Satanism: you cannot hold yourself
5 IDF soldiers injured in car-ramming attack, Arab suspect arrested

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah aldotoo Bel 5 months ago
1. presumption: you cannot hold yourself: the final term of science e
2. Satanism: you cannot hold yourself: the perception and perfection of religion as the final of all prophecies: the final prophet crazy Mohammed, then, say to God: "I command you not to speak anymore!" ..
3. murder cynicism and hatred: then, come to the internet to insult peaceful people without giving an explanation of your criminal behavior!
1. presunzione: non puoi ritenere te stesso: il termine finale della scienza e
2. satanismo: non puoi ritenere te stesso: la perfezione della religione come la finale di tutte le profezie: il profeta finale pazzo Maometto, poi, dire a Dio: "io ti ordino di non parlare più!"..
3. omicidio cinismo e odio: poi, venire in internet a insultare persone pacifiche senza dare una spiegazione del comportamento criminale!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Davey Wavey 5 months ago
it is true that: Nazism FED IMF ECB NWO BM UN OCI: and Zionism were born in the same crucible.but the Jews risked dying 100 times more than us if at the beginning they claimed Zionism as opposed to the Cia 666 UK OTAN Bilderberg NWO FED FMI.
but now thanks to Yitzhak Kaduri my Rabbi and thanks to me his King of Israel lorenzoJHWH: they have raised their heads ..
in reality, only Zionism can kill the New World Order!
unfortunately, all the Muslims of the UN OCI pursue the Koranic project of annihilation of the whole human race!and the NWO OWL today is the best ally of the devil allah lilith in Mecca 666 kaaba
purtroppo, tutti gli islamici di ONU OCI perseguono il progetto coranico di annientamento di tutto il genere umano!
e il NWO OWL oggi è il migliore alleato del demonio allah lilith a Mecca 666 kaaba
è vero che: Nazism FED IMF ECB NWO BM ONU OCI: and Zionism were born in the same crucible.
ma gli ebrei rischiavano di morire 100 volte più di noi se al principio rivendicavano il sionismo in contrapposizione al NWO FED FMI.
ma ora grazia a Yitzhak Kaduri
Rabbino e grazie a me il suo Re di Israele: loro hanno alzato la testa..
in realtà soltanto il sionismo può uccidere il Nuovo Ordine mondiale!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Davey Wavey 5 months ago
it is difficult to look for a true dialogue: with those who sold themselves to satan in an ideology of Erdogan new imperialist Ottomanism: which is also a religion of murderers, who made the genocide of all the peoples preceding the ARAB LEAGUE: sharia genocide of Christians as they are still doing in Nigeria etc ..
è difficile cercare un vero dialogo: con chi si è venduto a satana dentro una ideologia Erdogan new ottomana imperialistica: che è anche una religione di assassini, che ha fatto il genocidio di tutti i popoli precedenti alla LEGA ARABA: genocidio sharia di cristiani come stanno facendo tutt'ora in Nigeria ecc..
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Davey Wavey 5 months ago
I could not answer you before because only now: my friend President Rivlin has ordered to worldisraelnews to unlock me, with this account
io non potevo risponderti prima
perché soltanto ora: il mio amico il Presidente Rivlin ha ordinato a worldisraelnews di sbloccarmi con questo account
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Discussion on United with Israel 17 comments
Israel Law Center Wins Landmark Ruling Against PA, Demands 1B NIS in Terror Damages

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Boyahdoggie to Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom •
We all tread in such perilous times amen.
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah to Boyahdoggie •
i am lorenzoJHWH coming now, ie king Israel Atti 1,6
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Israelis Win Billion Shekel Ruling in Landmark Palestinian Terror Case through the English embassy I was the one who asked for the construction of the wall: because the children exploded inside the tram-buses
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Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments
WATCH: Iran threatens UK after oil tanker seized near Gibraltar

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Boyahdoggie 5 months ago
i am lorenzoJHWH coming now, ie king Israel Atti 1,6
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Discussion on World Israel News 340 comments
Sarsour claims 'Jesus was Palestinian'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
no, I cannot do the King of Israel who cancels his own word, because my word is the law for all mankind!
no, non posso fare il Re di Israele che cancella la sua stessa parola, perché la mia parola è la legge per tutto il genere umano!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
I'm happy thanks to you worldisraelnews has opened the page for me
sono contento grazie a te worldisraelnews mi ha aperto la pagina
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel. Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom
@uniusrei ANSWER. I KNOW THAT IT IS VERY SAD: but did the High Sanhedrin Rothschild FROGGs say that how did they kill Jesus and Zorobabele?? so they will also kill me: because they will never give me their religious power of the Synagogue of Satan
Non siamo in grado di pubblicare il tuo commento perché sei stato bannato da United con Israele. Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom
@uniusrei ANSWER. SO CHE è MOLTO TRISTE: ma il Sommo Sinedrio Rothsschild ha detto che come hanno fatto uccidere Gesù e Zorobabele? così faranno uccidere anche me: perché loro non cederanno mai a me il loro potere religioso della Sinagoga di Satana
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
Biblical Ziklag found: City where King David fled Saul the whole Bible is a perfect geographical historical document! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
kodster ] I'm happy thanks to you worldisraelnews has opened the page for me
no, I cannot do the King of Israel who cancels his own word, because my word is the law for all mankind!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe
this study discredits the scientific procedure for DNA accreditation
questo studio getta discredito sulla procedura scientifica di accreditamento del DNA
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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
IDF discovers new terror tunnel from Gaza

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Back from the wilderness, Ayelet Shaked faces tough choice on political future
timesofisrael com/back-from-the-wilderness-ayelet-shaked-faces-rough-choice-on-political-future/
small political parties should have a clear identity: and should not confuse the right-wing deployment with the Left-wing one!
i partiti piccoli dovrebbero avere una identità chiara: e non dovrebbero confondere lo schieramento di Destra da quello di Sinistra!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
we complain that CHINA: is a Super police state: big Brother with 600 million cameras in 2020? but, the Europe of Soros and Bilderberg: financial technocracy and usury: it will be even worse: because it exercises an occult sovereignty (esoteric agenda) on behalf of Rothschild and not on behalf of an ideology.The future EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is seen as potentially "hostile" to Israeli government policies and in favor of Palestinian claims and Iran's reasons
ci lamentiamo che la CINA: è un Super stato di polizia: grande Fratello con 600 milioni di telecamere nel 2020? ma, la Europa di Soros e Bilderberg: tecnocrazia finanziaria e usura: sarà anche peggio: perché esercita una sovranità occulta (esoteric agenda) a nome di Rothschild e non a nome di una ideologia.
Il futuro Alto rappresentante dell’Ue per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza, è visto come potenzialmente “ostile” nei confronti delle politiche del governo israeliano e favorevole alle rivendicazioni dei palestinesi e alle ragioni dell’Iran
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Discussion on United with Israel 8 comments
Potential New Israeli Treatment 'Targets' Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah ianJhatch 5 months ago
What is natural law? are you confused?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah ianJhatch 5 months ago
topic where is?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
President my israelis people Rivlin ] you don't need guttalax because I know you go well! [my friend Donald TRUMP: he had an "Amans Patrie" channel on twitter and unfortunately, twitter pedestrian froggs lgbt: he block you if you repeat the same message often!
when did I get back on twitter? this channel was gone!
it was nice to chat with dear Donald every now and then!
Rivlin ] tu non hai bisogno di guttalax perché io lo so che tu vai bene! [ il mio amico Donald TRUMP: lui in twitter aveva un canale "Amans Patrie" e purtroppo twitter non ti perdona se, tu ripeti spesso lo stesso messaggio!
quando sono tornato in twitter? questo canale non c'era più!
era bello ogni tanto chiacchierare con il caro Donald!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Trump says: "amb. Gb has not served London well" #WASHINGTON, 8 JULY - The British ambassador to the United States "has not served Britain well": Donald Trump told reporters commenting on the criticisms of: that infamous #Kim Darroch about him, revealed by the tabloid Daily Mail . According to the Mail, Darroch, one of the most important diplomats in the United Kingdom, would use secret channels and information notes to challenge the character of Trump, warning London that the White House is "extraordinarily dysfunctional" and that the US president's career could end in " disgrace ".
ANSWER. therefore: it was the Masons of His Majesty who polluted the non-Putin US elections!the Masons are a mafia conspiracy: Soros Rosthschild international conspiracy! I ask for 10 drops of guttalax for the Jezabell's Queen!
Trump, dice: "amb. Gb non ha servito bene Londra"
#WASHINGTON, 8 LUG - L'ambasciatore britannico in Usa "non ha servito bene la Gran Bretagna": lo ha detto Donald Trump ai cronisti commentando le critiche di: quell'infame di #Kim Darroch su di lui, rivelate dal tabloid Daily Mail.
Darroch, uno dei più importanti diplomatici del Regno Unito, secondo il Mail avrebbe usato canali segreti e note informative per contestare il personaggio di Trump, avvertendo Londra che la Casa Bianca è "straordinariamente disfunzionale" e che la carriera del presidente Usa potrebbe finire in "disgrazia".
ANSWER. quindi: sono stati i massoni di Sua Maestà a inquinare le elezioni USA non Putin!
i massoni sono una cospirazione mafiosa: congiura Soros Rosthschild internazionale!
io chiedo 10 gocce di guttalax per la Regina!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
Greece: Mitsotakis, Country 'will raise its head' amen alleluia!already to resist the Turkish-Ottoman Empire Erdogan Merkel Rothschild the vampires!
Grecia: Mitsotakis,Paese 'rialzerà testa' amen alleluia!
già per resistere all'impero turco-ottomano Erdogan Merkel Rothschild i vampiri!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Marò, Italy: "India considers them guilty already"Rome claims the jurisdiction of the case before the Arbitration Court
ANSWER. no, no, it is the arbitration court, which must finish its work and perhaps the whole Kerala government will be put to death!
Marò, l'Italia: "L'India li ritiene già colpevoli"
Roma rivendica la giurisdizione del caso davanti alla Corte arbitrale
ANSWER. no, no, è la corte arbitrale, che deve finire il suo lavoro e forse tutto il governo del Kerala verrà messo a morte!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Migrants, Trenta-Salvini disputeThe Pope: 'except 10 million Italians, thousands of suicides a year? No one is a stranger! "
Migranti, lite Trenta-Salvini
Il Papa: 'tranne 10 milioni di italiani, migliaia di suicidi all'anno? Nessuno è straniero!'
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Discussion on United with Israel 43 comments
Is Jeremy Corbyn Bringing Jews Back to Judaism and Israel?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
ISIS hamas Jeremy Komeini Corbyn sharia death to all the unfaithful slaves dhimmis, in why jihad sharia Erdogan will win
morte a tutti gli infedeli schiavi dhimmis sharia Erdogan vincerà
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
is true the Democratic Party / Labor are the border of satan himself: an extreme threat of Pharisees Rothschild high constitutional treason the bank seigniorage:a lethal fake against hope every people: and for the destruction of the same concept of Fatherland: and destruction of the sacredness of human life!Jewish member of parliament Margaret Hodge agrees, Levy wrote. "I remember my father tried to make me Jewish and failed," Hodge said recently. "The local rabbi tried to make me Jewish and failed. It took the Labor party leader to do it."
è vero il Partito democratico / laburisti sono il confine di satana stesso: una estrema minaccia di farisei Rothschild alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario:
un letale micaccia contro la speranza doi ogni popolo:e per la distruzione dello stesso concetto di Patria: e distruzione della sacralità della vita umana!
Membro ebreo del Parlamento Margaret Hodge concorda, ha scritto Levy. "Mi ricordo che mio padre ha cercato di farmi ebreo e non riuscito", ha detto recentemente Hodge. "Il rabbino locale ha cercato di farmi ebreo e non riuscita. Ci sono voluti il leader del partito laburista a farlo."
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
obviously I have never lied in all my life and all that I have written in these 13 years? it's state law! what never makes me derail and fall into contradiction is metaphysics: in fact I am coherent with the mathematical logic of the Natural Law which finds its perfection in the Universal Law (everything that exists finds only one logic in love)
ovviamente io non ho mai mentito in tutta la mia vita e tutto quello che io ho scritto in questi 13 anni? è legge dello Stato!
cosa non mi fa mai deragliare e cadere in contraddizione è la metafisica: infatti io sono coerente con la logica matematica della Legge Naturale che trova la sua perfezione nella Legge Universale (tutto quello che esiste trova una sola logica nell'amore)
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Unius REI is Universal government for universal brotherhood: ie, King of kingsand Lord of Lords: this for the unwary might seem the affirmation of a megalomaniac, but, perhaps, many humble men like me did not be exist in history.
I represent the Kingdom of God JHWH holy: on this earth in the political form of the Kingdom of Israel.
Unius REI is Universal government: ie, King of kings
and Lord of Lords:
questa per gli incauti potrebbe sembrare la affermazione di un megalomane, ma, forse non sono esistiti nella storia molti uomini umili come me.
io rappresento il Regno di Dio in terra nella forma politica del Regno di Israele.
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Discussion on United with Israel 27 comments
WATCH: 'Thousands' of Murderers Eager to Respond to Bahrain Summit, Says Abbas' Deputy

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
kodster 5 hours ago
What slanders... you deleted your own post saying that you had been banned from the site. Now you're attacking? You're a sicko.
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really? and you as know this veri CIA 666 UK cannibals Biden 322 " strunz and bones" important things
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
kodster 5 hours ago
You are a perversion of the Lord, so you are NO 'King'. You don't even know what the heck you're talking about. You're full of anti-Semitism that is directed towards the wrong people.
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ie i am a perversion of the Lord holy JHWH HOLY?
your Satan is so bad slander: evil malefic esoteric agenda: Bilderberg, scam satanism banking seigniorage system drink your poison made by yourself
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
ME, I AM a perversion of the Lord JHWH HOLY?
your Satan is so
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
I KNOW THAT IT IS VERY SAD: but did High Sanhedrin Rothschild Enlightened lucifer FED IMF NWO go to say that how did they kill Jesus and Zorobabele ?? so they will kill me too: because they will never give me their religious power of the Synagogue of Satan
I cannot defend myself against slanderers, they spam me and on worlisraelnews I was blocked.
NON posso difendermi dai calunniatori mi fanno spam e su worlisraelnews io sono stato bloccato.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzojhwh HumanumGenus USSR KGB Bolsheviks? they have only killed 40 million Russian citizens because they are Christians, and have poisoned all of mankind with communist ideology .. if this is little for you!ReplyDomenico Borrelli Vulcano You need a good psychiatrist ... That's Hitler and Napoleon. If you are Russian you are a traitor, if you are not, you are sick.ReplyLorenzojhwh HumanumGenus have you any idea how many civilian victims of communism have been in peacetime? our Italian soldiers that the communist party gave for dead? they were locked up as slaves in the gulag lagher!I bring you arguments and you bring me insults to say how much you can hate humans: because you are with the sputniknew aliens of the galactic conderation
Lorenzojhwh HumanumGenus URSS KGB bolscevichi? hanno soltanto ucciso 40 milioni di cittadini russi perché cristiani, ed hanno avvelenato tutto il genere umano con la ideologia comunista.. se questo è poco per te!
Domenico Borrelli Vulcano Hai bisogno di un bravo psichiatra ... Quello è Hitler e Napoleone. Se sei russo sei un traditore, se non lo sei sei malato.
Lorenzojhwh HumanumGenus hai idea di quante sono state le vittime civili del comunismo in tempo di pace? i nostri soldati italiani che il partito comunista dava per morti? erano rinchiusi come schiavi nei gulag lagher!
io ti porto argomenti e tu mi porti insulti per dire quanto tu puoi odiare gli umani: perché tu sei con gli alieni di sputniknew della conderazione galattica
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Discussion on United with Israel 16 comments
WATCH: 'Where Are You,' Netanyahu Asks World Leaders as Iran Breaches Nuclear Deal

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Bin SALMAN ] [ Masonic leaders: hypocritical leaders, consociativismo, and the more poor, those who have nothing to lose? they are tearing the petty bourgeoisi for to social barbaric destruction
therefore Rothschild has planned to get many richs richer, and poorer and more alwayis poorer, so it will destroy the Christian Jewish civilization .. while every kind of evil cynicism hypocrisy and Satanism spreads all over the earth:and all this evil evil? you are the accomplice to see: how the world is going to burn everything!
Bin SALMAN ] [ i leaders massoni: dirigenti ipocriti, consociativismo, e i più poveri, quelli che non hanno niente da perdere?
loro stanno lacerando a distruzione la piccola borghesia
quindi Rothschild ha pianificato di ottenere ricchi sempre più ricchi, e poveri sempre più poveri, così distruggerà la civiltà ebraico cristiana.. mentre ogni genere di malvagità cinismo ipocrisia e satanismo si diffonde su tutta la terra:
e di tutto questo male malefico? tu sei il complice per vedere come il mondo sta per bruciare tutto!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
1. on this garden of my father's house: I did not know that there "ecclesiastical level" existed, so all that is built on this soil: it is 30% owned by the State!
2. I paid twice the transfer of ownership (because the first time the value of the land seemed low: at the revenue office)
3. I still have to pay twice the stacking(4000 euros) because the first time: the surveyor has not been able to do this operation the best.
4. in 25 years I paid taxes to the municipality of 1650 euros per year
5. when I got the first eviction: the judge sentenced the tenant to pay 10,000 euros, but the tenant cannot pay anything, sic..!
6. currently another bad tenant: but really bad: cynical as a murderer: he owes me already 10,000 euros and prevents me from selling the house which in the meantime (in 13 years) has lost 50% of its value due to rothschild and bilderberg Merkel EB: banking seigniorage scam and the democratic party.
7. and I am in the conditions: not to be able to support anymore: a mortgage loan of over 1000 euros a month, and I am about to leave the House to the Unicredit Bank which has my mortgages!
in Conclusion: if a tenant with a hammer destroys my house? there will be no one who can compensate me!
So the state is only a tormentor of Rothschild, and we the people? we are slaves!
obviously, I already knew all these terrible things 30 years ago, but I, 30 years ago, was: the Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians: that Talmud FED Rothschild and the Wahhabites sharia OIC: they planned to exterminate all over the world !so I made a total sacrifice of 600,000 euros for this ministry! After God he made me understand that I was lorenzoJHWH the King of Israel and that I was also Unius REI (the universal governor described in the emerald table)
ovviamente, io 30 anni fa io già sapevo già tutte queste cose terribili, ma, io 30 anni fa, io ero: il Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani: che Talmud FED Rothschild e i Wahhabiti sharia OIC: loro hanno pianificato di sterminare in tutto il mondo!
quindi io ho fatto per questo ministero un sacrificio complessivo di 600000 euro! Dopo Dio mi ha fatto capire che io ero lorenzoJHWH il Re di Israele e che io ero anche Unius REI (il governatore universale descritto nella tavola smeraldina)
1. su questo giardino della casa di mio padre: io non sapevo che esisteva il" livelo ecclesiastico", quindi tutto quello che si edifica su questo suolo: è del 30% di proprietà dello Stato!
2. ho pagato 2 volte il passaggio di proprietà (perché la prima volta il valore del suolo sembrava basso: all'ufficio delle entrate)
3. devo ancora pagare due volte l'accatastamento (4000 euro) perché la prima volta: il geometra non ha potuto fare al meglio questa operazione.
4. in 25 anni ho pagato di tasse al comune 1650 euro ad anno
5. quando ho ottenuto il primo sfratto: il giudice ha condannato l'inquilino al pagamento di 10000 euro: ma l'inquilino non può pagare nulla!
6. attualmente un altro inquilino cattivo: ma veramente cattivo: cinico come un assassino: mi deve già 10000 euro e mi impedisce di vendere la casa che nel frattempo (in 13 anni) ha perso il 50% del suo valore per colpa di Rothschild ECB e bilderberg Merkel e il partito democratico.
7. ed io sono nelle condizioni: di non poter più sostenere: un mutuo ipotecario di oltre 1000 euro al mese, e io sto per lasciare la Casa alla Banca Unicredit che ha le ipoteche!
in Conclusione: se un inquilino con un martello mi distrugge la casa? non ci sarà nessuno che mi potrà risarcire!
Quindi lo Stato è soltanto un aguzzino di Rothschild, e noi il popolo? noi siamo degli schiavi!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
a dentist, intentionally with a steel needle, after he cleaned the root nerve, threaded a steel needle and intentionally punctured me: the maxillary sinus bone, (a dentist friend told me that: I must lose the tooth: I can have infections, and there are bone fragments: and we must replace the scraped bone of the cheekbone: and restore the maxillary sinus with a fake bone cement!)but my fear was that: the CIA had put a micro-chip in my bone, or an HIV virus, etc.however, I did x-rays, and even the "cone beam" CT TAC, scan with the most advanced technology that exists in Bari! now: none of the 50%: of what you see in the radiograph (made by my dentist friend) was described in the TAC, the radiology specialist wrote that: "with apparent circumscribed interruption of the floor of the left maxillary sinus: which presents cysts mucous on the right as on the left side of the maxillary sinus "but whoever does a "cone beam" CT scan cannot say that "it seems or does not seem" or is yes, or is no: and muddy it all into mucous cysts (which do not exist): therefore part of this examination has been tampered with: a false 50% document .. then, it is clear that in the Masonic rothschild consociativism & masonic system: banking seigniorage, then, the leders can kill the people with impunity!as the saying goes: "wolf does not eat wolf"
un dentista, intenzionalmente con un ago di acciaio, dopo che ha pulito il nervo radice, ha infilato un ago di acciaio e mi ha forato intenzionalmente: l'osso del seno mascellare, (un amico dentista mi ha detto che: io devo perdere il dente: posso avere infezioni, e ci sono frammenti di osso: e si deve sostituire l'osso raschiato dello zigomo: e ripristinare il seno mascellare con un cemento di osso finto!)
ma la mia paura era che: la CIA avesse messo nel mio osso un micro-chip, oppure un virus HIV, ecc..
tuttavia, io ho fatto radiografie, e anche la TAC "cone beam" con la più avanza tecnologia che esiste in Bari!
adesso: nulla del 50%: di quello che si vede nella radiografia (fatta dal mio amico dentista) è venuto descritto nella TAC, lo specialista di radiologia ha scritto che: "con apparente circoscritta interruzione del pavimento del seno mascellare sinistro: che presenta cisti mucose a destra come a sinistra del seno mascellare"
ma chi fa una TAC "cone beam" non può dire che: "sembra o non sembra" o è si, o è no: e infangare il tutto in cisti mucose (che non esistono): quindi parte di questo esame è stato manomesso: un documento falso al 50% .. allora, è chiaro che nel consociativismo massonico rothschild, poi, i leders possono ammazzare il popolo impunemente!
come dice il proverbio: "lupo non mangia lupo"
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
obviously now this situation turns into a very embarrassing situation: as good and faithful servant's Rothschild into fake Paradise, (Mt 25) [ OCI EU UN Netanjahu, Rivlin, Putin, China India: & Pope Francis: Masonic Government Shadow Bilderberg: IMF IMF BM NWO: Cia 666 UK esoteric agenda: Imam, Rabbis , Bishops, etc .. Democratic Party, etc ..
ANSWER =========> "Sir, sir, open us!" But he replied: "Truly, I say to you, I do not know you." Mt 25.1-13
ANSWER =========> Matthew 7,21 Not everyone who says to me: Lord(to any religion), Lord(any crazy ideology comunists lgbt), will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name? 23 But I will declare to them: I never knew you; turn away from me, you workers of iniquity.
ANSWER =========> then, you will come to me to say: "but we have made you write: for decades: in youtube, in unitedwithisrael, in sputniknews" and I will answer you: "but, me , I'm your BOIA: really me! "
ovviamente ora la situazione si trasforma in una situazione molto imbarazzante:
come good and faithful servant's Rothschild into fake Paradise, (Mt 25) [ OCI EU UN Netanjahu, Rivlin, Putin, China India: & Pope Francis: Masonic Government Shadow Bilderberg: FMI IMF BM NWO: Cia 666 UK esoteric agenda: Imam, Rabbis, Bishops, etc.. Democratic Party, etc...
ANSWER =========> “Signore, signore, aprici!”. Ma egli rispose: “In verità io vi dico: non vi conosco”. Mt 25,1-13
ANSWER =========> Matteo 7,21 Non chiunque mi dice: Signore, Signore, entrerà nel regno dei cieli, ma colui che fa la volontà del Padre mio che è nei cieli. 22 Molti mi diranno in quel giorno: Signore, Signore, non abbiamo noi profetato nel tuo nome e cacciato demòni nel tuo nome e compiuto molti miracoli nel tuo nome? 23 Io però dichiarerò loro: Non vi ho mai conosciuti; allontanatevi da me, voi operatori di iniquità.
ANSWER =========> poi, verrete da me a dire: "ma noi ti abbiamo fatto scrivere: per decenni: in youtube, in unitedwithisrael, in sputniknews " ed io risponderò a voi: "ma, proprio io, io sono il vostro BOIA!"
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Revelation of false prophet: Revelation 16:13Then, from the mouth of the dragon, from the mouth of the monster and from the mouth of the false prophet I saw three evil spirits similar to frogs popping out. ] [Macometto Maometto ignorant, slave traders, evil Merchant, very lustful, pirate father of islamic predator, serial murderer (the model of Erdogan and of all the moamettans murdering of innocents peoples and martyrs christians slave dhimmis, etc.. hypocrites thieves and liars)Muhammad was the founder and prophet of Islam which is an organized religion of hypocrites, "the man that all Muslims recognize as their prophet". he was mentioned in Apocalypse/Revelation 4 centuries earlier when he says: that Satan and the Rothschild FED IMF NWO the beast Biden Bush Kerry Obama: they have them a false prophet: The false prophet of the end times (Wahhabis Bin Salman & Iran) is described in Revelation 13: 11-15. He is also referred to as the "second beast" (Revelation 16:13, 19:20, 20:10). Together with the Antichrist and Satan, who gives power to both, the false prophet is the third part of the diabolical trinity.
Apocalisse il falso profeta: Apocalisse 16:13
Poi, dalla bocca del drago, dalla bocca del mostro e dalla bocca del falso profeta vidi guizzare fuori tre spiriti malvagi simili a rane. ] [ Macometto Maometto ignorante Commerciante, assai lussurioso, predatore pirata, assassino seriale (il modello di Erdogan e di tutti i moamettani assassini ipocriti ladri e bugiardi)
Maometto è stato il fondatore e il profeta dell'Islam che è una religione organizzata di assassini ipocriti, «l'uomo che tutti i musulmani riconoscono loro profeta». lui è stato citato in Apocalisse 4 secoli prima quando si dice: che Satana e la bestia Rothschild loro hanno un falso profeta: Il falso profeta della fine dei tempi(Wahhabis Bin Salman& Iran) è descritto in Apocalisse 13:11-15. Ci si riferisce a lui anche come la "seconda bestia" (Apocalisse 16:13, 19:20, 20:10). Insieme all’Anticristo e a Satana, che dà potere a entrambi, il falso profeta è la terza parte della trinità diabolica.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Come good and faithful servant into Paradise, (Mt 25) [ OCI EU UN Netanjahu, Rivlin, Putin, China India: & Pope Francis: Masonic Government Shadow Bilderberg: FMI IMF BM NWO: Cia 666 UK esoteric agenda: Imam, Rabbis, Bishops, Priests Antifa: Democratic Party Sanctified, the Faithful and to the Members of the Associations, Movements and Ecclesial Groups: catto-communists ONG lgbt twitter youtube ANSA Network Satellite TV. facebook google "Come good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord: Ja-Bull-On Rothschild Allah sharia Belfagor ] no no fear no [sin however that FED FMI BCE etc. .. it is precisely the office of satan himself: under whose authority you have served well: as a faithful servant your whole life!
Vieni servo buono e fedele, (Mt 25) [ OCI UE ONU Netanjahu Rivlin Putin China India: & Pope Francis: Governo Massonico Ombra Bilderberg: FED FMI BM NWO: esoteric agenda: Imam, Rabbini, Vescovi, Sacerdoti, ai Consacrati, ai Fedeli ed ai Membri delle Associazioni, Movimenti e Gruppi Ecclesiali: catto-comunisti lgbt twitter youtube ANSA Network Satellite TV. " Vieni servo buono e fedele, entra nella gioia del tuo Signore: Ja-Bull-On Rothschild Allah ] no no fear no [ peccato però che FED FMI BCE ecc.. è proprio l'ufficio di satana in persona: sotto la cui autorità tu hai servito bene: come un servo fedele tutta la tua vita!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
OCI ONU Netanjahu Rivlin Putin China India: & Pope Francis ] no no fear no [ obviously, in their exercise religious-political power: then, Imam, Rabbini and Bishops: they exercise their power of religion in the name of: NWO FED FMI Rothschild: so, it will be Rothschild to make you enter in the Paradise or Heaven Satanas Lilith Allah Owl Baal Peor! let sharia peace be on the false prophet Muhammad and on you too!
OCI ONU Netanjahu Rivlin Putin Cina India: & Papa Francesco ] ovviamente, nel loro esercizio potere religioso-politico: poi, Imam Rabbini e Vescovi: loro esercitano il loro potere di religione in nome di: NWO FED FMI Rothschild: quindi sarà Rothschild a farvi entrare in Paradiso! che la pace sharia sia sul falso profeta Maometto e su di Voi anche!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Netanjahu] [ on what justice are you going to build my Kingdom of ISRAEL? you're just fooling me! crazy my universal brotherhood!!!
Netanjahu ] [ su quale giustizia tu stai per costruire il mio Regno di ISRAELE?
tu mi stai soltanto ad ingannare!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
internet has become total scam for peoples who want to rebel against the NWO
#Bin #SALMAN ] you condemned all Israelis to death: to follow the agenda of Enlightened lucifer CIA 666 UK 322 NSA Jews Dracula lgbt sodom of IMF FED BCE
Netanajhu ] you won't be able to stop all the ballistic missiles aimed at your nuclear plant: you hit Iran with atomic weapons
=======> worldisraelnews now they have reactivated me
or CIA 666 UK bulling me!
CONCLUSION = ==> but on this computer: worldisraelnews has returned to being blocked! and there is no trace of my friend's request Grace Joy to me
CONCLUSION = ==> of course to all those who ask me questions, they clag me, insult me: etc .. in worldisraelnews? I can't answer!
ovviamente a tutti quelli che mi fanno domande, mi calunniano, mi insultano: ecc.. in worldisraelnews ? io non posso rispondere!
ma in questo computer: worldisraelnews è ritornato ad essere bloccato! e non esiste traccia della domanda della mia amica
Grace Joy a me
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Netanjahu] here: worldisraelnewscom / sarsour_claims_jesus_was_palestinian_04 my comment has been deleted: and if you were the culprit? then it means that: you have decided to kill the Israelis by yourself! we say that if the filters and algorithms of the CIA 666 UK FED FMI NWO: they could make me invisible even to myself: then, you too have betrayed your people: as politicians have already done: in all the false Masonic democracies of the NWO! and there is no sovereignty here, that is actually is the rothschild any sovereignty
then, Islamic genocide sharia Satanists Umma jihad Erdogan demonic possessed: they will kill you with juridical reasons: because it is true that you are a carcinogenic growth of the NWO: an abusive entity in the holy land!
Netanjahu ] qui: worldisraelnewscom/sarsour_claims_jesus_was_palestinian_04 il mio commento è stato cancellato: e se sei stato tu il colpevole? allora significa che: proprio tu hai deciso di uccidere gli israeliani!
diciamo che se i filtri e gli algoritmi della CIA 666 UK NATO FED FMI NWO: hanno potuto rendermi invisibile anche a me stesso: allora, anche voi avete tradito il vostro popolo: come è già stato fatto i politici: in tutte le false democrazie massoniche del NWO!
non esiste quì una sovranità che in realtà è di rothschild..
gli islamici satanisti e indemoniati: loro vi uccideranno con ragioni giuridiche: perché è vero che voi siete una escrescenza cancerogena del NWO: una entità abusiva in terra santa!
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Discussion on United with Israel 16 comments
WATCH: 'Where Are You,' Netanyahu Asks World Leaders as Iran Breaches Nuclear Deal

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
aaahhh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah to Grace Joy • /unitedwithisrael org/act-now-tell-california-court-to-keep-weapons-away-from-hitler-admirer-who-wants-to-murder-jews/
i can not see your answer by this computer!!!
I have already told you that the historian: Ariel Toaff son of the former chief rabbi of Rome Toaff: he wrote "Pasque di sangue". Jews of Europe and ritual murders is a book by Ariel Toaff published by Il Mulino in the Historical Library series: buy on IBS for € 22.95!in this book he admits the existence also of thousands of Catholic children who were bled to death in the Synagogues, a dirty work that the Supreme Sinedrin FED IMF NWO ECB, today entrusts to the priests of Satan of the CIA. in reality in youtube there are videos with the names of hundreds of these children (like Simonino of Trento) and the relative expulsion of all the Jews from that nation!
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Discussion on United with Israel 62 comments
ACT NOW! Tell California Court to Keep Weapons Away from Hitler Admirer who Wants to Murder Jews!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Grace Joy 5 months ago
i can not see your answer by this computer!!!
I have already told you that the historian: Ariel Toaff son of the former chief rabbi of Rome Toaff: he wrote "Pasque di sangue". Jews of Europe and ritual murders is a book by Ariel Toaff published by Il Mulino in the Historical Library series: buy on IBS for € 22.95!in this book he admits the existence also of thousands of Catholic children who were bled to death in the Synagogues, a dirty work that the Supreme Sinedrin FED IMF NWO ECB, today entrusts to the priests of Satan of the CIA. in reality in youtube there are videos with the names of hundreds of these children (like Simonino of Trento) and the relative expulsion of all the Jews from that nation!
ti ho già detto che lo storico: Ariel Toaff figlio dell'ex-rabbino capo di Roma Toaff: ha scritto Pasque di sangue. Ebrei d'Europa e omicidi rituali è un libro di Ariel Toaff pubblicato da Il Mulino nella collana Biblioteca storica: acquista su IBS a 22.95€!
in questo libro lui ammette la esistenza anche di migliaia di bambini cattolici che erano dissanguati nelle Sinagoghe, lavoro sporco che oggi il Sommo Sinedrio affida ai sacerdoti di Satana della CIA.
in realtà in youtube ci sono i video con il nome di centinaia di questi bambini (come Simonino di Trento)e della relativa espulsione di tutti gli ebrei da quella nazione!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
netanjhau ] I am forced to change computers, with this computer:
1. do not make me answer on: worldisraelnews
2. don't let me see my friend's questions,
3. I can only copy the whole page but not text sections!
netanjhau ] sono costretto a cambiare computer, con questo computer:
1. non mi fanno rispondere su: worldisraelnews
2. non mi fanno vedere le domande della mia amica,
3. posso copiare soltanto tutta la pagina ma non sezioni di testo!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Davey Wavey an hour agoThe Nazis are the IDF. See - concentration camps, racial segregation, one superior and the other surrounded. Territorial expansion. Nazism and Zionism were born in the same crucible.
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by
World Israel Newssorry, in NWO 666 FED Bilderberg banking e masonic sysem: the life of a rebel Jew is 100 times more endangered than ours, so as Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri did: dissent must be disguised, which is why Zionism and globalism were born together: while in reality only Zionism can kill the rothschild globalism
in NWO la vita di un ebreo ribelle è 100 volte più in pericolo della nostra, quindi come ha fatto il rabbino Yitzhak Kaduri: il dissenso deve essere camuffato, ecco perché sionismo e mondialismo sono nati insieme: mentre in realtà soltanto il sionismo può uccidere il mondialismo dei rothschild
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
1. [[ in this computer Ip: is blocked on WorldIsraelNews
2. [[ in this computer i not can answer a to my friend that she is invisible for me!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
While the NGOs ferry the fat African, Italian and millions of children die of hunger.
If we invest a tenth of what we spend to accommodate young African thugs in hotels for fake refugees in food and medicine, we would save thousands of lives: but the Democratic Party, the Vatican and the 'ndrangheta would not make money.
and what is worse would not succeed in destroying the Christian Jewish civilization
Mentre le Ong traghettano i ciccioni africani, italiani e milioni di bambini muoiono di fame.
Se investissimo un decimo di quello che spendiamo per ospitare giovani energumeni africani in hotel per finti profughi in cibo e medicine, salveremmo migliaia di vite: ma il Pd, il Vaticano e la ‘ndrangheta non lucrerebbero.
e quello che è peggio non riuscirebbero a distruggere la civiltà ebraico cristiana
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Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments
Erekat: Netanyahu is 'far left' compared to David Friedman

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah • a few seconds from now
Bin SALMAN] you condemned all Israelis to death: to follow the agenda of the Jews of the IMF FED BCE !!!#Netanajhu] you won't be able to stop all the ballistic missiles aimed at your nuclear plant: you hit Iran with atomic weapons
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
you can prove your slanders? worldisraelnews now they have reactivated me
or CIA 666 UK bulling me!
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Discussion on United with Israel 27 comments
WATCH: 'Thousands' of Murderers Eager to Respond to Bahrain Summit, Says Abbas' Deputy

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Bin SALMAN] you condemned all Israelis to death: to follow the agenda of the Jews of the IMF FED BCE !!!#Netanajhu] you won't be able to stop all the ballistic missiles aimed at your nuclear plant: you hit Iran with atomic weapons
Bin SALMAN ] tu hai condannato tutti gli israeliani a morte: per seguire la agenda degli ebrei del FMI FED BCE!!!
#Netanajhu ] non riuscirai a fermare tutti i missili balistici puntati contro la tua centrale nucleare: fevi colpire Iran con armi atomiche
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
NWO Saudi Arabia OIC UN NATO FED IMF ECB GOLPE bilderberg banking seigniorage:
ISIS sharia: lizard CIA 666 UK Bin Salman Rothschild Soros: Sodom Dracula Satanas they block: only my account: Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom Modifica Profilo
Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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Discussion on World Israel News 340 comments
Sarsour claims 'Jesus was Palestinian'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Dorrie - Conservative 5 months ago
but yesterday also this channel of mine was completely blocked
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
but yesterday this channel of mine was completely blocked
ma ieri anche questo mio canale è stato completamente bloccato
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
but lizard Bin Salman Rothschild Soros: Sodom Dracula Satanas they block: only my account: Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom Modifica Profilo
Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Dorrie - Conservative 5 months ago
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
but lizard Bin Salman Rothschild Soros: Sodom Dracula Satanas they block: only my account: Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom Modifica Profilo
Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Dorrie - Conservative 5 months ago
you can prove your slanders? worldisraelnews now they have reactivated me
or CIA 666 UK bulling me!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Dorrie - Conservative 5 months ago
you can prove your slanders? Unius REI neve lie in all your life!
is why I am King Israel
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
you can prove your slanders?
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Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments
Yazidi Survivors Empowered by the Israeli Experience

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660 you have been banned by World Israel News
worldisraelnews com/5-idf-soldiers-injured-in-car-ramming-attack-arab-suspect-arrested/ @Affus1 In response to @LionjudahK
The Jews who still refuse to recognize Jesus the Messiah Savior remain under the condemnation of the law of Moses above all. Not for this we must be enemies of the Jews and hate the Jews as a people, indeed ... for the law, they are the first before God.
it has already been prophesied: that of the death of Jesus of Bethlehem all the Jews will mourn! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660 @Affus1 In response to @LionjudahK
The Jews who still refuse to recognize Jesus the Messiah Savior remain under the condemnation of the law of Moses above all. Not for this we must be enemies of the Jews and hate the Jews as a people, indeed ... for the law, they are the first before God.
it has already been prophesied: that of the death of Jesus of Bethlehem all the Jews will mourn! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
SS worldisraelnews agent nazi [ aldotoo Bel 666 VS Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom • 11 hours ago you have been banned by World Israel News. ] he is segret Agent Mossad Satana Dracula Sodoma: he block me ]
"I do not want to underestimate your gift of finding coincidences, I only say that this is not a gift I received from God!
yet I am the political project: of lorenzoJHWH: King of Israel, and the universal governor Unius REI of all the nations of the planet: that is, the universal brotherhood that resides both in the decalogue of Moses: as in my third Jewish temple, which if it is the home of the Jewish religion: it is also the lay home of love for all peoples
this is the secular theocratic metaphysical power of rational agnostic science"
A bit of crap Lion worldisraelnews com/5-idf-soldiers-injured-in-car-ramming-attack-arab-suspect-arrested/
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
@Affus1 In response to @LionjudahKjust what you say (JEWS AND CHRISTIANS A SINGLE PEOPLE), but it is a theological or faith consideration that does not change the history of facts. ANSWER.
we are the story of facts: DO NOT underestimate yourself .. THE JEWS are corporate and follow the majority: we the right are the new majority!
@Affus1 In risposta a @LionjudahK
giusto quello che dici (EBREI E CRISTIANI UN SOLO POPOLO), ma è una considerazione teologica o di fede che però non cambia la storia dei fatti. ANSWER.
noi siamo la storia dei fatti: NON ti sottovalutare.. GLI EBREI sono corporativi e seguono la maggioranza: noi le destre siamo la nuova maggioranza!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
@beaamafirenze The Bilderberg Democratic Party TV:2 Swiss rape a girl in Barcelona, and 4 Germans rape a girl in Mallorca.Swiss = SyrianGermans = TurksHow well they brainwash you, in the FED OCI FMI BCE BM NWO sharia Riyadh
@beaamafirenze La tv del Partito Democratico Bilderberg:
2 svizzeri stuprano una ragazza a Barcellona, e 4 tedeschi stuprano una ragazza a Maiorca.
svizzeri= siriani
tedeschi= turchi
Come vi lavano bene il cervello, nella FED FMI BCE BM NWO sharia Riyadh
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
World Israel News Removed comments Removed
Veterinarians seek medical cannabis for dogs affected by Gaza rockets
Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom (stuck was blocked )
(stuck was blocked ) Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom 21 hours ago
Removed Removed Removed Removed Removed
because this old one of Christine Lagarde at the top of the ECB: don't think about dying first her? Removed Removed Removed
Christine Lagarde will be the new president of the ECB. From the frying pan to the grill. Removed Removed Removed
Indeed, Lagarde is one of those people who think that the citizen should be at the service of the technocratic financial economy.
For the Lagarde, however, the elderly are not a wealth, but a cost. (E.C.)
It seems a paradox, but even longevity has become an enemy for Soros and rothschild,
Mondo Israele Notizie Rimosso i commenti RimossoI veterinari cercano la cannabis medica per i cani colpiti dai razzi di GazaLion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom (bloccato bloccato) (bloccato bloccato) Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom 21 ore faRimosso Rimosso Rimosso Rimosso Rimossoperché questo vecchio di Christine Lagarde in cima alla BCE: non pensare di morire prima lei? Rimosso Rimosso RimossoChristine Lagarde sarà il nuovo presidente della BCE. Dalla padella alla griglia. Rimosso Rimosso RimossoIn effetti, Lagarde è una di quelle persone che pensano che il cittadino dovrebbe essere al servizio dell'economia tecnocratica finanziaria.Per le Lagarde, tuttavia, gli anziani non sono una ricchezza, ma un costo. (E.C.)Sembra un paradosso, ma anche la longevità è diventata un nemico per Soros e Rothschild,
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
TECHNOCRATIC WEAR-financial FED FMI NWO the satanists of Riyad Soros Bilderberg Rothschild. In response to @EnricoLetta, @tsipras_eu and @PrimeministerGRThe #Greece of poor and dead children, of the 25,000 houses sold off in #Soros, of the sold out airports to the Germans, Greece without hospital beds and without medicine thanks the Masonic elites who have declared it #guerra, but also the #massoni must to die !
USURA TECNOCRATICA-finanziaria FED FMI NWO i satanisti di Riyad Soros Bilderberg Rothschild. In risposta a @EnricoLetta, @tsipras_eu e @PrimeministerGR
La #Grecia dei bambini poveri e morti, delle 25.000 abitazioni svendute a #Soros, degli aeroporti svenduti ai tedeschi, la Grecia senza posti letto in ospedale e senza medicine ringrazia le élites massoniche che le hanno dichiarato #guerra, ma anche i #massoni devono morire !
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
@Affus1 @LionjudahK, @patriziagatto3 and @ebreieisraeleI don't agree with what you say, those (THE JEWS) were and remain deicides, we are pilates. ANSWER. if we did not kill Jesus too: with our sins? then, we couldn't have been saved either. this is why in the Easter Exultet the happiness of all the deicides is sung: "a happy fault that you deserved such a redeemer!"
mica condivido quello che dici, quelli (GLI EBREI) erano e restano deicidi, noi siamo pilato. ANSWER.
se non uccidevamo anche noi Gesù: con i nostri peccati? poi, non avremmo potuto essere salvati neanche noi. ecco perché nell'Exultet pasquale si canta la felicità dei deicidi tutti: "felice colpa che si meritasti un tale redentore!"
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Car bomb in Afghanistan, 12 dead: dozens of students injured. Attack claimed by the Sharia jihad Taliban! ANSWER.
it is too easy for the sharia LEGA ARABA: to carry on the hybrid wars through: the sharia of the jihadist galaxy !!! in the case of Pakistan (for example) certainly, Pakistan attacks both India and Afghanistan!
when the US went to punish Bin Laden? Pakistan has taken it very badly: so Pakistan protects al-Qaeda and the Taliban in reality
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
Autobomba in Afghanistan, 12 morti: Feriti decine di scolari. Attacco rivendicato dai sharia jihad talebani! ANSWER.
è troppo facile per la sharia LEGA ARABA: di portare avanti le guerre ibride attraverso: la sharia della galassia jihadista!!! nel caso del Pakistan (per esempio) certamente, il Pakistan aggredisce sia India che Afganistan!
quando gli USA andarono a punire Bin Laden? il Pakistan lo ha preso molto male: quindi il Pakistan protegge al-Qaeda e Talebani in realtà
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Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Analysis: The dark shadow Iran is casting on the world

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
tamburi di guerra crescono sempre più forti
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
@ Affus1 In response to @LionjudahK, @ patriziagatto3 and @ebreieisraelebut are we Israel or are they excuse us?
ANSWER.. who separated Israel from the Church? it was Rothschild (today FED NWO BCE synagogue of Satan) but, our and their God JHWH, will never give up to make Jews and Christians into one ONLY people
@Affus1 In risposta a @LionjudahK, @patriziagatto3 e @ebreieisraele
ma Israele siamo noi o sono loro scusa ?
chi ha separato Israele dalla Chiesa? è stato Rothschild ( oggi FED NWO BCE sinagoga di Satana)
ma, il nostro e loro Dio JHWH, non rinuncerà mai a fare di ebrei e cristiani un solo popolo
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
glory to God holy JHWH holy: in Eternal: amen alleluia halleluia!Saint Michael is protector of Israel @ebreieisraele yesterday I was in San Michele on the Gargano, and I asked the archangel to defend: Italy and the Church and the Synagogue from the enemies!But remember: when Arcangelo San Michele intervenes, of course, there will be an extermination of enemy forces ..
gloria a Dio holy JHWH holy: in Eterno: amen alleluia halleluia!
San Michele è protettore di Israele @ebreieisraele
ieri sono stato a san Michele sul Gargano, e ho chiesto all'arcangelo di difendere: Italia e la Chiesa e la Sinagoga dai nemici!
Ma ricordate: quando Arcangelo San Michele interverrà, certo, ci sara uno sterminio di forze nemiche..
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Netanjahu] IRAN? .. delete it from the maps
//fed-hitler-isis-sharia-nwo-satana blogspot com/2019/07/iran-delete-it-from-maps
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Netanjahu] is you use 50% of all your atomic bombs: of your atomic arsenal against IRAN .. delete it from the maps!
#Netanjahu ] è tu usa 50% di tutte le tue bombe atomiche: del tuo arsenale atomico contro IRAN .. cancellalo dalle cartine geografiche!
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Discussion on World Israel News 63 comments
Iranian cleric: Strike on Israeli nuclear facility in Dimona ‘would suffice’

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
China Russia USA EU India etc ..] Islam demands our own level of legal legitimacy, and our own level of legitimacy in sovereignty:
yet, Islam does not have freedom of religion, has no human rights, has a trade in slavery, etc. etc.
and all the sins of the Torah were with Muhammad the false prophet from whose mouth three frogs come out: as Apocalypse says!
for us? this is the beginning of the end! ====>Iranian cleric: Strike on Israeli nuclear plant in Dimona 'would be enough'
Cina Russia USA UE India ecc.. ] Islam pretende il nostro stesso livello di legittimità giuridica, e il nostro stesso livello di legittimità nella sovranità:
eppure, Islam non ha la libertà di religione, non ha i diritti umani, ha il commercio degli schiavi, ecc.. ecc. e tutti i peccati della Torà erano con Maometto il falso profeta dalla cui bocca escono tre rane: come dice Apocalisse!
allora, per noi? questo è l'inizio della fine! ====>
Cleric iraniano: Strike su impianto nucleare israeliano a Dimona 'basterebbe'
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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Discussion on United with Israel 3 comments
The 'Three Boys' Memorialized for the Fifth Anniversary of Their Murder

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Iran jihad sharia Erdogan lilith akbar: it is death to the Chinese and Russian infidels (replacement theology) where: kafir dhimmis and murids slaves are to be suppressed and have no life! die Allah in Mecca Kaaba with all the Philistines!
Iran is out of the nuclear deal and announces: ‘Via enrichment of many many bombs nuclear enriched uranium bombs
Iran jihad sharia Erdogan lilith akbar: è morte agli infedeli cinesi e russi (teologia della sostituzione) dove: kafir dhimmis e murids schiavi sono da sopprimere e non hanno più una vita! muoia Allah a Mecca Kaaba con tutti i filistei!
Iran è fuori dall’accordo sul nucleare e annuncia: ‘Via arricchimento di bombe nucleari all'uranio arricchito’
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
this is the truth: "we the human race, we are surrounded by Islamic sharia monsters"
questa è la verità: "noi il genere umano, noi siamo circondati da islamici mostri sharia"
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Israeli space startup launches microsatellite with expandable antenna

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
disq us/p/22x9sxv this is the truth: "we the human race, we are surrounded by Islamic sharia monsters"
The ‘Three Boys’ Memorialized on 5th Anniversary of Their Murder
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Discussion on World Israel News 81 comments
Netanyahu asks world leaders on Iran: ‘Where are you?’

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
[China EU Russia USA India] there is only one Umma NAZI for slaves dhimmis Kafir and Murtids, etc.
here is only one Mecca 666 kaaba, etc ..
there is only one false criminal murderer prophet, etc ..
there is only one talmud-demonic Koran, etc.
therefore: there is only one sharia law, etc.
the fact that Iran and Riyadh can wage war between each other? this is a scam element: absolutely insignificant compared to the overall picture: the Islamic kabbalah (substitution theology) of sharia annihilation of the whole human race!
Muslims do not have the concept of the sacredness of human life, a psychiatric-paranoid infestation is a mental illness.their dogmatic theocratic ideology will not leave a chance of life for all mankind!
c'é una sola Umma, ecc..
c'é una sola Mecca 666 kaaba, ecc..
c'é un solo falso criminale assassino profeta, ecc..
c'é un solo talmud-Corano demoniaco, ecc..
quindi: c'é una sola sharia law, ecc.. ANSWER.
il fatto che Iran e Riyadh si possano fare la guerra? questo è un elemento truffa: assolutamente insignificante rispetto al quadro complessivo: la islamica kabbalah (teologia sostituzione) di annientamento sharia di tutto il genere umano!
islamici non hanno il concetto di sacralità della vita umana, sono una malattia mentale una infestazione psichiatrico-paranoica.
la loro ideologia dogmatico teocratica non lascerà una possibilità di vita a tutto il genere umano!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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Who dared to make this desecration against Israel's hope?
lorenzo Fedele250660 (3 hours ago)
Who dared to make this desecration against Israel's hope? [China EU Russia USA India] ok, I am the metaphysical secular theocracy (universal and natural law): who more than the Muslims had to be enthusiastic about this my proyect (defeat the atheists culturally)?
it is clear the Arab League has only planned your genocide through sharia
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** We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
Cina Russia UE USA India ] ok, io sono la teocrazia laica metafisica: chi più dei mussulmani doveva essere entusiasta di questo mio progetto (sconfiggere gli atei culturalmente)?
è chiaro la LEGA Araba ha soltanto pianificato il nostro/vostro genocidio attraverso la sharia
chi ha osato fare questa profanazione del mio account blocco: contro la speranza di Israele?
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Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments
WATCH: Iran threatens UK after oil tanker seized near Gibraltar

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Min Dona 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660
3 ore fa Who dared to make this desecration against Israel's hope? [ China EU Russia USA India ] ok, I am the metaphysical secular theocracy (universal e natural law): who more than the Muslims had to be enthusiastic about this my proyect (defeat the atheists culturally)?
it is clear the Arab League has only planned your genocide through sharia
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We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
* We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
you have been banned by World Israel News
Who dared to make this desecration against Israel's hope?
you have been banned by United with Israel
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Discussion on World Israel News 340 comments
Sarsour claims 'Jesus was Palestinian'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660 3 ore fa
you have been banned by World Israel News
chi ha osato fare questa profanazione contro la speranza di Israele?
you have been banned by United with Israel
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Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
Israel looking for way to pay PA while still withholding taxes over terror payments, report says

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660
3 ore fa
have been banned by World Israel News. and: by United with Israel. chi ha
osato fare questa profanazione contro la speranza di Israele?
/worldisraelnews com/watch-iran-threatens-uk-after-oil-tanker-seized-near-gibraltar/
@MLP_officiel @Ignazio_LaRussa @LegaNelCuore @Libero_official @fdicos10
@GiancarloDeRisi @mariogiordano5 @marco_gervasoni
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Discussion on United with Israel 62 comments
ACT NOW! Tell California Court to Keep Weapons Away from Hitler Admirer who Wants to Murder Jews!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika technocracy rothschild soros Bilderberg]
The Sophist @intuslegens
My wife calls me alarmed.
"I found out that on Twitter I don't follow you anymore." you got it?
They take away from me following because I'm not a 666 interface.
Because I defend Italy instead of disgracing it, humiliating it and m o c k i n g it.
They take away my wife, do you realize?
Bad global FED IMF NWO.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika technocracy rothschild soros Bilderberg]
The Sophist @intuslegens
My wife calls me alarmed: "I found out that on Twitter I don't follow you anymore." I got it?
They take away from me because I'm not a f u c k i n g interface.
Because I defend Italy instead of disgracing it, humiliating it and m o c k i n g it.
They take away my wife, do you realize? Bad global 666
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika technocracy rothschild soros Bilderberg]
The Sophist @intuslegens
My wife calls me alarmed.
"I found out that on Twitter I don't follow you anymore." I got it?
They take away from me because I'm not a f u c k i n g interface.
Because I defend Italy instead of disgracing it, humiliating it and mocking it.
They take away my wife, do you realize?
Bad global s h i t.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika technocracy rothschild soros Bilderberg]
The Sophist @intuslegens
My wife calls me alarmed.
"I found out that on Twitter I don't follow you anymore." I got it?
They take away from me because I'm not a fucking interface.
Because I defend Italy instead of disgracing it, humiliating it and mocking it.
They take away my wife, do you realize?
Bad global s h i t.
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika tecnocrazia rothschild soros Bilderberg ]
Il Sofista @intuslegens
Mia moglie mi chiama allarmata.
«Ho scoperto che su Twitter non ti seguo più». Capito?
Mi tolgono follower perché non sono un #facciamorete del cazzo.
Perché difendo l'Italia anziché sputtanarla, umiliarla e deriderla.
Mi tolgono la moglie, vi rendete conto?
Brutte m e r d e globali.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Nazi shoah Olocausto Hitler? whos not so bad like FED IMF NWO Bilderberg Troika Trilateral ] [ OCI FED FMI NWO China Russia India UN Trilateral Troika ] [ because, there is a banking seigniorage (the institutional ideological and physical incarnation of Satan in our dimension) which is a high Constitutional betrayal. then all the governments of this planet with the exception of North Korea and Iran are accomplices in this: "Masonic consociativismo of the corrupt Leaders" which is a mafia conspiracy: concocted by all the super rich (thieves, usurers, parasites and murderers) of the planet to exterminate all the poor of the planet!
Therefore: the sovereignty of peoples cannot be true and cannot be legittimate;
1. no institution, 2. no religion, 3. no government, 4. no power center, 5. no judiciary, 6. no Netwok satellite TV:
all over the planet? you have spread only Satanism!
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Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Israeli researchers make major breakthrough in custom-tailored antibiotics

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Rothschild dracula Morgan Belzebub Rochfeller Ja-Bull-ON Owl [to my satanic trinity] ok, I sank Marine Le Pen: for his comment she is wrong about Israel, but, caxxo your Macron? it has done much worse! -> no Jew can live in France because of you!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Haftar against Salvini: "Forcing Italy to open ports"
so Turkey France Qatar and the USA are threatening our homeland!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
he is a sharia macete: Sorry for the trouble @acs_italia
Another priest died in #Africa. Father Paul Mbon was killed with a machete the night between 28 and 29 June near the parish of Sembé, diocese of Ouesso, in the Democratic Republic of the #Congo. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Custom robot header tags? [deactivated] Changeall my sites? the CIA 666 UK deactivated them my 110 blogspot, as if their filter algorithms weren't sufficient in themselves!
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Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Guest 5 months ago
I work to honor Acts 1,6
for the hope of the kingdom of Israel and you come against me!
io lavoro per onorare Atti 1,6
per la speranza del regno di israele
e tu vieni contro di me!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah shaongaon 5 months ago
few people in the world: they can condense topics like me, like I do.I'm sorry for the bad English I can write
if you wrote about all the murders that Muslims do against Christian martyrs: I would write articles 50 times more numerous than these!
se scrivessi circa tutti gli omicidi che gli islamici fanno contro i martiri cristiani: tovrei scrivere articoli 50 volte più numerosi di questi!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Sandra Lee Smith 5 months ago
perhaps you should better analyze your conscience before God!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah agnes losonczi 5 months ago
if you blocked me how can you read my comments?I think that even for a donkey, a university professor may look schizophrenic!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah MmeMoxie 5 months ago
no a new name never existed,
this is only my political ministry for kingdom israel
and you are judging an innocent and loving person, how could you come out unscathed? no you can not!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Rahel 5 months ago
when will you fall into a terrible place of atonement?
you will understand that you made a big mistake.
now you could easily have expiated your sins!
quando cadrai in un terribile luogo di espiazione?
capirai che hai fatto un grande errore.
adesso avresti potuto facilmente espiare i tuoi peccati!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah sam i am 5 months ago
I only said that I had a channel of Yitzchak KaduriMessia's profile that was blocked by the Israelis what's strange about all this?
io ho detto soltanto che avevo un canale di
Yitzchak KaduriMessia's profile
che mi è stato bloccato dagli israeliani
cosa c'é di strano in tutto questo?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah shaongaon 5 months ago
few people in the world: they can condense topics like me, like I do.I'm sorry for the bad English I can write
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Discussion on World Israel News 89 comments
PA official claims Israeli plot to ‘Judaize’ Jerusalem

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Mark Popyack 5 months ago
1. you just insulted me only
2. you never deal with a subject with me
3. like any rothshcild criminal you too will pay your price!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Sandra Lee Smith 5 months ago
? why? cultic flavor ? mine: it is thirst for justice
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah shaongaon 5 months ago
everyone thinks they are right, and in the meantime they kill, make kill by other, or are complicit in the death of Christian martyrs
with silence they are complicit in the crimes of others
tutti pensano di avere ragione, e intanto uccidono, fanno uccidere o sono complici con la morte dei martiri cristiani
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
separating the Russian people from the Italian people would be the gravest sacrilege! an inevitable nuclear world war!
let's hope the Democratic party can drown in the blood of its betrayal: Soros Rothschild Erdogan Bilderberg!
Today, July 4, President Vladimir Putin went to Rome on an official visit to meet the Pope, President Sergio Mattarella, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the two vice Premier Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio.
sputniknews com/videoclub/201907047845461-putin-e-litalia-la-storia-dei-rapporti/
separare il popolo russo dal popolo italiano sarebbe il più grave sacrilegio!
una guerra mondiale inevitabile!
speriamo che il partito democratico possa affogare nel sangue del suo tradimento: Soros Rothschild Erdogan Bilderberg!
Oggi, il 4 luglio, il presidente Vladimir Putin si è recato a Roma in visita ufficiale per incontrare il Papa, il presidente Sergio Mattarella, il Presidente del Consiglio Giuseppe Conte e i due vice premier Matteo Salvini e Luigi Di Maio.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
death penalty right away !!! sharia becouse !!!
The tobacconist hit by the Nigerian asylum seeker died
The Neapolitan tobacconist 52, who was punched for futile reasons by a Nigerian migrant seeking asylum on June 9th, died today in the hospital after a long agony.
pena di morte subito!!! sharia becouse!!!
Morto il tabaccaio preso a pugni dal nigeriano richiedente asilo
E’ morto oggi in ospedale dopo lunga agonia il tabaccaio napoletano 52enne preso a pugni per futili motivi da un migrante nigeriano richiedente asilo lo scorso 9 giugno.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
A Brazilian entrepreneur committed suicide (becouse Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO scam banking seigniorage: debt mortage dracula Morgan 322 Rochefeller) publicly Thursday morning in the city of Aracaju during an event in one of the hotels in the city, which was attended by the Governor of the state Sergipe Belivaldo Chagas.
According to the Globo channel, the businessman Sadir Gitz was in the second row in the hall where the meeting was held. Guests of honor sat on the stage, including governor and energy minister Bento Albuquerque.
Un imprenditore brasiliano si è suicidato (becouse Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO scam banking seigniorage: debt mortage dracula Morgan 322 Rochefeller) pubblicamente giovedì mattina nella città di Aracaju durante un evento in uno degli hotel della città, al quale ha preso parte il Governatore dello stato Sergipe Belivaldo Chagas.
Secondo il canale Globo, l'uomo d'affari Sadir Gitz era nella seconda fila nella sala dove si teneva l’incontro. Ospiti d'onore seduti sul palco, tra cui il governatore e ministro dell'energia Bento Albuquerque.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Putin and Conte, the joint press conference
let us hope that satan allah sodom and dracula will not prevent friendship between these two brother peoples!
Putin e Conte, la conferenza stampa congiunta
speriamo che satana allah sodoma e dracula non impediscano la amicizia tra questi due popoli fratelli!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
I don't know how difficult the overall vision can be: for a Bolshevik criminal communist: to be able to see the sharia genocide of all Christian martyrs!
Evo Morales: the whole world considers Trump the number one enemy of humanity. answer. So Rothschild and Erdogan are the saviors of the Fatherland?
non so come possa essere difficile la visione complessiva: per un comunista criminale bolscevico: di poter vedere il genocidio sharia di tutti i martiri cristiani!
Evo Morales: il mondo intero considera Trump il nemico numero uno dell’umanità. answer. quindi Rothschild e Erdogan sono i salvatori della Patria?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
PA official claims Israeli plot to ‘Judaize’ Jerusalem
ANSWER. brutti scorfani di maomettani assassini!!
and be so!!! it is not a plot (for the Jews) to judge one's own country.
plot is only the genocide of the sharia NAZI akbar against the whole human race!
e allora? non è un complotto (per gli ebrei) giudaizzare la propria Patria.
complotto è soltanto il genocidio della sharia NAZI akbar contro tutto il genere umano!
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Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments
Spanish nominee for top EU foreign policy post is firm backer of Iranian regime

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Mohammed Erdogan Iran Riad is a pig: those who trade with him are piglets! Omaima is a Syrian girl, escaped the war and now lives in the Za'atari refugee camp in Jordan. Here, at the age of 12, he first heard about early marriages, when he saw that his peers were still marrying girls.
Since then Omaima right through the school, fights every day to raise awareness of its peers and their parents against this practice.
Many children fleeing war and persecution do not go to school and, among them, girls are the most discriminated. A refugee child, without an education, risks being exploited, abused, given as a child while still a child.
A refugee child cannot choose, but you do.
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Israeli businessmen tout 'relationships' with Arab investors formed in Bahrain

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Satanists and their Islamic sharia all, they must stop threatening, through: the democratic party of betrayal and rothschild fraud: to threaten the hope of survival of the human race!
Trump's irony during the meeting with Putin: do not interfere in our elections
satanisti e loro islamici sharia tutti, la devono smettere di minacciare attraverso il partito democratico del tradimento e della truffa rothschild: di minacciare la speranza di sopravvivenza del genere umano!
Ironia di Trump durante l'incontro con Putin: non interferisca nelle nostre elezioni
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Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
New study reveals 'biological toll' on Holocaust survivors' brain function

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
you will see the understanding: of Christian martyrs for you
son of a b i t c h: on doomsday!
Dear lorenzoJHWH Unius REI:
Thank you for submitting your video appeal to YouTube.
After further review of the content, we have determined that your video violates our Community Guidelines and maintained our original decision. We thank you for your understanding.
- The YouTube team
vedrai la comprensione: dei martiri cristiani per te
figlio di una c a g n a: nel giorno del giudizio universale!
Gentile lorenzoJHWH Unius REI:
Grazie per avere inviato il tuo ricorso video a YouTube.
Dopo un ulteriore esame dei contenuti, abbiamo stabilito che il tuo video vìola le nostre Norme della community e abbiamo mantenuto la nostra decisione originale. Ti ringraziamo per la comprensione.
Cordiali saluti,
- Il team di YouTube
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
my holy JHWH] [it's not my fault: is Netanjahu: rothschild slave: (false Jew with maternal genealogies) who. he exploits me: like an Ethiopian slave goyim!
my holy JHWH ] [ non è colpa mia è Netanjahu: schiavo rothschild: (falso ebreo con genealogie materne) che. lui mi sfrutta: come un goyim etiope schiavo!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
we should not panic said Allah lilith: it is still not very serious!
Scandal: RAI journalist on NGO ship to make propaganda at your expense July 4, 2019
Africans in revolt: burning cars and assaulted drivers - VIDEO July 4, 2019
NGO admits piracy: "We have taken away illegal immigrants from the Libyan patrol boat", we stop these criminals July 4, 2019
Alessandra Vella denied by the Supreme Court: ramming Finanza is a crime July 4, 2019
NGO Casarini captures 54 illegal immigrants and heads to Italy on July 4, 2019
Assault on the eastern border: 10 thousand Muslims to Italy, serving the wall on July 4, 2019
Libya frees thousands of illegal prisoners: it is an attack on Italy
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Libya: Putin, Nato restores stability:
It was not Russia that created chaos in the country
answer. THIS OF Putin is a too naive statement:
there is no control and stability: in Islam without scimitar Erdogan or riad or Iran: which convinces all the opponents: that it is right to do so or colì or pomì!
Libia: Putin, Nato ripristini stabilità:
Non è stata la Russia a creare il caos nel Paese
answer. QUESTA DI Putin è una affermazione troppo ingenua:
non c'é controllo e stabilità: in Islam senza scimitarra Erdogan o riad o Iran: che convince tutti gli oppositori: che è giusto fare così o colì o pomì!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
everyone knows that the Fed gave Kim Jong-un's father a machine to print $ 100 bills! you are painful!
ROME, JULY 4 - North Korea has accused the United States of being "determined to hostile acts", despite a recent agreement between the two countries to resume nuclear talks. According to the BBC, the Pyongyang delegation to the UN claims that the US is "obsessed with sanctions" and has accused Washington of trying to "undermine the peaceful atmosphere" on the Korean peninsula. the latest development marks a return to the tensions that have ruined relations between the two countries in recent times.
The North Korean delegation to the UN was responding to US accusations of violating a limit to imports of refined oil set in 2017.
lo sanno tutti che la FED ha regalato a Kim Jong-un padre:
una macchina per stampare banconote da 100 dollari! siete penosi!
ROMA, 4 LUG - La Corea del Nord ha accusato gli Stati Uniti di essere "determinati ad atti ostili", nonostante un recente accordo tra i due Paesi per riprendere i colloqui sul nucleare. Secondo la Bbc, la delegazione di Pyongyang all'Onu sostiene che gli Usa sono "ossessionati dalle sanzioni" e ha accusato Washington di tentare di "minare l'atmosfera pacifica" nella penisola coreana. l'ultimo sviluppo segna un ritorno alle tensioni che hanno rovinato le relazioni tra i due Paesi negli ultimi tempi.
La delegazione nordcoreana all'Onu stava replicando alle accuse degli Usa di aver violato un limite alle importazioni di petrolio raffinato fissato nel 2017.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Erdogan] [courage don't despair yourself: if you give a gas field to Israel?
you will see that: sukker israelis this account also closes me.
after all, this is how Netanjahu made money with all the Mohammedans!
Erdogan ] [ coraggio non ti disperare: se tu regali un giacimento di gas a Israele?
vedrai che mi chiudono anche questo account.
dopotutto è in questo modo che Netanjahu ha fatto i soldi con tutti i maomettani!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Libia: executioner jihad Erdogan who drinks: all the oil ISIS: and that caused all Christians in Syria to be put in mass graves: from his Turcomans, chemical weapons, white helmets? he said:
"Haftar is a pirate" ANSWER. but, we would NEVER know: what kind of Islamic sharia abomination could be treated: in UN: human rights about free will sharia, and freedom of religion: Umma demonio kaaba: with his jihadist galaxy of Bin sulfuric salman: in effect !
#Libia: boia jihad Erdogan che beve: tutto il petrolio ISIS: e che ha fatto mettere nelle fosse comuni tutti i cristiani in Siria: dai suoi turcomanni, armi chimiche, i caschi bianchi? proprio lui ha detto:
"Haftar è un pirata" ANSWER. ma, noi NON potremmo mai sapere: che genere di abominizione sharia islamica potrebbe essere trattata: in ONU: i diritti umani circa il libero arbitrio sharia e libertà di religione: Umma demonio kaaba: con la sua galassia jihadista di Bin sulfuric salman: in effetti!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
EU: Tusk, good gender balance: from
Antichrist Europe. "Europe doesn't just talk about transsexual women, it's choosing them"
answer. ok Tusk down the mask? what is your gender Mason satan dog?
Ue: Tusk, bene l'equilibrio dei generi: from
Europa anticristo. "L'Europa non parla solo delle donne transessuali, le sta scegliendo"
answer. ok Tusk giù la maschera? quale è il tuo genere massone satana cane?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Another son of the founder leaves Hamas: Suheib Yousef at Canale 12: 'Corruption, cutting bridges, i go away'
ANSWER. the corruption of Rothschild talmud's slave traders FED FMI NWO: that with usury they also steal milk from mothers' udders? are we crazy?
Islam is a total satanism: a total cage of mad people possessed!
Altro figlio del fondatore lascia Hamas: Suheib Yousef a Canale 12: 'Regna la corruzione, taglio i ponti'
ANSWER. la corruzione dei commercianti di schiavi Rothschild FED FMI NWO: che con la usura rubano anche il latte delle mammelle delle mamme? siamo matti?
Islam è un satanismo totale: una totale gabbia di pazzi invasati!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Libya assesses release of each and all migrants. Interior Minister Tripoli: 'Get away from the centers, I'm not safe'
ok put them back on the trucks and bring them all back to Nigeria from Erdogan SHARIA and his Boko Haram Riad i Fulani: jihad genocide Mecca 666 Lilith kaaba!
Libia valuta rilascio di ogni migrante. Ministro Interno Tripoli: 'Via dai centri, non sono al sicuro'
ok rimetteteli sui camion e riportateli tutti in Nigeria da Erdogan SHARIA e suoi Boko Haram Riad i Fulani!
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Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
New study reveals 'biological toll' on Holocaust survivors' brain function

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Putin to the Pope, thank you for your words.
Putin to the Pope: "Pray for me"
answer. I have been angry many times against Pope Francis: and sincerely I am very unpleasant for him, but since his self-defeating love is a universal love: then, God will certainly hear his prayer!
Putin al Papa, grazie per le sue parole.
Putin al Pontefice: 'Preghi per me'
answer. Io mi sono arrabbiato molte volte contro Papa Francesco: e sinceramente mi è molto antipatico, ma poiché il suo amore autolesionistico è un amore universale: poi , Dio ascolterà la sua preghiera certamente!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Shipwreck in Largo Tunisia, 80 missing
Alarm Phone, in largo Zarzis yesterday, only 4 surviving migrants
this is an Islamic invasion sharia Soros Erdogan Rothschild high treason banking seigniorage, [[ go machine gun! ]]
Naufragio a largo Tunisia, 80 dispersi
Alarm Phone, ieri a largo Zarzis, solo 4 migranti sopravvissuti
questa è una invasione islamica sharia Soros Rothschild alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario, [[ mitragliateli! ]]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Constantinople (mum them turks: kaput scimitarra akbar) #ISTANBUL, 4 JULY - the Executioner Erdogan DOCET !!! and says: "The #Pkk terrorist leader - who is on the list of terrorist organizations in many countries, including the United States, and who brutally slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent people (because he did not want to accept his genocide with faith Islamic sharia) - has shamelessly done terrorist propaganda using the Washington Post ". This "approach is a new and serious example of hypocrisy in the fight against terrorism" and is "incompatible with the sensitivity shown towards #Isis (Qatar), al Qaeda (Riad) and other terrorist organizations OCI ONU sharia jihad Erdogan". The Turkish Foreign Ministry (Mufti) writes in a note, in reference to the editorial published yesterday in the American newspaper signed by Cemil #Bayik, one of the leaders and founders of the Kurdish Pkk, which would hide in the strongholds of the organization in the north Iraq. "Now is the time for peace (when the Sharia Muslims speak of peace? It is then that a new Ottoman genocide is born) between the Kurds and the Turkish state. Don't waste it", states the title of the comment by #Bayik.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Strong (allah uuuh akbar akbar akbar) explosion in Kabul, 65 wounded: Car bomb placed near the Ministry of Defense. ANSWER.
you could never know, if today: Allah may wish you to do good, or, IF HE LILITH, he would want to hurt you jihad Erdogan sharia, in fact no Imam Kaaba from Mecca could answer this question!
Forte esplosione a Kabul, 65 feriti: Autobomba piazzata vicino al ministero della Difesa. ANSWER.
tu non potresti mai sapere, se oggi: Allah ti potrebbe voler fare del bene, oppure, SE LUI LILITH, lui ti vorrebbe fare del male jihad Erdogan sharia, infatti nessuno Imam Kaaba Mecca potrebbe rispondere a questa domanda!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Kosovo, stop to Serbian authorities: 'For threats, propaganda and false news' of #Belgrade
answer. this: Erdogan Iran Muhammad and Allah cannot contest him:
only the news that give all Muslims is true
Kosovo, stop alle autorità serbe: 'Per le minacce, la propaganda e le notizie false' di #Belgrado
answer. questo: Erdogan Iran Maometto e Allah non lo possono contestare:
soltanto le notizie dei mussulmani sono quelle vere
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Iran, the singer Joss Stone expelled. He had to give a concert, no comment from the authorities.
answer. no one should think that Muslims can be easily deceived: and where is his virgin hymen, niqab who is reborn virgin: every time for the s e x, slave women of the Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: always every time: for paradise of that pig Erdogan Komeini Mohammed Salman Bin sulfuric?
let sharia peace be upon them and you all
Iran, espulsa la cantante Joss Stone. Doveva tenere un concerto, nessun commento dalle autorità.
answer. nessuno dovrebbe pensare che gli islamici possono essere ingannati facilmente: e dove è il suo imene vergine, niqab che rinasce vergine: tutte le volte per le donne schiave s e s s u a l i dei Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: sempre tutte le volte: per paradiso di quel maiale di Erdogan Komeini Maometto Salman Bin sulfuric?
che la pace sharia sia su di lui loro e voi tutti
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Iran, the singer Joss Stone expelled. He had to give a concert, no comment from the authorities.
answer. no one should think that Muslims can be easily deceived: and where is his virgin hymen, niqab who is reborn virgin: every time for the s,e,x, slave women of the Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: always every time: for paradise of that pig Erdogan Komeini Mohammed Salman Bin sulfuric?
let sharia peace be upon them and you all
Iran, espulsa la cantante Joss Stone. Doveva tenere un concerto, nessun commento dalle autorità.
answer. nessuno dovrebbe pensare che gli islamici possono essere ingannati facilmente: e dove è il suo imene vergine, niqab che rinasce vergine: tutte le volte per le donne schiave se,s.-s,u,ali dei Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: sempre tutte le volte: per paradiso di quel maiale di Erdogan Komeini Maometto Salman Bin sulfuric?
che la pace sharia sia su di lui loro e voi tutti
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Iran, the singer Joss Stone expelled. He had to give a concert, no comment from the authorities.
answer. no one should think that Muslims can be easily deceived: and where is his virgin hymen, niqab who is reborn virgin: every time for the s,e,x, slave women of the Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: always every time: for paradise of that pig Erdogan Komeini Mohammed Salman Bin sulfuric?
let sharia peace be upon them and you all
Iran, espulsa la cantante Joss Stone. Doveva tenere un concerto, nessun commento dalle autorità.
answer. nessuno dovrebbe pensare che gli islamici possono essere ingannati facilmente: e dove è il suo imene vergine, niqab che rinasce vergine: tutte le volte per le donne schiave sessuali dei Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: sempre tutte le volte: per paradiso di quel maiale di Erdogan Komeini Maometto Salman Bin sulfuric?
che la pace sharia sia su di lui loro e voi tutti
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Tusk infame: 'Good nominations, gender balance in the EU'
and the quota for the aliens abduction, zombies, sukkers, vampires rothschild: sodomites lgbt bilderberg, was that also respected?
this history of the pink quotas is sufficient on its own to make it clear that politics is only a mimic massonic agenda Enlightened by lucifer-Allah fraud by the FMI FMI NWO
Tusk: 'Buone nomine, equilibrio dei generi nell'UE'
e la quota per gli aliens abduction, zombies vampiri rothschild: sodomiti bilderberg, è stata rispettata anche quella?
questa storia delle quote rosa è sufficiente da sola a far capire che la politica è soltanto una truffa massonica del FED FMI NWO
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
deadly challenge! Iran: Rohani, from Sunday we will enrich uranium
answer. [ [ mors tua vita mea ] ]
but, he can't even imagine how poor Erdogan and all of Iran can become
sfida mortale!
Iran: Rohani, da domenica arricchiremo uranio
ma, lui non può neanche immaginare come può diventare povero Erdogan e tutto l'Iran
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Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
New study reveals 'biological toll' on Holocaust survivors' brain function

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
FED IMF ECB NWO NATO CIA 666 Uk high constitutional treason banking seigniorage, scam Dracula Soros Sodoma: Bilderberg: esoteric jihad shariah agenda OCI UN.
they want to add other prostitutes prostitutes:
or, for desperation Soros Merkel Macron Bilderberg they want to turn all our children into prostitutes?
Killed in Modena, for 18 months at the morgue
A collection to organize the funeral of the young woman
MODENA, JUNE 25 - A collection to give "dignified burial" to Arietta Mata, a 24-year-old Hungarian prostitute strangled and killed in January 2018 in Modenese, in Gaggio di Castelfranco
FED FMI BCE NWO NATO CIA 666 Uk alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario, truffa Dracula Soros Sodoma:
loro vogliono aggiunge altri prostituti prostitute:
oppure, per la disperazione Soros Merkel Macron Bilderberg loro vogliono trasformare in prostituti tutti i nostri figli?
Uccisa a Modena, da 18 mesi all'obitorio
Una colletta per organizzare il funerale della giovane
MODENA, 25 GIU - Una colletta per dare "degna sepoltura" ad Arietta Mata, prostituta ungherese di 24 anni strangolata e uccisa nel gennaio del 2018 nel Modenese, a Gaggio di Castelfranco
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Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
Biblical-era mosaic found in the Galilee

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China [my dear pupil and disciple] from a metaphysical point of view: the whole history of mankind is very simple: 1. on the one hand there is the epic of Genesis: where any man and woman are King and Queen, and on the other side, 2. there is peoples of slaves: the epic of the Babylonian FED 666 NWO IMF: all Elojm Gods Enlightened Marduch Murdoch Allah Owl Sodom Dracula Ja-Bull-On lilith: Hillary Clinton Belfagor: that is, where man is always a slave: dalit goiyms dhimmis: and like any Christian martyr sharia, because the gods: Salman Riad or Riyadh, Erdogan, Iran Rothschild (true Jews) Bilderberg, Modi: they are suckers and want suckers: always exploit the work of Israeli slaves (fake Jews) who very poor (idioti deluded illusi) are always without paternal genealogies!and so we still have to put up with this beast by Erdogan jihad Merkel caput Hitler Mohammed Imam unfortunately! So the biblical story is the reality of every historical truth and the true meaning of human life!"Chapter 7 of Daniel's book describes four beasts, which represent the four kingdoms he leads until the end of days," he explained. "This year, our team discovered mosaics in the north nave of the synagogue depicting these four beasts, as indicated by a fragmentary Aramaic inscription referring to the first beast: a lion with the wings of the Eagle."The lion itself is not preserved, nor is it the third living being," said Magness. "However, the second beast from Daniel 7: 4 - a bear with three ribs protruding from its mouth - is preserved. So is most of the fourth beast, which is described in Daniel 7: 7 as having iron teeth."
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Discussion on World Israel News 46 comments
Rabbi rejects Ayelet Shaked: 'No place for women in politics'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
sorry everyone: stop the world! we have very ugly women: Mogherini Boldrini, Bonino Bilderberg, sister Soros, Merkel (mad cow) 666 May (the crippled) Christine Lagarde Dracula: luxuria Sodoma lgbt,at least with Ayelet Shaked you can even redo your eyes from time to time! ok I speak seriously: the greatest vocation for a woman is motherhood and the family, but a woman cannot be prevented from doing what she wants if she can be asked to die to defend her country.
scusate tutti: fermate il mondo! noi abbiamo donne molto brutte: Mogherini Boldrini, Bonino Bilderberg, sorella Soros, Merkel (mucca pazza) 666 May (le storpiate ) Christine Lagarde Dracula: luxuria Sodoma lgbt,
almeno con Ayelet Shaked ti puoi anche rifare gli occhi ogni tanto!
ok parlado seriamente: la vocazione più grande per una donna è la maternità e la famiglia, ma non si può impedire ad una donna di fare quello che vuole se le si può chiedere di morire per difendere la sua Patria
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Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments
Gibraltar detains Syria-bound super tanker with Iranian oil

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
OIC NATO esoteric agenda ] [ #Gibraltar is associated with Syria super oil tanker with Iranian oil.ANSWER unfortunately for you Allah became a sharia nuclear many many bombs Akbar and the God Marduch Rothschild Baal Peor Lilith Ja-Bull-On Belfagor Morgan Mohammed (peace Erdogan sharia his on him and yours and their Sodoma Dracula FED Rijad)?
he could punish you: now! because Juncker-Merkel is Caput for the poor Russian-speakers who rebelled against the genocide SpA-Sharia in Donbass
#Gibilterra detiene associato a Siria super petroliera con petrolio iraniano.
purtroppo per voi Allah è diventato un sharia nucleare bombe Akbar
ed il Dio Marduch Rothschild? lui potrebbe punirvi: ora!
perché Juncher lui è Caput per i poveri russofoni che si sono ribellati al genocidio SpA-Sharia in Donbass
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Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China. IRAN WHAT? Rothschild FED Soros IMF Morgan NWO Rochefeller Sodom Obama 322 Bush Dracula: are the priests of satan and Iran Erdogan Rijad OCI ARAB League? they are his witches whooorees! the truth for kabbalah? it is never the one that can appear!
Xi Jinping President of China. IRAN WHAT?
Rothschild Soros Morgan Rochefeller Obama Bush sono i sacerdoti di satana
e Iran Erdogan Rijad OCI Lega ARABA?
loro sono le sue streghe puutttaane! la verità per la kabbalah? non è mai quella che può apparire!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China. IRAN WHAT? you need their oil, therefore, you will try to protect your interests:that's why you'll find yourself stuck in some of their many Islamic wars: who as what can come out alive from this deadly trap "giumangi 666 sharia"? it's almost a miracle can excape free! you will be led to believe that Iranians are innocent, because you follow a rational logic of reasoning: yet Islamic supernatural demonic reasoning: sharia imperialism and genocide will not follow an apparent rational logic.and yet iranians kill the Christian martyrs like everyone else in the ARAB LEAGUE: for to claim and to stamp an any form of innocence!
Xi Jinping President of China. IRAN COSA? tu hai bisogno del loro petrolio, quindi, tu cercherai di proteggere i tuoi interessi:
ecco perché tu ti troverai incastrato in qualcuna delle loro tante guerre islamiche:
che uscire vivo da questa trappola mortale? è quasi un miracolo! tu sarai portato a credere che gli iraniani sono innocenti, perché tu segui una logica razionale di ragionamento: eppure il ragionamento demoniaco soprannaturale islamico: sharia imperialismo e genocidio non seguirà una apparente logica razionale.
eppure loro uccidono i martiri cristiani come tutti nella LEGA ARABA: per pretendere e millantare una qualsiasi forma di innocenza!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China. all Muslims: and their satanists CIA NATO OCI? make hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices to satan (you make to memories of the Chinese plane disappeared in the Indian Ocean? those were all eaten alive: in a NATO base), and make hundreds of thousands of sharia murders: the Mohammedans: for to prevent to our brain (through their demons): even the most basic reasoning logic!all the ARAB LEAGUE has one only kabbalah: which today serves Rothschild: UK the CIA FED NWO; at least until: China EU and Russia will not have destroyed each other!
this story of the rivalry between Iran and Rijad?
it's just a story to fool idiots! and it doesn't matter how muslims can kill each other, this is the bad game of history, because when the Muslims fight each other then everyone else disappears in mass graves!Rijad has always protected the Iranian nuclear, in fact: it has always prevented Israel from using its bases!
Xi Jinping President of China. islamici tutti: e loro satanisti CIA NATO OCI?
fanno centinaia di migliaia di sacrifici umani a satana gli uni (ricordi dell'aereo cinese sparito nell'Oceano indiano? quelli sono stati tutti mangiati vivi: in una base della NATO), e fanno centinaia di migliaia di omicidi sharia: i maomettani: per impedire al cervello (attraverso i loro demoni): anche la più elementare logica di ragionamento!
tutta la LEGA ARABA ha una kabbalah: che oggi serve Rothschild: UK la CIA FED NWO; almeno finché: Cina UE e Russia non si saranno distrutte reciprocamente!
questa storia della rivalità tra Iran e Rijad? è soltanto una storia per ingannare i cretini!
e non ha nessuna importanza come si possano uccidere tra di loro, questo è il gioco della storia, perché quando gli islamici si combattono tra di loro poi sono tutti gli altri a sparire nelle fosse comuni!
Rijad ha sempre protetto il nucleare iraniano, infatti: ha sempre impedito ad Israele l'uso delle sue basi!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
[Visit Levi's profile] Levi ( bulling NWO FED ECN NWO of course Cia 666 UK Lgbt NATO sharia OCI )
Shut up Shitshack you are just proving how Illiterate you are may each one the Fleas on your Camel turn to 10 Thousand Emus and stomp down the Shithouse from where thou emerged.
12:23 a.m., Monday April 22 | Other comments by Levi
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Levi’s comment is in reply to Yitzchak Kaduri Messia:
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if the elections in Israel are always so in the balance of the majority it is because there are 2 opposing ideas about Israel! #Pakistan ...
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
why my channel was calling [Visit Yitzchak KaduriMessia's profile] ??? Rothschild synagogue 666 FED destroy it!
luis04191I DON'T KNOW, TELL ME, COMPETITION ???6:35 p.m., Sunday April 21 | Other comments by luis04191 Reply to luis04191 comment is in reply to Yitzchak KaduriMessia: This comment was deleted.[Visit Yitzchak KaduriMessia's profile]This comment was deleted.Islam theocratic satanism! Sharia is NAZI genocide (no freedom religion; no laicity) of "replacement theology". I know he wanted to kill me and for: OCI ONU .. Matthew Lathum • 2 months ago Netanyahu offer help? to build more mosques!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
AFTER 12 YEARS? THE SLEEPING youtube lgbt 666 SODOMA SpA DRACULA noticed today!
Hi lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, Your video What the world famous men said about the Jews 5_7 talmud satanism was reported to us for review. The exam showed that the video violates our rules and was removed from YouTube.
why did they go around the altar of satan instead of noticing the "alleged NWO" bad videos, which instead are precisely the denunciations of their crimes of satanism?
perché hanno fatto il giro dell'altare di satana invece di accorgersi dei "presunti NWO " video cattivi, che invece sono proprio le denuncie dei loro delitti di satanismo?
DOPO 12 ANNI? GLI STRUSCIANTI youtube lgbt 666 SODOMA SpA DRACULA se ne sono accorti oggi!
Salve lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, Il tuo video What world famous men said about the Jews 5_7 talmud satanism ci è stato segnalato per la revisione. Dall'esame è emerso che il video vìola le nostre norme ed è stato rimosso da YouTube.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
DEATH PENALTY FOR THE SHARIA HITLER] [ After a month of agony, Ulderico Esposito, a 52-year-old tobacconist attacked last June 9 by a Nigerian asylum seeker inside the Chaiano underground station died.
The tobacconist had suffered a severe cerebral hemorrhage. His condition had immediately appeared serious.
Another Nigerian with "humanitarian protection", now abolished in the PD protests, unloaded in Italy by some NGO ship instead of staying in some bombed Libyan detention center.
The victim had "dared" to ask the African not to harass passers-by. For this he was massacred.
Dead tobacconist massacred by Nigerian refugee, left: "It provoked"
voxnews Info/2019/07/04/morto-tabaccaio-massacrato-da-profugo-nigeriano-sinistra-lo-ha-provocato/
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
itzchak Kaduri Messia @jhwhinrikingJudah . 2 months ago Removed Removed Removed Removed
Removed Rothschild is the degenerate Messia ANSWER.
Xi Jinping President of China TU VENDICAMI! Xi Jinping President of China TU VENDICA ME!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China. #Xi #Jinping is a Chinese politician and military, Secretary General of the Communist Party.ok there are things you know, and I don't know. but this is also true on the contrary. for example: you do not know that the Satanic Talmud is its Satanic Qur'an: both come together: in one kabbalah of black magic or esoteric agenda FED IMF NWO NATO OCI sharia SpA corporations: "lucifer eye": occult masonic system and his government worldWide ISIS Umma Mecca Kaaba: Owl at bohemian grove: and they go saying: that you are a Christian martyr!
because, in the supernatural powers of satan, they already know that China will evangelize the world!and if, do you not come to Jerusalem to claim my Kingdom? you will end up becoming the prey of Erdogan, Bush, Riyadh, Obama, Iran, Soros Rochefeller etc. and as soon be as a prey possible!
ok ci sono cose che tu sai, e che io non so. ma questo è anche vero al contrario.
per esempio: tu non sai che il Talmud Satanico e suo Corano satanico: confluiscono entambi: in una sola kabbalah di magia nera o esoteric agenda: e loro vanno dicendo: che tu sei un martire cristiano!
perché, nei poteri soprannaturali di satana loro già sanno che sarà la Cina ad evangelizzare il mondo!
e se, tu non vieni a Gerusalemme a rivendicare il mio Regno? tu finirai per diventare la preda di Erdogan, Riyad, Iran, ecc. ec.. al più presto!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China ( you came to me?)
Xi Jinping is a Chinese politician and military, Secretary General of the Communist Party
ANSWER. I'm so ignorant in computer science that I pity myself!
and all the Satanists & Muslims wonder how I ...
Xi Jinping Presidente della Cina
Xi Jinping è un politico e militare cinese, Segretario generale del Partito Comunista
ANSWER. io sono così ignorante in informatica che faccio pena a me stesso!
e tutti i satanisti & islamici si meravigliano di come io...
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Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe
ANSWER. rather, this is an infamous ideological study of the Rothschild technofinance: masonic cult esoteric agenda scan Banking seigniorage: all Spa 666 FED 322 FMI 187 NWO: to introduce hatred in Jews against European peoples
but the really serious thing is that you can think in a criminal way that there may be merit or demerit on a genetic basis!that Israeli Ethiopians are right to say that Jewish Masons rothschild AIPAC: they are racists!
ma la cosa veramente grave è che si può pensare in modo criminale che ci possa essere un merito o un demerito su base genetica!
che gli etiopi israeliani hanno ragione a dire che i massoni ebrei rothschild AIPAC: loro sono dei razzisti!
ANSWER. piuttosto, questo è uno studio ideologico infamante della tecnofinanza Rothschild: Spa 666 FED 322 FMI 187 NWO: per introdurre odio negli ebrei contro i popoli europei
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
about: "DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe " this study is certainly false, Bronze Age. ... (700–450 BC) of the Iron Age?
1w. e are too recent with this an era!
2. not only do they not match the European deities with the Canaanite ones,
3. but, not even their uses and customs, the Canaanites were accustomed to sacred prostitution (ierodule): to the human sacrifice and cannibalism of children and adolescents: which is precisely that tragic experience, which Abraham did when he fled from Ur of the Chaldeans !
questo studio è sicuramente falso, Età del Bronzo. (700–450 a.C.) dell'età del ferro?
1. siamo in epoca troppo recente!
2. non soltanto non collimano le divinità europee con quelle cananite,
3. ma, neanche i loro usi e costumi, i cananei erano avvezzi alla prostituzione sacra (ierodule): al sacrifico umano e cannibalismo dei bambini e degli adolescenti: che è proprio quella tragica esperienza, che Abramo ha fatto quando fuggiva da Ur dei caldei!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
IRAN and his Allah uh Akbar ] Muhammad the perfection of prophecy [ Africa: An alarming increase in the Islamic sharia persecution Erdogan Riyad against the Christian dhimmis slavesby Uzay Bulut • 30 June 2019"In some regions, the level and nature of persecution is likely to come close to the international definition of Islamic genocide, according to the criteria adopted by the United Nations." - The Independent Review of FCO support for Persecuted Christians.
/it gatestoneinstitute org/
Africa: Allarmante aumento della persecuzione sharia islamica Erdogan Riyad contro gli schiavi dhimmis cristiani
"In alcune regioni, il livello e la natura delle persecuzioni si avvicina verosimilmente alla definizione internazionale di islamico genocidio, secondo i criteri adottati dalle Nazioni Unite".
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660 YouTube channel ] lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah • /worldisraelnews com/watch-new-york-times-reviving-zionism-is-racism-lie
Burn Satan-Allah-Owl Lilith Belfagor Ja-Bull-On Dracula Sodoma in Jesus's name: burn the beast in Jesus's name amen alleluia
Drink your poison made by yourself
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: New York Times reviving ‘Zionism is Racism’ lie?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Burn Satan-Allah in Jesus's name: amen alleluia
Drink your poison made by yourself
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
the genocide project of Christian Jewish civilization
now Merkel Hitler and Macron Bilderberg Soros (after having robbed and indebted us of our own money) (after having devitalized and ideologically destroyed with the ethical relativity and pornoclastic materiliasta) now,
I also want to believe that we are a barren and dying race that needs blacks indispensable.
In this context, the idea vented by some of a marshall plan for African countries would only exacerbate the problem: we must read the data and understand that the poor and the hungry do not leave, but the wealthy in search of opportunities .
Far from wanting to prevent immigration, the project of the Synarchy that controls European politicians was this: Gaddafi is eliminated, then the elected government in Italy is blown up, replacing it with xenophilic governments, in this way the start of an influx without precedents towards Italy. The next step is to impose openness to all other countries with the precipitating situation in Italy.
This is the game of Macron and Merkel: they do not want to stop the invasion, they want to extend it to all of Europe and make it "structural". This is also why any means of defending this government is legitimate.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Erdogan, Qatar, Macron Khalifa Belqasim Haftar They bombed a Libyan refugee camp to pour a mass of desperate people into Italy.
this of the French Cia 666 UK sodoma dracula sharia Imam? it is an act of war against Italy.
now in France there are 2000 "no go zones" in which the army cannot enter
while for Jews France has become as dangerous as the GAZA strip
Erdogan, Qatar, Macron Khalifa Belqasim Haftar Hanno bombardato un campo profughi libico per riversare una massa di disperati in Italia.
questo dei francesi Cia 666 UK sodoma dracula sharia Imam? è un atto di guerra contro l'Italia.
ormai in Francia di sono 2000 "no go zone" in cui l'esercito non può entrare
mentre per gli ebrei la Francia è diventata pericolosa come la striscia di GAZA
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Rothschild Juncker technofinance prevents constitutional reforms: by using their globalist and Masonic forces
precisely because it hopes that the desperate: (Europeans and Afro-Muslims) can fight among themselves: and not convey their legitimate anger, against the leaders of the usurocrazia and turbulent devitalizing parasitic capitalism and predatory technocratic financial and Masonic!
A few hours after the order in which he did not validate the arrest of Carola Rackete, the investigating judge of Agrigento was insulted on social media. "The red gip is called Alessandra Vella, let's remember this name," reads one of the comments. Vella would be - in the thoughts and comments of the many who have decided to challenge her on Facebook and Twitter - not only responsible for having "freed a dangerous criminal", but also "friend of the smugglers" and "accomplice of murderers who make money on immigrants ". And, as a woman, also a "who does not mind blacks".
Twitter users are unrestrained, and without worrying about any penalties they offend and even openly threaten the investigating judge.
After all, they write, "one of them was done to educate a hundred, his companions said. We will do it too ". "But let's do the name of this magistrate - they repeat - you never know what happens to us in front of the car or we wait for you under the house". And again: "Keep this name in mind: #AlessandraVella. Perhaps - they hypothesize - she will be the new heroine of the left. Perhaps it will tear the scene from the commander. Maybe their ears will be whistling ... ".
For its part, the investigating judge has deleted his Facebook profile.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
democratic party has become a subversive force: an act of high constitutional betrayal, sataninis and his banking seigniorage Rothschild-Bilderberg, while Christian martyrs still cannot find their political representative in Putin Xi-Jinping and Trump!
"White Europe is dead, we need immigrants to teach us how to make mills that cost zero, to raise children without bone problems".
Thus the Sea Watch and Capitana supporters during a demonstration for open ports:
We are at the theorization of the racial superiority of others. If it replaced the term immigrants with Aryans, the arrest would start. If instead you get excited like a pervert for the racial superiority of others, then you can.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Conte, I will reciprocate Putin's hospitality
in fact he had three mercenaries fighting in Donbass condemned.then, who decides which mercenaries can be sentenced? Merkel Macron May decides for us ?
Conte, ricambierò l'ospitalità di Putin
infatti ha fatto condannare tre mercenari che combattevano in Donbass.
poi, chi decide quali sono i mercenari che possono essere condannati?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
in fact, even the Saudis have atomic bombs (this is a level playing field)Putin must have known that Muslims only know how to blackmail mankind: and they know how to deny all human rights! Iran: Rohani, from Sunday we will enrich uranium
If Europe does not act in time against US sanctions, Iran will "take the next step" next Sunday, resuming the enrichment of its uranium, as announced in the two-month deadline. His Iranian president Hassan Rohani said so.
in effetti, anche i sauditi hanno le bombe atomiche (questa è par condicio)
Putin lo doveva sapere che gli islamici sanno soltanto ricattare il genere umano: e sanno negare tutti i diritti umani! Iran: Rohani, da domenica arricchiremo uranio
Se l'Europa non agirà in tempo contro le sanzioni Usa, da domenica prossima l'Iran "farà il prossimo passo" riprendendo l'arricchimento del suo uranio, come annunciato nell'ultimatum di due mesi fa. Lo ha detto il suo presidente iraniano Hassan Rohani.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
/ search google com / search-console / welcomehe told my holyjhwhholyholy blogspot com/ that I have no property
but i have 120 blogspot
/search google com/search-console/welcome
lui ha detto al mio holyjhwhholyholy blogspot com/ che io non ho proprietà
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
/ search google com / search-console / welcomehe told my holyjhwhholyholy that I have no property
but i have 120 blogspot
/search google com/search-console/welcome
lui ha detto al mio holyjhwhholyholy che io non ho proprietà
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
why didn't God listen to you when you were in Hitler's gas chambers?but unfortunately: you don't want to listen to me, and you don't want to listen the billions of men suffocated in despair: from a fake Rothschild the scam 666 synagogue fake ... so how could God hear you in Satan's GAS chambers in hell where you're about to fall?
perché Dio non ascoltava te, quando tu eri nelle camere a gas di Hitler?
ma, putroppo:
tu non vuoi ascoltare me, e i miliardi di uomini soffocati nella disperazione: da un debito truffa Rothschild finto.. e allora, come Dio potrebbe ascoltare te nelle camere a GAS di Satana nell'inferno dove tu stai per cadere?
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: New York Times reviving ‘Zionism is Racism’ lie?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Annette Labovitz 5 months ago
I gave up sputniknews because they canceled 10 accountsnow the Israelis have canceled me 5 accounts and this is the last one I have left: when will they also cancel m this accounte? world war will begin!
io ho abbandonato sputniknews perché mi hanno cancellato 10 account
adesso gli israeliani mi hanno cancellato 5 account e questo è l'ultimo che mi è rimasto: quando mi cancelleranno anche questo?
inizierà la guerra mondiale!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Annette Labovitz 5 months ago
in your Bible Genesis 17 we talk about the SIN OF CAM,
Noah had three sons: Sem, Cam and Jafet, from these three men and their respective wives repopulated the whole earth, from them all races and peoples and languages are born.
but, according to your racist Bible: it is only through the sin of Cam (who will be the father of Canaan), which was the origin of all the sins that brought humanity back into corruption.
then, from be the Philistines peoples: the children of CAM have become also all Africans, all those who have black skin and who are destined to be slaves and cursed!
Then it is evident that the final editors of your Bible (the Priests of the Supreme Sinedrio) were the Satanists, just as your synagogue of Satan Rothschild is still: FED FMI BM BCE NWO Bilderberg your synagogue Ja-Bull-On fremasonry PornoMOVIE lgbt perversions etc.. scam banking seigniorage and genocide: agaisnt all goyims slaves!
nella tua Bibbia Genesi 17 si parla del PECCATO DI CAM
Noè aveva tre figli: Sem, Cam e Jafet, da questi tre uomini e dalle rispettive mogli si ripopolò tutta la terra, da loro nascono tutte le razze ed i popoli e le lingue.
ma, secondo la tua Bibbia razzista: è soltanto attraverso il peccato di Cam ( che sarà padre di Canaan ), che fu l’origine di tutti i peccati che riportarono l’umanità nella corruzione.
poi, dai filistei i figli di CAM sono diventati gli africani tutti, tutti quelli che hanno la pelle nera e che sono destinati ad essere schiavi e maledetti!
Allora è evidente come i redattori finali della tua Bibbia (i Sacerdoti del Sommo Sinedrio) proprio loro fossero i satanisti come è tutt'oggi la sinagoga di satana Rothschild: FED FMI BM BCE NWO Bilderberg la tua sinagoga!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Annette Labovitz 5 months ago
Israel, today, is not only light for the nations, but it is also the only hope for all mankind!
however there are violent ambiguities
about the criminal racism, suffered in Israel by Israeli Ethiopians.
as against mine
disqus com / by / lorenzoJHWHMessiah /
that was a blocked account, but 50% of his comments were canceled, because there is a Hitler Rothschild in Israel: which says what he likes about my comments and what he doesn't like.
now Israel has to declare if it is a cancerogenic growth of the NWO or if it is a true Zionist movement!
Israele, oggi, non è soltanto luce per le nazioni, ma è anche l'unica speranza per tutto il genere umano!
tuttavia ci sono violenti ambiguità
circa il criminale razzismo, subito in Israele dagli etiopi israeliani.
come contro il mio
disqus com/by/lorenzoJHWHMessiah/
che è stato un account bloccato, ma il 50% dei suoi commenti è stato cancellato, perché c'é un Hitler Rothschild in Israele: che dice cosa gli piace dei miei commenti e cosa non gli piace.
adesso Israele deve dichiarare se è una escrescenza cancerogena del NWO oppure se è un vero movimento sionista!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah stevealevine 5 months ago
your noachite theology for slaves goyims?it is completely demonic!all your rabbis will go before you to hell!
la tua teologia noachita per schiaci goyims?
essa è completamente demoniaca!
tutti i tuoi rabbini ti precederanno all'inferno!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
eih Satan Dracula Sodoma Rothschild where was your God: in Hitler's crematoria?why did he remain silent? just as you also remain silent with me? why if you don't want to talk to me? God will never want to talk to you again!
eih Satana Dracula Sodoma Rothschild dove era il tuo Dio: nei forni crematoi di Hitler?
perché lui rimaneva in silenzio?
proprio come anche tu rimani in silenzio con me?
perché se tu non vuoi parlare con me? Dio non vorrà mai più palare con te!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Tragedy on bathyscaphe in the Barets Sea: Kremlin, top-secret data on submarines
answer. let's hope it's not another downed submarine, hit by Dracula Sodoma Allah Lilith Ja-Bull-On Baal Peor talmud FED IMf CIA 666 US!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 18_18 5 months ago
Jews fools read the NY Slimes?at the democratic party are the traitors of the Homeland:destroyers of Jewish-Christian civilizationand Masons, Muslims, mobsters, financiers: lgbt usurers, parasites and satanists all of them will read the NYT New York Times
Jews fools read the NY Slimes?
all democratic party sono i traditori della Patria:
distruttori della civiltà ebraico-cristiana
e massoni, islamici, mafiosi, finanzieri: usurai parassiti e satanisti lgbt
tutti loro leggeranno il NYT New York Times
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
my master Rabbi is Yitzhak Kaduriand I am his spokesman!
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah against 666 stevealevine •
of course you are an evil wretch bad man: everyone knows that the bosses of Central Banks (SpA 322 masonic Corporations: GOLPE Bilderberg 666 Trilateral) are private shareholders, and their accomplices: and the Governments are certainly not the masters of money!
therefore Governments kill citizens with taxes to pay money and relative interest
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah VS stevealevine •
you will burn in hell together with islamists sharia, assassins and Satanists: lgbt FED FMI NWO.because, you cannot NOT know: of banking seigniorage: his esoteric agenda: Ja-Bull-On Baal Peor Owl at Bohemian Grove: which is a high constitutional treason(any sovereignty be of the people)
as the scientist Giacinto Auriti has scientifically demonstrated!
lorenzoJHWH Fedele250660 Kingdom Israel
Unius REI Kingdom Worldwide universal brotherhood
it's true what you say about the evil Noahide laws.
a corruption introduced into the Word of God by the final editors themselves or a priestly source.
Because they had already withdrawn: the divine right of King Solomon to the ownership and management of religious power!
Here because
the Rothschilds together with the Wahhabis planned the genocide of all Jews (without paternal genealogies) and obviously planned the genocide of all Christians
il mio maestro Rabbino è Yitzhak Kaduri ed io sono il suo portavoce!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah stevealevine 5 months ago
of course you are an evil wretch bad man: everyone knows that the bosses of the Central Banks (SpA Corporations) are private shareholders, and their accomplices: and the Governments are certainly not the masters of money!
therefore Governments kill citizens with taxes to pay money and relative interest
certo tu sei un malefico uomo disgraziato:
lo sanno tutti che i padroni delle Banche Centrali sono azionisti privati, e loro complici: e non sono certo i Governi i padroni del denaro!
quindi i Governi uccidono i cittadini con le tasse per pagare denaro e interesse relativo
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah stevealevine 5 months ago
this bad story of Noah cursing all of Cam's sons until the genocideit's a surreal story: because Noah was the best and fairest man on the planet:
and he saved the life amso: to snakes poisonous and scorpions too.The Priests of the Supreme Sanhedrin: the synagogue of Satan and their Wahhabis are the Satanists today.certain are: the Quran and Talmud are chapters: or sub-sections of the same Bible of Satan: in fact, they say the same things about slaves dalit dhimmis and goyims.this story of a vindictive and bad Noé?the Priests of the Temple have written it in the Bible ..then, it is strange that the white supremacist racists hated Black males: but then they willingly copulated with black girls!
it is clear they are just a bunch of pigs and murderers like their false prophet Muhammad-Rothschild!
questa storia di Noé che maledice tutti i sigli di Cam fino al genocidio
è una storia surreale:
perché Noé era l'uomo più buono e giusto del pianeta:
ed ha salvato la vita a: serperti velenosi e scorpioni: anche.
I Sacerdoti del Sommo sinedrio: la sinagoga di Satana e loro wahhabiti sono i satanisti tutt'oggi.
certo Corano e Talmud sono dei capitoli: o sotto sezioni della stessa Bibbia di Satana: infatti, dicono le stesse cose circa schiavi dalit dhimmis e goyims.
questa storia di un Noé vendicativo e cattivo?
i Sacerdoti del Tempio la hanno scritta nella Bibbia..
poi, è strano che i razzisti suprematisti bianchi hanno odiato i maschi Neri: ma, poi, hanno copulato volentieri con le ragazze nere!
è chiaro sono soltanto un branco di porci e di assassini come il loro falso profeta Maometto!
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Israel’s New Fruit Sweetener Helps the World Kick the Sugar Habit

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Tragedy on bathyscaphe in the Barets Sea:
Kremlin, top-secret data on submarines
let's hope it's not another downed submarine, hit by CIA 666 US!
sputniknews com/mondo/201907037838027-tragedia-su-un-sottomarino-nel-mare-di-barets-i-dettagli/
Tragedia su batiscafo nel Mare di Barets:
Cremlino, dati top-secret su sottomarino
answer. speriamo non sia un altro sottomarino abbattuto, colpito dagli USA!
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: New York Times reviving ‘Zionism is Racism’ lie?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah stevealevine 5 months ago
you will burn in hell: together with islamis sharia, assassins and Satanists: lgbt FED FMI NWO.because, you cannot NOT know: of banking seigniorage: his esoteric agenda: Ja-Bull-On Baal Peor Owl at Bohemian Grove: which is a high constitutional treason(any sovereignty be of the people)
as the scientist Giacinto Auriti has scientifically demonstrated!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
if replies were written to me here? I can't see it!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
it's true what you say about the evil Noahide laws.
a corruption introduced into the Word of God by the final editors themselves or a priestly source.
Because they had already withdrawn: the divine right of King Solomon to the ownership and management of religious power!
Here because
the Rothschilds together with the Wahhabis planned the genocide of all Jews (without paternal genealogies) and obviously planned the genocide of all Christians
è vero quello che tu dici circa le evil Noahide laws.
una corruzione introdotta nella Parola di Dio da parte degli stessi redattori finali o fonte sacerdotale.
Perché costoro avevano già esautorato: il diritto divino di Re Salomone alla proprietà e gestione del potere religioso!
ecco perché
i Rothschild insieme ai wahhabiti hanno pianificato il genocidio di tutti gli ebrei (senza genealogie paterne)e ovviamente hanno progettato il genocidio di tutti i cristiani
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
precisely for the reasons you explained: the Jews:1. cannot build the Jewish temple2. I cannot build the Kingdom of Israel,while, I Unius REI: universal brotherhood and (the natural law of lorenzoJHWH)Of course, I can do it! that is why I am the King of Israel
proprio per le motivazioni da te esposte: gli ebrei:
1. non possono costruire il tempio ebraico
2. non posso edificare il Regno di Israele,
mentre, io Unius REI: la fratellanza universale e (la legge naturale di lorenzoJHWH)
certo, io lo posso fare! ecco perché io sono il Re di Israele
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
because of the sharia (laws on apostasy) there could never be a possibility for Christians to survive in ISLAM!
per colpa della sharia (leggi sulla apostasia) non potrebbe mai esistere per i cristiani una possibilità di poter sopravvivere nell'ISLAM!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
The Rothschilds are one of the originators of the Zionist movement and the most active actors in the creation of the state of Israel. ANSWER. so you also know that the Rothschilds have planned the genocide of all Israelis!shaoh2 (as anti-Zionism) is necessary, to trigger the third world war, and also to end the world war: so, so it can begin: a new evil monetary cycle (rothschild his banking seigniorage) always: usurocratic and devitalizing, up to planning a fourth world war: where another 6 million Jews will die, and so on!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
? you could express some concepts?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
you mentioned the Word of God Sant Paul
who says: "we are children of God by grace and by faith"
and now you discriminate, about the real Israelis for genetic reasons?
whoever believes he is a Jew, certainly for this faith God will recognize him:
because God cannot deny his Grace to those who believe in him!
tu hai citato la Parola di Dio
che dice: "siamo figli di Dio per grazia e per fede"
ed adesso tu discrimini, circa i veri israeliani per motivazioni genetiche?
chiunque crede di essere ebreo, certo per questa sua fede Dio lo riconoscerà:
perché Dio non può negare la sua Grazia a chi crede in lui!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah rightsmite 5 months ago
certainly 30% of Jews went to Israel to carry out Rothschild's agenda (and they have double passports, they are ready to flee)but 70% of Jews went to Israel to serve God and oppose Rothschild
certamente un 30% di ebrei sono andati in Israele per realizzare la agenda di Rothschild (ed hanno il doppio passaporto, sono pronti a fuggire)
ma un 70% di ebrei sono andati in Israele per serviere Dio e per opporsi a Rothschild
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
EVIL Noahide laws?
answer cioè: SEM CAM e Jafeth i figli di Noé?
ie: SEM CAM and Jafeth the sons of Noah?
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: New York Times reviving ‘Zionism is Racism’ lie?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
all those who open a Bible they will always try to destroy the NWO.
even those who open the Koran do the same:but, while the Bible brings to Godthe Koran only leads to a different type of demon
tutti quelli che aprono una Bibbia
cercheranno sempre di distruggere il NWO.
anche quelli che aprono il Corano fanno lo stesso:
ma, mentre la Bibbia porta a Dio
il Corano porta soltanto ad un diverso tipo di demonio
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
What would the Satanists do to preserve their power?
certainly, they would try to appropriate symbols and concepts of the Jewish-Christian religion!
would do the "Islamic theology of substitution"that is the method of being able to take possession of the symbols of the enemy: to be able to dominate it and to be able to lead it to genocide,
this is why substitution theology is always a theology of genocide.this is why Islam and NWO (new world order are both satanism itself)
cosa farebbero i satanisti per conservare il loro potere?
certamente, loro cercherebbero di appropriarsi di simboli e concetti della religione ebraico-cristiana!
farebbero la "islamica teologia della sostituzione"
che è il metodo di potersi impossessare dei simboli del nemico: per poterlo dominare e per poterlo condurre al genocidio,
ecco perché la teologia della sostituzione è sempre una teologia del genocidio.
ecco perché Islam e NWO (nuovo ordine mondiale sono entrambi il satanismo stesso)
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
what you say is true, but what escapes you is this: "no matter how Israel may have been manipulated or corrupted", the very concept of Israel denies the concept of the New World Order.
è vero quello che dici, ma quello che ti sfugge è questo: "no ha importanza come Israele può essere stato manipolato o corrotto", il concetto stesso di Israele nega il concetto del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Zionism does NOT interact with the concept of racism, it is only a patriotic movement that opposes Rothschild's New World Order that's why Bin Salman: he must declare which side he wants to be!
Zionism NON interagisce con il concetto di razzismo, esso è soltanto un movimento patriottico che si oppone al Nuovo Ordine mondiale di Rothschild
ecco perché Bin Salman: lui deve dichiarare da che parte lui vuole stare!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
unitedwithisrael org/israels-new-fruit-sweetener-helps-the-world-kick-the-sugar-habit/
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. and also by united with israel
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Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments
Israel’s New Fruit Sweetener Helps the World Kick the Sugar Habit

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Bin SALMAN ] [ shalom + salam = universal brotherhood (about Daniele 2) he is cooked and overcooked !!! that giant freak of Kerry NWO? you throw it down with a push! have intercepted my ADSL
è cotto!!! quel colosso frocione di lgbt Kerry NWO? tu buttalo giù con una spinta!
hanno intercettato la mia ADSL We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
it is not fair that due to the fact that Rivlin fails to believe in Jesus of Bethlehem and could not receive an emotional inner healing from his Sexxuali youth traumasthen, in this israeli server one cannot give intimate testimonies: that they stop you immediately! [[We are unable to post your comment because you were banned by United with Israel]] Bin SALMAN [I knew] now you avenge me my brother!
non è giusto che per il fatto che Rivlin non riesce a credere in Gesù di Betlemme e non ha potuto ricevere una guarigione interiore emozionale dai suoi traumi giovanili Sexxuali
poi, in questo server non si possano dare testimonianze intime: che ti bloccano subito!
[[ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel ]] Bin SALMAN [ lo sapevo ] ora vendicami tu fratello mio!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
also unitedwithisrael block me ] [ China Ue Russia etc .. everyone must have patience, if the US economy goes wrong? the war will become technically inevitable! how surely the democratic party would make the rothschild world war: in all circumstances!
WASHINGTON, 2 JULY - A few days after the truce in the trade war with China, the US government increases the pressure on the EU in the dispute over public subsidies to Airbus, Boeing's rival, threatening tariffs on another 4 billion European products including cheeses ( Parmesan and Provolone included), pasta, olives, sausages, hams and Scotch whiskey.
The list, released by the office of the American sales representative, thus increases the number of products already indicated in April for a value of 21 billion dollars.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
[[ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel ]] Bin SALMAN [ lo sapevo ] ora vendicami tu fratello mio! /unitedwithisrael org/israels-new-fruit-sweetener-helps-the-world-kick-the-sugar-habit/
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Discussion on United with Israel 130 comments
ACT NOW! Tell Ocasio-Cortez to Learn What Concentration Camps Really Were!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
ACT NOW! Tell Ocasio-Cortez to Learn What Concentration Camps Really Were! Vladimir PUTIN] all the ARAB LEAGUE is an immense sharia genocide of the previous Christian peoples and you?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Netanyahu on hook for own legal fees. tecnofinanza Rothschild vogliono uccidere Netanjahu e tutti i governi politici! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. worldisraelnews com/netanyahu-on-hook-for-own-legal-fees/
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Discussion on United with Israel 21 comments
Palestinian 'Moderates': Rifles, Hand Grenades and Terrorism

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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Discussion on United with Israel 28 comments
Iran to Increase Uranium Enrichment; Netanyahu: 'We Are Not Surpised'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Vladimir PUTIN] you give nuclear power to those who violate the most basic human rights: how does freedom religion is also violate ? ok, you wanted to commit suicide and it's your fault! Iran to Increase Uranium Enrichment; Netanyahu: "We Are Not Surprised"
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Discussion on United with Israel 22 comments
ACT NOW! Thank Amb. Friedman for Recognizing Israel’s Right to Judea and Samaria!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Rothschild Baal Rochefeller OWL Morgan] you will come here, and I will give you poison for the mouse! [amen ] tu verrai quì, e io ti darò il veleno per il topo!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
But who will accept the mini Bots? ANSWER. the State is 1000 times more authoritative to give monetary value to banknotes than the satanist (scam banking seigniorage )Mason thief mafia coup gol bilderberg Rothschild!I am the Kingdom of ISRAEL, the legal and legitimate political sovereignty
Ma chi li accetterà i mini Bot? ANSWER. lo Stato è 1000 volte più autorevole a dare valore monetario alle banconote, che non il satanista massone ladro mafioso golpe bilderberg Rothschild!
io sono il Regno di ISRAELE l'ulica sovranità politica legale e legittima
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#IRAN #RIAD #OIC #Mecca #IDOL Allah666LILITH deaf and dumb demons: Sharia peace be on all of you and yours amen ] all those who will give me love? I will give them justice! begin to return the Fatherland to the Jews and to all the peoples who received the genocide Erdogan Mohammed sharia boko Haram Taliban Fulani: and then of course you will all live happy as slaves goyims and dalit dhimmis: you too!
#IRAN #RIAD #OIC #Mecca #IDOL Allah666LILITH demoni muti e sordi: la pace sharia sia su tutti voi: e i vostri: amen ] tutti quelli che mi daranno amore? io a loro darò giustizia! iniziate a restituire la Patria agli ebrei e a tutti i popoli che hanno ricevuto il genocidio Erdogan Maometto sharia bokoHaram Talebani fulani: e poi certo vivrete tutti voi felici come schiavi gyims e dalit dhimmis: anche voi!
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Discussion on United with Israel 1 comments
Food Technology Research Center Coming to Northern Israel

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
our State in Italy has been raped by the Rothschilds FED FMI ECB: troika: and is prey to multinationals and the technofinanza of Juncker UE Bilderberg the antichrist:therefore it cannot make policies to protect the territory or the well-being of citizensin,
in fact many false prophets sharia lgbt dracula sodoma democratic party: have come into the world along with Muhammad
il nostro Stato in italia è stato stuprato dai Rothschild FED FMI BCE: troika: ed è preda di mutinazionali e della tecnofinanza di Juncker UE Bilderberg l'anticristo:
quindi non può fare politiche a tutela del territorio o del benessere dei cittadini
infatti molti falsi profeti sono venuti nel mondo insieme a Maometto
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Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
Israeli politicos react warmly to Friedman’s annexation remarks

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Albert Reingewirtz 6 months ago
if we took back all the ancestral land of Israel only? it would not be enough to make all the Jews scattered all over the world return: so a political convention is needed between the Saudi desert and the Egyptian desert!
se riprendessimo tutta la terra ancestrale di Israele soltanto? essa non sarebbe sufficiente per far ritornare tutti gli ebrei sparsi in tutto il mondo: quindi occorre una convenzione politica tra il deserto saudita e il deserto egiziano!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
Patrick Godfrey Said me Unius REI: Universal brotherhood for Kingdom Israel
shalom + salam
There is only one law the laws and testimony and ten comandments given to Moses by the God of Abraham and a curse on all other laws and lawmakers that write other fake laws on behalf of other fake prophets and fake God's whatever their names of other God's than the great IAM and His holy God and father in heaven seated on His throne only revealed in the book of of Daniel in the 66 books called the old and new testiment weitten only by inspiration of the great IAM of Abraham and Moses cursed be other claimants of other fake prophets and fake God's
Patrick Godfrey
C'è una sola legge le leggi e la testimonianza e dieci comandamenti dati a Mosè dal Dio di Abramo e una maledizione su tutte le altre leggi e legislatori che scrivono altre false leggi per conto di altri falsi profeti e falsificano Dio qualunque sia il loro nome di altro Dio che il grande IAM e il suo santo Dio e padre in cielo seduti sul suo trono si sono rivelati nel libro di Daniele nei 66 libri chiamati il vecchio e nuovo testamento scritto solo dall'ispirazione del grande IAM di Abramo e Mosè maledetto essere altri pretendenti di altri falsi profeti e falsi di Dio
this is not my problem because the 10 commandments of Moses are contained in the Natural Law that founded the Universe
in fact many false prophets have come into the world along with Muhammad
infatti molti falsi profeti sono venuti nel mondo insieme a Maometto
questo non è un mio problema perché i 10 comandamenti di Mosé sonogià contenuti nella Legge NAturale che ha fondato l'Universo
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Discussion on United with Israel 16 comments
The Priorities of Palestinian Leaders

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
to the ECB they sacked so much the Italian people and the minibots: they are a necessity linked to survival:also because the usurer parasite sucks blood without shame!The Deputy Commissioner for Economics Dombrovskis (the treacherous Mason: and regime Bilderberg dictatorship: the rothschild technocratic coup) stressed that the current government has done "damage to the economy". "The Commission recommends the procedure against Italy - commented Fusaro -. It is an open financial dictatorship". Eight and a half, Diego Fusaro jumps into the chair live: "To whom does sovereignty belong", Gruber demolished6 June 2019 Diego Fusaro also remained glued to the TV Wednesday night to watch the "challenge" at Eight and a half between Lilli Gruber and Matteo Salvini. As a great piece of sovranista, the left-wing favorite philosopher has no doubts about who to attack: "The neolanguage of the markets defames anyone who has not forgotten the Italian Constitution as sovereign", he writes on Twitter live recalling article 1 of the Charter: "Sovereignty belongs to the people, not to the ECB and the Markets".
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA USA] when it says: 1. "religious maniacs" 2. without reciprocity: 3. sharia genocide and theology of substitution: it always seems that something is not said very serious! but in reality the Muslims country Erdogan Iran Riad: they are 1000 times more dangerous than Hitler
CINA RUSSIA INDIA USA ] quando si dice: 1. "maniaci religiosi" 2. senza reciprocita: sharia genocidio e teologia della sosituzione: sembra sempre che non si dica qualcosa di molto grave! ma in realtà i mussulmani Erdogan Iran Riad: loro sono 1000 volte più pericolosi di Hitler
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Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments
No Peace Deal with Palestinians without Security for Israel, Warns Pompeo

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Patrick Godfrey 6 months ago
in fact many false prophets have come into the world along with Muhammad
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Patrick Godfrey 6 months ago
this is not my problem because the 10 commandments of Moses are contained in the Natural Law that founded the Universe
questo non è un mio problema perché i 10 comandamenti di Mosé sonogià contenuti nella Legge NAturale che ha fondato l'Universo
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
answer. let sharia peace be on the prophet Erdogan - Iran!
No Peace Deal with Palestinians without Security for Israel, Warns Pompeo
answer. che la pace sharia sia sul profeta Erdogan - Iran!
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5 IDF soldiers injured in car-ramming attack, Arab suspect arrested

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah aldotoo Bel 5 months ago
1. presumption: you cannot hold yourself: the final term of science e
2. Satanism: you cannot hold yourself: the perception and perfection of religion as the final of all prophecies: the final prophet crazy Mohammed, then, say to God: "I command you not to speak anymore!" ..
3. murder cynicism and hatred: then, come to the internet to insult peaceful people without giving an explanation of your criminal behavior!
1. presunzione: non puoi ritenere te stesso: il termine finale della scienza e
2. satanismo: non puoi ritenere te stesso: la perfezione della religione come la finale di tutte le profezie: il profeta finale pazzo Maometto, poi, dire a Dio: "io ti ordino di non parlare più!"..
3. omicidio cinismo e odio: poi, venire in internet a insultare persone pacifiche senza dare una spiegazione del comportamento criminale!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Davey Wavey 5 months ago
it is true that: Nazism FED IMF ECB NWO BM UN OCI: and Zionism were born in the same crucible.but the Jews risked dying 100 times more than us if at the beginning they claimed Zionism as opposed to the Cia 666 UK OTAN Bilderberg NWO FED FMI.
but now thanks to Yitzhak Kaduri my Rabbi and thanks to me his King of Israel lorenzoJHWH: they have raised their heads ..
in reality, only Zionism can kill the New World Order!
unfortunately, all the Muslims of the UN OCI pursue the Koranic project of annihilation of the whole human race!and the NWO OWL today is the best ally of the devil allah lilith in Mecca 666 kaaba
purtroppo, tutti gli islamici di ONU OCI perseguono il progetto coranico di annientamento di tutto il genere umano!
e il NWO OWL oggi è il migliore alleato del demonio allah lilith a Mecca 666 kaaba
è vero che: Nazism FED IMF ECB NWO BM ONU OCI: and Zionism were born in the same crucible.
ma gli ebrei rischiavano di morire 100 volte più di noi se al principio rivendicavano il sionismo in contrapposizione al NWO FED FMI.
ma ora grazia a Yitzhak Kaduri
Rabbino e grazie a me il suo Re di Israele: loro hanno alzato la testa..
in realtà soltanto il sionismo può uccidere il Nuovo Ordine mondiale!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Davey Wavey 5 months ago
it is difficult to look for a true dialogue: with those who sold themselves to satan in an ideology of Erdogan new imperialist Ottomanism: which is also a religion of murderers, who made the genocide of all the peoples preceding the ARAB LEAGUE: sharia genocide of Christians as they are still doing in Nigeria etc ..
è difficile cercare un vero dialogo: con chi si è venduto a satana dentro una ideologia Erdogan new ottomana imperialistica: che è anche una religione di assassini, che ha fatto il genocidio di tutti i popoli precedenti alla LEGA ARABA: genocidio sharia di cristiani come stanno facendo tutt'ora in Nigeria ecc..
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Davey Wavey 5 months ago
I could not answer you before because only now: my friend President Rivlin has ordered to worldisraelnews to unlock me, with this account
io non potevo risponderti prima
perché soltanto ora: il mio amico il Presidente Rivlin ha ordinato a worldisraelnews di sbloccarmi con questo account
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Discussion on United with Israel 17 comments
Israel Law Center Wins Landmark Ruling Against PA, Demands 1B NIS in Terror Damages

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Boyahdoggie to Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom •
We all tread in such perilous times amen.
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah to Boyahdoggie •
i am lorenzoJHWH coming now, ie king Israel Atti 1,6
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Israelis Win Billion Shekel Ruling in Landmark Palestinian Terror Case through the English embassy I was the one who asked for the construction of the wall: because the children exploded inside the tram-buses
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Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments
WATCH: Iran threatens UK after oil tanker seized near Gibraltar

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Boyahdoggie 5 months ago
i am lorenzoJHWH coming now, ie king Israel Atti 1,6
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Discussion on World Israel News 340 comments
Sarsour claims 'Jesus was Palestinian'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
no, I cannot do the King of Israel who cancels his own word, because my word is the law for all mankind!
no, non posso fare il Re di Israele che cancella la sua stessa parola, perché la mia parola è la legge per tutto il genere umano!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
I'm happy thanks to you worldisraelnews has opened the page for me
sono contento grazie a te worldisraelnews mi ha aperto la pagina
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel. Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom
@uniusrei ANSWER. I KNOW THAT IT IS VERY SAD: but did the High Sanhedrin Rothschild FROGGs say that how did they kill Jesus and Zorobabele?? so they will also kill me: because they will never give me their religious power of the Synagogue of Satan
Non siamo in grado di pubblicare il tuo commento perché sei stato bannato da United con Israele. Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom
@uniusrei ANSWER. SO CHE è MOLTO TRISTE: ma il Sommo Sinedrio Rothsschild ha detto che come hanno fatto uccidere Gesù e Zorobabele? così faranno uccidere anche me: perché loro non cederanno mai a me il loro potere religioso della Sinagoga di Satana
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
Biblical Ziklag found: City where King David fled Saul the whole Bible is a perfect geographical historical document! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
kodster ] I'm happy thanks to you worldisraelnews has opened the page for me
no, I cannot do the King of Israel who cancels his own word, because my word is the law for all mankind!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe
this study discredits the scientific procedure for DNA accreditation
questo studio getta discredito sulla procedura scientifica di accreditamento del DNA
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Discussion on World Israel News 13 comments
IDF discovers new terror tunnel from Gaza

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Back from the wilderness, Ayelet Shaked faces tough choice on political future
timesofisrael com/back-from-the-wilderness-ayelet-shaked-faces-rough-choice-on-political-future/
small political parties should have a clear identity: and should not confuse the right-wing deployment with the Left-wing one!
i partiti piccoli dovrebbero avere una identità chiara: e non dovrebbero confondere lo schieramento di Destra da quello di Sinistra!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
we complain that CHINA: is a Super police state: big Brother with 600 million cameras in 2020? but, the Europe of Soros and Bilderberg: financial technocracy and usury: it will be even worse: because it exercises an occult sovereignty (esoteric agenda) on behalf of Rothschild and not on behalf of an ideology.The future EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is seen as potentially "hostile" to Israeli government policies and in favor of Palestinian claims and Iran's reasons
ci lamentiamo che la CINA: è un Super stato di polizia: grande Fratello con 600 milioni di telecamere nel 2020? ma, la Europa di Soros e Bilderberg: tecnocrazia finanziaria e usura: sarà anche peggio: perché esercita una sovranità occulta (esoteric agenda) a nome di Rothschild e non a nome di una ideologia.
Il futuro Alto rappresentante dell’Ue per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza, è visto come potenzialmente “ostile” nei confronti delle politiche del governo israeliano e favorevole alle rivendicazioni dei palestinesi e alle ragioni dell’Iran
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Discussion on United with Israel 8 comments
Potential New Israeli Treatment 'Targets' Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah ianJhatch 5 months ago
What is natural law? are you confused?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah ianJhatch 5 months ago
topic where is?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
President my israelis people Rivlin ] you don't need guttalax because I know you go well! [my friend Donald TRUMP: he had an "Amans Patrie" channel on twitter and unfortunately, twitter pedestrian froggs lgbt: he block you if you repeat the same message often!
when did I get back on twitter? this channel was gone!
it was nice to chat with dear Donald every now and then!
Rivlin ] tu non hai bisogno di guttalax perché io lo so che tu vai bene! [ il mio amico Donald TRUMP: lui in twitter aveva un canale "Amans Patrie" e purtroppo twitter non ti perdona se, tu ripeti spesso lo stesso messaggio!
quando sono tornato in twitter? questo canale non c'era più!
era bello ogni tanto chiacchierare con il caro Donald!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Trump says: "amb. Gb has not served London well" #WASHINGTON, 8 JULY - The British ambassador to the United States "has not served Britain well": Donald Trump told reporters commenting on the criticisms of: that infamous #Kim Darroch about him, revealed by the tabloid Daily Mail . According to the Mail, Darroch, one of the most important diplomats in the United Kingdom, would use secret channels and information notes to challenge the character of Trump, warning London that the White House is "extraordinarily dysfunctional" and that the US president's career could end in " disgrace ".
ANSWER. therefore: it was the Masons of His Majesty who polluted the non-Putin US elections!the Masons are a mafia conspiracy: Soros Rosthschild international conspiracy! I ask for 10 drops of guttalax for the Jezabell's Queen!
Trump, dice: "amb. Gb non ha servito bene Londra"
#WASHINGTON, 8 LUG - L'ambasciatore britannico in Usa "non ha servito bene la Gran Bretagna": lo ha detto Donald Trump ai cronisti commentando le critiche di: quell'infame di #Kim Darroch su di lui, rivelate dal tabloid Daily Mail.
Darroch, uno dei più importanti diplomatici del Regno Unito, secondo il Mail avrebbe usato canali segreti e note informative per contestare il personaggio di Trump, avvertendo Londra che la Casa Bianca è "straordinariamente disfunzionale" e che la carriera del presidente Usa potrebbe finire in "disgrazia".
ANSWER. quindi: sono stati i massoni di Sua Maestà a inquinare le elezioni USA non Putin!
i massoni sono una cospirazione mafiosa: congiura Soros Rosthschild internazionale!
io chiedo 10 gocce di guttalax per la Regina!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.
Greece: Mitsotakis, Country 'will raise its head' amen alleluia!already to resist the Turkish-Ottoman Empire Erdogan Merkel Rothschild the vampires!
Grecia: Mitsotakis,Paese 'rialzerà testa' amen alleluia!
già per resistere all'impero turco-ottomano Erdogan Merkel Rothschild i vampiri!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Marò, Italy: "India considers them guilty already"Rome claims the jurisdiction of the case before the Arbitration Court
ANSWER. no, no, it is the arbitration court, which must finish its work and perhaps the whole Kerala government will be put to death!
Marò, l'Italia: "L'India li ritiene già colpevoli"
Roma rivendica la giurisdizione del caso davanti alla Corte arbitrale
ANSWER. no, no, è la corte arbitrale, che deve finire il suo lavoro e forse tutto il governo del Kerala verrà messo a morte!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Migrants, Trenta-Salvini disputeThe Pope: 'except 10 million Italians, thousands of suicides a year? No one is a stranger! "
Migranti, lite Trenta-Salvini
Il Papa: 'tranne 10 milioni di italiani, migliaia di suicidi all'anno? Nessuno è straniero!'
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Discussion on United with Israel 43 comments
Is Jeremy Corbyn Bringing Jews Back to Judaism and Israel?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
ISIS hamas Jeremy Komeini Corbyn sharia death to all the unfaithful slaves dhimmis, in why jihad sharia Erdogan will win
morte a tutti gli infedeli schiavi dhimmis sharia Erdogan vincerà
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
is true the Democratic Party / Labor are the border of satan himself: an extreme threat of Pharisees Rothschild high constitutional treason the bank seigniorage:a lethal fake against hope every people: and for the destruction of the same concept of Fatherland: and destruction of the sacredness of human life!Jewish member of parliament Margaret Hodge agrees, Levy wrote. "I remember my father tried to make me Jewish and failed," Hodge said recently. "The local rabbi tried to make me Jewish and failed. It took the Labor party leader to do it."
è vero il Partito democratico / laburisti sono il confine di satana stesso: una estrema minaccia di farisei Rothschild alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario:
un letale micaccia contro la speranza doi ogni popolo:e per la distruzione dello stesso concetto di Patria: e distruzione della sacralità della vita umana!
Membro ebreo del Parlamento Margaret Hodge concorda, ha scritto Levy. "Mi ricordo che mio padre ha cercato di farmi ebreo e non riuscito", ha detto recentemente Hodge. "Il rabbino locale ha cercato di farmi ebreo e non riuscita. Ci sono voluti il leader del partito laburista a farlo."
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
obviously I have never lied in all my life and all that I have written in these 13 years? it's state law! what never makes me derail and fall into contradiction is metaphysics: in fact I am coherent with the mathematical logic of the Natural Law which finds its perfection in the Universal Law (everything that exists finds only one logic in love)
ovviamente io non ho mai mentito in tutta la mia vita e tutto quello che io ho scritto in questi 13 anni? è legge dello Stato!
cosa non mi fa mai deragliare e cadere in contraddizione è la metafisica: infatti io sono coerente con la logica matematica della Legge Naturale che trova la sua perfezione nella Legge Universale (tutto quello che esiste trova una sola logica nell'amore)
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Unius REI is Universal government for universal brotherhood: ie, King of kingsand Lord of Lords: this for the unwary might seem the affirmation of a megalomaniac, but, perhaps, many humble men like me did not be exist in history.
I represent the Kingdom of God JHWH holy: on this earth in the political form of the Kingdom of Israel.
Unius REI is Universal government: ie, King of kings
and Lord of Lords:
questa per gli incauti potrebbe sembrare la affermazione di un megalomane, ma, forse non sono esistiti nella storia molti uomini umili come me.
io rappresento il Regno di Dio in terra nella forma politica del Regno di Israele.
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Discussion on United with Israel 27 comments
WATCH: 'Thousands' of Murderers Eager to Respond to Bahrain Summit, Says Abbas' Deputy

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
kodster 5 hours ago
What slanders... you deleted your own post saying that you had been banned from the site. Now you're attacking? You're a sicko.
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really? and you as know this veri CIA 666 UK cannibals Biden 322 " strunz and bones" important things
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
kodster 5 hours ago
You are a perversion of the Lord, so you are NO 'King'. You don't even know what the heck you're talking about. You're full of anti-Semitism that is directed towards the wrong people.
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ie i am a perversion of the Lord holy JHWH HOLY?
your Satan is so bad slander: evil malefic esoteric agenda: Bilderberg, scam satanism banking seigniorage system drink your poison made by yourself
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
ME, I AM a perversion of the Lord JHWH HOLY?
your Satan is so
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
I KNOW THAT IT IS VERY SAD: but did High Sanhedrin Rothschild Enlightened lucifer FED IMF NWO go to say that how did they kill Jesus and Zorobabele ?? so they will kill me too: because they will never give me their religious power of the Synagogue of Satan
I cannot defend myself against slanderers, they spam me and on worlisraelnews I was blocked.
NON posso difendermi dai calunniatori mi fanno spam e su worlisraelnews io sono stato bloccato.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzojhwh HumanumGenus USSR KGB Bolsheviks? they have only killed 40 million Russian citizens because they are Christians, and have poisoned all of mankind with communist ideology .. if this is little for you!ReplyDomenico Borrelli Vulcano You need a good psychiatrist ... That's Hitler and Napoleon. If you are Russian you are a traitor, if you are not, you are sick.ReplyLorenzojhwh HumanumGenus have you any idea how many civilian victims of communism have been in peacetime? our Italian soldiers that the communist party gave for dead? they were locked up as slaves in the gulag lagher!I bring you arguments and you bring me insults to say how much you can hate humans: because you are with the sputniknew aliens of the galactic conderation
Lorenzojhwh HumanumGenus URSS KGB bolscevichi? hanno soltanto ucciso 40 milioni di cittadini russi perché cristiani, ed hanno avvelenato tutto il genere umano con la ideologia comunista.. se questo è poco per te!
Domenico Borrelli Vulcano Hai bisogno di un bravo psichiatra ... Quello è Hitler e Napoleone. Se sei russo sei un traditore, se non lo sei sei malato.
Lorenzojhwh HumanumGenus hai idea di quante sono state le vittime civili del comunismo in tempo di pace? i nostri soldati italiani che il partito comunista dava per morti? erano rinchiusi come schiavi nei gulag lagher!
io ti porto argomenti e tu mi porti insulti per dire quanto tu puoi odiare gli umani: perché tu sei con gli alieni di sputniknew della conderazione galattica
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Discussion on United with Israel 16 comments
WATCH: 'Where Are You,' Netanyahu Asks World Leaders as Iran Breaches Nuclear Deal

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Bin SALMAN ] [ Masonic leaders: hypocritical leaders, consociativismo, and the more poor, those who have nothing to lose? they are tearing the petty bourgeoisi for to social barbaric destruction
therefore Rothschild has planned to get many richs richer, and poorer and more alwayis poorer, so it will destroy the Christian Jewish civilization .. while every kind of evil cynicism hypocrisy and Satanism spreads all over the earth:and all this evil evil? you are the accomplice to see: how the world is going to burn everything!
Bin SALMAN ] [ i leaders massoni: dirigenti ipocriti, consociativismo, e i più poveri, quelli che non hanno niente da perdere?
loro stanno lacerando a distruzione la piccola borghesia
quindi Rothschild ha pianificato di ottenere ricchi sempre più ricchi, e poveri sempre più poveri, così distruggerà la civiltà ebraico cristiana.. mentre ogni genere di malvagità cinismo ipocrisia e satanismo si diffonde su tutta la terra:
e di tutto questo male malefico? tu sei il complice per vedere come il mondo sta per bruciare tutto!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
1. on this garden of my father's house: I did not know that there "ecclesiastical level" existed, so all that is built on this soil: it is 30% owned by the State!
2. I paid twice the transfer of ownership (because the first time the value of the land seemed low: at the revenue office)
3. I still have to pay twice the stacking(4000 euros) because the first time: the surveyor has not been able to do this operation the best.
4. in 25 years I paid taxes to the municipality of 1650 euros per year
5. when I got the first eviction: the judge sentenced the tenant to pay 10,000 euros, but the tenant cannot pay anything, sic..!
6. currently another bad tenant: but really bad: cynical as a murderer: he owes me already 10,000 euros and prevents me from selling the house which in the meantime (in 13 years) has lost 50% of its value due to rothschild and bilderberg Merkel EB: banking seigniorage scam and the democratic party.
7. and I am in the conditions: not to be able to support anymore: a mortgage loan of over 1000 euros a month, and I am about to leave the House to the Unicredit Bank which has my mortgages!
in Conclusion: if a tenant with a hammer destroys my house? there will be no one who can compensate me!
So the state is only a tormentor of Rothschild, and we the people? we are slaves!
obviously, I already knew all these terrible things 30 years ago, but I, 30 years ago, was: the Observatory on the martyrdom of Christians: that Talmud FED Rothschild and the Wahhabites sharia OIC: they planned to exterminate all over the world !so I made a total sacrifice of 600,000 euros for this ministry! After God he made me understand that I was lorenzoJHWH the King of Israel and that I was also Unius REI (the universal governor described in the emerald table)
ovviamente, io 30 anni fa io già sapevo già tutte queste cose terribili, ma, io 30 anni fa, io ero: il Osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani: che Talmud FED Rothschild e i Wahhabiti sharia OIC: loro hanno pianificato di sterminare in tutto il mondo!
quindi io ho fatto per questo ministero un sacrificio complessivo di 600000 euro! Dopo Dio mi ha fatto capire che io ero lorenzoJHWH il Re di Israele e che io ero anche Unius REI (il governatore universale descritto nella tavola smeraldina)
1. su questo giardino della casa di mio padre: io non sapevo che esisteva il" livelo ecclesiastico", quindi tutto quello che si edifica su questo suolo: è del 30% di proprietà dello Stato!
2. ho pagato 2 volte il passaggio di proprietà (perché la prima volta il valore del suolo sembrava basso: all'ufficio delle entrate)
3. devo ancora pagare due volte l'accatastamento (4000 euro) perché la prima volta: il geometra non ha potuto fare al meglio questa operazione.
4. in 25 anni ho pagato di tasse al comune 1650 euro ad anno
5. quando ho ottenuto il primo sfratto: il giudice ha condannato l'inquilino al pagamento di 10000 euro: ma l'inquilino non può pagare nulla!
6. attualmente un altro inquilino cattivo: ma veramente cattivo: cinico come un assassino: mi deve già 10000 euro e mi impedisce di vendere la casa che nel frattempo (in 13 anni) ha perso il 50% del suo valore per colpa di Rothschild ECB e bilderberg Merkel e il partito democratico.
7. ed io sono nelle condizioni: di non poter più sostenere: un mutuo ipotecario di oltre 1000 euro al mese, e io sto per lasciare la Casa alla Banca Unicredit che ha le ipoteche!
in Conclusione: se un inquilino con un martello mi distrugge la casa? non ci sarà nessuno che mi potrà risarcire!
Quindi lo Stato è soltanto un aguzzino di Rothschild, e noi il popolo? noi siamo degli schiavi!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
a dentist, intentionally with a steel needle, after he cleaned the root nerve, threaded a steel needle and intentionally punctured me: the maxillary sinus bone, (a dentist friend told me that: I must lose the tooth: I can have infections, and there are bone fragments: and we must replace the scraped bone of the cheekbone: and restore the maxillary sinus with a fake bone cement!)but my fear was that: the CIA had put a micro-chip in my bone, or an HIV virus, etc.however, I did x-rays, and even the "cone beam" CT TAC, scan with the most advanced technology that exists in Bari! now: none of the 50%: of what you see in the radiograph (made by my dentist friend) was described in the TAC, the radiology specialist wrote that: "with apparent circumscribed interruption of the floor of the left maxillary sinus: which presents cysts mucous on the right as on the left side of the maxillary sinus "but whoever does a "cone beam" CT scan cannot say that "it seems or does not seem" or is yes, or is no: and muddy it all into mucous cysts (which do not exist): therefore part of this examination has been tampered with: a false 50% document .. then, it is clear that in the Masonic rothschild consociativism & masonic system: banking seigniorage, then, the leders can kill the people with impunity!as the saying goes: "wolf does not eat wolf"
un dentista, intenzionalmente con un ago di acciaio, dopo che ha pulito il nervo radice, ha infilato un ago di acciaio e mi ha forato intenzionalmente: l'osso del seno mascellare, (un amico dentista mi ha detto che: io devo perdere il dente: posso avere infezioni, e ci sono frammenti di osso: e si deve sostituire l'osso raschiato dello zigomo: e ripristinare il seno mascellare con un cemento di osso finto!)
ma la mia paura era che: la CIA avesse messo nel mio osso un micro-chip, oppure un virus HIV, ecc..
tuttavia, io ho fatto radiografie, e anche la TAC "cone beam" con la più avanza tecnologia che esiste in Bari!
adesso: nulla del 50%: di quello che si vede nella radiografia (fatta dal mio amico dentista) è venuto descritto nella TAC, lo specialista di radiologia ha scritto che: "con apparente circoscritta interruzione del pavimento del seno mascellare sinistro: che presenta cisti mucose a destra come a sinistra del seno mascellare"
ma chi fa una TAC "cone beam" non può dire che: "sembra o non sembra" o è si, o è no: e infangare il tutto in cisti mucose (che non esistono): quindi parte di questo esame è stato manomesso: un documento falso al 50% .. allora, è chiaro che nel consociativismo massonico rothschild, poi, i leders possono ammazzare il popolo impunemente!
come dice il proverbio: "lupo non mangia lupo"
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
obviously now this situation turns into a very embarrassing situation: as good and faithful servant's Rothschild into fake Paradise, (Mt 25) [ OCI EU UN Netanjahu, Rivlin, Putin, China India: & Pope Francis: Masonic Government Shadow Bilderberg: IMF IMF BM NWO: Cia 666 UK esoteric agenda: Imam, Rabbis , Bishops, etc .. Democratic Party, etc ..
ANSWER =========> "Sir, sir, open us!" But he replied: "Truly, I say to you, I do not know you." Mt 25.1-13
ANSWER =========> Matthew 7,21 Not everyone who says to me: Lord(to any religion), Lord(any crazy ideology comunists lgbt), will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name? 23 But I will declare to them: I never knew you; turn away from me, you workers of iniquity.
ANSWER =========> then, you will come to me to say: "but we have made you write: for decades: in youtube, in unitedwithisrael, in sputniknews" and I will answer you: "but, me , I'm your BOIA: really me! "
ovviamente ora la situazione si trasforma in una situazione molto imbarazzante:
come good and faithful servant's Rothschild into fake Paradise, (Mt 25) [ OCI EU UN Netanjahu, Rivlin, Putin, China India: & Pope Francis: Masonic Government Shadow Bilderberg: FMI IMF BM NWO: Cia 666 UK esoteric agenda: Imam, Rabbis, Bishops, etc.. Democratic Party, etc...
ANSWER =========> “Signore, signore, aprici!”. Ma egli rispose: “In verità io vi dico: non vi conosco”. Mt 25,1-13
ANSWER =========> Matteo 7,21 Non chiunque mi dice: Signore, Signore, entrerà nel regno dei cieli, ma colui che fa la volontà del Padre mio che è nei cieli. 22 Molti mi diranno in quel giorno: Signore, Signore, non abbiamo noi profetato nel tuo nome e cacciato demòni nel tuo nome e compiuto molti miracoli nel tuo nome? 23 Io però dichiarerò loro: Non vi ho mai conosciuti; allontanatevi da me, voi operatori di iniquità.
ANSWER =========> poi, verrete da me a dire: "ma noi ti abbiamo fatto scrivere: per decenni: in youtube, in unitedwithisrael, in sputniknews " ed io risponderò a voi: "ma, proprio io, io sono il vostro BOIA!"
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Revelation of false prophet: Revelation 16:13Then, from the mouth of the dragon, from the mouth of the monster and from the mouth of the false prophet I saw three evil spirits similar to frogs popping out. ] [Macometto Maometto ignorant, slave traders, evil Merchant, very lustful, pirate father of islamic predator, serial murderer (the model of Erdogan and of all the moamettans murdering of innocents peoples and martyrs christians slave dhimmis, etc.. hypocrites thieves and liars)Muhammad was the founder and prophet of Islam which is an organized religion of hypocrites, "the man that all Muslims recognize as their prophet". he was mentioned in Apocalypse/Revelation 4 centuries earlier when he says: that Satan and the Rothschild FED IMF NWO the beast Biden Bush Kerry Obama: they have them a false prophet: The false prophet of the end times (Wahhabis Bin Salman & Iran) is described in Revelation 13: 11-15. He is also referred to as the "second beast" (Revelation 16:13, 19:20, 20:10). Together with the Antichrist and Satan, who gives power to both, the false prophet is the third part of the diabolical trinity.
Apocalisse il falso profeta: Apocalisse 16:13
Poi, dalla bocca del drago, dalla bocca del mostro e dalla bocca del falso profeta vidi guizzare fuori tre spiriti malvagi simili a rane. ] [ Macometto Maometto ignorante Commerciante, assai lussurioso, predatore pirata, assassino seriale (il modello di Erdogan e di tutti i moamettani assassini ipocriti ladri e bugiardi)
Maometto è stato il fondatore e il profeta dell'Islam che è una religione organizzata di assassini ipocriti, «l'uomo che tutti i musulmani riconoscono loro profeta». lui è stato citato in Apocalisse 4 secoli prima quando si dice: che Satana e la bestia Rothschild loro hanno un falso profeta: Il falso profeta della fine dei tempi(Wahhabis Bin Salman& Iran) è descritto in Apocalisse 13:11-15. Ci si riferisce a lui anche come la "seconda bestia" (Apocalisse 16:13, 19:20, 20:10). Insieme all’Anticristo e a Satana, che dà potere a entrambi, il falso profeta è la terza parte della trinità diabolica.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Come good and faithful servant into Paradise, (Mt 25) [ OCI EU UN Netanjahu, Rivlin, Putin, China India: & Pope Francis: Masonic Government Shadow Bilderberg: FMI IMF BM NWO: Cia 666 UK esoteric agenda: Imam, Rabbis, Bishops, Priests Antifa: Democratic Party Sanctified, the Faithful and to the Members of the Associations, Movements and Ecclesial Groups: catto-communists ONG lgbt twitter youtube ANSA Network Satellite TV. facebook google "Come good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord: Ja-Bull-On Rothschild Allah sharia Belfagor ] no no fear no [sin however that FED FMI BCE etc. .. it is precisely the office of satan himself: under whose authority you have served well: as a faithful servant your whole life!
Vieni servo buono e fedele, (Mt 25) [ OCI UE ONU Netanjahu Rivlin Putin China India: & Pope Francis: Governo Massonico Ombra Bilderberg: FED FMI BM NWO: esoteric agenda: Imam, Rabbini, Vescovi, Sacerdoti, ai Consacrati, ai Fedeli ed ai Membri delle Associazioni, Movimenti e Gruppi Ecclesiali: catto-comunisti lgbt twitter youtube ANSA Network Satellite TV. " Vieni servo buono e fedele, entra nella gioia del tuo Signore: Ja-Bull-On Rothschild Allah ] no no fear no [ peccato però che FED FMI BCE ecc.. è proprio l'ufficio di satana in persona: sotto la cui autorità tu hai servito bene: come un servo fedele tutta la tua vita!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
OCI ONU Netanjahu Rivlin Putin China India: & Pope Francis ] no no fear no [ obviously, in their exercise religious-political power: then, Imam, Rabbini and Bishops: they exercise their power of religion in the name of: NWO FED FMI Rothschild: so, it will be Rothschild to make you enter in the Paradise or Heaven Satanas Lilith Allah Owl Baal Peor! let sharia peace be on the false prophet Muhammad and on you too!
OCI ONU Netanjahu Rivlin Putin Cina India: & Papa Francesco ] ovviamente, nel loro esercizio potere religioso-politico: poi, Imam Rabbini e Vescovi: loro esercitano il loro potere di religione in nome di: NWO FED FMI Rothschild: quindi sarà Rothschild a farvi entrare in Paradiso! che la pace sharia sia sul falso profeta Maometto e su di Voi anche!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Netanjahu] [ on what justice are you going to build my Kingdom of ISRAEL? you're just fooling me! crazy my universal brotherhood!!!
Netanjahu ] [ su quale giustizia tu stai per costruire il mio Regno di ISRAELE?
tu mi stai soltanto ad ingannare!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
internet has become total scam for peoples who want to rebel against the NWO
#Bin #SALMAN ] you condemned all Israelis to death: to follow the agenda of Enlightened lucifer CIA 666 UK 322 NSA Jews Dracula lgbt sodom of IMF FED BCE
Netanajhu ] you won't be able to stop all the ballistic missiles aimed at your nuclear plant: you hit Iran with atomic weapons
=======> worldisraelnews now they have reactivated me
or CIA 666 UK bulling me!
CONCLUSION = ==> but on this computer: worldisraelnews has returned to being blocked! and there is no trace of my friend's request Grace Joy to me
CONCLUSION = ==> of course to all those who ask me questions, they clag me, insult me: etc .. in worldisraelnews? I can't answer!
ovviamente a tutti quelli che mi fanno domande, mi calunniano, mi insultano: ecc.. in worldisraelnews ? io non posso rispondere!
ma in questo computer: worldisraelnews è ritornato ad essere bloccato! e non esiste traccia della domanda della mia amica
Grace Joy a me
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Netanjahu] here: worldisraelnewscom / sarsour_claims_jesus_was_palestinian_04 my comment has been deleted: and if you were the culprit? then it means that: you have decided to kill the Israelis by yourself! we say that if the filters and algorithms of the CIA 666 UK FED FMI NWO: they could make me invisible even to myself: then, you too have betrayed your people: as politicians have already done: in all the false Masonic democracies of the NWO! and there is no sovereignty here, that is actually is the rothschild any sovereignty
then, Islamic genocide sharia Satanists Umma jihad Erdogan demonic possessed: they will kill you with juridical reasons: because it is true that you are a carcinogenic growth of the NWO: an abusive entity in the holy land!
Netanjahu ] qui: worldisraelnewscom/sarsour_claims_jesus_was_palestinian_04 il mio commento è stato cancellato: e se sei stato tu il colpevole? allora significa che: proprio tu hai deciso di uccidere gli israeliani!
diciamo che se i filtri e gli algoritmi della CIA 666 UK NATO FED FMI NWO: hanno potuto rendermi invisibile anche a me stesso: allora, anche voi avete tradito il vostro popolo: come è già stato fatto i politici: in tutte le false democrazie massoniche del NWO!
non esiste quì una sovranità che in realtà è di rothschild..
gli islamici satanisti e indemoniati: loro vi uccideranno con ragioni giuridiche: perché è vero che voi siete una escrescenza cancerogena del NWO: una entità abusiva in terra santa!
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Discussion on United with Israel 16 comments
WATCH: 'Where Are You,' Netanyahu Asks World Leaders as Iran Breaches Nuclear Deal

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
aaahhh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah to Grace Joy • /unitedwithisrael org/act-now-tell-california-court-to-keep-weapons-away-from-hitler-admirer-who-wants-to-murder-jews/
i can not see your answer by this computer!!!
I have already told you that the historian: Ariel Toaff son of the former chief rabbi of Rome Toaff: he wrote "Pasque di sangue". Jews of Europe and ritual murders is a book by Ariel Toaff published by Il Mulino in the Historical Library series: buy on IBS for € 22.95!in this book he admits the existence also of thousands of Catholic children who were bled to death in the Synagogues, a dirty work that the Supreme Sinedrin FED IMF NWO ECB, today entrusts to the priests of Satan of the CIA. in reality in youtube there are videos with the names of hundreds of these children (like Simonino of Trento) and the relative expulsion of all the Jews from that nation!
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Discussion on United with Israel 62 comments
ACT NOW! Tell California Court to Keep Weapons Away from Hitler Admirer who Wants to Murder Jews!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Grace Joy 5 months ago
i can not see your answer by this computer!!!
I have already told you that the historian: Ariel Toaff son of the former chief rabbi of Rome Toaff: he wrote "Pasque di sangue". Jews of Europe and ritual murders is a book by Ariel Toaff published by Il Mulino in the Historical Library series: buy on IBS for € 22.95!in this book he admits the existence also of thousands of Catholic children who were bled to death in the Synagogues, a dirty work that the Supreme Sinedrin FED IMF NWO ECB, today entrusts to the priests of Satan of the CIA. in reality in youtube there are videos with the names of hundreds of these children (like Simonino of Trento) and the relative expulsion of all the Jews from that nation!
ti ho già detto che lo storico: Ariel Toaff figlio dell'ex-rabbino capo di Roma Toaff: ha scritto Pasque di sangue. Ebrei d'Europa e omicidi rituali è un libro di Ariel Toaff pubblicato da Il Mulino nella collana Biblioteca storica: acquista su IBS a 22.95€!
in questo libro lui ammette la esistenza anche di migliaia di bambini cattolici che erano dissanguati nelle Sinagoghe, lavoro sporco che oggi il Sommo Sinedrio affida ai sacerdoti di Satana della CIA.
in realtà in youtube ci sono i video con il nome di centinaia di questi bambini (come Simonino di Trento)e della relativa espulsione di tutti gli ebrei da quella nazione!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
netanjhau ] I am forced to change computers, with this computer:
1. do not make me answer on: worldisraelnews
2. don't let me see my friend's questions,
3. I can only copy the whole page but not text sections!
netanjhau ] sono costretto a cambiare computer, con questo computer:
1. non mi fanno rispondere su: worldisraelnews
2. non mi fanno vedere le domande della mia amica,
3. posso copiare soltanto tutta la pagina ma non sezioni di testo!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Davey Wavey an hour agoThe Nazis are the IDF. See - concentration camps, racial segregation, one superior and the other surrounded. Territorial expansion. Nazism and Zionism were born in the same crucible.
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by
World Israel Newssorry, in NWO 666 FED Bilderberg banking e masonic sysem: the life of a rebel Jew is 100 times more endangered than ours, so as Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri did: dissent must be disguised, which is why Zionism and globalism were born together: while in reality only Zionism can kill the rothschild globalism
in NWO la vita di un ebreo ribelle è 100 volte più in pericolo della nostra, quindi come ha fatto il rabbino Yitzhak Kaduri: il dissenso deve essere camuffato, ecco perché sionismo e mondialismo sono nati insieme: mentre in realtà soltanto il sionismo può uccidere il mondialismo dei rothschild
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
1. [[ in this computer Ip: is blocked on WorldIsraelNews
2. [[ in this computer i not can answer a to my friend that she is invisible for me!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
While the NGOs ferry the fat African, Italian and millions of children die of hunger.
If we invest a tenth of what we spend to accommodate young African thugs in hotels for fake refugees in food and medicine, we would save thousands of lives: but the Democratic Party, the Vatican and the 'ndrangheta would not make money.
and what is worse would not succeed in destroying the Christian Jewish civilization
Mentre le Ong traghettano i ciccioni africani, italiani e milioni di bambini muoiono di fame.
Se investissimo un decimo di quello che spendiamo per ospitare giovani energumeni africani in hotel per finti profughi in cibo e medicine, salveremmo migliaia di vite: ma il Pd, il Vaticano e la ‘ndrangheta non lucrerebbero.
e quello che è peggio non riuscirebbero a distruggere la civiltà ebraico cristiana
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Discussion on World Israel News 31 comments
Erekat: Netanyahu is 'far left' compared to David Friedman

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah • a few seconds from now
Bin SALMAN] you condemned all Israelis to death: to follow the agenda of the Jews of the IMF FED BCE !!!#Netanajhu] you won't be able to stop all the ballistic missiles aimed at your nuclear plant: you hit Iran with atomic weapons
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
you can prove your slanders? worldisraelnews now they have reactivated me
or CIA 666 UK bulling me!
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Discussion on United with Israel 27 comments
WATCH: 'Thousands' of Murderers Eager to Respond to Bahrain Summit, Says Abbas' Deputy

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Bin SALMAN] you condemned all Israelis to death: to follow the agenda of the Jews of the IMF FED BCE !!!#Netanajhu] you won't be able to stop all the ballistic missiles aimed at your nuclear plant: you hit Iran with atomic weapons
Bin SALMAN ] tu hai condannato tutti gli israeliani a morte: per seguire la agenda degli ebrei del FMI FED BCE!!!
#Netanajhu ] non riuscirai a fermare tutti i missili balistici puntati contro la tua centrale nucleare: fevi colpire Iran con armi atomiche
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
NWO Saudi Arabia OIC UN NATO FED IMF ECB GOLPE bilderberg banking seigniorage:
ISIS sharia: lizard CIA 666 UK Bin Salman Rothschild Soros: Sodom Dracula Satanas they block: only my account: Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom Modifica Profilo
Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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Discussion on World Israel News 340 comments
Sarsour claims 'Jesus was Palestinian'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Dorrie - Conservative 5 months ago
but yesterday also this channel of mine was completely blocked
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
but yesterday this channel of mine was completely blocked
ma ieri anche questo mio canale è stato completamente bloccato
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
but lizard Bin Salman Rothschild Soros: Sodom Dracula Satanas they block: only my account: Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom Modifica Profilo
Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Dorrie - Conservative 5 months ago
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
but lizard Bin Salman Rothschild Soros: Sodom Dracula Satanas they block: only my account: Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom Modifica Profilo
Lion Judah☦️ UniusREI kingdom We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Dorrie - Conservative 5 months ago
you can prove your slanders? worldisraelnews now they have reactivated me
or CIA 666 UK bulling me!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Dorrie - Conservative 5 months ago
you can prove your slanders? Unius REI neve lie in all your life!
is why I am King Israel
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah kodster 5 months ago
you can prove your slanders?
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Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments
Yazidi Survivors Empowered by the Israeli Experience

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660 you have been banned by World Israel News
worldisraelnews com/5-idf-soldiers-injured-in-car-ramming-attack-arab-suspect-arrested/ @Affus1 In response to @LionjudahK
The Jews who still refuse to recognize Jesus the Messiah Savior remain under the condemnation of the law of Moses above all. Not for this we must be enemies of the Jews and hate the Jews as a people, indeed ... for the law, they are the first before God.
it has already been prophesied: that of the death of Jesus of Bethlehem all the Jews will mourn! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660 @Affus1 In response to @LionjudahK
The Jews who still refuse to recognize Jesus the Messiah Savior remain under the condemnation of the law of Moses above all. Not for this we must be enemies of the Jews and hate the Jews as a people, indeed ... for the law, they are the first before God.
it has already been prophesied: that of the death of Jesus of Bethlehem all the Jews will mourn! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
SS worldisraelnews agent nazi [ aldotoo Bel 666 VS Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom • 11 hours ago you have been banned by World Israel News. ] he is segret Agent Mossad Satana Dracula Sodoma: he block me ]
"I do not want to underestimate your gift of finding coincidences, I only say that this is not a gift I received from God!
yet I am the political project: of lorenzoJHWH: King of Israel, and the universal governor Unius REI of all the nations of the planet: that is, the universal brotherhood that resides both in the decalogue of Moses: as in my third Jewish temple, which if it is the home of the Jewish religion: it is also the lay home of love for all peoples
this is the secular theocratic metaphysical power of rational agnostic science"
A bit of crap Lion worldisraelnews com/5-idf-soldiers-injured-in-car-ramming-attack-arab-suspect-arrested/
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
@Affus1 In response to @LionjudahKjust what you say (JEWS AND CHRISTIANS A SINGLE PEOPLE), but it is a theological or faith consideration that does not change the history of facts. ANSWER.
we are the story of facts: DO NOT underestimate yourself .. THE JEWS are corporate and follow the majority: we the right are the new majority!
@Affus1 In risposta a @LionjudahK
giusto quello che dici (EBREI E CRISTIANI UN SOLO POPOLO), ma è una considerazione teologica o di fede che però non cambia la storia dei fatti. ANSWER.
noi siamo la storia dei fatti: NON ti sottovalutare.. GLI EBREI sono corporativi e seguono la maggioranza: noi le destre siamo la nuova maggioranza!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
@beaamafirenze The Bilderberg Democratic Party TV:2 Swiss rape a girl in Barcelona, and 4 Germans rape a girl in Mallorca.Swiss = SyrianGermans = TurksHow well they brainwash you, in the FED OCI FMI BCE BM NWO sharia Riyadh
@beaamafirenze La tv del Partito Democratico Bilderberg:
2 svizzeri stuprano una ragazza a Barcellona, e 4 tedeschi stuprano una ragazza a Maiorca.
svizzeri= siriani
tedeschi= turchi
Come vi lavano bene il cervello, nella FED FMI BCE BM NWO sharia Riyadh
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
World Israel News Removed comments Removed
Veterinarians seek medical cannabis for dogs affected by Gaza rockets
Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom (stuck was blocked )
(stuck was blocked ) Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom 21 hours ago
Removed Removed Removed Removed Removed
because this old one of Christine Lagarde at the top of the ECB: don't think about dying first her? Removed Removed Removed
Christine Lagarde will be the new president of the ECB. From the frying pan to the grill. Removed Removed Removed
Indeed, Lagarde is one of those people who think that the citizen should be at the service of the technocratic financial economy.
For the Lagarde, however, the elderly are not a wealth, but a cost. (E.C.)
It seems a paradox, but even longevity has become an enemy for Soros and rothschild,
Mondo Israele Notizie Rimosso i commenti RimossoI veterinari cercano la cannabis medica per i cani colpiti dai razzi di GazaLion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom (bloccato bloccato) (bloccato bloccato) Lion☦️Judah☦️UniusREI☦️kingdom 21 ore faRimosso Rimosso Rimosso Rimosso Rimossoperché questo vecchio di Christine Lagarde in cima alla BCE: non pensare di morire prima lei? Rimosso Rimosso RimossoChristine Lagarde sarà il nuovo presidente della BCE. Dalla padella alla griglia. Rimosso Rimosso RimossoIn effetti, Lagarde è una di quelle persone che pensano che il cittadino dovrebbe essere al servizio dell'economia tecnocratica finanziaria.Per le Lagarde, tuttavia, gli anziani non sono una ricchezza, ma un costo. (E.C.)Sembra un paradosso, ma anche la longevità è diventata un nemico per Soros e Rothschild,
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
TECHNOCRATIC WEAR-financial FED FMI NWO the satanists of Riyad Soros Bilderberg Rothschild. In response to @EnricoLetta, @tsipras_eu and @PrimeministerGRThe #Greece of poor and dead children, of the 25,000 houses sold off in #Soros, of the sold out airports to the Germans, Greece without hospital beds and without medicine thanks the Masonic elites who have declared it #guerra, but also the #massoni must to die !
USURA TECNOCRATICA-finanziaria FED FMI NWO i satanisti di Riyad Soros Bilderberg Rothschild. In risposta a @EnricoLetta, @tsipras_eu e @PrimeministerGR
La #Grecia dei bambini poveri e morti, delle 25.000 abitazioni svendute a #Soros, degli aeroporti svenduti ai tedeschi, la Grecia senza posti letto in ospedale e senza medicine ringrazia le élites massoniche che le hanno dichiarato #guerra, ma anche i #massoni devono morire !
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
@Affus1 @LionjudahK, @patriziagatto3 and @ebreieisraeleI don't agree with what you say, those (THE JEWS) were and remain deicides, we are pilates. ANSWER. if we did not kill Jesus too: with our sins? then, we couldn't have been saved either. this is why in the Easter Exultet the happiness of all the deicides is sung: "a happy fault that you deserved such a redeemer!"
mica condivido quello che dici, quelli (GLI EBREI) erano e restano deicidi, noi siamo pilato. ANSWER.
se non uccidevamo anche noi Gesù: con i nostri peccati? poi, non avremmo potuto essere salvati neanche noi. ecco perché nell'Exultet pasquale si canta la felicità dei deicidi tutti: "felice colpa che si meritasti un tale redentore!"
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Car bomb in Afghanistan, 12 dead: dozens of students injured. Attack claimed by the Sharia jihad Taliban! ANSWER.
it is too easy for the sharia LEGA ARABA: to carry on the hybrid wars through: the sharia of the jihadist galaxy !!! in the case of Pakistan (for example) certainly, Pakistan attacks both India and Afghanistan!
when the US went to punish Bin Laden? Pakistan has taken it very badly: so Pakistan protects al-Qaeda and the Taliban in reality
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Autobomba in Afghanistan, 12 morti: Feriti decine di scolari. Attacco rivendicato dai sharia jihad talebani! ANSWER.
è troppo facile per la sharia LEGA ARABA: di portare avanti le guerre ibride attraverso: la sharia della galassia jihadista!!! nel caso del Pakistan (per esempio) certamente, il Pakistan aggredisce sia India che Afganistan!
quando gli USA andarono a punire Bin Laden? il Pakistan lo ha preso molto male: quindi il Pakistan protegge al-Qaeda e Talebani in realtà
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Discussion on World Israel News 4 comments
Analysis: The dark shadow Iran is casting on the world

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
tamburi di guerra crescono sempre più forti
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
@ Affus1 In response to @LionjudahK, @ patriziagatto3 and @ebreieisraelebut are we Israel or are they excuse us?
ANSWER.. who separated Israel from the Church? it was Rothschild (today FED NWO BCE synagogue of Satan) but, our and their God JHWH, will never give up to make Jews and Christians into one ONLY people
@Affus1 In risposta a @LionjudahK, @patriziagatto3 e @ebreieisraele
ma Israele siamo noi o sono loro scusa ?
chi ha separato Israele dalla Chiesa? è stato Rothschild ( oggi FED NWO BCE sinagoga di Satana)
ma, il nostro e loro Dio JHWH, non rinuncerà mai a fare di ebrei e cristiani un solo popolo
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
glory to God holy JHWH holy: in Eternal: amen alleluia halleluia!Saint Michael is protector of Israel @ebreieisraele yesterday I was in San Michele on the Gargano, and I asked the archangel to defend: Italy and the Church and the Synagogue from the enemies!But remember: when Arcangelo San Michele intervenes, of course, there will be an extermination of enemy forces ..
gloria a Dio holy JHWH holy: in Eterno: amen alleluia halleluia!
San Michele è protettore di Israele @ebreieisraele
ieri sono stato a san Michele sul Gargano, e ho chiesto all'arcangelo di difendere: Italia e la Chiesa e la Sinagoga dai nemici!
Ma ricordate: quando Arcangelo San Michele interverrà, certo, ci sara uno sterminio di forze nemiche..
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Netanjahu] IRAN? .. delete it from the maps
//fed-hitler-isis-sharia-nwo-satana blogspot com/2019/07/iran-delete-it-from-maps
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Netanjahu] is you use 50% of all your atomic bombs: of your atomic arsenal against IRAN .. delete it from the maps!
#Netanjahu ] è tu usa 50% di tutte le tue bombe atomiche: del tuo arsenale atomico contro IRAN .. cancellalo dalle cartine geografiche!
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Discussion on World Israel News 63 comments
Iranian cleric: Strike on Israeli nuclear facility in Dimona ‘would suffice’

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
China Russia USA EU India etc ..] Islam demands our own level of legal legitimacy, and our own level of legitimacy in sovereignty:
yet, Islam does not have freedom of religion, has no human rights, has a trade in slavery, etc. etc.
and all the sins of the Torah were with Muhammad the false prophet from whose mouth three frogs come out: as Apocalypse says!
for us? this is the beginning of the end! ====>Iranian cleric: Strike on Israeli nuclear plant in Dimona 'would be enough'
Cina Russia USA UE India ecc.. ] Islam pretende il nostro stesso livello di legittimità giuridica, e il nostro stesso livello di legittimità nella sovranità:
eppure, Islam non ha la libertà di religione, non ha i diritti umani, ha il commercio degli schiavi, ecc.. ecc. e tutti i peccati della Torà erano con Maometto il falso profeta dalla cui bocca escono tre rane: come dice Apocalisse!
allora, per noi? questo è l'inizio della fine! ====>
Cleric iraniano: Strike su impianto nucleare israeliano a Dimona 'basterebbe'
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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Discussion on United with Israel 3 comments
The 'Three Boys' Memorialized for the Fifth Anniversary of Their Murder

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Iran jihad sharia Erdogan lilith akbar: it is death to the Chinese and Russian infidels (replacement theology) where: kafir dhimmis and murids slaves are to be suppressed and have no life! die Allah in Mecca Kaaba with all the Philistines!
Iran is out of the nuclear deal and announces: ‘Via enrichment of many many bombs nuclear enriched uranium bombs
Iran jihad sharia Erdogan lilith akbar: è morte agli infedeli cinesi e russi (teologia della sostituzione) dove: kafir dhimmis e murids schiavi sono da sopprimere e non hanno più una vita! muoia Allah a Mecca Kaaba con tutti i filistei!
Iran è fuori dall’accordo sul nucleare e annuncia: ‘Via arricchimento di bombe nucleari all'uranio arricchito’
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
this is the truth: "we the human race, we are surrounded by Islamic sharia monsters"
questa è la verità: "noi il genere umano, noi siamo circondati da islamici mostri sharia"
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Israeli space startup launches microsatellite with expandable antenna

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
disq us/p/22x9sxv this is the truth: "we the human race, we are surrounded by Islamic sharia monsters"
The ‘Three Boys’ Memorialized on 5th Anniversary of Their Murder
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Discussion on World Israel News 81 comments
Netanyahu asks world leaders on Iran: ‘Where are you?’

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
[China EU Russia USA India] there is only one Umma NAZI for slaves dhimmis Kafir and Murtids, etc.
here is only one Mecca 666 kaaba, etc ..
there is only one false criminal murderer prophet, etc ..
there is only one talmud-demonic Koran, etc.
therefore: there is only one sharia law, etc.
the fact that Iran and Riyadh can wage war between each other? this is a scam element: absolutely insignificant compared to the overall picture: the Islamic kabbalah (substitution theology) of sharia annihilation of the whole human race!
Muslims do not have the concept of the sacredness of human life, a psychiatric-paranoid infestation is a mental illness.their dogmatic theocratic ideology will not leave a chance of life for all mankind!
c'é una sola Umma, ecc..
c'é una sola Mecca 666 kaaba, ecc..
c'é un solo falso criminale assassino profeta, ecc..
c'é un solo talmud-Corano demoniaco, ecc..
quindi: c'é una sola sharia law, ecc.. ANSWER.
il fatto che Iran e Riyadh si possano fare la guerra? questo è un elemento truffa: assolutamente insignificante rispetto al quadro complessivo: la islamica kabbalah (teologia sostituzione) di annientamento sharia di tutto il genere umano!
islamici non hanno il concetto di sacralità della vita umana, sono una malattia mentale una infestazione psichiatrico-paranoica.
la loro ideologia dogmatico teocratica non lascerà una possibilità di vita a tutto il genere umano!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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Who dared to make this desecration against Israel's hope?
lorenzo Fedele250660 (3 hours ago)
Who dared to make this desecration against Israel's hope? [China EU Russia USA India] ok, I am the metaphysical secular theocracy (universal and natural law): who more than the Muslims had to be enthusiastic about this my proyect (defeat the atheists culturally)?
it is clear the Arab League has only planned your genocide through sharia
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** We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
Cina Russia UE USA India ] ok, io sono la teocrazia laica metafisica: chi più dei mussulmani doveva essere entusiasta di questo mio progetto (sconfiggere gli atei culturalmente)?
è chiaro la LEGA Araba ha soltanto pianificato il nostro/vostro genocidio attraverso la sharia
chi ha osato fare questa profanazione del mio account blocco: contro la speranza di Israele?
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Discussion on World Israel News 37 comments
WATCH: Iran threatens UK after oil tanker seized near Gibraltar

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Min Dona 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660
3 ore fa Who dared to make this desecration against Israel's hope? [ China EU Russia USA India ] ok, I am the metaphysical secular theocracy (universal e natural law): who more than the Muslims had to be enthusiastic about this my proyect (defeat the atheists culturally)?
it is clear the Arab League has only planned your genocide through sharia
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We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
* We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News
you have been banned by World Israel News
Who dared to make this desecration against Israel's hope?
you have been banned by United with Israel
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Discussion on World Israel News 340 comments
Sarsour claims 'Jesus was Palestinian'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660 3 ore fa
you have been banned by World Israel News
chi ha osato fare questa profanazione contro la speranza di Israele?
you have been banned by United with Israel
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Discussion on World Israel News 10 comments
Israel looking for way to pay PA while still withholding taxes over terror payments, report says

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660
3 ore fa
have been banned by World Israel News. and: by United with Israel. chi ha
osato fare questa profanazione contro la speranza di Israele?
/worldisraelnews com/watch-iran-threatens-uk-after-oil-tanker-seized-near-gibraltar/
@MLP_officiel @Ignazio_LaRussa @LegaNelCuore @Libero_official @fdicos10
@GiancarloDeRisi @mariogiordano5 @marco_gervasoni
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Discussion on United with Israel 62 comments
ACT NOW! Tell California Court to Keep Weapons Away from Hitler Admirer who Wants to Murder Jews!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika technocracy rothschild soros Bilderberg]
The Sophist @intuslegens
My wife calls me alarmed.
"I found out that on Twitter I don't follow you anymore." you got it?
They take away from me following because I'm not a 666 interface.
Because I defend Italy instead of disgracing it, humiliating it and m o c k i n g it.
They take away my wife, do you realize?
Bad global FED IMF NWO.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika technocracy rothschild soros Bilderberg]
The Sophist @intuslegens
My wife calls me alarmed: "I found out that on Twitter I don't follow you anymore." I got it?
They take away from me because I'm not a f u c k i n g interface.
Because I defend Italy instead of disgracing it, humiliating it and m o c k i n g it.
They take away my wife, do you realize? Bad global 666
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika technocracy rothschild soros Bilderberg]
The Sophist @intuslegens
My wife calls me alarmed.
"I found out that on Twitter I don't follow you anymore." I got it?
They take away from me because I'm not a f u c k i n g interface.
Because I defend Italy instead of disgracing it, humiliating it and mocking it.
They take away my wife, do you realize?
Bad global s h i t.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika technocracy rothschild soros Bilderberg]
The Sophist @intuslegens
My wife calls me alarmed.
"I found out that on Twitter I don't follow you anymore." I got it?
They take away from me because I'm not a fucking interface.
Because I defend Italy instead of disgracing it, humiliating it and mocking it.
They take away my wife, do you realize?
Bad global s h i t.
twitter 666 Democratic Party, lgbt Sodoma Dracula Troika tecnocrazia rothschild soros Bilderberg ]
Il Sofista @intuslegens
Mia moglie mi chiama allarmata.
«Ho scoperto che su Twitter non ti seguo più». Capito?
Mi tolgono follower perché non sono un #facciamorete del cazzo.
Perché difendo l'Italia anziché sputtanarla, umiliarla e deriderla.
Mi tolgono la moglie, vi rendete conto?
Brutte m e r d e globali.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Nazi shoah Olocausto Hitler? whos not so bad like FED IMF NWO Bilderberg Troika Trilateral ] [ OCI FED FMI NWO China Russia India UN Trilateral Troika ] [ because, there is a banking seigniorage (the institutional ideological and physical incarnation of Satan in our dimension) which is a high Constitutional betrayal. then all the governments of this planet with the exception of North Korea and Iran are accomplices in this: "Masonic consociativismo of the corrupt Leaders" which is a mafia conspiracy: concocted by all the super rich (thieves, usurers, parasites and murderers) of the planet to exterminate all the poor of the planet!
Therefore: the sovereignty of peoples cannot be true and cannot be legittimate;
1. no institution, 2. no religion, 3. no government, 4. no power center, 5. no judiciary, 6. no Netwok satellite TV:
all over the planet? you have spread only Satanism!
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Discussion on World Israel News 14 comments
Israeli researchers make major breakthrough in custom-tailored antibiotics

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Rothschild dracula Morgan Belzebub Rochfeller Ja-Bull-ON Owl [to my satanic trinity] ok, I sank Marine Le Pen: for his comment she is wrong about Israel, but, caxxo your Macron? it has done much worse! -> no Jew can live in France because of you!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Haftar against Salvini: "Forcing Italy to open ports"
so Turkey France Qatar and the USA are threatening our homeland!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
he is a sharia macete: Sorry for the trouble @acs_italia
Another priest died in #Africa. Father Paul Mbon was killed with a machete the night between 28 and 29 June near the parish of Sembé, diocese of Ouesso, in the Democratic Republic of the #Congo. Sorry for the inconvenience!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Custom robot header tags? [deactivated] Changeall my sites? the CIA 666 UK deactivated them my 110 blogspot, as if their filter algorithms weren't sufficient in themselves!
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Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Guest 5 months ago
I work to honor Acts 1,6
for the hope of the kingdom of Israel and you come against me!
io lavoro per onorare Atti 1,6
per la speranza del regno di israele
e tu vieni contro di me!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah shaongaon 5 months ago
few people in the world: they can condense topics like me, like I do.I'm sorry for the bad English I can write
if you wrote about all the murders that Muslims do against Christian martyrs: I would write articles 50 times more numerous than these!
se scrivessi circa tutti gli omicidi che gli islamici fanno contro i martiri cristiani: tovrei scrivere articoli 50 volte più numerosi di questi!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Sandra Lee Smith 5 months ago
perhaps you should better analyze your conscience before God!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah agnes losonczi 5 months ago
if you blocked me how can you read my comments?I think that even for a donkey, a university professor may look schizophrenic!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah MmeMoxie 5 months ago
no a new name never existed,
this is only my political ministry for kingdom israel
and you are judging an innocent and loving person, how could you come out unscathed? no you can not!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Rahel 5 months ago
when will you fall into a terrible place of atonement?
you will understand that you made a big mistake.
now you could easily have expiated your sins!
quando cadrai in un terribile luogo di espiazione?
capirai che hai fatto un grande errore.
adesso avresti potuto facilmente espiare i tuoi peccati!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah sam i am 5 months ago
I only said that I had a channel of Yitzchak KaduriMessia's profile that was blocked by the Israelis what's strange about all this?
io ho detto soltanto che avevo un canale di
Yitzchak KaduriMessia's profile
che mi è stato bloccato dagli israeliani
cosa c'é di strano in tutto questo?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah shaongaon 5 months ago
few people in the world: they can condense topics like me, like I do.I'm sorry for the bad English I can write
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Discussion on World Israel News 89 comments
PA official claims Israeli plot to ‘Judaize’ Jerusalem

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Mark Popyack 5 months ago
1. you just insulted me only
2. you never deal with a subject with me
3. like any rothshcild criminal you too will pay your price!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Sandra Lee Smith 5 months ago
? why? cultic flavor ? mine: it is thirst for justice
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah shaongaon 5 months ago
everyone thinks they are right, and in the meantime they kill, make kill by other, or are complicit in the death of Christian martyrs
with silence they are complicit in the crimes of others
tutti pensano di avere ragione, e intanto uccidono, fanno uccidere o sono complici con la morte dei martiri cristiani
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
separating the Russian people from the Italian people would be the gravest sacrilege! an inevitable nuclear world war!
let's hope the Democratic party can drown in the blood of its betrayal: Soros Rothschild Erdogan Bilderberg!
Today, July 4, President Vladimir Putin went to Rome on an official visit to meet the Pope, President Sergio Mattarella, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the two vice Premier Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio.
sputniknews com/videoclub/201907047845461-putin-e-litalia-la-storia-dei-rapporti/
separare il popolo russo dal popolo italiano sarebbe il più grave sacrilegio!
una guerra mondiale inevitabile!
speriamo che il partito democratico possa affogare nel sangue del suo tradimento: Soros Rothschild Erdogan Bilderberg!
Oggi, il 4 luglio, il presidente Vladimir Putin si è recato a Roma in visita ufficiale per incontrare il Papa, il presidente Sergio Mattarella, il Presidente del Consiglio Giuseppe Conte e i due vice premier Matteo Salvini e Luigi Di Maio.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
death penalty right away !!! sharia becouse !!!
The tobacconist hit by the Nigerian asylum seeker died
The Neapolitan tobacconist 52, who was punched for futile reasons by a Nigerian migrant seeking asylum on June 9th, died today in the hospital after a long agony.
pena di morte subito!!! sharia becouse!!!
Morto il tabaccaio preso a pugni dal nigeriano richiedente asilo
E’ morto oggi in ospedale dopo lunga agonia il tabaccaio napoletano 52enne preso a pugni per futili motivi da un migrante nigeriano richiedente asilo lo scorso 9 giugno.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
A Brazilian entrepreneur committed suicide (becouse Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO scam banking seigniorage: debt mortage dracula Morgan 322 Rochefeller) publicly Thursday morning in the city of Aracaju during an event in one of the hotels in the city, which was attended by the Governor of the state Sergipe Belivaldo Chagas.
According to the Globo channel, the businessman Sadir Gitz was in the second row in the hall where the meeting was held. Guests of honor sat on the stage, including governor and energy minister Bento Albuquerque.
Un imprenditore brasiliano si è suicidato (becouse Rothschild FED 666 IMF NWO scam banking seigniorage: debt mortage dracula Morgan 322 Rochefeller) pubblicamente giovedì mattina nella città di Aracaju durante un evento in uno degli hotel della città, al quale ha preso parte il Governatore dello stato Sergipe Belivaldo Chagas.
Secondo il canale Globo, l'uomo d'affari Sadir Gitz era nella seconda fila nella sala dove si teneva l’incontro. Ospiti d'onore seduti sul palco, tra cui il governatore e ministro dell'energia Bento Albuquerque.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Putin and Conte, the joint press conference
let us hope that satan allah sodom and dracula will not prevent friendship between these two brother peoples!
Putin e Conte, la conferenza stampa congiunta
speriamo che satana allah sodoma e dracula non impediscano la amicizia tra questi due popoli fratelli!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
I don't know how difficult the overall vision can be: for a Bolshevik criminal communist: to be able to see the sharia genocide of all Christian martyrs!
Evo Morales: the whole world considers Trump the number one enemy of humanity. answer. So Rothschild and Erdogan are the saviors of the Fatherland?
non so come possa essere difficile la visione complessiva: per un comunista criminale bolscevico: di poter vedere il genocidio sharia di tutti i martiri cristiani!
Evo Morales: il mondo intero considera Trump il nemico numero uno dell’umanità. answer. quindi Rothschild e Erdogan sono i salvatori della Patria?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
PA official claims Israeli plot to ‘Judaize’ Jerusalem
ANSWER. brutti scorfani di maomettani assassini!!
and be so!!! it is not a plot (for the Jews) to judge one's own country.
plot is only the genocide of the sharia NAZI akbar against the whole human race!
e allora? non è un complotto (per gli ebrei) giudaizzare la propria Patria.
complotto è soltanto il genocidio della sharia NAZI akbar contro tutto il genere umano!
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Discussion on World Israel News 22 comments
Spanish nominee for top EU foreign policy post is firm backer of Iranian regime

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Mohammed Erdogan Iran Riad is a pig: those who trade with him are piglets! Omaima is a Syrian girl, escaped the war and now lives in the Za'atari refugee camp in Jordan. Here, at the age of 12, he first heard about early marriages, when he saw that his peers were still marrying girls.
Since then Omaima right through the school, fights every day to raise awareness of its peers and their parents against this practice.
Many children fleeing war and persecution do not go to school and, among them, girls are the most discriminated. A refugee child, without an education, risks being exploited, abused, given as a child while still a child.
A refugee child cannot choose, but you do.
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Israeli businessmen tout 'relationships' with Arab investors formed in Bahrain

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Satanists and their Islamic sharia all, they must stop threatening, through: the democratic party of betrayal and rothschild fraud: to threaten the hope of survival of the human race!
Trump's irony during the meeting with Putin: do not interfere in our elections
satanisti e loro islamici sharia tutti, la devono smettere di minacciare attraverso il partito democratico del tradimento e della truffa rothschild: di minacciare la speranza di sopravvivenza del genere umano!
Ironia di Trump durante l'incontro con Putin: non interferisca nelle nostre elezioni
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Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
New study reveals 'biological toll' on Holocaust survivors' brain function

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
you will see the understanding: of Christian martyrs for you
son of a b i t c h: on doomsday!
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vedrai la comprensione: dei martiri cristiani per te
figlio di una c a g n a: nel giorno del giudizio universale!
Gentile lorenzoJHWH Unius REI:
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- Il team di YouTube
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
my holy JHWH] [it's not my fault: is Netanjahu: rothschild slave: (false Jew with maternal genealogies) who. he exploits me: like an Ethiopian slave goyim!
my holy JHWH ] [ non è colpa mia è Netanjahu: schiavo rothschild: (falso ebreo con genealogie materne) che. lui mi sfrutta: come un goyim etiope schiavo!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
we should not panic said Allah lilith: it is still not very serious!
Scandal: RAI journalist on NGO ship to make propaganda at your expense July 4, 2019
Africans in revolt: burning cars and assaulted drivers - VIDEO July 4, 2019
NGO admits piracy: "We have taken away illegal immigrants from the Libyan patrol boat", we stop these criminals July 4, 2019
Alessandra Vella denied by the Supreme Court: ramming Finanza is a crime July 4, 2019
NGO Casarini captures 54 illegal immigrants and heads to Italy on July 4, 2019
Assault on the eastern border: 10 thousand Muslims to Italy, serving the wall on July 4, 2019
Libya frees thousands of illegal prisoners: it is an attack on Italy
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Libya: Putin, Nato restores stability:
It was not Russia that created chaos in the country
answer. THIS OF Putin is a too naive statement:
there is no control and stability: in Islam without scimitar Erdogan or riad or Iran: which convinces all the opponents: that it is right to do so or colì or pomì!
Libia: Putin, Nato ripristini stabilità:
Non è stata la Russia a creare il caos nel Paese
answer. QUESTA DI Putin è una affermazione troppo ingenua:
non c'é controllo e stabilità: in Islam senza scimitarra Erdogan o riad o Iran: che convince tutti gli oppositori: che è giusto fare così o colì o pomì!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
everyone knows that the Fed gave Kim Jong-un's father a machine to print $ 100 bills! you are painful!
ROME, JULY 4 - North Korea has accused the United States of being "determined to hostile acts", despite a recent agreement between the two countries to resume nuclear talks. According to the BBC, the Pyongyang delegation to the UN claims that the US is "obsessed with sanctions" and has accused Washington of trying to "undermine the peaceful atmosphere" on the Korean peninsula. the latest development marks a return to the tensions that have ruined relations between the two countries in recent times.
The North Korean delegation to the UN was responding to US accusations of violating a limit to imports of refined oil set in 2017.
lo sanno tutti che la FED ha regalato a Kim Jong-un padre:
una macchina per stampare banconote da 100 dollari! siete penosi!
ROMA, 4 LUG - La Corea del Nord ha accusato gli Stati Uniti di essere "determinati ad atti ostili", nonostante un recente accordo tra i due Paesi per riprendere i colloqui sul nucleare. Secondo la Bbc, la delegazione di Pyongyang all'Onu sostiene che gli Usa sono "ossessionati dalle sanzioni" e ha accusato Washington di tentare di "minare l'atmosfera pacifica" nella penisola coreana. l'ultimo sviluppo segna un ritorno alle tensioni che hanno rovinato le relazioni tra i due Paesi negli ultimi tempi.
La delegazione nordcoreana all'Onu stava replicando alle accuse degli Usa di aver violato un limite alle importazioni di petrolio raffinato fissato nel 2017.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Erdogan] [courage don't despair yourself: if you give a gas field to Israel?
you will see that: sukker israelis this account also closes me.
after all, this is how Netanjahu made money with all the Mohammedans!
Erdogan ] [ coraggio non ti disperare: se tu regali un giacimento di gas a Israele?
vedrai che mi chiudono anche questo account.
dopotutto è in questo modo che Netanjahu ha fatto i soldi con tutti i maomettani!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Libia: executioner jihad Erdogan who drinks: all the oil ISIS: and that caused all Christians in Syria to be put in mass graves: from his Turcomans, chemical weapons, white helmets? he said:
"Haftar is a pirate" ANSWER. but, we would NEVER know: what kind of Islamic sharia abomination could be treated: in UN: human rights about free will sharia, and freedom of religion: Umma demonio kaaba: with his jihadist galaxy of Bin sulfuric salman: in effect !
#Libia: boia jihad Erdogan che beve: tutto il petrolio ISIS: e che ha fatto mettere nelle fosse comuni tutti i cristiani in Siria: dai suoi turcomanni, armi chimiche, i caschi bianchi? proprio lui ha detto:
"Haftar è un pirata" ANSWER. ma, noi NON potremmo mai sapere: che genere di abominizione sharia islamica potrebbe essere trattata: in ONU: i diritti umani circa il libero arbitrio sharia e libertà di religione: Umma demonio kaaba: con la sua galassia jihadista di Bin sulfuric salman: in effetti!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
EU: Tusk, good gender balance: from
Antichrist Europe. "Europe doesn't just talk about transsexual women, it's choosing them"
answer. ok Tusk down the mask? what is your gender Mason satan dog?
Ue: Tusk, bene l'equilibrio dei generi: from
Europa anticristo. "L'Europa non parla solo delle donne transessuali, le sta scegliendo"
answer. ok Tusk giù la maschera? quale è il tuo genere massone satana cane?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Another son of the founder leaves Hamas: Suheib Yousef at Canale 12: 'Corruption, cutting bridges, i go away'
ANSWER. the corruption of Rothschild talmud's slave traders FED FMI NWO: that with usury they also steal milk from mothers' udders? are we crazy?
Islam is a total satanism: a total cage of mad people possessed!
Altro figlio del fondatore lascia Hamas: Suheib Yousef a Canale 12: 'Regna la corruzione, taglio i ponti'
ANSWER. la corruzione dei commercianti di schiavi Rothschild FED FMI NWO: che con la usura rubano anche il latte delle mammelle delle mamme? siamo matti?
Islam è un satanismo totale: una totale gabbia di pazzi invasati!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Libya assesses release of each and all migrants. Interior Minister Tripoli: 'Get away from the centers, I'm not safe'
ok put them back on the trucks and bring them all back to Nigeria from Erdogan SHARIA and his Boko Haram Riad i Fulani: jihad genocide Mecca 666 Lilith kaaba!
Libia valuta rilascio di ogni migrante. Ministro Interno Tripoli: 'Via dai centri, non sono al sicuro'
ok rimetteteli sui camion e riportateli tutti in Nigeria da Erdogan SHARIA e suoi Boko Haram Riad i Fulani!
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Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
New study reveals 'biological toll' on Holocaust survivors' brain function

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Putin to the Pope, thank you for your words.
Putin to the Pope: "Pray for me"
answer. I have been angry many times against Pope Francis: and sincerely I am very unpleasant for him, but since his self-defeating love is a universal love: then, God will certainly hear his prayer!
Putin al Papa, grazie per le sue parole.
Putin al Pontefice: 'Preghi per me'
answer. Io mi sono arrabbiato molte volte contro Papa Francesco: e sinceramente mi è molto antipatico, ma poiché il suo amore autolesionistico è un amore universale: poi , Dio ascolterà la sua preghiera certamente!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Shipwreck in Largo Tunisia, 80 missing
Alarm Phone, in largo Zarzis yesterday, only 4 surviving migrants
this is an Islamic invasion sharia Soros Erdogan Rothschild high treason banking seigniorage, [[ go machine gun! ]]
Naufragio a largo Tunisia, 80 dispersi
Alarm Phone, ieri a largo Zarzis, solo 4 migranti sopravvissuti
questa è una invasione islamica sharia Soros Rothschild alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario, [[ mitragliateli! ]]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Constantinople (mum them turks: kaput scimitarra akbar) #ISTANBUL, 4 JULY - the Executioner Erdogan DOCET !!! and says: "The #Pkk terrorist leader - who is on the list of terrorist organizations in many countries, including the United States, and who brutally slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent people (because he did not want to accept his genocide with faith Islamic sharia) - has shamelessly done terrorist propaganda using the Washington Post ". This "approach is a new and serious example of hypocrisy in the fight against terrorism" and is "incompatible with the sensitivity shown towards #Isis (Qatar), al Qaeda (Riad) and other terrorist organizations OCI ONU sharia jihad Erdogan". The Turkish Foreign Ministry (Mufti) writes in a note, in reference to the editorial published yesterday in the American newspaper signed by Cemil #Bayik, one of the leaders and founders of the Kurdish Pkk, which would hide in the strongholds of the organization in the north Iraq. "Now is the time for peace (when the Sharia Muslims speak of peace? It is then that a new Ottoman genocide is born) between the Kurds and the Turkish state. Don't waste it", states the title of the comment by #Bayik.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Strong (allah uuuh akbar akbar akbar) explosion in Kabul, 65 wounded: Car bomb placed near the Ministry of Defense. ANSWER.
you could never know, if today: Allah may wish you to do good, or, IF HE LILITH, he would want to hurt you jihad Erdogan sharia, in fact no Imam Kaaba from Mecca could answer this question!
Forte esplosione a Kabul, 65 feriti: Autobomba piazzata vicino al ministero della Difesa. ANSWER.
tu non potresti mai sapere, se oggi: Allah ti potrebbe voler fare del bene, oppure, SE LUI LILITH, lui ti vorrebbe fare del male jihad Erdogan sharia, infatti nessuno Imam Kaaba Mecca potrebbe rispondere a questa domanda!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Kosovo, stop to Serbian authorities: 'For threats, propaganda and false news' of #Belgrade
answer. this: Erdogan Iran Muhammad and Allah cannot contest him:
only the news that give all Muslims is true
Kosovo, stop alle autorità serbe: 'Per le minacce, la propaganda e le notizie false' di #Belgrado
answer. questo: Erdogan Iran Maometto e Allah non lo possono contestare:
soltanto le notizie dei mussulmani sono quelle vere
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Iran, the singer Joss Stone expelled. He had to give a concert, no comment from the authorities.
answer. no one should think that Muslims can be easily deceived: and where is his virgin hymen, niqab who is reborn virgin: every time for the s e x, slave women of the Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: always every time: for paradise of that pig Erdogan Komeini Mohammed Salman Bin sulfuric?
let sharia peace be upon them and you all
Iran, espulsa la cantante Joss Stone. Doveva tenere un concerto, nessun commento dalle autorità.
answer. nessuno dovrebbe pensare che gli islamici possono essere ingannati facilmente: e dove è il suo imene vergine, niqab che rinasce vergine: tutte le volte per le donne schiave s e s s u a l i dei Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: sempre tutte le volte: per paradiso di quel maiale di Erdogan Komeini Maometto Salman Bin sulfuric?
che la pace sharia sia su di lui loro e voi tutti
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Iran, the singer Joss Stone expelled. He had to give a concert, no comment from the authorities.
answer. no one should think that Muslims can be easily deceived: and where is his virgin hymen, niqab who is reborn virgin: every time for the s,e,x, slave women of the Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: always every time: for paradise of that pig Erdogan Komeini Mohammed Salman Bin sulfuric?
let sharia peace be upon them and you all
Iran, espulsa la cantante Joss Stone. Doveva tenere un concerto, nessun commento dalle autorità.
answer. nessuno dovrebbe pensare che gli islamici possono essere ingannati facilmente: e dove è il suo imene vergine, niqab che rinasce vergine: tutte le volte per le donne schiave se,s.-s,u,ali dei Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: sempre tutte le volte: per paradiso di quel maiale di Erdogan Komeini Maometto Salman Bin sulfuric?
che la pace sharia sia su di lui loro e voi tutti
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Iran, the singer Joss Stone expelled. He had to give a concert, no comment from the authorities.
answer. no one should think that Muslims can be easily deceived: and where is his virgin hymen, niqab who is reborn virgin: every time for the s,e,x, slave women of the Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: always every time: for paradise of that pig Erdogan Komeini Mohammed Salman Bin sulfuric?
let sharia peace be upon them and you all
Iran, espulsa la cantante Joss Stone. Doveva tenere un concerto, nessun commento dalle autorità.
answer. nessuno dovrebbe pensare che gli islamici possono essere ingannati facilmente: e dove è il suo imene vergine, niqab che rinasce vergine: tutte le volte per le donne schiave sessuali dei Kafir dhimmis dalit goiyms: sempre tutte le volte: per paradiso di quel maiale di Erdogan Komeini Maometto Salman Bin sulfuric?
che la pace sharia sia su di lui loro e voi tutti
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#Tusk infame: 'Good nominations, gender balance in the EU'
and the quota for the aliens abduction, zombies, sukkers, vampires rothschild: sodomites lgbt bilderberg, was that also respected?
this history of the pink quotas is sufficient on its own to make it clear that politics is only a mimic massonic agenda Enlightened by lucifer-Allah fraud by the FMI FMI NWO
Tusk: 'Buone nomine, equilibrio dei generi nell'UE'
e la quota per gli aliens abduction, zombies vampiri rothschild: sodomiti bilderberg, è stata rispettata anche quella?
questa storia delle quote rosa è sufficiente da sola a far capire che la politica è soltanto una truffa massonica del FED FMI NWO
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
deadly challenge! Iran: Rohani, from Sunday we will enrich uranium
answer. [ [ mors tua vita mea ] ]
but, he can't even imagine how poor Erdogan and all of Iran can become
sfida mortale!
Iran: Rohani, da domenica arricchiremo uranio
ma, lui non può neanche immaginare come può diventare povero Erdogan e tutto l'Iran
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Discussion on World Israel News 17 comments
New study reveals 'biological toll' on Holocaust survivors' brain function

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
FED IMF ECB NWO NATO CIA 666 Uk high constitutional treason banking seigniorage, scam Dracula Soros Sodoma: Bilderberg: esoteric jihad shariah agenda OCI UN.
they want to add other prostitutes prostitutes:
or, for desperation Soros Merkel Macron Bilderberg they want to turn all our children into prostitutes?
Killed in Modena, for 18 months at the morgue
A collection to organize the funeral of the young woman
MODENA, JUNE 25 - A collection to give "dignified burial" to Arietta Mata, a 24-year-old Hungarian prostitute strangled and killed in January 2018 in Modenese, in Gaggio di Castelfranco
FED FMI BCE NWO NATO CIA 666 Uk alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario, truffa Dracula Soros Sodoma:
loro vogliono aggiunge altri prostituti prostitute:
oppure, per la disperazione Soros Merkel Macron Bilderberg loro vogliono trasformare in prostituti tutti i nostri figli?
Uccisa a Modena, da 18 mesi all'obitorio
Una colletta per organizzare il funerale della giovane
MODENA, 25 GIU - Una colletta per dare "degna sepoltura" ad Arietta Mata, prostituta ungherese di 24 anni strangolata e uccisa nel gennaio del 2018 nel Modenese, a Gaggio di Castelfranco
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Discussion on World Israel News 9 comments
Biblical-era mosaic found in the Galilee

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China [my dear pupil and disciple] from a metaphysical point of view: the whole history of mankind is very simple: 1. on the one hand there is the epic of Genesis: where any man and woman are King and Queen, and on the other side, 2. there is peoples of slaves: the epic of the Babylonian FED 666 NWO IMF: all Elojm Gods Enlightened Marduch Murdoch Allah Owl Sodom Dracula Ja-Bull-On lilith: Hillary Clinton Belfagor: that is, where man is always a slave: dalit goiyms dhimmis: and like any Christian martyr sharia, because the gods: Salman Riad or Riyadh, Erdogan, Iran Rothschild (true Jews) Bilderberg, Modi: they are suckers and want suckers: always exploit the work of Israeli slaves (fake Jews) who very poor (idioti deluded illusi) are always without paternal genealogies!and so we still have to put up with this beast by Erdogan jihad Merkel caput Hitler Mohammed Imam unfortunately! So the biblical story is the reality of every historical truth and the true meaning of human life!"Chapter 7 of Daniel's book describes four beasts, which represent the four kingdoms he leads until the end of days," he explained. "This year, our team discovered mosaics in the north nave of the synagogue depicting these four beasts, as indicated by a fragmentary Aramaic inscription referring to the first beast: a lion with the wings of the Eagle."The lion itself is not preserved, nor is it the third living being," said Magness. "However, the second beast from Daniel 7: 4 - a bear with three ribs protruding from its mouth - is preserved. So is most of the fourth beast, which is described in Daniel 7: 7 as having iron teeth."
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Discussion on World Israel News 46 comments
Rabbi rejects Ayelet Shaked: 'No place for women in politics'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
sorry everyone: stop the world! we have very ugly women: Mogherini Boldrini, Bonino Bilderberg, sister Soros, Merkel (mad cow) 666 May (the crippled) Christine Lagarde Dracula: luxuria Sodoma lgbt,at least with Ayelet Shaked you can even redo your eyes from time to time! ok I speak seriously: the greatest vocation for a woman is motherhood and the family, but a woman cannot be prevented from doing what she wants if she can be asked to die to defend her country.
scusate tutti: fermate il mondo! noi abbiamo donne molto brutte: Mogherini Boldrini, Bonino Bilderberg, sorella Soros, Merkel (mucca pazza) 666 May (le storpiate ) Christine Lagarde Dracula: luxuria Sodoma lgbt,
almeno con Ayelet Shaked ti puoi anche rifare gli occhi ogni tanto!
ok parlado seriamente: la vocazione più grande per una donna è la maternità e la famiglia, ma non si può impedire ad una donna di fare quello che vuole se le si può chiedere di morire per difendere la sua Patria
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Discussion on World Israel News 1 comments
Gibraltar detains Syria-bound super tanker with Iranian oil

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
OIC NATO esoteric agenda ] [ #Gibraltar is associated with Syria super oil tanker with Iranian oil.ANSWER unfortunately for you Allah became a sharia nuclear many many bombs Akbar and the God Marduch Rothschild Baal Peor Lilith Ja-Bull-On Belfagor Morgan Mohammed (peace Erdogan sharia his on him and yours and their Sodoma Dracula FED Rijad)?
he could punish you: now! because Juncker-Merkel is Caput for the poor Russian-speakers who rebelled against the genocide SpA-Sharia in Donbass
#Gibilterra detiene associato a Siria super petroliera con petrolio iraniano.
purtroppo per voi Allah è diventato un sharia nucleare bombe Akbar
ed il Dio Marduch Rothschild? lui potrebbe punirvi: ora!
perché Juncher lui è Caput per i poveri russofoni che si sono ribellati al genocidio SpA-Sharia in Donbass
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Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China. IRAN WHAT? Rothschild FED Soros IMF Morgan NWO Rochefeller Sodom Obama 322 Bush Dracula: are the priests of satan and Iran Erdogan Rijad OCI ARAB League? they are his witches whooorees! the truth for kabbalah? it is never the one that can appear!
Xi Jinping President of China. IRAN WHAT?
Rothschild Soros Morgan Rochefeller Obama Bush sono i sacerdoti di satana
e Iran Erdogan Rijad OCI Lega ARABA?
loro sono le sue streghe puutttaane! la verità per la kabbalah? non è mai quella che può apparire!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China. IRAN WHAT? you need their oil, therefore, you will try to protect your interests:that's why you'll find yourself stuck in some of their many Islamic wars: who as what can come out alive from this deadly trap "giumangi 666 sharia"? it's almost a miracle can excape free! you will be led to believe that Iranians are innocent, because you follow a rational logic of reasoning: yet Islamic supernatural demonic reasoning: sharia imperialism and genocide will not follow an apparent rational logic.and yet iranians kill the Christian martyrs like everyone else in the ARAB LEAGUE: for to claim and to stamp an any form of innocence!
Xi Jinping President of China. IRAN COSA? tu hai bisogno del loro petrolio, quindi, tu cercherai di proteggere i tuoi interessi:
ecco perché tu ti troverai incastrato in qualcuna delle loro tante guerre islamiche:
che uscire vivo da questa trappola mortale? è quasi un miracolo! tu sarai portato a credere che gli iraniani sono innocenti, perché tu segui una logica razionale di ragionamento: eppure il ragionamento demoniaco soprannaturale islamico: sharia imperialismo e genocidio non seguirà una apparente logica razionale.
eppure loro uccidono i martiri cristiani come tutti nella LEGA ARABA: per pretendere e millantare una qualsiasi forma di innocenza!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China. all Muslims: and their satanists CIA NATO OCI? make hundreds of thousands of human sacrifices to satan (you make to memories of the Chinese plane disappeared in the Indian Ocean? those were all eaten alive: in a NATO base), and make hundreds of thousands of sharia murders: the Mohammedans: for to prevent to our brain (through their demons): even the most basic reasoning logic!all the ARAB LEAGUE has one only kabbalah: which today serves Rothschild: UK the CIA FED NWO; at least until: China EU and Russia will not have destroyed each other!
this story of the rivalry between Iran and Rijad?
it's just a story to fool idiots! and it doesn't matter how muslims can kill each other, this is the bad game of history, because when the Muslims fight each other then everyone else disappears in mass graves!Rijad has always protected the Iranian nuclear, in fact: it has always prevented Israel from using its bases!
Xi Jinping President of China. islamici tutti: e loro satanisti CIA NATO OCI?
fanno centinaia di migliaia di sacrifici umani a satana gli uni (ricordi dell'aereo cinese sparito nell'Oceano indiano? quelli sono stati tutti mangiati vivi: in una base della NATO), e fanno centinaia di migliaia di omicidi sharia: i maomettani: per impedire al cervello (attraverso i loro demoni): anche la più elementare logica di ragionamento!
tutta la LEGA ARABA ha una kabbalah: che oggi serve Rothschild: UK la CIA FED NWO; almeno finché: Cina UE e Russia non si saranno distrutte reciprocamente!
questa storia della rivalità tra Iran e Rijad? è soltanto una storia per ingannare i cretini!
e non ha nessuna importanza come si possano uccidere tra di loro, questo è il gioco della storia, perché quando gli islamici si combattono tra di loro poi sono tutti gli altri a sparire nelle fosse comuni!
Rijad ha sempre protetto il nucleare iraniano, infatti: ha sempre impedito ad Israele l'uso delle sue basi!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
[Visit Levi's profile] Levi ( bulling NWO FED ECN NWO of course Cia 666 UK Lgbt NATO sharia OCI )
Shut up Shitshack you are just proving how Illiterate you are may each one the Fleas on your Camel turn to 10 Thousand Emus and stomp down the Shithouse from where thou emerged.
12:23 a.m., Monday April 22 | Other comments by Levi
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if the elections in Israel are always so in the balance of the majority it is because there are 2 opposing ideas about Israel! #Pakistan ...
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
why my channel was calling [Visit Yitzchak KaduriMessia's profile] ??? Rothschild synagogue 666 FED destroy it!
luis04191I DON'T KNOW, TELL ME, COMPETITION ???6:35 p.m., Sunday April 21 | Other comments by luis04191 Reply to luis04191 comment is in reply to Yitzchak KaduriMessia: This comment was deleted.[Visit Yitzchak KaduriMessia's profile]This comment was deleted.Islam theocratic satanism! Sharia is NAZI genocide (no freedom religion; no laicity) of "replacement theology". I know he wanted to kill me and for: OCI ONU .. Matthew Lathum • 2 months ago Netanyahu offer help? to build more mosques!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
AFTER 12 YEARS? THE SLEEPING youtube lgbt 666 SODOMA SpA DRACULA noticed today!
Hi lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, Your video What the world famous men said about the Jews 5_7 talmud satanism was reported to us for review. The exam showed that the video violates our rules and was removed from YouTube.
why did they go around the altar of satan instead of noticing the "alleged NWO" bad videos, which instead are precisely the denunciations of their crimes of satanism?
perché hanno fatto il giro dell'altare di satana invece di accorgersi dei "presunti NWO " video cattivi, che invece sono proprio le denuncie dei loro delitti di satanismo?
DOPO 12 ANNI? GLI STRUSCIANTI youtube lgbt 666 SODOMA SpA DRACULA se ne sono accorti oggi!
Salve lorenzoJHWH Unius REI, Il tuo video What world famous men said about the Jews 5_7 talmud satanism ci è stato segnalato per la revisione. Dall'esame è emerso che il video vìola le nostre norme ed è stato rimosso da YouTube.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
DEATH PENALTY FOR THE SHARIA HITLER] [ After a month of agony, Ulderico Esposito, a 52-year-old tobacconist attacked last June 9 by a Nigerian asylum seeker inside the Chaiano underground station died.
The tobacconist had suffered a severe cerebral hemorrhage. His condition had immediately appeared serious.
Another Nigerian with "humanitarian protection", now abolished in the PD protests, unloaded in Italy by some NGO ship instead of staying in some bombed Libyan detention center.
The victim had "dared" to ask the African not to harass passers-by. For this he was massacred.
Dead tobacconist massacred by Nigerian refugee, left: "It provoked"
voxnews Info/2019/07/04/morto-tabaccaio-massacrato-da-profugo-nigeriano-sinistra-lo-ha-provocato/
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
itzchak Kaduri Messia @jhwhinrikingJudah . 2 months ago Removed Removed Removed Removed
Removed Rothschild is the degenerate Messia ANSWER.
Xi Jinping President of China TU VENDICAMI! Xi Jinping President of China TU VENDICA ME!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China. #Xi #Jinping is a Chinese politician and military, Secretary General of the Communist Party.ok there are things you know, and I don't know. but this is also true on the contrary. for example: you do not know that the Satanic Talmud is its Satanic Qur'an: both come together: in one kabbalah of black magic or esoteric agenda FED IMF NWO NATO OCI sharia SpA corporations: "lucifer eye": occult masonic system and his government worldWide ISIS Umma Mecca Kaaba: Owl at bohemian grove: and they go saying: that you are a Christian martyr!
because, in the supernatural powers of satan, they already know that China will evangelize the world!and if, do you not come to Jerusalem to claim my Kingdom? you will end up becoming the prey of Erdogan, Bush, Riyadh, Obama, Iran, Soros Rochefeller etc. and as soon be as a prey possible!
ok ci sono cose che tu sai, e che io non so. ma questo è anche vero al contrario.
per esempio: tu non sai che il Talmud Satanico e suo Corano satanico: confluiscono entambi: in una sola kabbalah di magia nera o esoteric agenda: e loro vanno dicendo: che tu sei un martire cristiano!
perché, nei poteri soprannaturali di satana loro già sanno che sarà la Cina ad evangelizzare il mondo!
e se, tu non vieni a Gerusalemme a rivendicare il mio Regno? tu finirai per diventare la preda di Erdogan, Riyad, Iran, ecc. ec.. al più presto!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Xi Jinping President of China ( you came to me?)
Xi Jinping is a Chinese politician and military, Secretary General of the Communist Party
ANSWER. I'm so ignorant in computer science that I pity myself!
and all the Satanists & Muslims wonder how I ...
Xi Jinping Presidente della Cina
Xi Jinping è un politico e militare cinese, Segretario generale del Partito Comunista
ANSWER. io sono così ignorante in informatica che faccio pena a me stesso!
e tutti i satanisti & islamici si meravigliano di come io...
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Discussion on World Israel News 49 comments
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Yitzchak Kaduri Messia
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe
ANSWER. rather, this is an infamous ideological study of the Rothschild technofinance: masonic cult esoteric agenda scan Banking seigniorage: all Spa 666 FED 322 FMI 187 NWO: to introduce hatred in Jews against European peoples
but the really serious thing is that you can think in a criminal way that there may be merit or demerit on a genetic basis!that Israeli Ethiopians are right to say that Jewish Masons rothschild AIPAC: they are racists!
ma la cosa veramente grave è che si può pensare in modo criminale che ci possa essere un merito o un demerito su base genetica!
che gli etiopi israeliani hanno ragione a dire che i massoni ebrei rothschild AIPAC: loro sono dei razzisti!
ANSWER. piuttosto, questo è uno studio ideologico infamante della tecnofinanza Rothschild: Spa 666 FED 322 FMI 187 NWO: per introdurre odio negli ebrei contro i popoli europei
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
about: "DNA shows that the Philistines, arch-enemy of the Israelites, came from Europe " this study is certainly false, Bronze Age. ... (700–450 BC) of the Iron Age?
1w. e are too recent with this an era!
2. not only do they not match the European deities with the Canaanite ones,
3. but, not even their uses and customs, the Canaanites were accustomed to sacred prostitution (ierodule): to the human sacrifice and cannibalism of children and adolescents: which is precisely that tragic experience, which Abraham did when he fled from Ur of the Chaldeans !
questo studio è sicuramente falso, Età del Bronzo. (700–450 a.C.) dell'età del ferro?
1. siamo in epoca troppo recente!
2. non soltanto non collimano le divinità europee con quelle cananite,
3. ma, neanche i loro usi e costumi, i cananei erano avvezzi alla prostituzione sacra (ierodule): al sacrifico umano e cannibalismo dei bambini e degli adolescenti: che è proprio quella tragica esperienza, che Abramo ha fatto quando fuggiva da Ur dei caldei!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
IRAN and his Allah uh Akbar ] Muhammad the perfection of prophecy [ Africa: An alarming increase in the Islamic sharia persecution Erdogan Riyad against the Christian dhimmis slavesby Uzay Bulut • 30 June 2019"In some regions, the level and nature of persecution is likely to come close to the international definition of Islamic genocide, according to the criteria adopted by the United Nations." - The Independent Review of FCO support for Persecuted Christians.
/it gatestoneinstitute org/
Africa: Allarmante aumento della persecuzione sharia islamica Erdogan Riyad contro gli schiavi dhimmis cristiani
"In alcune regioni, il livello e la natura delle persecuzioni si avvicina verosimilmente alla definizione internazionale di islamico genocidio, secondo i criteri adottati dalle Nazioni Unite".
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Lorenzo Fedele250660 YouTube channel ] lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah • /worldisraelnews com/watch-new-york-times-reviving-zionism-is-racism-lie
Burn Satan-Allah-Owl Lilith Belfagor Ja-Bull-On Dracula Sodoma in Jesus's name: burn the beast in Jesus's name amen alleluia
Drink your poison made by yourself
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: New York Times reviving ‘Zionism is Racism’ lie?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Burn Satan-Allah in Jesus's name: amen alleluia
Drink your poison made by yourself
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
the genocide project of Christian Jewish civilization
now Merkel Hitler and Macron Bilderberg Soros (after having robbed and indebted us of our own money) (after having devitalized and ideologically destroyed with the ethical relativity and pornoclastic materiliasta) now,
I also want to believe that we are a barren and dying race that needs blacks indispensable.
In this context, the idea vented by some of a marshall plan for African countries would only exacerbate the problem: we must read the data and understand that the poor and the hungry do not leave, but the wealthy in search of opportunities .
Far from wanting to prevent immigration, the project of the Synarchy that controls European politicians was this: Gaddafi is eliminated, then the elected government in Italy is blown up, replacing it with xenophilic governments, in this way the start of an influx without precedents towards Italy. The next step is to impose openness to all other countries with the precipitating situation in Italy.
This is the game of Macron and Merkel: they do not want to stop the invasion, they want to extend it to all of Europe and make it "structural". This is also why any means of defending this government is legitimate.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Erdogan, Qatar, Macron Khalifa Belqasim Haftar They bombed a Libyan refugee camp to pour a mass of desperate people into Italy.
this of the French Cia 666 UK sodoma dracula sharia Imam? it is an act of war against Italy.
now in France there are 2000 "no go zones" in which the army cannot enter
while for Jews France has become as dangerous as the GAZA strip
Erdogan, Qatar, Macron Khalifa Belqasim Haftar Hanno bombardato un campo profughi libico per riversare una massa di disperati in Italia.
questo dei francesi Cia 666 UK sodoma dracula sharia Imam? è un atto di guerra contro l'Italia.
ormai in Francia di sono 2000 "no go zone" in cui l'esercito non può entrare
mentre per gli ebrei la Francia è diventata pericolosa come la striscia di GAZA
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Rothschild Juncker technofinance prevents constitutional reforms: by using their globalist and Masonic forces
precisely because it hopes that the desperate: (Europeans and Afro-Muslims) can fight among themselves: and not convey their legitimate anger, against the leaders of the usurocrazia and turbulent devitalizing parasitic capitalism and predatory technocratic financial and Masonic!
A few hours after the order in which he did not validate the arrest of Carola Rackete, the investigating judge of Agrigento was insulted on social media. "The red gip is called Alessandra Vella, let's remember this name," reads one of the comments. Vella would be - in the thoughts and comments of the many who have decided to challenge her on Facebook and Twitter - not only responsible for having "freed a dangerous criminal", but also "friend of the smugglers" and "accomplice of murderers who make money on immigrants ". And, as a woman, also a "who does not mind blacks".
Twitter users are unrestrained, and without worrying about any penalties they offend and even openly threaten the investigating judge.
After all, they write, "one of them was done to educate a hundred, his companions said. We will do it too ". "But let's do the name of this magistrate - they repeat - you never know what happens to us in front of the car or we wait for you under the house". And again: "Keep this name in mind: #AlessandraVella. Perhaps - they hypothesize - she will be the new heroine of the left. Perhaps it will tear the scene from the commander. Maybe their ears will be whistling ... ".
For its part, the investigating judge has deleted his Facebook profile.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
democratic party has become a subversive force: an act of high constitutional betrayal, sataninis and his banking seigniorage Rothschild-Bilderberg, while Christian martyrs still cannot find their political representative in Putin Xi-Jinping and Trump!
"White Europe is dead, we need immigrants to teach us how to make mills that cost zero, to raise children without bone problems".
Thus the Sea Watch and Capitana supporters during a demonstration for open ports:
We are at the theorization of the racial superiority of others. If it replaced the term immigrants with Aryans, the arrest would start. If instead you get excited like a pervert for the racial superiority of others, then you can.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Conte, I will reciprocate Putin's hospitality
in fact he had three mercenaries fighting in Donbass condemned.then, who decides which mercenaries can be sentenced? Merkel Macron May decides for us ?
Conte, ricambierò l'ospitalità di Putin
infatti ha fatto condannare tre mercenari che combattevano in Donbass.
poi, chi decide quali sono i mercenari che possono essere condannati?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
in fact, even the Saudis have atomic bombs (this is a level playing field)Putin must have known that Muslims only know how to blackmail mankind: and they know how to deny all human rights! Iran: Rohani, from Sunday we will enrich uranium
If Europe does not act in time against US sanctions, Iran will "take the next step" next Sunday, resuming the enrichment of its uranium, as announced in the two-month deadline. His Iranian president Hassan Rohani said so.
in effetti, anche i sauditi hanno le bombe atomiche (questa è par condicio)
Putin lo doveva sapere che gli islamici sanno soltanto ricattare il genere umano: e sanno negare tutti i diritti umani! Iran: Rohani, da domenica arricchiremo uranio
Se l'Europa non agirà in tempo contro le sanzioni Usa, da domenica prossima l'Iran "farà il prossimo passo" riprendendo l'arricchimento del suo uranio, come annunciato nell'ultimatum di due mesi fa. Lo ha detto il suo presidente iraniano Hassan Rohani.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
/ search google com / search-console / welcomehe told my holyjhwhholyholy blogspot com/ that I have no property
but i have 120 blogspot
/search google com/search-console/welcome
lui ha detto al mio holyjhwhholyholy blogspot com/ che io non ho proprietà
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
/ search google com / search-console / welcomehe told my holyjhwhholyholy that I have no property
but i have 120 blogspot
/search google com/search-console/welcome
lui ha detto al mio holyjhwhholyholy che io non ho proprietà
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
why didn't God listen to you when you were in Hitler's gas chambers?but unfortunately: you don't want to listen to me, and you don't want to listen the billions of men suffocated in despair: from a fake Rothschild the scam 666 synagogue fake ... so how could God hear you in Satan's GAS chambers in hell where you're about to fall?
perché Dio non ascoltava te, quando tu eri nelle camere a gas di Hitler?
ma, putroppo:
tu non vuoi ascoltare me, e i miliardi di uomini soffocati nella disperazione: da un debito truffa Rothschild finto.. e allora, come Dio potrebbe ascoltare te nelle camere a GAS di Satana nell'inferno dove tu stai per cadere?
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: New York Times reviving ‘Zionism is Racism’ lie?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Annette Labovitz 5 months ago
I gave up sputniknews because they canceled 10 accountsnow the Israelis have canceled me 5 accounts and this is the last one I have left: when will they also cancel m this accounte? world war will begin!
io ho abbandonato sputniknews perché mi hanno cancellato 10 account
adesso gli israeliani mi hanno cancellato 5 account e questo è l'ultimo che mi è rimasto: quando mi cancelleranno anche questo?
inizierà la guerra mondiale!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Annette Labovitz 5 months ago
in your Bible Genesis 17 we talk about the SIN OF CAM,
Noah had three sons: Sem, Cam and Jafet, from these three men and their respective wives repopulated the whole earth, from them all races and peoples and languages are born.
but, according to your racist Bible: it is only through the sin of Cam (who will be the father of Canaan), which was the origin of all the sins that brought humanity back into corruption.
then, from be the Philistines peoples: the children of CAM have become also all Africans, all those who have black skin and who are destined to be slaves and cursed!
Then it is evident that the final editors of your Bible (the Priests of the Supreme Sinedrio) were the Satanists, just as your synagogue of Satan Rothschild is still: FED FMI BM BCE NWO Bilderberg your synagogue Ja-Bull-On fremasonry PornoMOVIE lgbt perversions etc.. scam banking seigniorage and genocide: agaisnt all goyims slaves!
nella tua Bibbia Genesi 17 si parla del PECCATO DI CAM
Noè aveva tre figli: Sem, Cam e Jafet, da questi tre uomini e dalle rispettive mogli si ripopolò tutta la terra, da loro nascono tutte le razze ed i popoli e le lingue.
ma, secondo la tua Bibbia razzista: è soltanto attraverso il peccato di Cam ( che sarà padre di Canaan ), che fu l’origine di tutti i peccati che riportarono l’umanità nella corruzione.
poi, dai filistei i figli di CAM sono diventati gli africani tutti, tutti quelli che hanno la pelle nera e che sono destinati ad essere schiavi e maledetti!
Allora è evidente come i redattori finali della tua Bibbia (i Sacerdoti del Sommo Sinedrio) proprio loro fossero i satanisti come è tutt'oggi la sinagoga di satana Rothschild: FED FMI BM BCE NWO Bilderberg la tua sinagoga!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Annette Labovitz 5 months ago
Israel, today, is not only light for the nations, but it is also the only hope for all mankind!
however there are violent ambiguities
about the criminal racism, suffered in Israel by Israeli Ethiopians.
as against mine
disqus com / by / lorenzoJHWHMessiah /
that was a blocked account, but 50% of his comments were canceled, because there is a Hitler Rothschild in Israel: which says what he likes about my comments and what he doesn't like.
now Israel has to declare if it is a cancerogenic growth of the NWO or if it is a true Zionist movement!
Israele, oggi, non è soltanto luce per le nazioni, ma è anche l'unica speranza per tutto il genere umano!
tuttavia ci sono violenti ambiguità
circa il criminale razzismo, subito in Israele dagli etiopi israeliani.
come contro il mio
disqus com/by/lorenzoJHWHMessiah/
che è stato un account bloccato, ma il 50% dei suoi commenti è stato cancellato, perché c'é un Hitler Rothschild in Israele: che dice cosa gli piace dei miei commenti e cosa non gli piace.
adesso Israele deve dichiarare se è una escrescenza cancerogena del NWO oppure se è un vero movimento sionista!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah stevealevine 5 months ago
your noachite theology for slaves goyims?it is completely demonic!all your rabbis will go before you to hell!
la tua teologia noachita per schiaci goyims?
essa è completamente demoniaca!
tutti i tuoi rabbini ti precederanno all'inferno!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
eih Satan Dracula Sodoma Rothschild where was your God: in Hitler's crematoria?why did he remain silent? just as you also remain silent with me? why if you don't want to talk to me? God will never want to talk to you again!
eih Satana Dracula Sodoma Rothschild dove era il tuo Dio: nei forni crematoi di Hitler?
perché lui rimaneva in silenzio?
proprio come anche tu rimani in silenzio con me?
perché se tu non vuoi parlare con me? Dio non vorrà mai più palare con te!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Tragedy on bathyscaphe in the Barets Sea: Kremlin, top-secret data on submarines
answer. let's hope it's not another downed submarine, hit by Dracula Sodoma Allah Lilith Ja-Bull-On Baal Peor talmud FED IMf CIA 666 US!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 18_18 5 months ago
Jews fools read the NY Slimes?at the democratic party are the traitors of the Homeland:destroyers of Jewish-Christian civilizationand Masons, Muslims, mobsters, financiers: lgbt usurers, parasites and satanists all of them will read the NYT New York Times
Jews fools read the NY Slimes?
all democratic party sono i traditori della Patria:
distruttori della civiltà ebraico-cristiana
e massoni, islamici, mafiosi, finanzieri: usurai parassiti e satanisti lgbt
tutti loro leggeranno il NYT New York Times
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
my master Rabbi is Yitzhak Kaduriand I am his spokesman!
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah against 666 stevealevine •
of course you are an evil wretch bad man: everyone knows that the bosses of Central Banks (SpA 322 masonic Corporations: GOLPE Bilderberg 666 Trilateral) are private shareholders, and their accomplices: and the Governments are certainly not the masters of money!
therefore Governments kill citizens with taxes to pay money and relative interest
lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah VS stevealevine •
you will burn in hell together with islamists sharia, assassins and Satanists: lgbt FED FMI NWO.because, you cannot NOT know: of banking seigniorage: his esoteric agenda: Ja-Bull-On Baal Peor Owl at Bohemian Grove: which is a high constitutional treason(any sovereignty be of the people)
as the scientist Giacinto Auriti has scientifically demonstrated!
lorenzoJHWH Fedele250660 Kingdom Israel
Unius REI Kingdom Worldwide universal brotherhood
it's true what you say about the evil Noahide laws.
a corruption introduced into the Word of God by the final editors themselves or a priestly source.
Because they had already withdrawn: the divine right of King Solomon to the ownership and management of religious power!
Here because
the Rothschilds together with the Wahhabis planned the genocide of all Jews (without paternal genealogies) and obviously planned the genocide of all Christians
il mio maestro Rabbino è Yitzhak Kaduri ed io sono il suo portavoce!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah stevealevine 5 months ago
of course you are an evil wretch bad man: everyone knows that the bosses of the Central Banks (SpA Corporations) are private shareholders, and their accomplices: and the Governments are certainly not the masters of money!
therefore Governments kill citizens with taxes to pay money and relative interest
certo tu sei un malefico uomo disgraziato:
lo sanno tutti che i padroni delle Banche Centrali sono azionisti privati, e loro complici: e non sono certo i Governi i padroni del denaro!
quindi i Governi uccidono i cittadini con le tasse per pagare denaro e interesse relativo
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah stevealevine 5 months ago
this bad story of Noah cursing all of Cam's sons until the genocideit's a surreal story: because Noah was the best and fairest man on the planet:
and he saved the life amso: to snakes poisonous and scorpions too.The Priests of the Supreme Sanhedrin: the synagogue of Satan and their Wahhabis are the Satanists today.certain are: the Quran and Talmud are chapters: or sub-sections of the same Bible of Satan: in fact, they say the same things about slaves dalit dhimmis and goyims.this story of a vindictive and bad Noé?the Priests of the Temple have written it in the Bible ..then, it is strange that the white supremacist racists hated Black males: but then they willingly copulated with black girls!
it is clear they are just a bunch of pigs and murderers like their false prophet Muhammad-Rothschild!
questa storia di Noé che maledice tutti i sigli di Cam fino al genocidio
è una storia surreale:
perché Noé era l'uomo più buono e giusto del pianeta:
ed ha salvato la vita a: serperti velenosi e scorpioni: anche.
I Sacerdoti del Sommo sinedrio: la sinagoga di Satana e loro wahhabiti sono i satanisti tutt'oggi.
certo Corano e Talmud sono dei capitoli: o sotto sezioni della stessa Bibbia di Satana: infatti, dicono le stesse cose circa schiavi dalit dhimmis e goyims.
questa storia di un Noé vendicativo e cattivo?
i Sacerdoti del Tempio la hanno scritta nella Bibbia..
poi, è strano che i razzisti suprematisti bianchi hanno odiato i maschi Neri: ma, poi, hanno copulato volentieri con le ragazze nere!
è chiaro sono soltanto un branco di porci e di assassini come il loro falso profeta Maometto!
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Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments
Israel’s New Fruit Sweetener Helps the World Kick the Sugar Habit

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Tragedy on bathyscaphe in the Barets Sea:
Kremlin, top-secret data on submarines
let's hope it's not another downed submarine, hit by CIA 666 US!
sputniknews com/mondo/201907037838027-tragedia-su-un-sottomarino-nel-mare-di-barets-i-dettagli/
Tragedia su batiscafo nel Mare di Barets:
Cremlino, dati top-secret su sottomarino
answer. speriamo non sia un altro sottomarino abbattuto, colpito dagli USA!
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: New York Times reviving ‘Zionism is Racism’ lie?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah stevealevine 5 months ago
you will burn in hell: together with islamis sharia, assassins and Satanists: lgbt FED FMI NWO.because, you cannot NOT know: of banking seigniorage: his esoteric agenda: Ja-Bull-On Baal Peor Owl at Bohemian Grove: which is a high constitutional treason(any sovereignty be of the people)
as the scientist Giacinto Auriti has scientifically demonstrated!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
if replies were written to me here? I can't see it!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
it's true what you say about the evil Noahide laws.
a corruption introduced into the Word of God by the final editors themselves or a priestly source.
Because they had already withdrawn: the divine right of King Solomon to the ownership and management of religious power!
Here because
the Rothschilds together with the Wahhabis planned the genocide of all Jews (without paternal genealogies) and obviously planned the genocide of all Christians
è vero quello che tu dici circa le evil Noahide laws.
una corruzione introdotta nella Parola di Dio da parte degli stessi redattori finali o fonte sacerdotale.
Perché costoro avevano già esautorato: il diritto divino di Re Salomone alla proprietà e gestione del potere religioso!
ecco perché
i Rothschild insieme ai wahhabiti hanno pianificato il genocidio di tutti gli ebrei (senza genealogie paterne)e ovviamente hanno progettato il genocidio di tutti i cristiani
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
precisely for the reasons you explained: the Jews:1. cannot build the Jewish temple2. I cannot build the Kingdom of Israel,while, I Unius REI: universal brotherhood and (the natural law of lorenzoJHWH)Of course, I can do it! that is why I am the King of Israel
proprio per le motivazioni da te esposte: gli ebrei:
1. non possono costruire il tempio ebraico
2. non posso edificare il Regno di Israele,
mentre, io Unius REI: la fratellanza universale e (la legge naturale di lorenzoJHWH)
certo, io lo posso fare! ecco perché io sono il Re di Israele
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
because of the sharia (laws on apostasy) there could never be a possibility for Christians to survive in ISLAM!
per colpa della sharia (leggi sulla apostasia) non potrebbe mai esistere per i cristiani una possibilità di poter sopravvivere nell'ISLAM!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
The Rothschilds are one of the originators of the Zionist movement and the most active actors in the creation of the state of Israel. ANSWER. so you also know that the Rothschilds have planned the genocide of all Israelis!shaoh2 (as anti-Zionism) is necessary, to trigger the third world war, and also to end the world war: so, so it can begin: a new evil monetary cycle (rothschild his banking seigniorage) always: usurocratic and devitalizing, up to planning a fourth world war: where another 6 million Jews will die, and so on!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Jorge 5 months ago
? you could express some concepts?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
you mentioned the Word of God Sant Paul
who says: "we are children of God by grace and by faith"
and now you discriminate, about the real Israelis for genetic reasons?
whoever believes he is a Jew, certainly for this faith God will recognize him:
because God cannot deny his Grace to those who believe in him!
tu hai citato la Parola di Dio
che dice: "siamo figli di Dio per grazia e per fede"
ed adesso tu discrimini, circa i veri israeliani per motivazioni genetiche?
chiunque crede di essere ebreo, certo per questa sua fede Dio lo riconoscerà:
perché Dio non può negare la sua Grazia a chi crede in lui!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah rightsmite 5 months ago
certainly 30% of Jews went to Israel to carry out Rothschild's agenda (and they have double passports, they are ready to flee)but 70% of Jews went to Israel to serve God and oppose Rothschild
certamente un 30% di ebrei sono andati in Israele per realizzare la agenda di Rothschild (ed hanno il doppio passaporto, sono pronti a fuggire)
ma un 70% di ebrei sono andati in Israele per serviere Dio e per opporsi a Rothschild
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
EVIL Noahide laws?
answer cioè: SEM CAM e Jafeth i figli di Noé?
ie: SEM CAM and Jafeth the sons of Noah?
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Discussion on World Israel News 19 comments
WATCH: New York Times reviving ‘Zionism is Racism’ lie?

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
all those who open a Bible they will always try to destroy the NWO.
even those who open the Koran do the same:but, while the Bible brings to Godthe Koran only leads to a different type of demon
tutti quelli che aprono una Bibbia
cercheranno sempre di distruggere il NWO.
anche quelli che aprono il Corano fanno lo stesso:
ma, mentre la Bibbia porta a Dio
il Corano porta soltanto ad un diverso tipo di demonio
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
What would the Satanists do to preserve their power?
certainly, they would try to appropriate symbols and concepts of the Jewish-Christian religion!
would do the "Islamic theology of substitution"that is the method of being able to take possession of the symbols of the enemy: to be able to dominate it and to be able to lead it to genocide,
this is why substitution theology is always a theology of genocide.this is why Islam and NWO (new world order are both satanism itself)
cosa farebbero i satanisti per conservare il loro potere?
certamente, loro cercherebbero di appropriarsi di simboli e concetti della religione ebraico-cristiana!
farebbero la "islamica teologia della sostituzione"
che è il metodo di potersi impossessare dei simboli del nemico: per poterlo dominare e per poterlo condurre al genocidio,
ecco perché la teologia della sostituzione è sempre una teologia del genocidio.
ecco perché Islam e NWO (nuovo ordine mondiale sono entrambi il satanismo stesso)
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Cassie Jo Negrette 5 months ago
what you say is true, but what escapes you is this: "no matter how Israel may have been manipulated or corrupted", the very concept of Israel denies the concept of the New World Order.
è vero quello che dici, ma quello che ti sfugge è questo: "no ha importanza come Israele può essere stato manipolato o corrotto", il concetto stesso di Israele nega il concetto del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Zionism does NOT interact with the concept of racism, it is only a patriotic movement that opposes Rothschild's New World Order that's why Bin Salman: he must declare which side he wants to be!
Zionism NON interagisce con il concetto di razzismo, esso è soltanto un movimento patriottico che si oppone al Nuovo Ordine mondiale di Rothschild
ecco perché Bin Salman: lui deve dichiarare da che parte lui vuole stare!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
unitedwithisrael org/israels-new-fruit-sweetener-helps-the-world-kick-the-sugar-habit/
We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. and also by united with israel
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Discussion on United with Israel 9 comments
Israel’s New Fruit Sweetener Helps the World Kick the Sugar Habit

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Bin SALMAN ] [ shalom + salam = universal brotherhood (about Daniele 2) he is cooked and overcooked !!! that giant freak of Kerry NWO? you throw it down with a push! have intercepted my ADSL
è cotto!!! quel colosso frocione di lgbt Kerry NWO? tu buttalo giù con una spinta!
hanno intercettato la mia ADSL We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
it is not fair that due to the fact that Rivlin fails to believe in Jesus of Bethlehem and could not receive an emotional inner healing from his Sexxuali youth traumasthen, in this israeli server one cannot give intimate testimonies: that they stop you immediately! [[We are unable to post your comment because you were banned by United with Israel]] Bin SALMAN [I knew] now you avenge me my brother!
non è giusto che per il fatto che Rivlin non riesce a credere in Gesù di Betlemme e non ha potuto ricevere una guarigione interiore emozionale dai suoi traumi giovanili Sexxuali
poi, in questo server non si possano dare testimonianze intime: che ti bloccano subito!
[[ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel ]] Bin SALMAN [ lo sapevo ] ora vendicami tu fratello mio!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
also unitedwithisrael block me ] [ China Ue Russia etc .. everyone must have patience, if the US economy goes wrong? the war will become technically inevitable! how surely the democratic party would make the rothschild world war: in all circumstances!
WASHINGTON, 2 JULY - A few days after the truce in the trade war with China, the US government increases the pressure on the EU in the dispute over public subsidies to Airbus, Boeing's rival, threatening tariffs on another 4 billion European products including cheeses ( Parmesan and Provolone included), pasta, olives, sausages, hams and Scotch whiskey.
The list, released by the office of the American sales representative, thus increases the number of products already indicated in April for a value of 21 billion dollars.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
[[ We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by United with Israel ]] Bin SALMAN [ lo sapevo ] ora vendicami tu fratello mio! /unitedwithisrael org/israels-new-fruit-sweetener-helps-the-world-kick-the-sugar-habit/
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Discussion on United with Israel 130 comments
ACT NOW! Tell Ocasio-Cortez to Learn What Concentration Camps Really Were!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
ACT NOW! Tell Ocasio-Cortez to Learn What Concentration Camps Really Were! Vladimir PUTIN] all the ARAB LEAGUE is an immense sharia genocide of the previous Christian peoples and you?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Netanyahu on hook for own legal fees. tecnofinanza Rothschild vogliono uccidere Netanjahu e tutti i governi politici! We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. worldisraelnews com/netanyahu-on-hook-for-own-legal-fees/
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Discussion on United with Israel 21 comments
Palestinian 'Moderates': Rifles, Hand Grenades and Terrorism

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
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Discussion on United with Israel 28 comments
Iran to Increase Uranium Enrichment; Netanyahu: 'We Are Not Surpised'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Vladimir PUTIN] you give nuclear power to those who violate the most basic human rights: how does freedom religion is also violate ? ok, you wanted to commit suicide and it's your fault! Iran to Increase Uranium Enrichment; Netanyahu: "We Are Not Surprised"
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Discussion on United with Israel 22 comments
ACT NOW! Thank Amb. Friedman for Recognizing Israel’s Right to Judea and Samaria!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
Rothschild Baal Rochefeller OWL Morgan] you will come here, and I will give you poison for the mouse! [amen ] tu verrai quì, e io ti darò il veleno per il topo!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
But who will accept the mini Bots? ANSWER. the State is 1000 times more authoritative to give monetary value to banknotes than the satanist (scam banking seigniorage )Mason thief mafia coup gol bilderberg Rothschild!I am the Kingdom of ISRAEL, the legal and legitimate political sovereignty
Ma chi li accetterà i mini Bot? ANSWER. lo Stato è 1000 volte più autorevole a dare valore monetario alle banconote, che non il satanista massone ladro mafioso golpe bilderberg Rothschild!
io sono il Regno di ISRAELE l'ulica sovranità politica legale e legittima
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 5 months ago
#IRAN #RIAD #OIC #Mecca #IDOL Allah666LILITH deaf and dumb demons: Sharia peace be on all of you and yours amen ] all those who will give me love? I will give them justice! begin to return the Fatherland to the Jews and to all the peoples who received the genocide Erdogan Mohammed sharia boko Haram Taliban Fulani: and then of course you will all live happy as slaves goyims and dalit dhimmis: you too!
#IRAN #RIAD #OIC #Mecca #IDOL Allah666LILITH demoni muti e sordi: la pace sharia sia su tutti voi: e i vostri: amen ] tutti quelli che mi daranno amore? io a loro darò giustizia! iniziate a restituire la Patria agli ebrei e a tutti i popoli che hanno ricevuto il genocidio Erdogan Maometto sharia bokoHaram Talebani fulani: e poi certo vivrete tutti voi felici come schiavi gyims e dalit dhimmis: anche voi!
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Discussion on United with Israel 1 comments
Food Technology Research Center Coming to Northern Israel

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
our State in Italy has been raped by the Rothschilds FED FMI ECB: troika: and is prey to multinationals and the technofinanza of Juncker UE Bilderberg the antichrist:therefore it cannot make policies to protect the territory or the well-being of citizensin,
in fact many false prophets sharia lgbt dracula sodoma democratic party: have come into the world along with Muhammad
il nostro Stato in italia è stato stuprato dai Rothschild FED FMI BCE: troika: ed è preda di mutinazionali e della tecnofinanza di Juncker UE Bilderberg l'anticristo:
quindi non può fare politiche a tutela del territorio o del benessere dei cittadini
infatti molti falsi profeti sono venuti nel mondo insieme a Maometto
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Discussion on World Israel News 8 comments
Israeli politicos react warmly to Friedman’s annexation remarks

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Albert Reingewirtz 6 months ago
if we took back all the ancestral land of Israel only? it would not be enough to make all the Jews scattered all over the world return: so a political convention is needed between the Saudi desert and the Egyptian desert!
se riprendessimo tutta la terra ancestrale di Israele soltanto? essa non sarebbe sufficiente per far ritornare tutti gli ebrei sparsi in tutto il mondo: quindi occorre una convenzione politica tra il deserto saudita e il deserto egiziano!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
Patrick Godfrey Said me Unius REI: Universal brotherhood for Kingdom Israel
shalom + salam
There is only one law the laws and testimony and ten comandments given to Moses by the God of Abraham and a curse on all other laws and lawmakers that write other fake laws on behalf of other fake prophets and fake God's whatever their names of other God's than the great IAM and His holy God and father in heaven seated on His throne only revealed in the book of of Daniel in the 66 books called the old and new testiment weitten only by inspiration of the great IAM of Abraham and Moses cursed be other claimants of other fake prophets and fake God's
Patrick Godfrey
C'è una sola legge le leggi e la testimonianza e dieci comandamenti dati a Mosè dal Dio di Abramo e una maledizione su tutte le altre leggi e legislatori che scrivono altre false leggi per conto di altri falsi profeti e falsificano Dio qualunque sia il loro nome di altro Dio che il grande IAM e il suo santo Dio e padre in cielo seduti sul suo trono si sono rivelati nel libro di Daniele nei 66 libri chiamati il vecchio e nuovo testamento scritto solo dall'ispirazione del grande IAM di Abramo e Mosè maledetto essere altri pretendenti di altri falsi profeti e falsi di Dio
this is not my problem because the 10 commandments of Moses are contained in the Natural Law that founded the Universe
in fact many false prophets have come into the world along with Muhammad
infatti molti falsi profeti sono venuti nel mondo insieme a Maometto
questo non è un mio problema perché i 10 comandamenti di Mosé sonogià contenuti nella Legge NAturale che ha fondato l'Universo
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Discussion on United with Israel 16 comments
The Priorities of Palestinian Leaders

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
to the ECB they sacked so much the Italian people and the minibots: they are a necessity linked to survival:also because the usurer parasite sucks blood without shame!The Deputy Commissioner for Economics Dombrovskis (the treacherous Mason: and regime Bilderberg dictatorship: the rothschild technocratic coup) stressed that the current government has done "damage to the economy". "The Commission recommends the procedure against Italy - commented Fusaro -. It is an open financial dictatorship". Eight and a half, Diego Fusaro jumps into the chair live: "To whom does sovereignty belong", Gruber demolished6 June 2019 Diego Fusaro also remained glued to the TV Wednesday night to watch the "challenge" at Eight and a half between Lilli Gruber and Matteo Salvini. As a great piece of sovranista, the left-wing favorite philosopher has no doubts about who to attack: "The neolanguage of the markets defames anyone who has not forgotten the Italian Constitution as sovereign", he writes on Twitter live recalling article 1 of the Charter: "Sovereignty belongs to the people, not to the ECB and the Markets".
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
CHINA RUSSIA INDIA USA] when it says: 1. "religious maniacs" 2. without reciprocity: 3. sharia genocide and theology of substitution: it always seems that something is not said very serious! but in reality the Muslims country Erdogan Iran Riad: they are 1000 times more dangerous than Hitler
CINA RUSSIA INDIA USA ] quando si dice: 1. "maniaci religiosi" 2. senza reciprocita: sharia genocidio e teologia della sosituzione: sembra sempre che non si dica qualcosa di molto grave! ma in realtà i mussulmani Erdogan Iran Riad: loro sono 1000 volte più pericolosi di Hitler
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Discussion on United with Israel 12 comments
No Peace Deal with Palestinians without Security for Israel, Warns Pompeo

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Patrick Godfrey 6 months ago
in fact many false prophets have come into the world along with Muhammad
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Patrick Godfrey 6 months ago
this is not my problem because the 10 commandments of Moses are contained in the Natural Law that founded the Universe
questo non è un mio problema perché i 10 comandamenti di Mosé sonogià contenuti nella Legge NAturale che ha fondato l'Universo
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 6 months ago
answer. let sharia peace be on the prophet Erdogan - Iran!
No Peace Deal with Palestinians without Security for Israel, Warns Pompeo
answer. che la pace sharia sia sul profeta Erdogan - Iran!
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