Israel Is Under Deadly Threat-Extinction For Planned, Announced And Prepared Massive Missile Attack!
1. after its ten-year threats, Iran cannot develop its missile and nuclear potential without limitations!
2. Erdogan has already surrounded the military base of Incirlik Air Base with the army, it is no longer reliable for NATO!
3. There must be two huge US air and missile bases in Syria and Iraq, ASAP.
=========Israele è sotto minaccia mortale-estinzione per preventivato, annunciato e preparato attacco missilistico massivo!
1. dopo le sue decennali minacce Iran non può sviluppare la sua potenzialità missilistica e nucleare senza limitazioni!
2. Erdogan ha già circondato con l'esercito la base militare di Base aerea di Incirlik, essa per la NATO non è più attendibile!
3. in Siria e Iraq ci devono essere due enormi basi aeree e missilistiche degli USA, al più presto.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is trying to make Turkey a unique example of political oxymoron: An "invaluable" NATO ally also in deeply strategic and military alliance with Russia. He will not step back from his horse trading with the West, the Russia card in his hand, unless he sees that his love affair with Russia will come with a punishing cost. Pictured: Erdoğan (right) with Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Image source:
Turkey has been a NATO ally since 1952. On October 6, NATO's childishly naïve secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, praised Turkey as "an important ally [that] played an important role in defeating Daesh." Both of his suggestions are grossly incorrect: Turkey is becoming an important Russian ally, not a NATO ally, whose irregular militia allies in Syria are the jihadist remnants of Daesh (Islamic State).
Like a spurned lover, deeply offended by President Joe Biden's refusal to meet him on the sidelines of September's UN General Assembly meeting in New York, Turkey's Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rushed to the Black Sea town of Sochi, Russia, on September 29 for a tête-a-tête with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On his way back from New York, Erdoğan told reporters, "the signs are not good in Turkey's relations with the United States."
Palestinians Fume as Israel Says NO Consulate; Republican Superstars Pitch Vision to Jews; Biden Silent as EU, Iran and China Freely Violate US Sanctions; Latest News!
Palestinians Fume as Israel Insists No US Consulate in Jerusalem
Read Now

Republican Superstars Pitch Pro-Israel 'Presidential Vision' at Jewish Conference
Read Now
Right Wing Lawmakers Renew Push Legalize Settlements in Judea, Samaria
Read Now
SPEECHLESS: Biden Silent as EU, Iran and China Freely Violate US Sanctions
Read Now

Reaffirming Israeli Sovereignty, Colombia Announces Opening of New Office in Jerusalem
Read Now
Is Russia About to Finish Off Mahmoud Abbas?
AnalysisRead Now
Want to Save the Planet? Stop the Scare Tactics; What Are These Cute Palestinian Kids Singing on TV? Survivor of Childhood Illness Becomes IDF Combat Soldier, Against All Odds; Sister of Victim of Florida Collapse Meets IDF Rescuer

CS Lewis biopic becomes surprise blockbuster
In an interview with The Christian Post, Max McLean, who stars as C.S. Lewis in the biopic "The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis," shares how the late author assisted in his own conversion to Christianity. The film, which was originally released for one night only, will run nationwide following more than $1.2 million in box office sales on its Nov. 3 debut.

14-Day Fatherhood Challenge just for you!
"A good father is one of the most unsung, upraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society."
— Dr. Billy Graham. Join us for a free virtual event on Fatherhood - register online at

Study: Churches open, but congregants slow in returning
Approximately 98% of Protestant churches are now open for in-person services but foot traffic has been slow to return to their pews particularly for black churches, a new survey from Lifeway Research shows. "Worship attendance is improving, but there is still a large gap between today's in-person attendance and pre-COVID levels," Life Research's Scott McConnell explained.

Liberty University files restraining order against 'whistleblower' suing for wrongful firing
Liberty University is asking a federal court to stop a former employee from disclosing confidential information and documents amid a legal battle over claims that the evangelical Christian school wrongfully fired him for speaking out about how it handled sexual assault allegations. "Although many of these materials were likely protected trade secrets, privileged communications or attorney work product protected information, Lamb has admitted that he disclosed them to the media, general public and commercial enemies of Liberty without privilege or prior permission as contractually required," a memorandum of law filed in support of the motion reads.

Official: At least some of 17 missionaries kidnapped in Haiti still alive
An unnamed official in the Biden administration says that they have seen proof that at least some of the 17 missionaries kidnapped by the 400 Mawozo gang in Haiti are still alive. Gang leader Wilson Joseph has threatened to kill them if he is not paid $17 million in ransom.

Pratt gives 'all glory to God' after social media backlash
Actor Chris Pratt glorified God after being accused of insulting his ex-wife, Anna Faris, and their son in an Instagram post in which he praised his current wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt. The actor advised anyone else feeling down to connect with God through worship music or the Bible.

Strong Fathers Build Strong Families!
Promise Keepers Virtual Fatherhood Summit is a fast-paced, free event with practical talk from top teachers. We'll discuss the real issues impacting your family and kids. We'll walk you through it every step of the way! REGISTER NOW FOR FREE.

Op-ed: 5 certainties of Heaven
Canon J. John writes about five certainties of Heaven we can draw from the Bible. From experiencing joy to maintaining our identity, John uses scripture to highlight biblical insights on Heaven but also explains, "Given our limited data, the safest answer to most questions to do with Heaven is simply 'we don't know.'"

Promise Keepers Virtual Fatherhood Summit is a fast-paced, free event with practical talk from top teachers. We'll discuss the real issues impacting your family and kids.
But we know that fatherhood topics can't all be addressed in a one-time online event. So, the Fatherhood Summit kicks off a 14-day challenge that will place you side by side virtually with other men as you build up your fathering skills in concrete ways. The program and follow up resources are beneficial whether you are father to kids in the home, a grandfather, or you mentor or coach kids. The interactive community provides opportunities to speak into the lives of other dads and young fathers - we need you in this challenge as iron sharpens iron.
Our goal is to equip, connect, and activate you in an interactive brotherhood community known as the Promise Keepers App.
We'll walk you through it every step of the way! Just register today.
Dr. Tony Evans and son Anthony Evans A.R. Bernard and his son Jamaal Bernard •David and Jason BenhamGreg Stier (Dare2Share) Mark Hancock (Trail Life USA) Jerrad Lopes (DadTired) Zane Black Promise Keepers Conference Messages from Dennis Rainey and Josh McDowell •Ken Harrison and more
The program kicks off on November 10th with the live online event. Watch from home via Facebook or YouTube (register and we'll send you the link early) or gather a group of dads to watch via a Watch Party, or use this free resource at your church. If you can't join us live, you can register for the link to watch anytime after. Don't delay too long as we'll start the 14-day Fatherhood Challenge in the PK App the next day but you can start the challenge anytime you want. It's easy - just register today and we'll send you all the resources.
Topics include:
Tough topics in today's culture facing our kids
Raising gospel-advancing kids
What every good father provides
Speaking blessings into our sons and daughters
Connecting with our kids
Practical parenting and perspective from dads and grandfathers
Tips to achieve balance and pressures facing dads
Grandparenting, single dads, stepfathers
"Best of" Highlights for Dads from Promise Keepers Conferences
Encouragement and Community for Dads"La religione dei diritti umani è il suicidio dell'Europa"

Giulio Meotti
Nov 9
Intervista per la newsletter a Jean-Louis Harouel, autore del libro I diritti dell'uomo contro il popolo (Liberilibri). "La Francia è sulla strada per diventare un paese musulmano, mentre l'Occidente, il genio delle civiltà, è stato trascinato sul banco degli imputati. Dobbiamo iniziare a difendere la nostra cultura prima che sia troppo tardi..."
My father wants to see your name.
We are surprising my father with a MASSIVE Thanksgiving Card filled with messages and signatures from his BEST supporters.
YOU have always been there for us when we needed you the most, which is why I'm giving YOU priority access to be the first Patriot to sign the OFFICIAL TRUMP THANKSGIVING CARD.
There will be a lot of imposters out there, but this is the ONLY Official Trump Thanksgiving Card.
Add your name and a note TODAY to make sure you get the top spot on my father's Official Thanksgiving Card. >>

Friend, this is the ONLY place where you can leave my father a personal note for him to read. We can't hold your spot forever though, so act now.
Add your name by 11:59 PM TONIGHT to make sure you get the top spot on my father's Official Thanksgiving card. >>
Dear Friend—In the battle of ideas in the public square, we are winning. We're winning on every aspect of our agenda. Across the board, the American people side with us, and reject the views of the radical LGBT activists who are intent on "transforming" America into a dystopian nation where science, history and biological reality as discarded in favor of feelings, emotions and identity.
Your Donation To NOM Will Double
Just look at what happened last week in Virginia. The radical LGBT activists pushed transgenderism and other radical ideologies in the schools and parents revolted. Moms who are have never before been active in politics became engaged, and they drove turnout to record levels. In the process, they swept into office candidates who promised to reject the transgender agenda and prevent the indoctrination of children in the schools. Parents do not want their young girls subjected to males being given access to intimate, private areas at schools. They do not want their children being taught that biology is irrelevant to human sex and that instead "gender identity" determines if you are a male or a female. They don't want biological males competing against girls in sports. And they do not want to be told that their religious beliefs amount to discrimination and bigotry.
NOM is on the front lines fighting the radical LGBT agenda, including helping secure victory in Virginia last week. But to continue to prevail we need your help. Thanks to some generous donors, for a limited time every donation to NOM will be 100% matched, thus DOUBLING your gift. Even better, those people who become a monthly donor will have their monthly pledge matched for an entire year! That is a TWELVE TIMES return on your commitment to help NOM. Please help us today!

It wasn't just that a new governor was elected in Virginia who opposes indoctrination of transgender ideology, but so was a Lt. Governor and a new Attorney General! Furthermore, Republicans captured control of the Virginia House of Delegates. And it wasn't just in Virginia where parents and others told the politicians they'd had enough. In New Jersey, the uber-leftist governor Phil Murphy was very nearly defeated (and may still be since there are thousands of uncounted ballots) and the radical president of the state Senate, Steve Sweeney, actually WAS defeated, by a conservative candidate who spent a mere few hundred dollars on his campaign! Talk about a shellacking!
Help NOM Stop The Radical LGBT Agenda
You'd think that the radicals in Congress would get the hint that the America people do not want their country to be "transformed," but you'd be wrong. They think that they have not been radical enough! They blame their losses on a failure to push into law radical policies including the grossly-misnamed Equality Act which would impose large elements of the LGBT agenda that was just overwhelmingly rejected by voters. NOM must continue to lead the fight against the Equality Act, especially in light of the expected new push it will receive. Please help us with a donation today knowing that every gift will be DOUBLED and monthly pledges will be matched for an entire year! Your pledge of $10 per month will result in NOM receiving $120 in matching funds.
Ricordate il Russiagate di Trump? Una mega fake

Giulio Meotti
Nov 9

È stata la madre delle notizie in America per 3 anni. In Italia non c'è stato un solo giornalista che l'abbia messa in discussione. Ora si scopre che dietro c'erano falsi dossier dei Clinton e i media-scendiletto del Partito Democratico. Rivelazioni talmente grosse da dover essere ignorate...
nel silenzio più assoluto, in Parlamento è in discussione un progetto di legge che intende legalizzare, a certe condizioni, il suicidio assistito, e in più i Radicali hanno raccolto le firme per il cosiddetto "referendum sull'eutanasia": sempre col (falso) pretesto di aiutare chi vive una situazione di dolore, ignorando - o fingendo di ignorare - che la richiesta di porre fine alla propria vita è in realtà un disperato grido di aiuto. Chi mai, se si imbattesse in una persona che sta per buttarsi giù da un ponte, non cercherebbe di farlo desistere dall'insano proposito?
È allora per me un piacere invitarti all'imperdibile webinar EUTANASIA E SUICIDIO ASSISTITO. Alleviare o sopprimere? Restiamo umani, che avrà luogo martedì 9 novembre 2021 alle 21 e che avrò l'onore di moderare! All'evento, organizzato da Pro Vita & Famiglia insieme alla Fondazione SILOE, interverranno Massimo Gandolfini, presidente dell'Associazione Family Day - Difendiamo i Nostri Figli; Filippo Vari, vice presidente del Centro Studi Rosario Livatino e professore ordinario di Diritto Costituzionale; e la scrittrice Susanna Bo.
Sarà possibile seguire in diretta il webinar collegandosi, già qualche minuto prima delle 21 di martedì, ai seguenti link:
Facebook (
YouTube (

Ti aspetto quindi martedì 9 novembre sui canali social di Pro Vita & Famiglia!
Perché bisogna alleviare la sofferenza, non eliminare il sofferente!
Un forte abbraccio!
L'Occidente del "velo unisex" merita di scomparire in un burqa

Giulio Meotti
Nov 9

In Italia Benetton realizza l'"hijab per uomini". Poi venderanno anche le catene per le donne? L'industria della moda da anni sdogana la sharia. Intanto i volti delle afghane sono crivellati di proiettili dai Talebani unisex...
by Robert Siedlecki
Chris Kempczynski is the CEO of McDonald's. He's also my cousin. And he cares enough to boldly speak the truth on the senseless killing in Chicago...even if the left doesn't like it.
Continue reading... »
1. dopo le sue decennali minacce Iran non può sviluppare la sua potenzialità missilistica e nucleare senza limitazioni!
2. Erdogan ha già circondato con l'esercito la base militare di Base aerea di Incirlik, essa per la NATO non è più attendibile!
3. in Siria e Iraq ci devono essere due enormi basi aeree e missilistiche degli USA, al più presto.
Turkey: Drifting Further into Russian Orbit
by Burak Bekdil November 9, 2021
Sanctions are mandated by law for "any entity that does significant business with the Russian military or intelligence sectors" — Office of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Chair Robert Menendez, Daily Sabah, September 28, 2021.
"Any new purchases by Turkey must mean new sanctions." — U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, referring to a December 2020 U.S. decision to impose CAATSA (Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act) on Turkey for its acquisition of the S-400 missile system, Twitter, September 28, 2021.
In addition, Ankara and Moscow would discuss Russian know-how and construction of two more nuclear energy plants for Turkey, in addition to a $10 billion nuclear reactor already being built on Turkey's Mediterranean coast.
All that strategic planning will further increase NATO ally Turkey's dependence on Russia, also Turkey's biggest supplier of natural gas.
"Putin and his administration are well aware of Turkey's weaknesses: a) economy goes from bad to worse; b) the Pandemic is not under control; c) gas prices on increase but Russia is ready to offer a friendly discount to Turkey; d) military acquisitions facing a hostile U.S. Senate." — Eugene Kogan, a defense and security analyst based in Tbilisi, Georgia; to Gatestone.
"The Turkish president will continue to play a spoiler role within NATO and provide Putin further opportunities to undermine the transatlantic alliance and its values." — Aykan Erdemir, former member of Turkey's parliament and now based in Washington D.C., email to Gatestone.
[Erdoğan] will not step back from.... the Russia card in his hand, unless he sees that his love affair with Russia will come with a punishing cost.

by Burak Bekdil November 9, 2021
Sanctions are mandated by law for "any entity that does significant business with the Russian military or intelligence sectors" — Office of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Chair Robert Menendez, Daily Sabah, September 28, 2021.
"Any new purchases by Turkey must mean new sanctions." — U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, referring to a December 2020 U.S. decision to impose CAATSA (Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act) on Turkey for its acquisition of the S-400 missile system, Twitter, September 28, 2021.
In addition, Ankara and Moscow would discuss Russian know-how and construction of two more nuclear energy plants for Turkey, in addition to a $10 billion nuclear reactor already being built on Turkey's Mediterranean coast.
All that strategic planning will further increase NATO ally Turkey's dependence on Russia, also Turkey's biggest supplier of natural gas.
"Putin and his administration are well aware of Turkey's weaknesses: a) economy goes from bad to worse; b) the Pandemic is not under control; c) gas prices on increase but Russia is ready to offer a friendly discount to Turkey; d) military acquisitions facing a hostile U.S. Senate." — Eugene Kogan, a defense and security analyst based in Tbilisi, Georgia; to Gatestone.
"The Turkish president will continue to play a spoiler role within NATO and provide Putin further opportunities to undermine the transatlantic alliance and its values." — Aykan Erdemir, former member of Turkey's parliament and now based in Washington D.C., email to Gatestone.
[Erdoğan] will not step back from.... the Russia card in his hand, unless he sees that his love affair with Russia will come with a punishing cost.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is trying to make Turkey a unique example of political oxymoron: An "invaluable" NATO ally also in deeply strategic and military alliance with Russia. He will not step back from his horse trading with the West, the Russia card in his hand, unless he sees that his love affair with Russia will come with a punishing cost. Pictured: Erdoğan (right) with Russian President Vladimir Putin. (Image source:
Turkey has been a NATO ally since 1952. On October 6, NATO's childishly naïve secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, praised Turkey as "an important ally [that] played an important role in defeating Daesh." Both of his suggestions are grossly incorrect: Turkey is becoming an important Russian ally, not a NATO ally, whose irregular militia allies in Syria are the jihadist remnants of Daesh (Islamic State).
Like a spurned lover, deeply offended by President Joe Biden's refusal to meet him on the sidelines of September's UN General Assembly meeting in New York, Turkey's Islamist President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan rushed to the Black Sea town of Sochi, Russia, on September 29 for a tête-a-tête with Russian President Vladimir Putin. On his way back from New York, Erdoğan told reporters, "the signs are not good in Turkey's relations with the United States."
Palestinians Fume as Israel Says NO Consulate; Republican Superstars Pitch Vision to Jews; Biden Silent as EU, Iran and China Freely Violate US Sanctions; Latest News!

Read Now

Republican Superstars Pitch Pro-Israel 'Presidential Vision' at Jewish Conference
Read Now
Right Wing Lawmakers Renew Push Legalize Settlements in Judea, Samaria
Read Now
SPEECHLESS: Biden Silent as EU, Iran and China Freely Violate US Sanctions
Read Now

Reaffirming Israeli Sovereignty, Colombia Announces Opening of New Office in Jerusalem
Read Now
Is Russia About to Finish Off Mahmoud Abbas?
AnalysisRead Now
Need to liven up your Christmas decorations? Have some free space above your mantle?
Well, President Trump has the perfect item for you.
Christmas is fast approaching and what better way to show your Patriotic Trump pride than with our brand-new TRUMP CHRISTMAS STOCKING?
President Trump is thrilled to offer these incredible Christmas stockings for the VERY. FIRST. TIME. That's right. We've never had an offer like this before, so you don't want to miss this.
Please contribute $50 or more TODAY to claim our brand-new Trump Christmas stocking.
Well, President Trump has the perfect item for you.
Christmas is fast approaching and what better way to show your Patriotic Trump pride than with our brand-new TRUMP CHRISTMAS STOCKING?
President Trump is thrilled to offer these incredible Christmas stockings for the VERY. FIRST. TIME. That's right. We've never had an offer like this before, so you don't want to miss this.
Please contribute $50 or more TODAY to claim our brand-new Trump Christmas stocking.
Want to Save the Planet? Stop the Scare Tactics; What Are These Cute Palestinian Kids Singing on TV? Survivor of Childhood Illness Becomes IDF Combat Soldier, Against All Odds; Sister of Victim of Florida Collapse Meets IDF Rescuer
Times are A-Changin': Arab Nation Reaches Out for Israeli Military Support 
WATCH: British Football Fans Harass Jewish Man, Mock Circumcision

Want to Save the Planet? Stop the Scare Tactics, Says Israeli Professor
Graham undergoes successful heart surgery at Mayo Clinic
Graham undergoes successful heart surgery at Mayo Clinic

CS Lewis biopic becomes surprise blockbuster
In an interview with The Christian Post, Max McLean, who stars as C.S. Lewis in the biopic "The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis," shares how the late author assisted in his own conversion to Christianity. The film, which was originally released for one night only, will run nationwide following more than $1.2 million in box office sales on its Nov. 3 debut.

14-Day Fatherhood Challenge just for you!
"A good father is one of the most unsung, upraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society."
— Dr. Billy Graham. Join us for a free virtual event on Fatherhood - register online at

Study: Churches open, but congregants slow in returning
Approximately 98% of Protestant churches are now open for in-person services but foot traffic has been slow to return to their pews particularly for black churches, a new survey from Lifeway Research shows. "Worship attendance is improving, but there is still a large gap between today's in-person attendance and pre-COVID levels," Life Research's Scott McConnell explained.

Liberty University files restraining order against 'whistleblower' suing for wrongful firing
Liberty University is asking a federal court to stop a former employee from disclosing confidential information and documents amid a legal battle over claims that the evangelical Christian school wrongfully fired him for speaking out about how it handled sexual assault allegations. "Although many of these materials were likely protected trade secrets, privileged communications or attorney work product protected information, Lamb has admitted that he disclosed them to the media, general public and commercial enemies of Liberty without privilege or prior permission as contractually required," a memorandum of law filed in support of the motion reads.

Official: At least some of 17 missionaries kidnapped in Haiti still alive
An unnamed official in the Biden administration says that they have seen proof that at least some of the 17 missionaries kidnapped by the 400 Mawozo gang in Haiti are still alive. Gang leader Wilson Joseph has threatened to kill them if he is not paid $17 million in ransom.

Pratt gives 'all glory to God' after social media backlash
Actor Chris Pratt glorified God after being accused of insulting his ex-wife, Anna Faris, and their son in an Instagram post in which he praised his current wife, Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt. The actor advised anyone else feeling down to connect with God through worship music or the Bible.

Strong Fathers Build Strong Families!
Promise Keepers Virtual Fatherhood Summit is a fast-paced, free event with practical talk from top teachers. We'll discuss the real issues impacting your family and kids. We'll walk you through it every step of the way! REGISTER NOW FOR FREE.

Op-ed: 5 certainties of Heaven
Canon J. John writes about five certainties of Heaven we can draw from the Bible. From experiencing joy to maintaining our identity, John uses scripture to highlight biblical insights on Heaven but also explains, "Given our limited data, the safest answer to most questions to do with Heaven is simply 'we don't know.'"

Promise Keepers Virtual Fatherhood Summit is a fast-paced, free event with practical talk from top teachers. We'll discuss the real issues impacting your family and kids.
But we know that fatherhood topics can't all be addressed in a one-time online event. So, the Fatherhood Summit kicks off a 14-day challenge that will place you side by side virtually with other men as you build up your fathering skills in concrete ways. The program and follow up resources are beneficial whether you are father to kids in the home, a grandfather, or you mentor or coach kids. The interactive community provides opportunities to speak into the lives of other dads and young fathers - we need you in this challenge as iron sharpens iron.
Our goal is to equip, connect, and activate you in an interactive brotherhood community known as the Promise Keepers App.
We'll walk you through it every step of the way! Just register today.
Dr. Tony Evans and son Anthony Evans A.R. Bernard and his son Jamaal Bernard •David and Jason BenhamGreg Stier (Dare2Share) Mark Hancock (Trail Life USA) Jerrad Lopes (DadTired) Zane Black Promise Keepers Conference Messages from Dennis Rainey and Josh McDowell •Ken Harrison and more
The program kicks off on November 10th with the live online event. Watch from home via Facebook or YouTube (register and we'll send you the link early) or gather a group of dads to watch via a Watch Party, or use this free resource at your church. If you can't join us live, you can register for the link to watch anytime after. Don't delay too long as we'll start the 14-day Fatherhood Challenge in the PK App the next day but you can start the challenge anytime you want. It's easy - just register today and we'll send you all the resources.
Topics include:
Tough topics in today's culture facing our kids
Raising gospel-advancing kids
What every good father provides
Speaking blessings into our sons and daughters
Connecting with our kids
Practical parenting and perspective from dads and grandfathers
Tips to achieve balance and pressures facing dads
Grandparenting, single dads, stepfathers
"Best of" Highlights for Dads from Promise Keepers Conferences
Encouragement and Community for Dads"La religione dei diritti umani è il suicidio dell'Europa"

Giulio Meotti
Nov 9

Intervista per la newsletter a Jean-Louis Harouel, autore del libro I diritti dell'uomo contro il popolo (Liberilibri). "La Francia è sulla strada per diventare un paese musulmano, mentre l'Occidente, il genio delle civiltà, è stato trascinato sul banco degli imputati. Dobbiamo iniziare a difendere la nostra cultura prima che sia troppo tardi..."
My father wants to see your name.
We are surprising my father with a MASSIVE Thanksgiving Card filled with messages and signatures from his BEST supporters.
YOU have always been there for us when we needed you the most, which is why I'm giving YOU priority access to be the first Patriot to sign the OFFICIAL TRUMP THANKSGIVING CARD.
There will be a lot of imposters out there, but this is the ONLY Official Trump Thanksgiving Card.
Add your name and a note TODAY to make sure you get the top spot on my father's Official Thanksgiving Card. >>

Friend, this is the ONLY place where you can leave my father a personal note for him to read. We can't hold your spot forever though, so act now.
Add your name by 11:59 PM TONIGHT to make sure you get the top spot on my father's Official Thanksgiving card. >>
Dear Friend—In the battle of ideas in the public square, we are winning. We're winning on every aspect of our agenda. Across the board, the American people side with us, and reject the views of the radical LGBT activists who are intent on "transforming" America into a dystopian nation where science, history and biological reality as discarded in favor of feelings, emotions and identity.
Your Donation To NOM Will Double
Just look at what happened last week in Virginia. The radical LGBT activists pushed transgenderism and other radical ideologies in the schools and parents revolted. Moms who are have never before been active in politics became engaged, and they drove turnout to record levels. In the process, they swept into office candidates who promised to reject the transgender agenda and prevent the indoctrination of children in the schools. Parents do not want their young girls subjected to males being given access to intimate, private areas at schools. They do not want their children being taught that biology is irrelevant to human sex and that instead "gender identity" determines if you are a male or a female. They don't want biological males competing against girls in sports. And they do not want to be told that their religious beliefs amount to discrimination and bigotry.
NOM is on the front lines fighting the radical LGBT agenda, including helping secure victory in Virginia last week. But to continue to prevail we need your help. Thanks to some generous donors, for a limited time every donation to NOM will be 100% matched, thus DOUBLING your gift. Even better, those people who become a monthly donor will have their monthly pledge matched for an entire year! That is a TWELVE TIMES return on your commitment to help NOM. Please help us today!

It wasn't just that a new governor was elected in Virginia who opposes indoctrination of transgender ideology, but so was a Lt. Governor and a new Attorney General! Furthermore, Republicans captured control of the Virginia House of Delegates. And it wasn't just in Virginia where parents and others told the politicians they'd had enough. In New Jersey, the uber-leftist governor Phil Murphy was very nearly defeated (and may still be since there are thousands of uncounted ballots) and the radical president of the state Senate, Steve Sweeney, actually WAS defeated, by a conservative candidate who spent a mere few hundred dollars on his campaign! Talk about a shellacking!
Help NOM Stop The Radical LGBT Agenda
You'd think that the radicals in Congress would get the hint that the America people do not want their country to be "transformed," but you'd be wrong. They think that they have not been radical enough! They blame their losses on a failure to push into law radical policies including the grossly-misnamed Equality Act which would impose large elements of the LGBT agenda that was just overwhelmingly rejected by voters. NOM must continue to lead the fight against the Equality Act, especially in light of the expected new push it will receive. Please help us with a donation today knowing that every gift will be DOUBLED and monthly pledges will be matched for an entire year! Your pledge of $10 per month will result in NOM receiving $120 in matching funds.
Ricordate il Russiagate di Trump? Una mega fake

Giulio Meotti
Nov 9

È stata la madre delle notizie in America per 3 anni. In Italia non c'è stato un solo giornalista che l'abbia messa in discussione. Ora si scopre che dietro c'erano falsi dossier dei Clinton e i media-scendiletto del Partito Democratico. Rivelazioni talmente grosse da dover essere ignorate...
nel silenzio più assoluto, in Parlamento è in discussione un progetto di legge che intende legalizzare, a certe condizioni, il suicidio assistito, e in più i Radicali hanno raccolto le firme per il cosiddetto "referendum sull'eutanasia": sempre col (falso) pretesto di aiutare chi vive una situazione di dolore, ignorando - o fingendo di ignorare - che la richiesta di porre fine alla propria vita è in realtà un disperato grido di aiuto. Chi mai, se si imbattesse in una persona che sta per buttarsi giù da un ponte, non cercherebbe di farlo desistere dall'insano proposito?
È allora per me un piacere invitarti all'imperdibile webinar EUTANASIA E SUICIDIO ASSISTITO. Alleviare o sopprimere? Restiamo umani, che avrà luogo martedì 9 novembre 2021 alle 21 e che avrò l'onore di moderare! All'evento, organizzato da Pro Vita & Famiglia insieme alla Fondazione SILOE, interverranno Massimo Gandolfini, presidente dell'Associazione Family Day - Difendiamo i Nostri Figli; Filippo Vari, vice presidente del Centro Studi Rosario Livatino e professore ordinario di Diritto Costituzionale; e la scrittrice Susanna Bo.
Sarà possibile seguire in diretta il webinar collegandosi, già qualche minuto prima delle 21 di martedì, ai seguenti link:
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Ti aspetto quindi martedì 9 novembre sui canali social di Pro Vita & Famiglia!
Perché bisogna alleviare la sofferenza, non eliminare il sofferente!
Un forte abbraccio!
L'Occidente del "velo unisex" merita di scomparire in un burqa

Giulio Meotti
Nov 9

In Italia Benetton realizza l'"hijab per uomini". Poi venderanno anche le catene per le donne? L'industria della moda da anni sdogana la sharia. Intanto i volti delle afghane sono crivellati di proiettili dai Talebani unisex...
by Robert Siedlecki
Chris Kempczynski is the CEO of McDonald's. He's also my cousin. And he cares enough to boldly speak the truth on the senseless killing in Chicago...even if the left doesn't like it.
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