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Writings by Topic: Persecution of Minorities
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TitleAuthorDate"We Have No Mercy on You People": Persecution of Christians, July 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/08/23
The Ignored Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2020/08/16
"Burned Alive": Persecution of Christians, June 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/07/26
Turkey Deporting Protestant Christians Uzay Bulut 2020/07/05
"32,000 Christians Butchered to Death": The Persecution of Christians, May 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/06/28
Copts Crucified: Trump Remembers Egypt's Persecuted Christian Minority Raymond Ibrahim 2020/06/14
Iran's Expanding Influence into Iraq's Christian Areas Uzay Bulut 2020/06/11
"You Are Finished!": Turkey's Growing War on Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2020/06/07
"Epidemic Prevention" Chinese Communist Party Style: Persecute Religious Minorities Judith Bergman 2020/05/24
Turkey: Erdogan's "Leftovers of the Sword" Uzay Bulut 2020/05/13
Coronavirus: More Abuse of Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2020/05/10
"The Goal Was to Kill as Many People as Possible": The Persecution of Christians, March 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/05/03
"Jihadists Martyred Him for Refusing to Renounce Jesus Christ": The Persecution of Christians, February 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/04/12
He Simply "Hates Christians": The Persecution of Christians: January 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/03/29
Turkey: Pressures, Attacks, and Discrimination against Christians Uzay Bulut 2020/03/29
The Vatican Surrenders to China Giulio Meotti 2020/03/22
China's War on Religion Ensnares American-based Pastor John Cao Lawrence A. Franklin 2020/03/18
"Please, Please Help Us!": The Persecution of Christians: December 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/03/15
Who's Attacking Palestinian Christians? Bassam Tawil 2020/03/08
China Cracks Down on Religion Even Harder Judith Bergman 2020/03/02
"They Came to Kill Him": The Persecution of Christians - November 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/02/16
A Global Catastrophe: "260 Million Christians Experience High Levels of Persecution" Raymond Ibrahim 2020/02/02
Cruelty to Animals Gets More Media Coverage than Beheaded Christians Giulio Meotti 2020/01/26
Christian Couple Kidnapped in Turkey Uzay Bulut 2020/01/20
We "Have to Kill Christians": Persecution of Christians, October 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/01/19
Turkey's No Longer Best-Kept Secret: Islamized Christians Vasileios Meichanetsidis 2020/01/12
Christians Beheaded for Christmas, The West Goes Back to Sleep Giulio Meotti 2020/01/05
In Iran, It Is a Crime to Be a Christian Majid Rafizadeh 2019/12/29
UN, UK Treating Persecuted Christians as "Enemies" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/25
"Silent Night": Persecuted Palestinian Christians Kept Out of Sight Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/22
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: Europe's Solitary Defender of Persecuted Christians Giulio Meotti 2019/12/15
Another Ignored Genocide of Christians Plagues Burkina Faso Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/15
The Fate of Christians in the Current World Denis MacEoin 2019/12/08
Egypt: Christian Churches Burn "Accidentally," or Have "Terrorists Changed Operations"? Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/08
Turkey's Open Secret: Fake Secularism Burak Bekdil 2019/12/03
Pope Francis, 'The Song of Roland' and Imam Al-Tayeb Giulio Meotti 2019/12/01
Radical Persecution Must Be Eradicated Lawrence A. Franklin 2019/11/18
The "Great Pleasure in Destroying Christians": The Persecution of Christians, September 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/11/17
The Palestinian Christmas Show Bassam Tawil 2019/11/12
Turkey: Hate Speech against Christians and Jews Sezen Şahin 2019/11/11
"Too Many to Count": The Global Persecution of Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2019/11/10
Turkey: Arming Genocide of Christians in Nigeria? Raymond Ibrahim 2019/11/03
"Why Are You So Silent?": Persecution of Christians, August 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/10/27
Christians in Burkina Faso: "A Fight for Survival" Uzay Bulut 2019/10/13
"WORLD TAKE NOTE!": Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2019/10/06
"Convert, Marry Me, or Die": Persecution of Christians, July 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/09/22
Christians Massacred, Media Look the Other Way Giulio Meotti 2019/09/08
"There Is No Christian Anymore in This Town": Persecution of Christians, June 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/08/25
The Widespread Desecration of Christian Graves Raymond Ibrahim 2019/08/22
The Extinction of Christians in the Middle East Giulio Meotti 2019/08/18
Sweden: Whitewashing Its Anti-Semitism? Nima Gholam Ali Pour 2019/08/08
Forty Years of Iranian Intolerance Denis MacEoin 2019/08/07
Pakistan: Abduction, Forced Conversion of Non-Muslim Girls Uzay Bulut 2019/08/07
India: Caste Discrimination Remains, Despite Liberal Laws Jagdish N. Singh 2019/08/06
The Latest UN Horror Show: Christian Refugees Ignored Uzay Bulut 2019/08/04
"We Are Never Heard": Persecution of Christians, May 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/07/21
"You Are Born to Clean Our Houses": Persecution of Christians, April 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/07/07
Christians in Africa: "You have three days to go or you will be killed!" Giulio Meotti 2019/06/30
Africa: Alarming Rise of Christian Persecution Uzay Bulut 2019/06/26
The Suppressed Plight of Palestinian Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2019/06/13
"Rarely Reported by the Media Anymore": Persecution of Christians, March 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/06/02
Genocide of Christians Reaches "Alarming Stage" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/26
Turkey: Erdogan Describes Armenian Genocide as 'Reasonable Relocation' Uzay Bulut 2019/05/22
Burkina Faso: The New Land of Islamic Jihad and Christian Slaughter Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/19
Chinese Sex Trade in Pakistan: Abuse of Christian Girls Kaswar Klasra 2019/05/13
"I Don't Know Why They Attacked Our Village": Persecution of Christians, February 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/12
Iran's 'Terror Factory' Targeting Christians Uzay Bulut 2019/05/05
Holiday Massacres of Christians: A New Fact of Life Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/02
Turkey: On Anniversary of Genocide, Armenians Still under Attack Uzay Bulut 2019/05/01
Annihilation of Christian Life and People: Where is the Outrage in the West? Giulio Meotti 2019/04/28
359 'People Were in Pieces!' Raymond Ibrahim 2019/04/25
Nigeria: Jihad against Christians Uzay Bulut 2019/04/21
UK: Radical Muslims Welcome, Persecuted Christians Need Not Apply Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/31
Pakistan: Mentally Disabled Christians Charged with Blasphemy Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/24
Britain's War on Christianity: Part I Soeren Kern 2019/03/19
"Is It Really Human Beings Doing This?" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/10
Report: "11 Christians Killed Every Day for Their Faith" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/03
Turkey: The Case of the Missing Priests Uzay Bulut 2019/02/27
Iran: Mounting Persecution of Christians Majid Rafizadeh 2019/02/24
"We Will Displace You ...": Persecution of Christians, December 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/02/17
The Pope's Stubborn Silence on the Persecution of Christians Giulio Meotti 2019/02/03
The Widespread Persecution of Converts to Christianity Uzay Bulut 2019/02/03
"We Will Teach You a Lesson": Extremist Persecution of Christians, November 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/01/27
The Vatican Surrenders to China Lawrence A. Franklin 2019/01/20
Turkey's War on Christian Missionaries Uzay Bulut 2018/12/30
Pakistan Earned U.S. Designation as "Country of Particular Concern" Kaswar Klasra 2018/12/27
The Rubber Whip: Extremist Persecution of Christians, October 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/25
New Revelation: Previous US Administration Facilitated Christian Genocide in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/23
"United Nations, Your Silence is Getting Worse": Extremist Persecution of Christians, September 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/16
"Burnt Beyond Recognition": Extremist Persecution of Christians, August 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/02
"We Will Displace You" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/11/25
"A Pure Genocide": Extremist Persecution of Christians, June 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/11/18
The West Must Offer Immediate Asylum to Asia Bibi Giulio Meotti 2018/11/14
A Bloodbath for Christians, No Response from Egypt Raymond Ibrahim 2018/11/11
Asia Bibi: Pakistan's Judicial Betrayal Giulio Meotti 2018/11/05
Tale of a Christian Mother in a Non-Christian Land Majid Rafizadeh 2018/11/04
Life Returning Slowly to Christian Homeland in Iraq Kenneth R. Timmerman 2018/11/01
Pakistan: Asia Bibi Acquitted After Years Awaiting Death for "Blasphemy" Giulio Meotti 2018/10/31
The Annihilation of Iraq's Christian Minority Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/28
"It Is the Quran That Must Be Read" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/21
Christians Sentenced to Death Under Sharia Law Majid Rafizadeh 2018/10/14
"Genocide against Christians" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/14
Pakistan: Death or Life for Christian "Blasphemer"? Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/10
Iran's Idea of "Human Rights": Persecute Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/07
"We Are Bigger than Your Jesus!" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/09/23
Death as Punishment "for Disbelief": Extremist Persecution of Christians, February 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/09/09
New Heights of Turkish Hypocrisy Uzay Bulut 2018/08/09
UK: Discrimination against Christian Refugees Judith Bergman 2018/08/06
"Be Cursed Forever": Extremist Persecution of Christians, January 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/08/05
Turkey: Detained US Pastor Brunson Vilified by State-Supporting Media Uzay Bulut 2018/07/29
"It Was Like a War against the Church" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/07/22
International Community Ignores Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2018/07/08
The Abuse of Egypt's Coptic Christians Salim Mansur 2018/07/07
Bishop Graham Tomlin and the Demonization of Israel Denis MacEoin 2018/06/24
UN Has Only Recommended Tiny Token Numbers of Syrian Christians for Resettlement in the UK Raymond Ibrahim 2018/06/03
In the European Appeasement Olympics, Who Wins? Bruce Bawer 2018/05/26
Armenian Genocide: Turkey Cracks Down Uzay Bulut 2018/05/06
Turkey Calls on Europe to Criminalize "Islamophobia" Uzay Bulut 2018/04/30
Christian, Yazidi Women Still in ISIS Captivity Sirwan Kajjo 2018/04/16
"Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/04/15
Iraq's Christians: Eighty Percent Have "Disappeared" Giulio Meotti 2018/04/01
Why Christians Need Self Rule in Iraq Uzay Bulut 2018/03/30
Nigeria's Christians Today, Europe's Christians Tomorrow Giulio Meotti 2018/03/18
"Don't Dare Sit with Us if You Want to Live" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/02/25
Infidel Women: Spoils of War Raymond Ibrahim 2018/02/17
215,000,000 Christians Persecuted, Mostly by Muslims Raymond Ibrahim 2018/01/21
Restoring Persecuted Middle East Christians' Faith in America Johny Messo 2018/01/21
"Oh You Cross-Worshippers, We'll Kill You All" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/01/14
Pakistan: Blasphemy Laws, Human-Rights Abuses Deepen A. Z. Mohamed 2017/12/28
Christians "Slaughtered Like Chicken" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/12/17
Europe: Destroyed by the West's Indifference? Giulio Meotti 2017/11/19
"We Are Going to Burn You Alive!" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/11/05
Time for an Assyrian Regional Government in Iraq Uzay Bulut 2017/11/05
"Our Lives Have Turned into Hell" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/10/15
Turkey's Mass Persecution of Christians and Kurds Uzay Bulut 2017/09/04
"It's a War on Christians": Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2017 Raymond Ibrahim 2017/08/27
Is the State Department Buying Arab Propaganda? Nonie Darwish 2017/08/09
Islamist Spies Infiltrating the West to Terrorize Christians Majid Rafizadeh 2017/08/06
Slaughtered Christians "A Viable Target"? Raymond Ibrahim 2017/07/16
Deadly Tale: Christian Converts from Islam Majid Rafizadeh 2017/07/09
After Middle East, Will Islamists Uproot Christians in Europe? Giulio Meotti 2017/06/04
"Drip-Drip" Genocide: Muslim Persecution of Christians, February, 2017 Raymond Ibrahim 2017/05/28
The Great Price of "Blaspheming" against Muhammad Raymond Ibrahim 2017/05/14
Europe: What Happens to Christians There Will Come Here Giulio Meotti 2017/04/30
"Spit on the Cross or Die" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/04/16
Death and Destruction for Christmas Raymond Ibrahim 2017/03/12
The West's Real Bigotry: Rejecting Persecuted Christians Uzay Bulut 2017/02/05
"If You Love Jesus, Then Die Like Jesus!" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/02/05
Turkey Jails American Pastor Uzay Bulut 2017/01/23
"Now Is Time to Behead Unbelievers" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/01/01
Palestinians: The Nightmare of Christians Khaled Abu Toameh 2016/12/24
"The Crescent Must be Above the Cross" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/12/18
Egypt's Deadliest Church Attack Raymond Ibrahim 2016/12/12
"Allah, Kill the Despicable Christians" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/11/20
Turkey Targets Oldest Syriac Orthodox Monastery Robert Jones 2016/11/16
Documented: Obama's "Traditional Muslim Bias" against Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/11/03
Turkey Targets Christians Robert Jones 2016/10/23
U.S. Helps Muslims, not Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/10/23
"First They Came for Asia Bibi" Douglas Murray 2016/10/21
"Christians Are Untouchables! They Are Meant for Cleaning Our Houses." Raymond Ibrahim 2016/10/02
"Christian Girls are only Meant for One Thing, the Pleasure of Muslim Men" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/09/26
Palestinians: Jibril Rajoub and the "Merry Christmas Group" Khaled Abu Toameh 2016/09/16
Christians as "Target Practice" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/08/28
"Justice" in Pakistan: Asia Bibi Lubna Thomas Benjamin 2016/08/03
Turkey's Tradition of Murdering Christians Robert Jones 2016/07/31
Not Just "An Absurd Murder," Pope Francis Lawrence A. Franklin 2016/07/27
"Worthless Christians" Treated "Like Animals" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/07/17
Pope Francis: The Good Shepherd Now Must Protect His Sheep Lawrence A. Franklin 2016/06/27
Egypt: New Attacks on Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/06/26
Obama's Refugee Policy: Yes to Potential Terrorists, No to Victims of Genocide Raymond Ibrahim 2016/06/05
Christians Beheaded and Slaughtered on Easter Raymond Ibrahim 2016/05/29
Pakistan: "Blasphemy" for Ethnic Cleansing Lubna Thomas Benjamin 2016/05/22
The West Must Say "Je Suis Asia Bibi" Giulio Meotti 2016/05/19
Germany: Christian Refugees Persecuted by Muslims Soeren Kern 2016/05/15
Jihad on Christian Church Tents Raymond Ibrahim 2016/05/15
"It Is My Dream to Behead Someone" -- American Muslim Raymond Ibrahim 2016/05/01
Turkey Builds Mega-Mosque in U.S., Blocks Churches in Turkey Uzay Bulut 2016/04/18
Palestinians: Erasing Christian History Khaled Abu Toameh 2016/04/12
Blasphemy Convictions Intensify in Sisi's Egypt Raymond Ibrahim 2016/04/06
Why Are Christians Leaving the Holy Land? Lawrence A. Franklin 2016/04/03
U.S. at Easter: When Christians Are Slaughtered, Look the Other Way Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/27
ISIS Massacre of Christians Not "Genocide," Obama Administration Insists Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/17
U.S. Policy Made 2015 the Worst Persecution of Christians "in Modern History" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/15
Bombed, Burned, and Urinated On: Churches Under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/02
Egypt's "Security Threat": Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2016/02/15
Islam's Sword Comes for Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/02/07
Mideast Christian Suffering, U.S. Denial Raymond Ibrahim 2016/01/31
Pakistan: "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/01/25
Turkey: Christian Refugees Live in Fear Uzay Bulut 2016/01/24
A Gruesome Christmas under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2016/01/18
The Real Threat to Palestinian Christians: Radical Islam Bassam Tawil 2015/12/27
ISIS Slaughtering Christians "In Their Beds" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/12/27
Grim Life for Christians in Muslim Pakistan Raymond Ibrahim 2015/12/25
Christians in Nigeria: Having Nothing but Everything Alan Craig 2015/12/25
"One Christian Slaughtered Every Five Minutes" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/12/14
Why Has the Church Abandoned the Christians of the Middle East? Judith Bergman 2015/12/10
The Indonesian Jihad on Christian Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2015/11/11
"We Did What We Learned: Attacking Christians" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/11/05
Christians Persecuted by Muslims Even in the West Raymond Ibrahim 2015/10/20
How Obama Ushered in the New Age of Christian Martyrdom Raymond Ibrahim 2015/10/10
Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions Raymond Ibrahim 2015/09/24
"Wake Up!": Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2015 Raymond Ibrahim 2015/09/19
U.S. and West Victimize Christians Fleeing ISIS Raymond Ibrahim 2015/09/06
Christians Burn While Pope Worries about "Worldly" Matters Raymond Ibrahim 2015/08/02
Islamist "Justice": Slow Painful Death for Christian Mother in Pakistan Raymond Ibrahim 2015/07/26
U.S. State Dept. Bars Christians from Testifying about Persecution Raymond Ibrahim 2015/07/24
"Islamic! Islamic!" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/06/20
Jihad on Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2015/06/15
"Whoever Disbelieves, Strike Off His Head" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/05/13
Churches in Turkey on the Verge of Extinction Uzay Bulut 2015/04/19
Christians Pay Islam's Price for Freedom Raymond Ibrahim 2015/04/19
Why Are These Christians Dying? Douglas Murray 2015/04/05
Christmas Slaughter Raymond Ibrahim 2015/02/01
The Significance of President El-Sisi's Greetings Raymond Ibrahim 2015/01/25
Christians Burned Alive Raymond Ibrahim 2015/01/10
Thousand Churches Destroyed in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2015/01/02
Christians and Churches Attacked in the West Raymond Ibrahim 2014/12/24
Raping and Beheading the Faithful Raymond Ibrahim 2014/12/10
Killing Christians: A State-Sponsored Crime in Pakistan Mohshin Habib 2014/11/27
Christians "Losing Everything" to Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2014/11/07
"We Need Your Head": Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2014 Raymond Ibrahim 2014/11/05
ISIS Snuffs Out Ancient Christianity Raymond Ibrahim 2014/11/01
U.S. Denies Visa to Victim of Boko Haram Raymond Ibrahim 2014/10/08
Holy Land: The Perils Facing Christians Pierre Rehov 2014/09/27
World Ignores Christian Exodus from Islamic World Raymond Ibrahim 2014/08/06
Christians in Israel: Pluses and Minuses Malcolm Lowe 2014/07/31
Obama Administration Suppresses Talk of Muslim Persecutions Raymond Ibrahim 2014/07/14
Christians "Most Persecuted Group in World" Raymond Ibrahim 2014/06/23
Iran: Imprisoned Christian Pastor Missing in Prison Shadi Paveh 2014/06/09
U.S. Becomes Chief Enabler of Christian Persecution Raymond Ibrahim 2014/05/14
"They Are Slaughtering Us Like Chickens" Raymond Ibrahim 2014/04/08
The Choices for Syria's Christians Lawrence A. Franklin 2014/04/04
The Last Christian in the Middle East? Ali Salim 2014/01/20
More Slaughter in Muslim Lands; Media, Governments Silent Raymond Ibrahim 2013/12/17
A Month of Horror for Christians under Islam: September 2013 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/12/02
What Happened to Christians in the Middle East this August? Raymond Ibrahim 2013/11/12
World Council of Churches Stands By As Christians Perish, Churches Wither Malcolm Lowe 2013/10/22
The Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in Egypt Michael Armanious 2013/10/01
Attacks on Christians Escalate in Egypt, Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2013/09/19
Vote for Me Or Else: Islamists' Latest Excuse to Kill Minorities Raymond Ibrahim 2013/09/17
The Degradation of Christian Women under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2013/09/11
Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2013/08/07
Christians Murdered Nonstop in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/30
Christian Suffering Under Jihadi Extremism Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/24
Pakistan: Violations against Christians Soar Mohshin Habib 2013/07/15
Muslim Brotherhood Out, Killing Christians In Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/09
Egypt: Christians Being Threatened Not to Join Protests Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/01
Jihad on Egypt's Christian Children Raymond Ibrahim 2013/06/03
Belgium Erasing Christianity for Islam Soeren Kern 2013/04/30
The Siege of Egypt's St. Mark Cathedral Raymond Ibrahim 2013/04/22
Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2013 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/04/18
Muslim Persecution of Christians Escalating in Pakistan Mohshin Habib 2013/04/09
Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2013 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/03/27
Muslims Behead Another Christian Pastor Raymond Ibrahim 2013/02/22
Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/02/06
Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/02/01
Yemen's Forgotten Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2013/01/29
Egyptian Cleric Threatens Egypt's Copts with Genocide Raymond Ibrahim 2012/12/28
Egypt's Christians: Caught in the Middle Raymond Ibrahim 2012/12/19
Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/12/07
Pakistan: Christian Missionary Attacked Saman Ataurehman 2012/12/05
Jihad on Christmas Trees Soeren Kern 2012/12/04
Pakistan: Historic Church Burned Down by Muslims Saman Ataurehman 2012/11/05
Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/10/31
Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/10/04
Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in the Sinai Khaled Abu Toameh 2012/10/01
Egypt: Kill a Christian, Collect a Reward Raymond Ibrahim 2012/09/04
Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/08/31
U.S. Distorts Nigerian Jihad on Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2012/08/20
Attacks on Christians Sharpen with Government Collusion Khaled Abu Toameh 2012/08/10
Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/07/26
Flight of Christians from Mid-East Reaches Syria Aidan Clay 2012/07/24
Who Will Save the Christians in the Gaza Strip? Khaled Abu Toameh 2012/07/20
Egypt's Power Struggle and the Fate of Christians Aidan Clay 2012/07/16
Muslim Persecution of Christians: May 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/06/28
Egypt: Islamists vs. Copts Raymond Ibrahim 2012/06/20
Christians Should "Convert, Pay Tribute, or Leave," Says Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Candidate? Raymond Ibrahim 2012/05/30
Top Saudi Cleric: Ban Christian Churches in Arabia Irfan Al-Alawi 2012/05/23
Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/05/18
Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/04/25
Anti-Christian and Anti-Jewish Sentiment in Malaysia Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2012/04/25
Death to Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2012/04/11
Muslim Persecution of Christians: February 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/03/16
The Fate of Syria Raymond Ibrahim 2012/03/08
Assad Slaughtering Syrian Christians Hani Bader 2012/02/27
A New Year of "Dhimmitude" for Egypt's Copts Raymond Ibrahim 2012/02/17
The Disquieting Treatment of Christians by the Palestinians Michael Curtis 2012/02/15
Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/02/09
Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/01/05
Nigeria's Christmas Present - Blowing Up Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2011/12/28
Muslim Persecution of Christians: November 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/12/21
Arab Spring Sending Shudders Through Christians in the Middle East Khaled Abu Toameh 2011/12/20
Attacks against Christians in Iraq Continue Suleyman Gultekin 2011/12/19
Collective Punishment Under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2011/12/08
Britain: Islam In, Christianity Out Soeren Kern 2011/12/01
Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/11/17
Christians in the Middle East Joseph Bottum 2011/11/17
Why Does the Crucifix "Provoke" Muslims? Raymond Ibrahim 2011/11/02
Egypt's Massacre of Christians: What the Media Does Not Want You To Know Raymond Ibrahim 2011/10/31
The Copts' New Enemy: Mohammed Hussein Tantawi Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2011/10/21
Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/10/12
Egypt Destroying Churches, One at a Time Raymond Ibrahim 2011/10/10
Christian Provocations Joseph Bottum 2011/09/28
Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/09/07
Islamists Slaughter Christians in Nigeria, Obama Looks the Other Way Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2011/05/06
Copts, Christians, Jews and Other Minorities in the Middle East Franck Salameh 2011/01/19
The Real Reasons for the Massacres of Christians and Jews in the Middle East Fiamma Nirenstein 2011/01/10
Muslim Christmas in Europe Soeren Kern 2011/01/06
Muslim Genocide of Christians Throughout Middle East Khaled Abu Toameh 2010/11/26
Islamists Accuse Egypt's Christians of… Radical Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2010/10/28
Egypt Cuts a Deal: Christians Fed to Muslim 'Lions' Raymond Ibrahim 2010/10/18
Egyptian Court Acquits Muslim Who Beheaded Christian
Mosul: Christians Live in Panic, Targeted in Killings
Egypt Persecutes Copts or How to Pick a Soccer Team Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2010/02/10
Egypt: If I Were a Copt Tarek Heggy 2009/08/18
Anti-Semitic, Anti-Christian Propaganda On Display At Chicago Conference Steven Emerson 2009/07/28
The Beleaguered Christians in Bethlehem Khaled Abu Toameh 2009/05/12
Showing 1 to 317 of 317 entries
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Writings by Topic: Persecution of Minorities
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TitleAuthorDate"We Have No Mercy on You People": Persecution of Christians, July 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/08/23
The Ignored Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2020/08/16
"Burned Alive": Persecution of Christians, June 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/07/26
Turkey Deporting Protestant Christians Uzay Bulut 2020/07/05
"32,000 Christians Butchered to Death": The Persecution of Christians, May 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/06/28
Copts Crucified: Trump Remembers Egypt's Persecuted Christian Minority Raymond Ibrahim 2020/06/14
Iran's Expanding Influence into Iraq's Christian Areas Uzay Bulut 2020/06/11
"You Are Finished!": Turkey's Growing War on Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2020/06/07
"Epidemic Prevention" Chinese Communist Party Style: Persecute Religious Minorities Judith Bergman 2020/05/24
Turkey: Erdogan's "Leftovers of the Sword" Uzay Bulut 2020/05/13
Coronavirus: More Abuse of Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2020/05/10
"The Goal Was to Kill as Many People as Possible": The Persecution of Christians, March 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/05/03
"Jihadists Martyred Him for Refusing to Renounce Jesus Christ": The Persecution of Christians, February 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/04/12
He Simply "Hates Christians": The Persecution of Christians: January 2020 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/03/29
Turkey: Pressures, Attacks, and Discrimination against Christians Uzay Bulut 2020/03/29
The Vatican Surrenders to China Giulio Meotti 2020/03/22
China's War on Religion Ensnares American-based Pastor John Cao Lawrence A. Franklin 2020/03/18
"Please, Please Help Us!": The Persecution of Christians: December 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/03/15
Who's Attacking Palestinian Christians? Bassam Tawil 2020/03/08
China Cracks Down on Religion Even Harder Judith Bergman 2020/03/02
"They Came to Kill Him": The Persecution of Christians - November 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/02/16
A Global Catastrophe: "260 Million Christians Experience High Levels of Persecution" Raymond Ibrahim 2020/02/02
Cruelty to Animals Gets More Media Coverage than Beheaded Christians Giulio Meotti 2020/01/26
Christian Couple Kidnapped in Turkey Uzay Bulut 2020/01/20
We "Have to Kill Christians": Persecution of Christians, October 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2020/01/19
Turkey's No Longer Best-Kept Secret: Islamized Christians Vasileios Meichanetsidis 2020/01/12
Christians Beheaded for Christmas, The West Goes Back to Sleep Giulio Meotti 2020/01/05
In Iran, It Is a Crime to Be a Christian Majid Rafizadeh 2019/12/29
UN, UK Treating Persecuted Christians as "Enemies" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/25
"Silent Night": Persecuted Palestinian Christians Kept Out of Sight Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/22
Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán: Europe's Solitary Defender of Persecuted Christians Giulio Meotti 2019/12/15
Another Ignored Genocide of Christians Plagues Burkina Faso Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/15
The Fate of Christians in the Current World Denis MacEoin 2019/12/08
Egypt: Christian Churches Burn "Accidentally," or Have "Terrorists Changed Operations"? Raymond Ibrahim 2019/12/08
Turkey's Open Secret: Fake Secularism Burak Bekdil 2019/12/03
Pope Francis, 'The Song of Roland' and Imam Al-Tayeb Giulio Meotti 2019/12/01
Radical Persecution Must Be Eradicated Lawrence A. Franklin 2019/11/18
The "Great Pleasure in Destroying Christians": The Persecution of Christians, September 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/11/17
The Palestinian Christmas Show Bassam Tawil 2019/11/12
Turkey: Hate Speech against Christians and Jews Sezen Şahin 2019/11/11
"Too Many to Count": The Global Persecution of Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2019/11/10
Turkey: Arming Genocide of Christians in Nigeria? Raymond Ibrahim 2019/11/03
"Why Are You So Silent?": Persecution of Christians, August 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/10/27
Christians in Burkina Faso: "A Fight for Survival" Uzay Bulut 2019/10/13
"WORLD TAKE NOTE!": Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2019/10/06
"Convert, Marry Me, or Die": Persecution of Christians, July 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/09/22
Christians Massacred, Media Look the Other Way Giulio Meotti 2019/09/08
"There Is No Christian Anymore in This Town": Persecution of Christians, June 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/08/25
The Widespread Desecration of Christian Graves Raymond Ibrahim 2019/08/22
The Extinction of Christians in the Middle East Giulio Meotti 2019/08/18
Sweden: Whitewashing Its Anti-Semitism? Nima Gholam Ali Pour 2019/08/08
Forty Years of Iranian Intolerance Denis MacEoin 2019/08/07
Pakistan: Abduction, Forced Conversion of Non-Muslim Girls Uzay Bulut 2019/08/07
India: Caste Discrimination Remains, Despite Liberal Laws Jagdish N. Singh 2019/08/06
The Latest UN Horror Show: Christian Refugees Ignored Uzay Bulut 2019/08/04
"We Are Never Heard": Persecution of Christians, May 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/07/21
"You Are Born to Clean Our Houses": Persecution of Christians, April 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/07/07
Christians in Africa: "You have three days to go or you will be killed!" Giulio Meotti 2019/06/30
Africa: Alarming Rise of Christian Persecution Uzay Bulut 2019/06/26
The Suppressed Plight of Palestinian Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2019/06/13
"Rarely Reported by the Media Anymore": Persecution of Christians, March 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/06/02
Genocide of Christians Reaches "Alarming Stage" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/26
Turkey: Erdogan Describes Armenian Genocide as 'Reasonable Relocation' Uzay Bulut 2019/05/22
Burkina Faso: The New Land of Islamic Jihad and Christian Slaughter Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/19
Chinese Sex Trade in Pakistan: Abuse of Christian Girls Kaswar Klasra 2019/05/13
"I Don't Know Why They Attacked Our Village": Persecution of Christians, February 2019 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/12
Iran's 'Terror Factory' Targeting Christians Uzay Bulut 2019/05/05
Holiday Massacres of Christians: A New Fact of Life Raymond Ibrahim 2019/05/02
Turkey: On Anniversary of Genocide, Armenians Still under Attack Uzay Bulut 2019/05/01
Annihilation of Christian Life and People: Where is the Outrage in the West? Giulio Meotti 2019/04/28
359 'People Were in Pieces!' Raymond Ibrahim 2019/04/25
Nigeria: Jihad against Christians Uzay Bulut 2019/04/21
UK: Radical Muslims Welcome, Persecuted Christians Need Not Apply Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/31
Pakistan: Mentally Disabled Christians Charged with Blasphemy Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/24
Britain's War on Christianity: Part I Soeren Kern 2019/03/19
"Is It Really Human Beings Doing This?" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/10
Report: "11 Christians Killed Every Day for Their Faith" Raymond Ibrahim 2019/03/03
Turkey: The Case of the Missing Priests Uzay Bulut 2019/02/27
Iran: Mounting Persecution of Christians Majid Rafizadeh 2019/02/24
"We Will Displace You ...": Persecution of Christians, December 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/02/17
The Pope's Stubborn Silence on the Persecution of Christians Giulio Meotti 2019/02/03
The Widespread Persecution of Converts to Christianity Uzay Bulut 2019/02/03
"We Will Teach You a Lesson": Extremist Persecution of Christians, November 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2019/01/27
The Vatican Surrenders to China Lawrence A. Franklin 2019/01/20
Turkey's War on Christian Missionaries Uzay Bulut 2018/12/30
Pakistan Earned U.S. Designation as "Country of Particular Concern" Kaswar Klasra 2018/12/27
The Rubber Whip: Extremist Persecution of Christians, October 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/25
New Revelation: Previous US Administration Facilitated Christian Genocide in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/23
"United Nations, Your Silence is Getting Worse": Extremist Persecution of Christians, September 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/16
"Burnt Beyond Recognition": Extremist Persecution of Christians, August 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/12/02
"We Will Displace You" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/11/25
"A Pure Genocide": Extremist Persecution of Christians, June 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/11/18
The West Must Offer Immediate Asylum to Asia Bibi Giulio Meotti 2018/11/14
A Bloodbath for Christians, No Response from Egypt Raymond Ibrahim 2018/11/11
Asia Bibi: Pakistan's Judicial Betrayal Giulio Meotti 2018/11/05
Tale of a Christian Mother in a Non-Christian Land Majid Rafizadeh 2018/11/04
Life Returning Slowly to Christian Homeland in Iraq Kenneth R. Timmerman 2018/11/01
Pakistan: Asia Bibi Acquitted After Years Awaiting Death for "Blasphemy" Giulio Meotti 2018/10/31
The Annihilation of Iraq's Christian Minority Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/28
"It Is the Quran That Must Be Read" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/21
Christians Sentenced to Death Under Sharia Law Majid Rafizadeh 2018/10/14
"Genocide against Christians" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/14
Pakistan: Death or Life for Christian "Blasphemer"? Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/10
Iran's Idea of "Human Rights": Persecute Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2018/10/07
"We Are Bigger than Your Jesus!" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/09/23
Death as Punishment "for Disbelief": Extremist Persecution of Christians, February 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/09/09
New Heights of Turkish Hypocrisy Uzay Bulut 2018/08/09
UK: Discrimination against Christian Refugees Judith Bergman 2018/08/06
"Be Cursed Forever": Extremist Persecution of Christians, January 2018 Raymond Ibrahim 2018/08/05
Turkey: Detained US Pastor Brunson Vilified by State-Supporting Media Uzay Bulut 2018/07/29
"It Was Like a War against the Church" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/07/22
International Community Ignores Genocide of Christians in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2018/07/08
The Abuse of Egypt's Coptic Christians Salim Mansur 2018/07/07
Bishop Graham Tomlin and the Demonization of Israel Denis MacEoin 2018/06/24
UN Has Only Recommended Tiny Token Numbers of Syrian Christians for Resettlement in the UK Raymond Ibrahim 2018/06/03
In the European Appeasement Olympics, Who Wins? Bruce Bawer 2018/05/26
Armenian Genocide: Turkey Cracks Down Uzay Bulut 2018/05/06
Turkey Calls on Europe to Criminalize "Islamophobia" Uzay Bulut 2018/04/30
Christian, Yazidi Women Still in ISIS Captivity Sirwan Kajjo 2018/04/16
"Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/04/15
Iraq's Christians: Eighty Percent Have "Disappeared" Giulio Meotti 2018/04/01
Why Christians Need Self Rule in Iraq Uzay Bulut 2018/03/30
Nigeria's Christians Today, Europe's Christians Tomorrow Giulio Meotti 2018/03/18
"Don't Dare Sit with Us if You Want to Live" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/02/25
Infidel Women: Spoils of War Raymond Ibrahim 2018/02/17
215,000,000 Christians Persecuted, Mostly by Muslims Raymond Ibrahim 2018/01/21
Restoring Persecuted Middle East Christians' Faith in America Johny Messo 2018/01/21
"Oh You Cross-Worshippers, We'll Kill You All" Raymond Ibrahim 2018/01/14
Pakistan: Blasphemy Laws, Human-Rights Abuses Deepen A. Z. Mohamed 2017/12/28
Christians "Slaughtered Like Chicken" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/12/17
Europe: Destroyed by the West's Indifference? Giulio Meotti 2017/11/19
"We Are Going to Burn You Alive!" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/11/05
Time for an Assyrian Regional Government in Iraq Uzay Bulut 2017/11/05
"Our Lives Have Turned into Hell" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/10/15
Turkey's Mass Persecution of Christians and Kurds Uzay Bulut 2017/09/04
"It's a War on Christians": Muslim Persecution of Christians, April 2017 Raymond Ibrahim 2017/08/27
Is the State Department Buying Arab Propaganda? Nonie Darwish 2017/08/09
Islamist Spies Infiltrating the West to Terrorize Christians Majid Rafizadeh 2017/08/06
Slaughtered Christians "A Viable Target"? Raymond Ibrahim 2017/07/16
Deadly Tale: Christian Converts from Islam Majid Rafizadeh 2017/07/09
After Middle East, Will Islamists Uproot Christians in Europe? Giulio Meotti 2017/06/04
"Drip-Drip" Genocide: Muslim Persecution of Christians, February, 2017 Raymond Ibrahim 2017/05/28
The Great Price of "Blaspheming" against Muhammad Raymond Ibrahim 2017/05/14
Europe: What Happens to Christians There Will Come Here Giulio Meotti 2017/04/30
"Spit on the Cross or Die" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/04/16
Death and Destruction for Christmas Raymond Ibrahim 2017/03/12
The West's Real Bigotry: Rejecting Persecuted Christians Uzay Bulut 2017/02/05
"If You Love Jesus, Then Die Like Jesus!" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/02/05
Turkey Jails American Pastor Uzay Bulut 2017/01/23
"Now Is Time to Behead Unbelievers" Raymond Ibrahim 2017/01/01
Palestinians: The Nightmare of Christians Khaled Abu Toameh 2016/12/24
"The Crescent Must be Above the Cross" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/12/18
Egypt's Deadliest Church Attack Raymond Ibrahim 2016/12/12
"Allah, Kill the Despicable Christians" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/11/20
Turkey Targets Oldest Syriac Orthodox Monastery Robert Jones 2016/11/16
Documented: Obama's "Traditional Muslim Bias" against Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/11/03
Turkey Targets Christians Robert Jones 2016/10/23
U.S. Helps Muslims, not Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/10/23
"First They Came for Asia Bibi" Douglas Murray 2016/10/21
"Christians Are Untouchables! They Are Meant for Cleaning Our Houses." Raymond Ibrahim 2016/10/02
"Christian Girls are only Meant for One Thing, the Pleasure of Muslim Men" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/09/26
Palestinians: Jibril Rajoub and the "Merry Christmas Group" Khaled Abu Toameh 2016/09/16
Christians as "Target Practice" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/08/28
"Justice" in Pakistan: Asia Bibi Lubna Thomas Benjamin 2016/08/03
Turkey's Tradition of Murdering Christians Robert Jones 2016/07/31
Not Just "An Absurd Murder," Pope Francis Lawrence A. Franklin 2016/07/27
"Worthless Christians" Treated "Like Animals" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/07/17
Pope Francis: The Good Shepherd Now Must Protect His Sheep Lawrence A. Franklin 2016/06/27
Egypt: New Attacks on Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/06/26
Obama's Refugee Policy: Yes to Potential Terrorists, No to Victims of Genocide Raymond Ibrahim 2016/06/05
Christians Beheaded and Slaughtered on Easter Raymond Ibrahim 2016/05/29
Pakistan: "Blasphemy" for Ethnic Cleansing Lubna Thomas Benjamin 2016/05/22
The West Must Say "Je Suis Asia Bibi" Giulio Meotti 2016/05/19
Germany: Christian Refugees Persecuted by Muslims Soeren Kern 2016/05/15
Jihad on Christian Church Tents Raymond Ibrahim 2016/05/15
"It Is My Dream to Behead Someone" -- American Muslim Raymond Ibrahim 2016/05/01
Turkey Builds Mega-Mosque in U.S., Blocks Churches in Turkey Uzay Bulut 2016/04/18
Palestinians: Erasing Christian History Khaled Abu Toameh 2016/04/12
Blasphemy Convictions Intensify in Sisi's Egypt Raymond Ibrahim 2016/04/06
Why Are Christians Leaving the Holy Land? Lawrence A. Franklin 2016/04/03
U.S. at Easter: When Christians Are Slaughtered, Look the Other Way Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/27
ISIS Massacre of Christians Not "Genocide," Obama Administration Insists Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/17
U.S. Policy Made 2015 the Worst Persecution of Christians "in Modern History" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/15
Bombed, Burned, and Urinated On: Churches Under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2016/03/02
Egypt's "Security Threat": Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2016/02/15
Islam's Sword Comes for Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2016/02/07
Mideast Christian Suffering, U.S. Denial Raymond Ibrahim 2016/01/31
Pakistan: "Christian Girls Are Only Meant for the Pleasure of Muslim Men" Raymond Ibrahim 2016/01/25
Turkey: Christian Refugees Live in Fear Uzay Bulut 2016/01/24
A Gruesome Christmas under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2016/01/18
The Real Threat to Palestinian Christians: Radical Islam Bassam Tawil 2015/12/27
ISIS Slaughtering Christians "In Their Beds" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/12/27
Grim Life for Christians in Muslim Pakistan Raymond Ibrahim 2015/12/25
Christians in Nigeria: Having Nothing but Everything Alan Craig 2015/12/25
"One Christian Slaughtered Every Five Minutes" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/12/14
Why Has the Church Abandoned the Christians of the Middle East? Judith Bergman 2015/12/10
The Indonesian Jihad on Christian Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2015/11/11
"We Did What We Learned: Attacking Christians" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/11/05
Christians Persecuted by Muslims Even in the West Raymond Ibrahim 2015/10/20
How Obama Ushered in the New Age of Christian Martyrdom Raymond Ibrahim 2015/10/10
Obama Throws Christian Refugees to Lions Raymond Ibrahim 2015/09/24
"Wake Up!": Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2015 Raymond Ibrahim 2015/09/19
U.S. and West Victimize Christians Fleeing ISIS Raymond Ibrahim 2015/09/06
Christians Burn While Pope Worries about "Worldly" Matters Raymond Ibrahim 2015/08/02
Islamist "Justice": Slow Painful Death for Christian Mother in Pakistan Raymond Ibrahim 2015/07/26
U.S. State Dept. Bars Christians from Testifying about Persecution Raymond Ibrahim 2015/07/24
"Islamic! Islamic!" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/06/20
Jihad on Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2015/06/15
"Whoever Disbelieves, Strike Off His Head" Raymond Ibrahim 2015/05/13
Churches in Turkey on the Verge of Extinction Uzay Bulut 2015/04/19
Christians Pay Islam's Price for Freedom Raymond Ibrahim 2015/04/19
Why Are These Christians Dying? Douglas Murray 2015/04/05
Christmas Slaughter Raymond Ibrahim 2015/02/01
The Significance of President El-Sisi's Greetings Raymond Ibrahim 2015/01/25
Christians Burned Alive Raymond Ibrahim 2015/01/10
Thousand Churches Destroyed in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2015/01/02
Christians and Churches Attacked in the West Raymond Ibrahim 2014/12/24
Raping and Beheading the Faithful Raymond Ibrahim 2014/12/10
Killing Christians: A State-Sponsored Crime in Pakistan Mohshin Habib 2014/11/27
Christians "Losing Everything" to Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2014/11/07
"We Need Your Head": Muslim Persecution of Christians, July 2014 Raymond Ibrahim 2014/11/05
ISIS Snuffs Out Ancient Christianity Raymond Ibrahim 2014/11/01
U.S. Denies Visa to Victim of Boko Haram Raymond Ibrahim 2014/10/08
Holy Land: The Perils Facing Christians Pierre Rehov 2014/09/27
World Ignores Christian Exodus from Islamic World Raymond Ibrahim 2014/08/06
Christians in Israel: Pluses and Minuses Malcolm Lowe 2014/07/31
Obama Administration Suppresses Talk of Muslim Persecutions Raymond Ibrahim 2014/07/14
Christians "Most Persecuted Group in World" Raymond Ibrahim 2014/06/23
Iran: Imprisoned Christian Pastor Missing in Prison Shadi Paveh 2014/06/09
U.S. Becomes Chief Enabler of Christian Persecution Raymond Ibrahim 2014/05/14
"They Are Slaughtering Us Like Chickens" Raymond Ibrahim 2014/04/08
The Choices for Syria's Christians Lawrence A. Franklin 2014/04/04
The Last Christian in the Middle East? Ali Salim 2014/01/20
More Slaughter in Muslim Lands; Media, Governments Silent Raymond Ibrahim 2013/12/17
A Month of Horror for Christians under Islam: September 2013 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/12/02
What Happened to Christians in the Middle East this August? Raymond Ibrahim 2013/11/12
World Council of Churches Stands By As Christians Perish, Churches Wither Malcolm Lowe 2013/10/22
The Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in Egypt Michael Armanious 2013/10/01
Attacks on Christians Escalate in Egypt, Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2013/09/19
Vote for Me Or Else: Islamists' Latest Excuse to Kill Minorities Raymond Ibrahim 2013/09/17
The Degradation of Christian Women under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2013/09/11
Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2013/08/07
Christians Murdered Nonstop in Nigeria Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/30
Christian Suffering Under Jihadi Extremism Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/24
Pakistan: Violations against Christians Soar Mohshin Habib 2013/07/15
Muslim Brotherhood Out, Killing Christians In Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/09
Egypt: Christians Being Threatened Not to Join Protests Raymond Ibrahim 2013/07/01
Jihad on Egypt's Christian Children Raymond Ibrahim 2013/06/03
Belgium Erasing Christianity for Islam Soeren Kern 2013/04/30
The Siege of Egypt's St. Mark Cathedral Raymond Ibrahim 2013/04/22
Muslim Persecution of Christians: February, 2013 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/04/18
Muslim Persecution of Christians Escalating in Pakistan Mohshin Habib 2013/04/09
Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2013 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/03/27
Muslims Behead Another Christian Pastor Raymond Ibrahim 2013/02/22
Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/02/06
Muslim Persecution of Christians: November, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2013/02/01
Yemen's Forgotten Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2013/01/29
Egyptian Cleric Threatens Egypt's Copts with Genocide Raymond Ibrahim 2012/12/28
Egypt's Christians: Caught in the Middle Raymond Ibrahim 2012/12/19
Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/12/07
Pakistan: Christian Missionary Attacked Saman Ataurehman 2012/12/05
Jihad on Christmas Trees Soeren Kern 2012/12/04
Pakistan: Historic Church Burned Down by Muslims Saman Ataurehman 2012/11/05
Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/10/31
Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/10/04
Ethnic Cleansing of Christians in the Sinai Khaled Abu Toameh 2012/10/01
Egypt: Kill a Christian, Collect a Reward Raymond Ibrahim 2012/09/04
Muslim Persecution of Christians: July, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/08/31
U.S. Distorts Nigerian Jihad on Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2012/08/20
Attacks on Christians Sharpen with Government Collusion Khaled Abu Toameh 2012/08/10
Muslim Persecution of Christians: June, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/07/26
Flight of Christians from Mid-East Reaches Syria Aidan Clay 2012/07/24
Who Will Save the Christians in the Gaza Strip? Khaled Abu Toameh 2012/07/20
Egypt's Power Struggle and the Fate of Christians Aidan Clay 2012/07/16
Muslim Persecution of Christians: May 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/06/28
Egypt: Islamists vs. Copts Raymond Ibrahim 2012/06/20
Christians Should "Convert, Pay Tribute, or Leave," Says Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Candidate? Raymond Ibrahim 2012/05/30
Top Saudi Cleric: Ban Christian Churches in Arabia Irfan Al-Alawi 2012/05/23
Muslim Persecution of Christians: April 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/05/18
Muslim Persecution of Christians: March, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/04/25
Anti-Christian and Anti-Jewish Sentiment in Malaysia Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2012/04/25
Death to Churches Raymond Ibrahim 2012/04/11
Muslim Persecution of Christians: February 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/03/16
The Fate of Syria Raymond Ibrahim 2012/03/08
Assad Slaughtering Syrian Christians Hani Bader 2012/02/27
A New Year of "Dhimmitude" for Egypt's Copts Raymond Ibrahim 2012/02/17
The Disquieting Treatment of Christians by the Palestinians Michael Curtis 2012/02/15
Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2012 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/02/09
Muslim Persecution of Christians: December, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2012/01/05
Nigeria's Christmas Present - Blowing Up Christians Raymond Ibrahim 2011/12/28
Muslim Persecution of Christians: November 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/12/21
Arab Spring Sending Shudders Through Christians in the Middle East Khaled Abu Toameh 2011/12/20
Attacks against Christians in Iraq Continue Suleyman Gultekin 2011/12/19
Collective Punishment Under Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2011/12/08
Britain: Islam In, Christianity Out Soeren Kern 2011/12/01
Muslim Persecution of Christians: October, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/11/17
Christians in the Middle East Joseph Bottum 2011/11/17
Why Does the Crucifix "Provoke" Muslims? Raymond Ibrahim 2011/11/02
Egypt's Massacre of Christians: What the Media Does Not Want You To Know Raymond Ibrahim 2011/10/31
The Copts' New Enemy: Mohammed Hussein Tantawi Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2011/10/21
Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/10/12
Egypt Destroying Churches, One at a Time Raymond Ibrahim 2011/10/10
Christian Provocations Joseph Bottum 2011/09/28
Muslim Persecution of Christians: August, 2011 Raymond Ibrahim 2011/09/07
Islamists Slaughter Christians in Nigeria, Obama Looks the Other Way Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2011/05/06
Copts, Christians, Jews and Other Minorities in the Middle East Franck Salameh 2011/01/19
The Real Reasons for the Massacres of Christians and Jews in the Middle East Fiamma Nirenstein 2011/01/10
Muslim Christmas in Europe Soeren Kern 2011/01/06
Muslim Genocide of Christians Throughout Middle East Khaled Abu Toameh 2010/11/26
Islamists Accuse Egypt's Christians of… Radical Islam Raymond Ibrahim 2010/10/28
Egypt Cuts a Deal: Christians Fed to Muslim 'Lions' Raymond Ibrahim 2010/10/18
Egyptian Court Acquits Muslim Who Beheaded Christian
Mosul: Christians Live in Panic, Targeted in Killings
Egypt Persecutes Copts or How to Pick a Soccer Team Anna Mahjar-Barducci 2010/02/10
Egypt: If I Were a Copt Tarek Heggy 2009/08/18
Anti-Semitic, Anti-Christian Propaganda On Display At Chicago Conference Steven Emerson 2009/07/28
The Beleaguered Christians in Bethlehem Khaled Abu Toameh 2009/05/12
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