🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
CIA Deep State UE USA India, Russia Cina, ONU, OCI, baldracche e baldacchini feccia dell'inferno ] to me: "OBSERVATORY ON THE MARTYRDOM OF CHRISTIANS" FOR 33 YEARS About: Erdogan said 13 years ago: to me:
"screams screams, it won't do any good"
and he was right
you betrayed me!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
disse Erdogan 13 anni fa: a me: "grida grida, tanto non servirà a niente"
e lui aveva ragione voi mi avete tradito!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Everyone knows it: the ARAB OIC LEAGUE is with BIDEN (the sleeping lizard)
because they want to go kill the Russians and the Chinese
lo sanno tutti: la LEGA ARABA OiC è con BIDEN (la lucertola addormentata)
perché vogliono andarea d uccidere i russi e i cinesi

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Thanks For Voting!
Below are the latest poll results
Do You Support President Trump?
Yes - I stand behind our President 67.9% (142,006)
No - He is doing a terrible job 32.1% (33,924)
Do You Think Trump Will Be Reelected?
Yes - He needs to stay in office 61.9% (63,482)
No - He should not be re-elected 38.1% (39,074)
Do You Trust Trump To Rebuild The Economy?
Yes - He can do it again! 71.3% (131,151)
No - We need someone new 28.7% (52,792)

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Terrified of Becoming 'Palestinian State,' Jordan Fights Israel's Extended Sovereignty
Muslims use our democracy to tell them what they want
but they don't allow us to say what we want to say in their home
because they are ruthless killers without reciprocity
I am a criminal regime without human rights

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Poll: Should Non-Citizens Vote in Any American Elections?
Trump and other Republicans have alleged that millions of non-citizens have illegally registered & voted in U.S. elections. Do you agree or disagree that they should be able to vote?
Democratic are traitors homeland

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
vote for our hero patriot MAGA stop lizard Deep State!! 2. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Daily Wire Editor-In-Chief Ben Shapiro recently weighed in on the 2020 election with a piece headlined, "How Biden Could Be Handing Trump His Reelection."
Shapiro says Biden has been doing well in the polls because he has spent the last few months in his isolation in Delaware. But even from his self-imposed seclusion, Biden appears to be finding a way to lose in November by embracing radical proposals instead of making the election a referendum about President Trump.
"But do Americans really want the world remade? Or are they simply longing for the world of four months ago, when unemployment stood at 3.5 percent, when incomes were rising at the lowest end of the income scale, when Americans could attend events without fear of infection and death? Are Americans truly desperate for a reshaping of our medical system, a universal basic income, and trillions more in debt?" Shapiro writes.
"Biden seems to be betting on the latter. And that’s idiocy of the highest order. It completely undermines his entire case for the nomination; it allows Trump to place the new radical agenda front and center, rather than his own foibles. Biden’s go-for-broke strategy is a massive opportunity for Trump — if Trump doesn’t blow it."

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
like the Deep State, neliberalists, the Freemasons and Satanists, how do
the enemies of the people hate our President MAGA HERO PATRIOT? With
President Trump set to hold his first campaign since March 2 this coming
Saturday, Election 2020 is about to get underway (again, for real this

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
In 2016, nearly every political pollster got it wrong. Not by a little, by a lot. Days before the election, The New York Times said Hillary Clinton had an 85% chance of winning. The Reuters News Agency put her odds at 90%. And the Princeton Election Consortium said Clinton had "more than a 99% chance" of moving into the White House, predicting she'd win 312 electoral votes.
She didn't. Trump clobbered her 304-227 in the Electoral College.
Since that debacle, pollsters have been trying to rejuvenate their reputations. But they might be heading toward another colossal blunder. Right now, pollsters are putting Joe Biden up by as much as 9 points, yet Politico says they could well be wrong — again.
"In fact, most pollsters believe that, on balance, state polls are overstating the scale of Biden’s advantage. That was precisely the problem in 2016: The national polls were largely accurate, to within the margin of error. But there were too few state polls, and many of those that were conducted failed to collect accurate data, especially from white voters without college degrees in key swing states,” the outlet reported. “And those issues haven’t been fixed."

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
like the Deep State, neliberalists, masonic system esoterica genda, cult satana, cult Allah, the Freemasons and Satanists, how do the enemies of all peoples hate our President MAGA HERO PATRIOT? With President Trump set to hold his first campaign since March 2 this coming
Saturday, Election 2020 is about to get underway (again, for real thistime). But are pollsters going to get it all wrong like they did in 2016?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Is Joe Biden sliiiping his lizard, far a h e a d in all the polls right now,
going to it and s n a tch defeat from the jaws of victory? And how much
longer will we talk about the fact that presidents play golf? Are shamed
po l l s t e r s about to b l o w it again?

punch_corona • 7 hours ago
.. how did they creep in to Israel..?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 punch_corona • 3 hours ago
in israel there are the rothschild's satanists, the masons of the lgbtq democratic party CIA NWO, secret associations "Beni Berith"
and you worry about a peaceful cult?

patgo • 9 hours ago
Another Chinese cult you need to watch out for is Church of Almighty God.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 patgo •
we are not crazy Muslims and we have no religious persecution to do

patgo 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
This doesn't have anything to do with Muslims. The Church of Almighty God pretends to believe in Jesus, but it is a fake Jesus. They claim He came back to earth as a Chinese woman. They are also violent.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 patgo • an hour ago
of this violence? I have never heard of it, can you give me a document?
and against sects, which have sectarian and coercive behavior, and clearly lying? the government has the power to place restrictions

patgo 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Can I give you a document? Not at nearly midnight when I am half asleep. A search engine is helpful. That is what I would have to use. If they personally befriend you and you refuse to join, you could be murdered. I have had winsome Chinese women who belonged to this cult befriend me on Facebook. I know how to recognize them for what they are. Their art is beautiful and very characteristic. If you show no interest, they go away. Their only reason for friendship is to recruit you.
I don't have any knowledge of what the Israeli government does about such groups. But a person can be harmed by such groups, so we should all be discerning.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 patgo • 19 minutes ago
thanks for your experience

gerald m. serlin • 10 hours ago
I am not sure, but I think that of all the Jews in the world, the LEAST LIKELY to fall prey to conversion are the orthodox.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 gerald m. serlin • 3 hours ago
that's right
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Geoffrey Rogg • 11 hours ago
So much Torah-Talmud study, so much davening, so much discussion, SO MUCH IGNORANCE, SO MUCH GULLIBILITY, SO MUCH VULNERABILITY!!
Thank Hashem they do not do military service!!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Geoffrey Rogg • 3 hours ago
all must do military service!!
and Talmud is satan's bible
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DoesntMatter • 12 hours ago
China out of Israel in ALL ways.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 DoesntMatter • 3 hours ago
if there are non-strategic commercial interests
for national security
these can be done
Chinese people are certainly no less dangerous than Muslims
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williamdiamon • 12 hours ago
If we describe Faun Gong as a cult, what should we call the people who forcibly harvest their organs for profit?
9 1
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Angry_Abraham • 12 hours ago
Idiotism of Haredin is obvious.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Angry_Abraham • 12 hours ago
for you spirituality concept?
... is equal to mortal sin,
you are not worthy of Haredin
Share ›

blog2038 • 13 hours ago
"Chinese missionary cult invading Israeli ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods" - ha-ha, good luck with that, Chinese.
Share ›

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 blog2038 • 12 hours ago
it is possible for monotheism to dialogue / interact with the spirituality of pantheism
without entering idolatry,
Yes, it is possible
Share ›

Don Spilman • 13 hours ago
Remove every one Christians included! I am a Christian saying this! It is truly time for Israel to concentrate on THEIR relationship with THEIR GOD un in-cumbered. Seriously get to work on that and if liberal idiot Jews complain kick them out too, they may be the biggest cult there!
3 2
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman • 12 hours ago
yes you are satanist that pretend to be christian
1 1
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Denise Waterford • 13 hours ago
Jews only here! All others must go to California.
3 1
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Denise Waterford • 12 hours ago
hotel xxxx California?
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adonai50 • 13 hours ago
You have the different Jewish sects who succumb to this Chinese cult, sects that study and have studied the Torah, the bible, and still fall for lies or fail to see the lies when it is directly in their face. What does this tell you? It says that reading the Torah or the bible for the sake of conformity to a Jewish sect, looking like your part of the group is pointlessly blind. You must first accept G-d's one and only Son, and dive into His word and grow in faith, this will protect you. Shalom.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 adonai50 • 12 hours ago
no! Jewish sects NOT succumb to this Chinese esoteric panteistic cult,
NOT succumb
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Don Spilman adonai50 • 13 hours ago
Is that proselytizing! WIN asks people not to do that!
Share ›

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman • 12 hours ago
Hindu Muslims, Buddhists and Satanists who are losers, with a fake God,
they are afraid of proselytism.
we do not have it: because our God is the living thing of ISRAEL!

physicsandchem • 13 hours ago
These are unfriends, but the calls for violence are not good.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 physicsandchem • 12 hours ago
no they are friends
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Don Spilman physicsandchem • 13 hours ago
There is a time for force, if it includes violence so be it!
Share ›

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman • 12 hours ago
how much time has passed,
that you have been raped on the altar of satan
the last time?
Share ›

B Maddigan • 14 hours ago
Now from the people who brought Us the wonderful Life as We Knew it Ending, Corona virus
Real simple - Revoke Their Visas & EJECT 'em!
4 1
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 B Maddigan • 3 hours ago
for the cult of satan and the talmud, the antichrist of the lgbtq democratic party] [CHIAVENNA, JUNE 19 - Sister Maria Laura Mainetti, to the registry office Teresina Elsa Mainetti, the Italian religious and educator belonging to the congregation of the Daughters of the Cross, will become blessed Sisters of Sant'Andrea, murdered by three underage girls in Chiavenna (Sondrio) on June 6, 2000 during a satanic rite. Pope Francis, today receiving Cardinal Angelo Becciu, prefect for the Causes of Saints, in an audience today authorized the Congregation to promulgate the decree recognizing his martyrdom, as he was killed "in hatred for the faith".
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 15 hours ago
Unlike other qi gong groups, Falun Gong teaches that one person, master Li Hongzhi, has the power to define the correct techniques today; the use of different techniques is not only useless but harmful, and can open those who practice them to demonic influences. According to Falun Gong, the exercises of Xiu Lian cannot be separated from a spiritual discipline, the "cultivation of Xinxing", a simple way that is based on Buddhist and Confucian (rather conservative) principles and values (the symbols also derive from Taoism, and make Falun Gong a movement which, even with the problems mentioned above in the use of this category in China, could be called syncretistic).
Falun Gong believes in reincarnation
https://cesnur com/religioni-e-movimenti-di-origine-cinese-ed-estremo-orientale/il-falun-gong/
it is certainly pantheism and esotericism.
this may be far from the revelation of Abraham
2 1
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Rahel 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 14 hours ago
I would shoot them all!
2 3
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Rahel • 3 hours ago
here are dangerous seven secret "Beni Berith" Aru Marda, Ja-Bull-On lgbtq democratic party: Deep State
and you worry about peaceful and correct people?
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Rahel • 13 hours ago
so instead of declaring war on CiNA
will we declare war on you?
1 1
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carpe diem 36 Rahel • 14 hours ago
Banish them!! There is no room in Israel for these people.
5 2
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 carpe diem 36 • 12 hours ago
Israel will not expel any peaceful and honest person
not even the Palestinians
2 1
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David carpe diem 36 • 13 hours ago • edited
I prefer Rahel's approach, that is what Torah says should be done to them, or rather give them a proper stoning as the good book says, that always works on missionaries, whatever pagan religion they want to sell, Falun Gong, Christianity, whatever, a proper stoning always seams to do the trick...
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Don Spilman David • 3 hours ago • edited
You are completely out of line! true Christians know more about and care more about Israel than you do and most other Jews!
Share ›

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 David • 12 hours ago
ok, we will start to stone rothschild satanists like you
CIA Deep State UE USA India, Russia Cina, ONU, OCI, baldracche e baldacchini feccia dell'inferno ] to me: "OBSERVATORY ON THE MARTYRDOM OF CHRISTIANS" FOR 33 YEARS About: Erdogan said 13 years ago: to me:
"screams screams, it won't do any good"
and he was right
you betrayed me!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
disse Erdogan 13 anni fa: a me: "grida grida, tanto non servirà a niente"
e lui aveva ragione voi mi avete tradito!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Everyone knows it: the ARAB OIC LEAGUE is with BIDEN (the sleeping lizard)
because they want to go kill the Russians and the Chinese
lo sanno tutti: la LEGA ARABA OiC è con BIDEN (la lucertola addormentata)
perché vogliono andarea d uccidere i russi e i cinesi

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Thanks For Voting!
Below are the latest poll results
Do You Support President Trump?
Yes - I stand behind our President 67.9% (142,006)
No - He is doing a terrible job 32.1% (33,924)
Do You Think Trump Will Be Reelected?
Yes - He needs to stay in office 61.9% (63,482)
No - He should not be re-elected 38.1% (39,074)
Do You Trust Trump To Rebuild The Economy?
Yes - He can do it again! 71.3% (131,151)
No - We need someone new 28.7% (52,792)

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Terrified of Becoming 'Palestinian State,' Jordan Fights Israel's Extended Sovereignty
Muslims use our democracy to tell them what they want
but they don't allow us to say what we want to say in their home
because they are ruthless killers without reciprocity
I am a criminal regime without human rights

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Poll: Should Non-Citizens Vote in Any American Elections?
Trump and other Republicans have alleged that millions of non-citizens have illegally registered & voted in U.S. elections. Do you agree or disagree that they should be able to vote?
Democratic are traitors homeland

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎
vote for our hero patriot MAGA stop lizard Deep State!! 2. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Daily Wire Editor-In-Chief Ben Shapiro recently weighed in on the 2020 election with a piece headlined, "How Biden Could Be Handing Trump His Reelection."
Shapiro says Biden has been doing well in the polls because he has spent the last few months in his isolation in Delaware. But even from his self-imposed seclusion, Biden appears to be finding a way to lose in November by embracing radical proposals instead of making the election a referendum about President Trump.
"But do Americans really want the world remade? Or are they simply longing for the world of four months ago, when unemployment stood at 3.5 percent, when incomes were rising at the lowest end of the income scale, when Americans could attend events without fear of infection and death? Are Americans truly desperate for a reshaping of our medical system, a universal basic income, and trillions more in debt?" Shapiro writes.
"Biden seems to be betting on the latter. And that’s idiocy of the highest order. It completely undermines his entire case for the nomination; it allows Trump to place the new radical agenda front and center, rather than his own foibles. Biden’s go-for-broke strategy is a massive opportunity for Trump — if Trump doesn’t blow it."

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
like the Deep State, neliberalists, the Freemasons and Satanists, how do
the enemies of the people hate our President MAGA HERO PATRIOT? With
President Trump set to hold his first campaign since March 2 this coming
Saturday, Election 2020 is about to get underway (again, for real this

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
In 2016, nearly every political pollster got it wrong. Not by a little, by a lot. Days before the election, The New York Times said Hillary Clinton had an 85% chance of winning. The Reuters News Agency put her odds at 90%. And the Princeton Election Consortium said Clinton had "more than a 99% chance" of moving into the White House, predicting she'd win 312 electoral votes.
She didn't. Trump clobbered her 304-227 in the Electoral College.
Since that debacle, pollsters have been trying to rejuvenate their reputations. But they might be heading toward another colossal blunder. Right now, pollsters are putting Joe Biden up by as much as 9 points, yet Politico says they could well be wrong — again.
"In fact, most pollsters believe that, on balance, state polls are overstating the scale of Biden’s advantage. That was precisely the problem in 2016: The national polls were largely accurate, to within the margin of error. But there were too few state polls, and many of those that were conducted failed to collect accurate data, especially from white voters without college degrees in key swing states,” the outlet reported. “And those issues haven’t been fixed."

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
like the Deep State, neliberalists, masonic system esoterica genda, cult satana, cult Allah, the Freemasons and Satanists, how do the enemies of all peoples hate our President MAGA HERO PATRIOT? With President Trump set to hold his first campaign since March 2 this coming
Saturday, Election 2020 is about to get underway (again, for real thistime). But are pollsters going to get it all wrong like they did in 2016?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Is Joe Biden sliiiping his lizard, far a h e a d in all the polls right now,
going to it and s n a tch defeat from the jaws of victory? And how much
longer will we talk about the fact that presidents play golf? Are shamed
po l l s t e r s about to b l o w it again?

punch_corona • 7 hours ago
.. how did they creep in to Israel..?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 punch_corona • 3 hours ago
in israel there are the rothschild's satanists, the masons of the lgbtq democratic party CIA NWO, secret associations "Beni Berith"
and you worry about a peaceful cult?

patgo • 9 hours ago
Another Chinese cult you need to watch out for is Church of Almighty God.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 patgo •
we are not crazy Muslims and we have no religious persecution to do

patgo 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
This doesn't have anything to do with Muslims. The Church of Almighty God pretends to believe in Jesus, but it is a fake Jesus. They claim He came back to earth as a Chinese woman. They are also violent.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 patgo • an hour ago
of this violence? I have never heard of it, can you give me a document?
and against sects, which have sectarian and coercive behavior, and clearly lying? the government has the power to place restrictions

patgo 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 •
Can I give you a document? Not at nearly midnight when I am half asleep. A search engine is helpful. That is what I would have to use. If they personally befriend you and you refuse to join, you could be murdered. I have had winsome Chinese women who belonged to this cult befriend me on Facebook. I know how to recognize them for what they are. Their art is beautiful and very characteristic. If you show no interest, they go away. Their only reason for friendship is to recruit you.
I don't have any knowledge of what the Israeli government does about such groups. But a person can be harmed by such groups, so we should all be discerning.

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 patgo • 19 minutes ago
thanks for your experience

gerald m. serlin • 10 hours ago
I am not sure, but I think that of all the Jews in the world, the LEAST LIKELY to fall prey to conversion are the orthodox.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 gerald m. serlin • 3 hours ago
that's right
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Geoffrey Rogg • 11 hours ago
So much Torah-Talmud study, so much davening, so much discussion, SO MUCH IGNORANCE, SO MUCH GULLIBILITY, SO MUCH VULNERABILITY!!
Thank Hashem they do not do military service!!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Geoffrey Rogg • 3 hours ago
all must do military service!!
and Talmud is satan's bible
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DoesntMatter • 12 hours ago
China out of Israel in ALL ways.
Share ›

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 DoesntMatter • 3 hours ago
if there are non-strategic commercial interests
for national security
these can be done
Chinese people are certainly no less dangerous than Muslims
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williamdiamon • 12 hours ago
If we describe Faun Gong as a cult, what should we call the people who forcibly harvest their organs for profit?
9 1
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Angry_Abraham • 12 hours ago
Idiotism of Haredin is obvious.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Angry_Abraham • 12 hours ago
for you spirituality concept?
... is equal to mortal sin,
you are not worthy of Haredin
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blog2038 • 13 hours ago
"Chinese missionary cult invading Israeli ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods" - ha-ha, good luck with that, Chinese.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 blog2038 • 12 hours ago
it is possible for monotheism to dialogue / interact with the spirituality of pantheism
without entering idolatry,
Yes, it is possible
Share ›

Don Spilman • 13 hours ago
Remove every one Christians included! I am a Christian saying this! It is truly time for Israel to concentrate on THEIR relationship with THEIR GOD un in-cumbered. Seriously get to work on that and if liberal idiot Jews complain kick them out too, they may be the biggest cult there!
3 2
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman • 12 hours ago
yes you are satanist that pretend to be christian
1 1
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Denise Waterford • 13 hours ago
Jews only here! All others must go to California.
3 1
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Denise Waterford • 12 hours ago
hotel xxxx California?
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adonai50 • 13 hours ago
You have the different Jewish sects who succumb to this Chinese cult, sects that study and have studied the Torah, the bible, and still fall for lies or fail to see the lies when it is directly in their face. What does this tell you? It says that reading the Torah or the bible for the sake of conformity to a Jewish sect, looking like your part of the group is pointlessly blind. You must first accept G-d's one and only Son, and dive into His word and grow in faith, this will protect you. Shalom.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 adonai50 • 12 hours ago
no! Jewish sects NOT succumb to this Chinese esoteric panteistic cult,
NOT succumb
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Don Spilman adonai50 • 13 hours ago
Is that proselytizing! WIN asks people not to do that!
Share ›

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman • 12 hours ago
Hindu Muslims, Buddhists and Satanists who are losers, with a fake God,
they are afraid of proselytism.
we do not have it: because our God is the living thing of ISRAEL!

physicsandchem • 13 hours ago
These are unfriends, but the calls for violence are not good.
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 physicsandchem • 12 hours ago
no they are friends
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Don Spilman physicsandchem • 13 hours ago
There is a time for force, if it includes violence so be it!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Don Spilman • 12 hours ago
how much time has passed,
that you have been raped on the altar of satan
the last time?
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B Maddigan • 14 hours ago
Now from the people who brought Us the wonderful Life as We Knew it Ending, Corona virus
Real simple - Revoke Their Visas & EJECT 'em!
4 1
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 B Maddigan • 3 hours ago
for the cult of satan and the talmud, the antichrist of the lgbtq democratic party] [CHIAVENNA, JUNE 19 - Sister Maria Laura Mainetti, to the registry office Teresina Elsa Mainetti, the Italian religious and educator belonging to the congregation of the Daughters of the Cross, will become blessed Sisters of Sant'Andrea, murdered by three underage girls in Chiavenna (Sondrio) on June 6, 2000 during a satanic rite. Pope Francis, today receiving Cardinal Angelo Becciu, prefect for the Causes of Saints, in an audience today authorized the Congregation to promulgate the decree recognizing his martyrdom, as he was killed "in hatred for the faith".
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 15 hours ago
Unlike other qi gong groups, Falun Gong teaches that one person, master Li Hongzhi, has the power to define the correct techniques today; the use of different techniques is not only useless but harmful, and can open those who practice them to demonic influences. According to Falun Gong, the exercises of Xiu Lian cannot be separated from a spiritual discipline, the "cultivation of Xinxing", a simple way that is based on Buddhist and Confucian (rather conservative) principles and values (the symbols also derive from Taoism, and make Falun Gong a movement which, even with the problems mentioned above in the use of this category in China, could be called syncretistic).
Falun Gong believes in reincarnation
https://cesnur com/religioni-e-movimenti-di-origine-cinese-ed-estremo-orientale/il-falun-gong/
it is certainly pantheism and esotericism.
this may be far from the revelation of Abraham
2 1
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Rahel 🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 • 14 hours ago
I would shoot them all!
2 3
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Rahel • 3 hours ago
here are dangerous seven secret "Beni Berith" Aru Marda, Ja-Bull-On lgbtq democratic party: Deep State
and you worry about peaceful and correct people?
Share ›

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 Rahel • 13 hours ago
so instead of declaring war on CiNA
will we declare war on you?
1 1
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carpe diem 36 Rahel • 14 hours ago
Banish them!! There is no room in Israel for these people.
5 2
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 carpe diem 36 • 12 hours ago
Israel will not expel any peaceful and honest person
not even the Palestinians
2 1
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David carpe diem 36 • 13 hours ago • edited
I prefer Rahel's approach, that is what Torah says should be done to them, or rather give them a proper stoning as the good book says, that always works on missionaries, whatever pagan religion they want to sell, Falun Gong, Christianity, whatever, a proper stoning always seams to do the trick...
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Don Spilman David • 3 hours ago • edited
You are completely out of line! true Christians know more about and care more about Israel than you do and most other Jews!
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🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 David • 12 hours ago
ok, we will start to stone rothschild satanists like you