us to intervene militarily.because the crimes against the people oppressed by the regime cannot be tolerated,they entered the Church and fired tear gas, they tortured, they killed innocent people: they imprisoned without trial .. so we have to say that China and Russia are all this too!
io pretendo embargo totale contro Cina e Russia!
i Russi sulla questione del #VENEZUELA usano il Doppio Standard e elencano soltanto le leggi che piacciono a loro, mentre i delitti di guerra: di #Maduro? per loro non è niente? Quali convenzioni internazionali lui sta rispettando?
non andare alle elezioni ci costringerà ad intervenire militarmente.
perché i delitti contro il popolo oppresso dal regime non si possono tollerare,
sono entrati nella Chiesa e hanno sparato i lacrimogeni, torturano, uccidono persone innocenti: incarcerano senza processo.. quindi dobbiamo dire che Cina e Russia sono anche loro tutto questo!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

to kill our poor and complete the plundering of the poor resources of our Nation: and make us Islamize:
it is the folly of the technocratic and usurocratic left Rothschild-Bilderberg: that is a universal crime against all human rights! First they come to Italy illegally, then we have to keep them and give them our homes. In return they only work to create business for their community which, as we have seen throughout Italy, does not accept our culture, religion and even our presence. Beautiful m ..
worldisraelnews com/california-rabbi-wounded-in-synagogue-attack-calls-for-moment-of-silence-in-schools/
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Netanjahu Putin Bolsonaro Orban Trump ] about: Communists, Freemasons, LGBT scum: Bidlerberg: Rothschild, sharia SpA FED NWO IMF Erdogan Iran: and if I think of how many innocent people have killed these ministers of the devil, and how they are continuing; to stifle all mankind to death? I swear, that, I would like to abandon myself to an absolute act of IRA!

Netanjahu ] circa: Comunisti, massoni, feccia lgbt: Bidlerberg: Rothschild, sharia SpA FED NWO FMI Erdogan Iran: e se io penso a quante persone innocenti hanno fatto morire questi ministri del demonio, e come stanno continuando; a soffocare a morte tutto il genere umano? giuro, che, io vorrei abbandonarmi ad un atto di IRA assoluta!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

it is THIS that the KORAN says: so in the ARAB LEAGUE they pretend friendship to the Nations! Hamza Mansour, former Muslim Brotherhood MP in Giordana: I commend martyrdom operations (kamikaze) even if carried out by five-year-old children. pic twitter com/9JAcyQPqfy

è QUESTO che dice il CORANO: quindi nella LEGA ARABA fingono amicizia alle NAzioni! Hamza Mansour, ex parlamentare dei Fratelli Musulmani in Giordana: Io lodo le operazioni di martirio (kamikaze) anche se svolte da bambini di cinque anni.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

strage SHARIA islamica di Pasqua (ENNESIMA) Mentre lo Sri Lanka e i cattolici piangono il sangue versato dei martiri assassinati in più chiese, durante la Messa della Santa Pasqua, sangue preannunciato dall’incendio di Notre Dame di Parigi, corrispondenzaromana. it/san-jose-vaz-e-la-strage-islamica-di-pasqua/
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

all US Bishops: they told BIDEN: "do not present yourself to receive communion because you will be cast out!" and if: the Bishops knew that: they are Satanists (in occult): Hillary, Kerry, Obama Bush and Biden !!
but, this is not a problem I have already excommunicated them for them!

tutti i Vescovi USA: hanno detto a BIDEN: "non ti presentare a ricevere la comunione perché tu sarai cacciato!"
e se: i Vescovi sapessero che: loro sono satanisti (in occulto): Hillary, Kerry, Obama Bush e Biden!!
ma, questo non è un problema io li ho già scomunicati al posto loro!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Bin idiot Salman ] Allah is a dwarf demon of spirit of religion:that every religion is the Idol of jealousy: also. is because we must not serve religion, but it is religion that must serve us. in fact, the purpose of our life is to have a relationship with God, and not have fornication: with some religion!

Allah è un nano demonio di spirito di religione:
che ogni religione è l'Idolo della gelosia: anche.
perché noi non dobbiamo servire la religione, ma è la religione che deve servire noi. infatti, lo scopo della nostra vita è avere relazione con Dio, e non avere forniacazione: con qualche religione!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

trasgender (genetic males and hormone doped) are the biggest infamy of lgbt and banking seigniore satana technocratic lobbies: a true act of Satanism, if the transgender monsters: do they want to gererew? they will do it among themselves!

trasgender ( maschi genetici e dopati di ormoni ) sono la più grande infamia dei lgbt e delle lobby tecnocratiche bancarie truffa FED FMI: un vero atto di satanismo,
se i trasgender mostri: vogliono gereggiare? lo faranno tra di loro!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Netanjahu] outside the Jewish-Christian civilization: there would not be a Europe identity, yet, only the antichrists and the anti-Zionists (depraved, FED BCE users, sodomitic darwin monkeys and cult satanists) tyrannize us, how do as, you explain this Rotshchild to you?

Netanjahu ] al di fuori della civiltà ebraico-cristiana: non esisterebbe una Europa identità, eppure, soltanto gli anticristi e gli antisionisti (depravati, usuari FED BCE; sodomitici scimmie darwin e satanisti culto) la tiranneggiano,
come Rotshchild te lo spieghi tu?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

the unraveling began for the GIUGGIOLONE: Bilderberg Soros MAMMETA(drig e drang) Rivlin the Masonic parasite! A "sober" #Juncker said: "Enthusiasts of stupid nationalism will have to pay a price".Threats begin.# EUElection2019 #EuropeanEvents2019

è iniziato lo sfatto per il GIUGGIOLONE: Bilderberg Soros MAMMETA Rivlin il parassita massone! Un “sobrio” #Juncker ha affermato: ”Gli entusiasti del nazionalismo stupido dovranno pagare un prezzo”.
Iniziano le minacce.
#EUElection2019 #ElezioniEuropee2019
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Discussion on United with Israel 13 comments
Israel to Name Jerusalem Train Stop after Trump

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

if the Koran and the talmud (bible of satan)? same contents !! are they not downgraded to books of malicious and historical literature?
We will be forced to kill all Jews and all Muslims: by killing them? even the Satanists will disappear!

se il corano ed il talmud (bibbia di satana)? stessi contenuti!! non vengono declassati a libri di letteratura maligna e storica?
noi saremo costretti ad uccidere tutti gli ebrei e tutti i mussulmani: uccidendo loro? anche i satanisti spariranno!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

the great IMAM of Al Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb (the fox of a jackal Erdogan) cannot sign a document with @Pontifex (the stupid rabbit) because the uncreated word of the Koran (which cannot be interpreted) prevents it!

il grande IMAM di Al Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyeb (la volpe di un sciacallo Erdogan) non può firmare un documento con @Pontifex_it (il coniglio scemo) perchè la parola increata del Corano (che non può essere interpretata) glielo impedisce!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

#VENEZUELA] yesterday #Maduro said: "I foiled a coup!"and this is an absolute infamy for: the BOIA of: China Russia Iran and Turkey, because no palace was attacked, no bullet was fired.Indeed, a peaceful and democratic demonstration has been brutally suppressed in blood. SO the end of this nightmare has arrived!

#VENEZUELA ] ieri #Maduro ha detto : "ho sventato un golpe!"
e questa è una infamia assoluta per: i BOIA di: Cina Russia Iran e Turchia, perché nessun palazzo è stato assaltato, nessun proiettile è stato sparato.
Anzi, è stata brutalmente repressa nel sangue una manifestazione pacifica e democratica. QUINDI la fine di questo incubo è arrivata!
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Discussion on United with Israel 10 comments
WATCH: ‘What If a Girl in the Holocaust Had Instagram?’

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Bin SULFURIC salman wahhabis Riad ] ok, according to the laws of the jungle? it will be your Allah: the smallest demon to submit: he will be defeated by the greatest devil Satan. but in the meantime all Christians and all Israelis will have died, and you the value of this satisfaction when you want to pay?

ok, secondo le leggi della giungla? sarà il tuo Allah: il più piccolo demonio a soggiacere: sarà sconfitto dal demonio più grande satana. però nel frattempo saranno morti tutti i cristiani e tutti gli israeliani, e tu il valore di questa soddisfazione quando lo vuoi pagare?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

of course: we must discover all the responsibilities of Rothschild FED in the Holocaust shoah2 genocide agains all Israelis.
given that the "Savi di Sion" are certainly a forgery: that everything was realized, point by point: in the DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO Rivlin the MASSON: of the great success: New World Order: the shadow world government Bilderberg, natural ally of jihad: ISIS Erdogan OCI sharia the world caliphate: of the idol in Mecca Kaaba!a successful coup: at the bohemian Grove: "cremation of Cure" Owl Baal Allah lilith

certo: noi dobbiamo scoprire tutte le responsabilità di Rothschild FED nell'Olocausto.
dato che i "Savi di Sion" sono sicuramente un falso: che si è realizzato tutto, punto per punto: nel DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO Rivlin il MASSONE: del grande successo: Nuovo Ordine Mondiale: il governo ombra mondiale Bilderberg, naturale alleato della jihad: ISIS Erdogan OCI sharia il califfato mondiale: dell'idolo a Mecca Kaaba!
una accoppiata di sicuro successo: al bohemian Grove: "cremation of Cure" Owl Baal Allah lilith
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Discussion on United with Israel 44 comments
Regional Power Clash? Egypt and Iran Vie for Influence in Gaza

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Netanjahu ] sono tutti andati al mare: perché in Twitter? per me non c'é nessuno!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

In Italy, the sense of the state and respect for authority has completely disappeared. Foggia Prosecutor Ludovico Vaccaro said that what struck him in the cold murder of Carabinieri Marshal Vincenzo Di Gennaro is "the cultural attitude that leads to reacting to controls and firing at the State: all this expresses a level of aversion towards the State ».

In Italia è venuto del tutto meno il senso dello Stato e il rispetto per l'autorità.
Il Procuratore di Foggia Ludovico Vaccaro ha detto che ciò che lo ha colpito nell'assassinio a freddo del maresciallo dei Carabinieri Vincenzo Di Gennaro è «l'atteggiamento culturale che porta a reagire a dei controlli e a sparare contro lo Stato: tutto questo esprime un livello di avversione verso lo Stato».
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

the reality: intrinsically violent and historically conflictual of Islam.
In Rome and Saudi Arabia violence and death in the name of Allah.I invite you to read my new book "Muhammad and his Allah". It is a contribution to the truth to safeguard our freedom. Muhammad and his demon assassin Allah
@magdicristianoThe planet has cancer and this cancer is Islam.
YouTube com/watch?v=6IcwrMUCi8E

la realtà: intrinsecamente violenta e storicamente conflittuale dell'islam.
A Roma e in Arabia Saudita violenza e morte nel nome di Allah.
Vi invito a leggere il mio nuovo libro «Maometto e il suo Allah». È un contributo alla verità per salvaguardare la nostra libertà.
Maometto e il suo demonio assassino Allah
Il pianeta ha un cancro e questo cancro e` l' Islam.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

"Muhammad and his Allah" - The new book by Magdi Cristiano Allam, Dear friends, Islam frightens us.
Because Islam is violent.Because Islam is conquering us.
Because we don't know Islam.Islam is the Koran and Muhammad.
The Koran is what Muhammad says that Allah would reveal to him.
Islam is reduced to Mohammed.We all, including the Muslims themselves, know little or nothing about Muhammad.Dear friends, only by knowing who was really Mohammed can we understand the intrinsically violent and historically conflictual reality of Islam.
I invite you to read my new book "Muhammad and his Allah". It is a contribution to the truth to safeguard our freedom.Muhammad and his demon assassin Allah @magdicristiano

"Maometto e il suo Allah" - Il nuovo libro di Magdi Cristiano Allam, Cari amici, l'islam ci fa paura.
Perché l'islam è violento.
Perché l'islam ci sta conquistando.
Perché non conosciamo l'islam.
L'islam è il Corano e Maometto.
Il Corano è ciò che Maometto dice che Allah gli avrebbe rivelato.
L'islam si riduce a Maometto.
Noi tutti, compresi gli stessi musulmani, sappiamo poco o nulla di Maometto.
Cari amici, solo conoscendo chi è stato veramente Maometto potremo capire la realtà intrinsecamente violenta e storicamente conflittuale dell'islam.
Vi invito a leggere il mio nuovo libro «Maometto e il suo Allah». È un contributo alla verità per salvaguardare la nostra libertà.
Maometto e il suo demonio assassino Allah
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

strage di cristiani in Sri Lanka: per salvarci mettiamo fuorilegge l'islam /youtu be/gDBNpGq22cM
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

massacre of Christians in Sri Lanka: to save ourselves we outlaw Islam] [Isis claims the massacre of Christians in #Sri #Lanka perpetrated by at least seven Islamic suicide terrorists who have complied with what #Allah prescribes in #Corano. The enemy is not Muslims but Islam. To save ourselves we outlaw Islam inside our house.

strage di cristiani in Sri Lanka: per salvarci mettiamo fuorilegge l'islam ] [ Isis rivendica la strage dei cristiani nello #Sri #Lanka perpetrata da almeno sette terroristi islamici suicidi che hanno ottemperato a ciò che #Allah prescrive nel #Corano. Il nemico non sono i musulmani ma è l’islam. Per salvarci mettiamo fuorilegge l’islam dentro casa nostra.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Bin Salman Sharia ISIS] it is not right that all mankind must become extinct only because you do not want to recognize my Kingdom of ISRAEL!
non è giusto che tutto il genere umano deve estinguersi soltanto perché tu non vuoi riconoscere il mio Regno di ISRAELE!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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Islam il più grande crimine! Islam the biggest crime!
Bin Salman Sharia ISIS] how is this story that, you curse 5 times a day, in the Islamic prayer of ritual: me: and Netanjahu?
Islam the biggest crime!
Bin Salman Sharia ISIS ] come è questa storia che, tu maledici 5 volte a l giorno, nella preghiera islamica di rito: me: e Netanjahu?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Bin Salman Sharia ISIS ] come è questa storia che, tu maledici 5 volte a l giorno, nella preghiera islamica di rito: me: e Netanjahu?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

handicraft agriculture and fishing have been trampled: taxed, and bureaucratized by the EU: which has this: killed the vital sectors of our country!
carlomafera wordpress com/2019/02/15/censis-un-comunicato-di-qualche-tempo-fa-indicava-lincertezza-dei-giovani-ad-intraprendere-la-strada-dellartigianato-il-governo-dovrebbe-incentivare-questo-ambito-di-lavoro-che-potrebbe-diventar/
artigianato agricoltura e pesca sono stati calpestati: tassati, e burocratizzati dalla UE: che ha così: ucciso i settori vitali del nostro Paese!
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Discussion on United with Israel 44 comments
Regional Power Clash? Egypt and Iran Vie for Influence in Gaza

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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"Maometto e il suo Allah" - Il nuovo libro di Magdi Cristiano Allam

Magdi Cristiano Allam
• Islam il più grande crimine!
Islam the biggest crime!
Cari amici, l'islam ci fa paura. Perché l'islam è violento. Perché l'islam ci sta conquistando. Perché non conosciamo l'islam. L'islam è il Corano e Maometto. Il Corano è ciò che Maometto dice che …

74 anni dopo la Liberazione l'Anpi è diventato un partito di estrema sinistra
Islam il più grande crimine!
Islam the biggest crime!
È storicamente sbagliato che l’Anpi monopolizzi la Festa della Liberazione. Spiace che non ci siano le bandiere americana e britannica. Spiace che venga offesa la Brigata Ebraica e si esaltino i pa… /channel/UCLmZBODEvhxl_6YdTJY0MVg

A Roma e in Arabia Saudita violenza e morte nel nome di Allah
Islam il più grande crimine!
Islam the biggest crime!
Chi a Roma ha tentato di sgozzare un cristiano con il crocifisso al collo e le 37 condanne a morte in Arabia Saudita tramite decapitazione, impiccagione e crocifissione si ispirano a ciò che Allah … /channel/UCLmZBODEvhxl_6YdTJY0MVg
Islam il più grande crimine!
Islam the biggest crime!
La strage di cristiani in Sri Lanka: per salvarci mettiamo fuorilegge l'islam

L’Isis rivendica la strage dei cristiani nello Sri Lanka perpetrata da almeno sette terroristi islamici suicidi che hanno ottemperato a ciò che Allah prescrive nel Corano. Il nemico non sono i musu… /channel/UCLmZBODEvhxl_6YdTJY0MVg
Islam il più grande crimine!
Islam the biggest crime!
In Italia è venuto del tutto meno il senso dello Stato e il rispetto per l'autorità

Il Procuratore di Foggia Ludovico Vaccaro ha detto che ciò che lo ha colpito nell'assassinio a freddo del maresciallo dei Carabinieri Vincenzo Di Gennaro è «l'atteggiamento culturale che porta a re…


Raes Sayed, rappresentante legale del Caim (Coordinamento Associazioni Islamiche di Milano e Monza e Brianza), ha così risposto quando gli ho detto che Maometto ordina di uccidere gli apostati, oss… /channel/UCLmZBODEvhxl_6YdTJY0MVg

Non ci sono solo armi chimiche. Ecco come i terroristi islamici giustiziano i soldati siriani.

Non ci sono solo armi chimiche. Ecco come i terroristi islamici giustiziano i soldati siriani. Com'è possibile che l'America faccia la guerra per sostenerli? ) - I ribelli siriani … /channel/UCLmZBODEvhxl_6YdTJY0MVg
Islam il più grande crimine!
Islam the biggest crime!
Il Piano Kalergi per annientamento dei popoli europei in atto con la complicità di chi ci governa

Buongiorno amici. Nel 1925 il conte Richard Nikolaus di Coudenhove-Kalergi (1894 – 1972), fondatore dell’Unione Paneuropea da cui è nata l’Unione Europea, nel suo libro «Praktischer Idealismus» (Id... /channel/UCLmZBODEvhxl_6YdTJY0MVg
Islam il più grande crimine!
Islam the biggest crime!
Lo sapete che i musulmani condannano ebrei e cristiani nella loro preghiera cinque volte al giorno?

Buongiorno amici! Quanti di voi sanno che i musulmani nella loro preghiera, cinque volte al giorno, condannano gli ebrei e i cristiani? La preghiera inizia con la prima Sura , L'Aprente, del Coran… /channel/UCLmZBODEvhxl_6YdTJY0MVg
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Declare outlaws: Communists: Muslims: #ANPI a single criminal association to be banned and dissolved, politically enforced by the Democratic Party in continuing to perpetrate abuses and deceptive historical falsehoods topped by all the enemies of the nation!
faithful lorenzoJHWH • KINGmessia
it is historically wrong for ANPI to monopolize the Liberation Day. Sorry that there are no American and British flags. It is regrettable that the Jewish Brigade is offended and the Palestinians who were allies of Hitler and Mussolini are exalted. The ANPI has become an extreme left party, exalts illegal immigrants and promotes globalism: it presents itself to the elections and compares with the popular response bit ly / 2vm9eNe
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Dichiarare fuorilegge: comunisti: islamici: #ANPI una sola associazione criminale da bandire e sciogliere, tenuta politicamente vigente dal Partito Democratico nel continuare a perpetrare abusi e ingannevoli falsità storiche sormontate da tutti i nemici della nazione!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

È storicamente sbagliato che l’Anpi monopolizzi la Festa della Liberazione. Spiace che non ci siano le bandiere americana e britannica. Spiace che venga offesa la Brigata Ebraica e si esaltino i palestinesi che furono alleati di Hitler e Mussolini. L’Anpi è diventato un partito di estrema sinistra, esalta i clandestini e promuove il globalismo: si presenti alle elezioni e si confronti con il responso popolare bit ly/2vm9eNe
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

considerare una Nazione come una azienda quotata in borsa è un atto di satanismo!
dipendere da finanziatori esterni: è anti-Costituzionale!
considerare la locazione della abitazione come una impresa per realizzare il reddito è un omicidio!
devono essere detassati tutti i redditi da affitto! le controversie ad un arbitrato locale: comunale!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Facebook com/MagdiCristianoAllam/photos/ pagina photos ? soltanto il libro in copertina! Facebook com/pg/MagdiCristianoAllam/posts/?ref=notif [ha condiviso un post 54minuti fa] Spiacenti, questo contenuto non è al momento disponibile. Il link che hai seguito potrebbe essere scaduto o la pagina potrebbe essere visibile soltanto a un pubblico del quale non fai parte.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Netanjahu ] the satanist who should have turned on my @uniusrei1? he hasn't woken up yet!

il satanista che avrebbe dovuto accendere il mio @uniusrei1? non si è ancora svegliato!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

in fact not even sputniknews: he took seriously the proposal of the MIGNOTTA of Erdogan

infatti neanche sputniknews: ha preso sul serio la proposta di quello MIGNOTTA di Erdogan
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

I don't know how Erdogan could stop his demon Allah: from turning LIBYA into another Syria! but I believe that his proposal for the laicity and freedom of religions: of all the ARABIC LEAGUE must be listened to carefully!

io non so come Erdogan potrebbe fermare il suo demonio Allah: dal trasformare la LIBIA in un altra Siria! ma, io credo che la sua proposta di laicità della LEGA ARABA debba essere ascoltata attentamente!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

abbiamo diritto ad opporci ad ISLAM finché la LEGA ARABA non condannerà la sharia, che è la stessa shariah di ISIS.
Vero... diffondiamo sto Tweet... 😉
Io sono da sempre in guerra contro l'Islam
Vogliono distruggerci
: Antonio Quinto 🇮🇹
Dal 1°, all'ultimo
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Discussion on United with Israel 44 comments
Regional Power Clash? Egypt and Iran Vie for Influence in Gaza

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

ieri il pubblico ha dato: assolutamente ragione alla richiesta di risarcimento di una moglie, perché il marito non aveva comunicato a lei di avere eseguito la vasectomia, mentre la moglie desiderava avere un bambino, ma, il marito aveva sempre detto di non voler avere figli!
per questo: il giudice ha dato totalmente torto alla moglie!
se una persona: ha il desiderio di far estinguere il genere umano? il suo desiderio non può essere contrastato giuridicamente!
a tale satanismo Rothschild e il Partito Democratico hanno spinto alla autodistruzione la società occidentale!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

ci sono dei pazzi (senza fede in Dio) che pensano di autoestinguersi: per risolvere inquinamento e sovrapopolazione (perché pensano che non c'é un rimedio: alla malvagità che wahhabiti e farisei hanno diffuso nel mondo)
ed in effetti loro non sanno come difendersi dai massoni #Pd #M5S #bilderberg
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

all that violates: in any way: the "natural law" "free will in natural law itself" is a disguised form of Satanism!
do not exist a hope of eternal life for the Darwin monkeys!

tutto quello che viola: in qualsiasi modo: la "legge naturale" "il libero arbitrio nella stessa legge naturale" sono una forma camuffata di satanismo!
non esiste una speranza di vita eterna per le scimmie Darwin!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

#Cassation judges that immigrants are all refugees unless proven otherwise. It is not up to the asylum seeker to try to escape from a danger, but it is the state that has to prove that it runs no risk, practically ... FREE ALL! This is our #Magistratura!

#Cassazione sentenzia che gli immigrati sono tutti rifugiati salvo prova contraria. Non spetta al richiedente asilo provare di fuggire da un pericolo, ma è lo stato che deve dimostrare che non corre alcun rischio, praticamente... LIBERI TUTTI! Questa è la nostra #Magistratura!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

police must have judicial powers level 1! @GiorgiaMeloni Tortured for fun: so a #babygang of bullies: he would have killed a 66-year-old in #Manduria in the province of #Taranto, found tied to a chair at home and died after being admitted to hospital. pic twitter com/pw5VweG0Gf

polizia deve avere poteri giudiziari 1°livello! @GiorgiaMeloni Torturato per divertimento: così una #babygang di bulli: avrebbe ucciso un 66enne a #Manduria in provincia di #Taranto, trovato legato a una sedia di casa e deceduto dopo ricovero in ospedale.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

1) Migrants are not in Libyan lagers, only 15% of them are in detention.
2) Without NGOs there are no traffics and currently no one dies.
3) Migrants are not refugees and have large sums to pay smugglers.
4) The left is a sewer and lies to ruin Italy.

1) I migranti non sono nei lager libici, solo il 15% di loro è in detenzione.
2) Senza le Ong non ci sono traffici e attualmente non muore nessuno.
3) I migranti non sono profughi e hanno somme ingenti per pagare scafisti.
4) La sinistra è una fogna e mente per rovinare l'Italia.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Islam is "bloody tribal practice, which has nothing religious about it" but, Merkel wants to legitimize sharia police in Islamic enclaves!
@curorenzi #goodwithin a few years we will no longer be able to make these wishes. #nomuslim
a large #ornellamariani. they are taking away our #giudaicocristiane European culture. I leave you the complete video⬇️ # PapaGiovanniPaoloII: keep our roots. pic twitter com/0v4IGqshng

Islam è "sanguinosa pratica tribale, che non ha nulla di religioso" MA Merkel vuole legittimare la polizia della sharia nelle enclavi islamiche!
@curorenzi #buonapasqua fra qualche anno non potremo più fare questi auguri. #nomuslim. una grande #ornellamariani.
ci stanno togliendo la nostra cultura europea #giudaicocristiane. vi lascio il video completo⬇️#PapaGiovanniPaoloII: mantenere le nostre radici.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Islam is "bloody tribal practice, which has nothing religious about it" but, Merkel wants to legitimize sharia police in Islamic enclaves!
@curorenzi #goodwithin a few years we will no longer be able to make these wishes. #nomuslim
a large #ornellamariani. they are taking away our #giudaicocristiane European culture. I leave you the complete video⬇️ # PapaGiovanniPaoloII: keep our roots.

Islam è "sanguinosa pratica tribale, che non ha nulla di religioso" MA Merkel vuole legittimare la polizia della sharia nelle enclavi islamiche!
@curorenzi #buonapasqua fra qualche anno non potremo più fare questi auguri. #nomuslim. una grande #ornellamariani.
ci stanno togliendo la nostra cultura europea #giudaicocristiane. vi lascio il video completo⬇️#PapaGiovanniPaoloII: mantenere le nostre radici.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

synagogue attac ] is the devil in Mecca 666 Kaaba RIAD; with all the ARABIC LEAGUE laughing! Usa, killer would be white supremacist. Are hate crimes the most detestable also because Mohammed and Rothschild in hell? they are too far to reach!
è il demonio a Mecca 666 Kaaba RIAD; con tutta la LEGA ARABA che ride!

Usa, killer sarebbe suprematista bianco. i crimini di odio sono i più detestabili anche perché Mohammed e Rothschild all'inferno? sono troppo lontani da raggiungere!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Netanjhau ] cosa ha detto? [ /t co/1aIPZWDTHN ] Please we need this filled out
It is for a special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton
//m facebook com/story php?story_fbid=122803758876375&id=100034402530010&sfnsn=mo …

Lingua originale: inglese (traduzione di Microsoft)
Per favore abbiamo bisogno di questo compilato
È per un procuratore speciale per Hillary Clinton
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Discussion on United with Israel 44 comments
Regional Power Clash? Egypt and Iran Vie for Influence in Gaza

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Netanjhau ] cosa ha detto? [ /m php?story_fbid=122803758876375&id=100034402530010&sfnsn=mo
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Netanjhau ] cosa ha detto? [
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

is the devil in Mecca 666 Kaaba RIAD; with all the ARABIC LEAGUE laughing!
@OpenDoors URGENT sharia killers! prayer--Our field has confirmed reports of multiple attacks on Christians in Nigeria--including many children. Pray with us now for these grieving communities and for peace in Nigeria.

è il demonio a Mecca 666 Kaaba RIAD; con tutta la LEGA ARABA che ride!
@OpenDoors URGENTE assassini di sharia! preghiera - Il nostro campo ha confermato rapporti di attacchi multipli ai cristiani in Nigeria - tra cui molti bambini. Prega con noi ora per queste comunità in lutto e per la pace in Nigeria.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Rothschild said I was bad. [ @SDSOPoway ] i am king Israel [ One dead, 3 injured in shooting at California synagogue ] you have been banned by World Israel News. Rothschild ha detto che io ero cattivo.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

for the Koran? Allah is the only one responsible for all this!
Libya: 290 deaths from the beginning of clashes
'Required psychologists to assist children and raped women'

per il Corano? Allah è l'unico responsabile di tutto questo!
Libia: 290 morti da inizio scontri
'Richiesti psicologi per assistere minori e donne violentate'
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Corbyn will not go to Trump's banquet because he has too bad an anti-Zionist Islamic conscience: the antichrist!

Corbyn non andrà a banchetto per Trump perché lui ha una troppo cattiva coscienza islamica anti-sionista!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

The FBI 666 alarm SCAM, 'Russian threat to the 2020 vote' Rubio: 'Moscow violated the electoral system in Florida in 2016'. ANSWER. if this slander was true? then, it would be proof that the US electoral system has no credibility value!

L'allarme dell'Fbi, 'minaccia russa sul voto del 2020' Rubio: 'Mosca violò il sistema elettorale in Florida nel 2016'. ANSWER. se questa calunnia fosse vera? poi, sarebbe la dimostrazione che il sistema elettorale USA non ha nessun valore di credibilità!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Lula, 'band of fools' rules Brazil.
for what I know: it is right that the criminals, of the Democratic Party: worship of red terrorists, those like, it is right, as he is well kept in prison!

Lula, 'banda di matti' governa il Brasile.
per quello che so io: è giusto che i delinquenti, del Pd: culto terroristi rossi, quelli come, è giusto, come lui siano custoditi bene in carcere!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Libya: Sisi a Conte, a political solution. Egyptian president, 'protecting national units and institutions' (but was it not he who encouraged AFTAR to test fire?)

Libia: Sisi a Conte, soluzione politica. Presidente egiziano, 'tutelare unità e istituzioni nazionali' ( ma non è stato lui che ha incoraggiato AFTAR alla prova de fuoco?)
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Yeah: why #Macron BOIA (micron) is so afraid of going to early elections?
Guaidó, #Maduro is now a loser
He supported the oaths of aid and freedom in the oath

Già: perché #Macron BOIA (micron) ha così paura di andare ad elezioni anticipate?
Guaidó, #Maduro ormai è uno sconfitto
Lo ha sostenuto in giuramento dei Comitati di aiuto e libertà
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Discussion on United with Israel 44 comments
Regional Power Clash? Egypt and Iran Vie for Influence in Gaza

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

South Africa: Freedom Day is celebrated ] The current president and head of the Africa National Congress of Mandela, Cyril Ramaphosa: "on this day of 25 years ago we founded a new country defined by the principles of equality, unity, absence of racism and sexism". But at the same time, he admitted, there are still so many challenges to be faced, such as completing the genocide of all whites!

Sudafrica: si celebra il Freedom Day ] L'attuale presidente e capo dell'Africa National Congress di Mandela, Cyril Ramaphosa: "in questo giorno di 25 anni fa abbiamo fondato un nuovo paese definito dai principi di uguaglianza, unità, assenza di razzismo e sessismo". Ma allo stesso tempo, ha ammesso, ci sono ancora tante sfide da affrontare, come per esempio completare il genocidio di tutti i bianchi!
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Discussion on United with Israel 42 comments
Ancient Evidence of the Exodus from Egypt

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

ti ho scritto questo nel gruppo, lo vedi? ☩Unius REI ☦️ KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israele
#Mattarella #M5S #Pd traditori ] NON esiste uno stato di diritto se non esiste la sovranità monetaria, noi siamo prede della mafia dei massoni Bilderberg-Rothschild
Antonio Quinto 🇮🇹
Mandami il link perché cosi è dura trovarlo...
Antonio Quinto 🇮🇹

ti ho scritto questo nel gruppo, lo vedi? ☩Unius REI ☦️ KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israele
#Mattarella #M5S #Pd traditori ] NON esiste uno stato di diritto se non esiste la sovranità monetaria, noi siamo prede della mafia dei massoni Bilderberg
Antonio Quinto 🇮🇹
Mandami il link perché cosi è dura trovarlo...

#𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐨 #𝐈𝐕𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐜𝐡
Antonio Quinto 🇮🇹
Lo vedo twitter com/AntonioDvx/status/1122125992175308801

☩Unius REI ☦️ KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israele
SONO contento che hai trovato il mio commento, ma, io leggo soltanto il commento di : Ringhio
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Bin SALMAN ] sure, you could conquer the whole planet ISIS UMMA shariah worldwide Allah akbar: best wishes and good genocide to everyone !!!
that is, if Satanists NWO did not have underground cities in order to withstand even 50 years of radioactivity from: on all over the planet! but how can you be so naive to think that they will want to share on the planet with you?
ZIONISM IS NOT imperialism (this was a lie of the NWO) but it is universal brotherhood!

Bin SALMAN ] certo, tu potresti conquistare tutto il pianeta ISIS UMMA shariah worldwide Allah akbar: auguri e buon genocidio a tutti!!!
cioè, se, Satanisti NWO non avessero città sotterrannee per poter resistere anche 50 anni di radioattività di tutto il pianeta! ma come puoi essere così ingenuo da pensare che vorranno spartirsi in pianeta con te?
ZIONISM IS NOT imperialism (this was a lie of the NWO) but it is universal brotherhood!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Love you brothers and sisters I am Jewish
I am a swab from Romania
Ti amo fratelli e sorelle, io sono ebreo
Sono un pulcino dalla Romania
ANSWER. ZIONISM IS NOT imperialism (this was a lie of the NWO) but it is universal brotherhood!
il SIONISMO NON è imperialismo (questa è stata una menzogna del NWO) ma è la fratellanza universale!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

I am Unius REI @uniusrei3 the political project of the Kingdom of Israel
io sono Unius REI @uniusrei3 il progetto politico del Regno di Israele
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Bin SALMAN ] Holy, holy, holy is JHWH holy, is the eternal armies. All earth is full of his Glory. And before them praise and say, Blessed is the glory of the eternal in his mansion. And it is written in thy holy words, saying, The eternal shall reign for ever.
your monsters and those of Rothschild? they won't pass!

i tuoi mostri e quelli di Rothschild? non passeranno!
Santo, Santo, Santo, sono gli eserciti eterni. Tutta la terra è piena della sua gloria. E prima di loro lodare e dire, Beato è la gloria dell'eterno nella sua dimora. Ed è scritto nelle tue sacre parole, dicendo: l'Eterno regnerà per sempre.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Netanjahu ] the evil that the Masons of the FED NWO (Jewish kabbalah) and their Saudi accomplices (Islamic kabbalah) the evil that their IMF sharia NWO have done to mankind? no, it cannot be quantified!

il male che i massoni del FED NWO (kabbalah ebraica) e loro complici sauditi (kabbalah islamica) il male che loro FMI sharia NWO hanno fatto al genere umano? no, non può essere quantificato!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

but if those (Jews) do not have a homeland? the logic of the NWO is your total destruction: war: spiritual, philosophical, economic, physical: only their complicit Masons will be well!

ma se quelli (ebrei) non avranno una Patria? la logica del NWO è la tua totale distruzione: bellica: spirituale, filosofica, economica, fisica: soltanto i loro complici massoni se la passeranno bene!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

ABOUT: the overpopulation of the planet: this is the direct consequence of the parasitic action: devitalizing (the result of ignorance and poverty)
2. of banking 666 seigniorage: that is, Jewish satanists and Saudi Islamic satanists:
why:1. Erdogan needs soldiers to conquer the Mediterranean and the Balkans!
3. because HYDROGEN technology (h2o) has been prevented: precisely to facilitate the Islamization of the planet and its Islamic demographic bomb!
Pharisees and their Islamic allies have blocked the evolution and development of the human race!

CIRCA: la sovrappopolazione del pianeta: questa è la conseguenza diretta della azione parassitaria: devitalizzante(frutto di ignoranza e povertà)
2. del signoraggio bancario: cioè, satanisti ebrei e dei satanisti islamici sauditi:
1. Erdogan ha bisogno di soldati per conquistare il mediterraneo e i balcani!
3. perché la tecnologia dell'IDROGENO (h2o) è stata impedita: proprio per agevolare la islamizzazione del pianeta e la sua bomba demografica islamica!
Farisei e loro alleati islamici hanno bloccato la evoluzione e lo sviluppo del genere umano!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

We represent all unions @sweetygfox
In risposta a @PorthosMD, @UniusRei e altri 37
I think Twitter is going to lose out
I made deals with Facebook you can post whatever you want
Gathering point will be my Facebook page
We represent all unions ANSWER.
there is no difference between social work in the NWO: between suffocating the first amendment with algorithms? Facebook is even worse!
indeed youtube and facebook are the worst!

non c'é differenza tra i socialtework nel NWO: tra il soffocare il primo emendamento con gli algoritmi? facebook è anche peggio!
anzi youtube e facebook sono il peggio!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Sri #Lanka: army raid, 15 corpses found, 6 are children. Because ISLAM is a religion of peace!

Sri #Lanka: incursione dell’esercito, trovati 15 cadaveri, 6 sono di bambini. Perché ISLAM è una religione di pace! /a msn com/01/it-it/BBWl8PA?ocid=st
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Discussion on United with Israel 42 comments
Ancient Evidence of the Exodus from Egypt

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Bin Sulfuric Erdogan SALMAN [Riad IRAN] if Allah was God Almighty? today, Allah the devil? he would not need sharia to regain the world, where he previously had: always failed (except all the Nazi-communist genocides you have made in all the ARAB LEAGUE)! contrary: no one can accuse me of having religious or ideological geopolitical ambitions of any kind!you can't slander me! I am defending myself only because you want to kill me!
☩Unius REI
KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israele
Bin Sulfuric Erdogan SALMAN [ Riad IRAN ] se Allah fosse stato Dio Onnipotente?
oggi, Allah il demonio? lui non avrebbe bisogno sharia di riconquistare il mondo, dove ha precedentemente: sempre fallito(eccetto tutti i genocidi nazi-comunisti che avete realizzato in tutta la LEGA ARABA)! contrariamente: nessuno può accusare me di avere ambizioni geopolitiche religiose o ideologiche di nessun tipo!
voi non mi potete calunniare! io mi sto difendendo soltanto perché voi mi volete uccidere!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Bin SALMAN [Riad IRAN] Ancient Evidence of the Exodus from Egypt: Erdogan has never celebrated Ottoman defeats, why should the Egyptians have done so?

Bin SALMAN [ Riad IRAN ] Ancient Evidence of the Exodus from Egypt: Erdogan NON ha mai festeggiato le sconfitte Ottomane, perché avrebbero dovuto farlo gli egiziani?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Bin SALMAN [Riad IRAN] until you kiss IMAM on the head? they will want to die of kafir!
Bin SALMAN [ Riad IRAN ] finché tu baci sulla testa gli IMAM? ne vorranno morire di kafir!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

you criminalize sharia worldwide! Drastic measures against those wishing to bring holy war to our home, blocking Islamic immigration -our-block-immigration-Islamic / #Mattarella # M5S #Pd traitors

criminalizzare la sharia a livello mondiale! Misure drastiche contro chi vuole portare guerra santa a casa nostra, bloccare immigrazione islamica giorgiameloni it/2019/04/23/misure-drastiche-contro-chi-vuole-portare-guerra-santa-a-casa-nostra-bloccare-immigrazione-islamica/
#Mattarella #M5S #Pd traditori
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

traitors] NOT a rule of law exists if there is no monetary sovereignty, we are prey to the Mafia of the Masons #Rothschild

#𝐈𝐕𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐜𝐡 #Junker #Moscovici #Merkel #Macron #Soros #Bilderberg #M5S #Pd traditori ] NON esiste uno stato di diritto se non esiste la sovranità monetaria, noi siamo prede della mafia dei massoni #Rothschild
pic twitter com/oXoPACMF0e che Voi siate #maledetti
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Discussion on United with Israel 36 comments
WATCH: Switzerland Spends Millions to Fund Anti-Israel ‘Lawfare’ Suits

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

#Pd assassini tiranni! 666 #UE #EURO 322 #BCE Ogni cittadino prima di esprimere il voto di maggio dovrebbe conoscere.
/youtu be/7f2yTD2NDts pic twitter com/zWYX2Q856a

#comunista pic twitter com/c81QfjVVNI avevamo bisogno di farci stampare una moneta che non controlliamo da una banca commerciale!

E come se non bastava? dovevano mettere in costituzione il pareggio di bilancio!
Draghi è il controllore della condivisione della povertà!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

#Pd assassini tiranni! 666 #UE #EURO 322 #BCE Ogni cittadino prima di esprimere il voto di maggio dovrebbe conoscere.
/youtu be/7f2yTD2NDts pic twitter com/zWYX2Q856a
#comunista avevamo bisogno di farci stampare una moneta che non controlliamo da una banca commerciale!
E come se non bastava dovevano mettere in costituzione il pareggio di bilancio!
Draghi è il controllore della condivisione della povertà!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

They constantly take away follower from me ANSWER. God transforms our work into supernatural prayer and energy: anyway! because the satanism of the NWO-sharia is not within the reach of human beings: this is a spiritual fight: against the demons that of followers & following is not a challenge that we can win: since the NWO has frozen us with at most 50 users who can get letters, and the other 50: they are trolls of the CIA NWO Sharia. Internet? it's all a scam .. but, WE will not be discouraged by this

Mi tolgono in continuazione follower
Dio trasforma in preghiera e energia soprannaturale il nostro lavoro: comunque! perché il satanismo del NWO-sharia non è alla portata degli esseri umani: questo è un combattimento spirituale: contro i demoni,
quella dei follower & following non è una sfida che noi possiamo vincere: dato che il NWO ci ha congelato con al massimo una 50 di utenti che ci possono lettere, e gli altri 50: sono dei troll della CIA NWO Sharia. internet? è tutta una truffa.. ma, NOI non ci scoraggeremo per questo
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Oriana FALLACI contro Islam sharia genocidio

uniusrei blogspot com/2019/04/oriana-fallaci-contro-islam-sharia
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Oriana Fallaci contro Erdogan il mostro sharia
uniusrei2 blogspot com/2019/04/oriana-fallaci-contro-erdogan-il-mostro
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

we must not be thread-something to be then, against thread-someone, we (the human race) we must be only Zionists

non dobbiamo essere filo-qualcosa per essere poi, contro filo-qualcuno, noi (il genere umano) noi dobbiamo essere soltanto sionisti
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

perché: sharia Islam distrugge ogni traccia dei popoli precedenti..

#Turkey's treatment of #Armenians has caused deep concern for those living in #Syria. Find out why at:
#Turkey trattamento di #Armenians ha causato profonda preoccupazione per coloro che vivono in #Syria. Scopri perché:
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

qualcuno si dispiacerà ma, Una mamma in coma da 27 anni si risveglia ascoltando la voce di suo figlio
The first name that Mrs Munira Abdulla pronounced awakening from the coma was that of Omar, his son. The son who has remained continuously beside her and who has always believed that one day she would "come back". Munira Abdulla remained in a coma for 27 long years, nailed to a hospital bed since 1991

Il primo nome che la signora Munira Abdulla ha pronunciato risvegliandosi dal coma è stato quello di Omar, suo figlio. Il figlio che le è rimasto ininterrottamente accanto e che ha sempre creduto che un giorno sarebbe “tornata”. Munira Abdulla è rimasta in coma per 27 lunghissimi anni, inchiodata a un letto d’ospedale dal 1991
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Zionism (as Kingdom of ISRAEL) is the denial of every Bilderberg dictatorship: that the NWO 666 FED IMF has spread from Nazism, to communism, to the perverts of the Democratic Party: up to Islam! this is why Quran Talmud and Satan's Bible align in content!

il sionismo (come Regno di ISRAELE) è la negazione di ogni dittatura Bilderberg: che il NWO 666 FED FMI ha diffuso dal nazismo, al comunismo, ai pervertiti del Partito Democratico: fino all'Islam!
ecco perché Corano Talmud e Bibbia di Satana si allineano nei contenuti!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

ANPI Pd finti e i finti partigiani afro-islamici uniusrei2 blogspot com/2019/04/anpi-pd-finti-e-i-finti-partigiani-afro
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Discussion on United with Israel 36 comments
WATCH: Switzerland Spends Millions to Fund Anti-Israel ‘Lawfare’ Suits

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

the positive social left was that of #Fallaci's grandparents, the one who spoke of true progress (not the democratic party's "progressive democracy" which is quite the opposite)
Then, that fascism has done good things for this country in my opinion is undeniable but, regardless of the unfortunate and deleterious choice of war, of the racial wars and of joining Hitler: then, it was still a totalitarian regime. You were either fascist or persecuted.
He certainly did not praise freedom.

la sinistra sociale positiva era quella dei nonni della #Fallaci quella che parlava di progresso vero (non #progressismoscurantista del partito democratico che è tutto il contrario)
Poi, che il fascismo abbia fatto cose buone per questo paese a mio avviso è innegabile ma, a prescindere dalla scelta infelice & deleteria della guerra, delle guerre raziali e di associarsi ad Hitler: poi, è stato comunque un regime totalitario. O eri fascista o venivi perseguitato. Non inneggiava certo alla libertà.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Washington, April 24 - Around 8,000 members of the Boy Scout organization in America are being accused of child sexual abuse: the cases in question begin in 1944. They have now been expelled from the organization.Abuses from 1944 to 2016According to American media reports from 1944 to 2016 (year of the first complaints), 7,819 leaders and volunteers have alleged sexual abuse of 12,254 victims, all minors. ilprimatonazional it/esteri/boy-scout-scoppia-scandalo-abusi-sessuali-114902/

Washington, 24 apr – Circa 8.000 appartenenti all’organizzazione Boy Scout d’America sono sotto accusa per di abusi sessuali su minori: i casi in questione cominciano dal 1944. Sono ora stati cacciati dall’organizzazione.
Abusi dal 1944 al 2016
Secondo quanto riportano i media americani dal 1944 al 2016 (anno delle prime denunce) sono 7.819 i leader e i volontari che avrebbero compiuto abusi sessuali su 12.254 vittime, tutti minori.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Stalin Communism etc ...? more lethal than any Hitler. I mean the best communism: that thinks of the promotion of the working classes that supported true social justice, trying to prevent appalling exploitation conditions for the workers and to provide the opportunity to redeem themselves from black misery and abysmal social inequalities.
but today the Democratic Party is the Rothschild Bilderberg sharia: it is destroying welfare, freedom of religion, and all the social achievements of the European historical left

Comunismo Stalin ecc...? più letale di qualsiasi Hitler. Intendo il comunismo migliore: che pensa alla promozione delle classi operaie quella che sosteneva vera giustizia sociale cercando di prevenire condizioni di sfruttamento spaventose per i lavoratori e di fornire la possibilità di riscattarsi da miseria nera e sperequazioni sociali abissali.
ma oggi il Partito Democratico filo Rothschild Bilderberg sharia: sta annientando welfare, libertà di religione, e tutte le conquiste sociali della sinistra storica europea
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Sri Lanka, Erdogan Islam Sharia Quran Isis promptly claim: the attacks: the ARAB LEAGUE are an international terror network No evidence of his real direct involvement, but ISIS's claim for the terrorist attack in Sri Lanka has arrived. "Satanists FED FMI NWO and Islamic sharia: who led the attack that targeted Christians who are the salt of the earth and the light of the world".

Sri Lanka, Erdogan Islam Corano sharia Isis rivendicano puntualmente: gli attentati: la LEGA ARABA sono una rete internazionale del terrore
Nessuna prova del suo reale coinvolgimento diretto, ma la rivendicazione dell'Isis per l'attacco terroristico in Sri Lanka è arrivata. “satanisti FED FMI NWO e islamici sharia: che hanno condotto l'attacco che ha preso di mira i cristiani che sono il sale della terra e la luce del mondo".
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

The burning of Notre Dame is extinguished but the churches of France continue to ...
Foreign Affairs Cristina Gauri - April 23, 2019
Paris, April 23 - The echoes of the disastrous burning of the cathedral of Notre Dame are now extinguished, but the churches of France continue to burn. There is a very strange epidemic of "electrical breakdowns" or "self-injuries" that is investing ...
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The EU Commission has urged Facebook, Google and Twitter to prevent the spread of fake news ahead of the EU elections. To verify who publishes fake news will be the Poynter Institute, funded by Soros. So Soros will decide what is true and what is false.

Il rogo di Notre Dame è spento ma le chiese di Francia continuano a...
Esteri Cristina Gauri - 23 Aprile 2019
Parigi, 23 apr - Gli echi del disastroso rogo della cattedrale di Notre Dame si sono ormai spenti, ma le chiese di Francia continuano a bruciare. Vi è una stranissima epidemia di "guasti elettrici" o "autocombustioni" che sta investendo...
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La Commissione UE ha esortato Facebook, Google e Twitter a impedire la diffusione di fake news in vista delle elezioni UE. A verificare chi pubblica fake news sarà il Poynter Institute, finanziato da Soros. Quindi deciderà Soros cosa è vero e cosa è falso.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

Fallaci belonged to a vein of healthy ideological left (to protect the proletarian classes) and those who lived a certain type of left cannot but hate the Democratic Party today with unlimited depth: for the betrayal inflicted on freedom and Jewish civilization Christian (and the total servility to the lgbt banking and technocratic lobbies the Islam & Satanists)

La Fallaci apparteneva ad un filone di sana sinistra ideologica (a protezione delle classi proletarie) e Chi ha vissuto un certo tipo di sinistra non può non odiare con profondità illimitata quella odierna del Partito Democratico: per il tradimento inferto alla libertà e alla civiltà ebraico-cristiana ( e il totale servilismo alle lobby lgbt bancarie e tecnocratiche i satanisti)

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago

molto grave per lgbt Sodoma che le navi in passato abbiano avuto nomi femminili ]
Le follie del Politically Correct: Navi “gender-neutral” al museo marittimo scozzese
di neovitruvian

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non è una testata giornalistica

non è una testata giornalistica

non è una testata giornalistica

troll Ja- Bull-On Allah lilith •

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gli ebrei della diaspora sono una minaccia mortale per gli israeliani
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