lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
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in questa pagina mi sono stati cancellati 18 articoli!
youtube com/user/noahNephillim/discussion
on this page 18 articles have been deleted!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
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Bin SALMAN ] [ I carry on Israel as the homeland of the Jewish nation:Netanjahu without me? he couldn't do it!I ordered the construction of the wall: I started this project 13 years ago!
io porto avanti Israele come la Patria della Nazione ebraica:
Netanjahu senza di me? lui non potrebbe farlo!
io ho ordinato la costruzione del muro: io ho iniziato 13 anni fa questo progetto!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
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Solicitations arrive from the EU to block the extradition of Assange in the United States. Empire FED IMF NWO rothschild does not tolerate freedom of the press!"The European Union must act to do everything to protect a politically persecuted publisher and journalist," said members of the European Parliament and the Bundestag. "
Arrivano sollecitazioni dalla Ue per bloccare l’estradizione di Assange negli Stati Uniti. Impero rothschild non tollera la libertà di stampa!
“L'Unione Europea deve agire per fare di tutto per proteggere un editore e giornalista politicamente perseguitato” hanno dichiarato alcuni membri dell’europarlamento e del Bundestag".
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah
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and how many Greek citizens led to suicide for the love of Bilderberg Merkel Troika and Juncker?
the slanderer: Yanis Varoufakis: #Salvini is the product of the Rothschild Depression: FED 666 FMI NWO. high treason Constitutional, banking 666 scam seigniorage!
The former Greek finance minister, a European candidate with DiEM25, compared the Italian interior minister to Hitler and Mussolini.
e lui quanti cittadini greci ha portato al suicidio per amore di Bilderberg Merkel Troika e Juncker?
il calunniatore: Yanis Varoufakis: Salvini è il prodotto della Depressione Rothschild: FED 666 FMI NWO. alto tradimento: Costituzionale il signoraggio bancario!
L'ex ministro delle Finanze greco, candidato alle europee con DiEM25, ha paragonato il ministro degli interni italiano a Hitler e Mussolini.
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Discussion on United with Israel 30 comments
Gazans Blast Hamas for 'Trading Children for Fish'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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if @Pontifex was a Mason (after 640 excommunications apostasy)? he should resign immediately! but, if this statement cannot be proved, then, it is too serious a slander!
se @Pontifex_it fosse un massone (dopo 640 scomuniche)? lui dovrebbe dimettersi immediatamente! ma, se questa affermazione non può essere dimostrata, poi, è una troppo grave calunnia!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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if @Pontifex was a Mason (after 640 excommunications apostasy)? he should resign immediately! but, if this statement cannot be proved, then, it is too serious a slander!
se @Pontifex_it fosse un massone (dopo 640 scomuniche)? lui dovrebbe dimettersi immediatamente! ma, se questa affermazione non può essere dimostrata, poi, è una troppo grave calunnia!
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Discussion on United with Israel 3 comments
Netanyahu Security Doctrine: Prepare for Ongoing Conflicts Rather than Large-scale War

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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ARAB LEAGUE kill christians ] satana 666 allah shariah law [ Muslim Fulani attacks on Saturday follow a month that saw 130 people slain. By Our Nigeria Correspondent
Kaduna state, Nigeria. (Wikipedia) JOS, Nigeria, March 18, 2019 (Morning Star News) – Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 10 Christians in southern Kaduna state, Nigeria on Saturday (March 16), bringing the lives lost in the past five weeks to 140 with 160 houses destroyed, sources said.
“We were all asleep in our various homes when at about 4 a.m. [Saturday], we heard gunshots everywhere in my village,” Amos Samuel, 40, of Nandu Gbok village in Sanga County told Morning Star News. “Everyone ran out of their homes to escape from the Fulani herdsmen. Three hours after the herdsmen left, those of us who survived the attack returned to the village to find that our houses were destroyed and 10 of our villagers killed.”
About 30 houses were burned in the attack, Sanga chairman Charles Danladi told Morning Star News, who also said 10 people were killed.
“The attack occurred while the villagers were still sleeping,” he said. “Normalcy has now been restored in the village, and we are making efforts to assist victims.”
Shehu Nicholas Garba, a member of Nigerians parliament, the National Assembly, and a resident of the area, said in a press statement that “about 10” people were killed and “about 30” houses were burned.
“Our communities are helpless and are pleading that all persons of conscience should speak out,” Garba said.
The Kaduna governor’s spokesman said Saturday night (March 16) that nine people died in the attack.
“The security agencies have so far recovered nine corpses, including children,” Samuel Aruwan said in a press statement. “Violence has left an unacceptable toll of death and injury, loss of livelihoods, pain and fear. The government condemns this attack on the life and security of citizens and appeals to our communities to resist those who do not want peace.”
Security agencies have been deployed in the area, and the State Emergency Management Agency has been directed to immediately provide relief materials to the affected community, Aruwan said.
130 Killed Previously
In Kajuru County, also in southern Kaduna state, Muslim Fulani herdsmen have killed 130
Christians since Feb. 10, sources said.
Ungwan Barde village was attacked twice, resulting in the killing of 28 people, said Luke Waziri, an area attorney and national assistant secretary of the Adara Development Association, an umbrella body of the predominantly Christian Adara ethnic group. Another 102 people were killed in attacks on Karamai, Inkirimi, Dogonnma and Ungwan Gora, he said.
“Kajuru land and by extension the Adara nation has been gripped by a fully funded and supported group of terrorists that have been wreaking havoc in our lands for long, while those saddled with the responsibility of securing us deliberately looked the other way,” Waziri said in a press statement. “First, Ungwan Barde was attacked on Feb. 10, 2019, and nobody said anything, even though those in government knew. Furthermore, the government pretended that the 11 people killed didn’t matter.”
The herdsmen next attacked Karamai on Feb. 26, killing 38 people, he said. A resident of Karamai, Paulina Irimiya, confirmed to Morning Star News that Fulani herdsmen attacked while Christians were at a church service, killed at least 32 Christians and burned down 40 houses.
“While the victims were buried in a mass grave and the injured yet to recover,” Waziri said in the press statement, “Ungwan Barde village was attacked again on Sunday, March 10. Seventeen people were killed and dozens of houses burned.”
The next day, Inkirimi and Dogonnoma villages in Maro were attacked, killing 52 people and wounding dozens, he said.
“The smoke had barely settled when an attack was launched in the evening at Ungwan Gora (Labi Village), with dozens injured and 43 houses burned down,” he said.
A total of 64 Christians were killed in the villages of Inkirimi, Dogonnma and Ungwan Gora, he said.
About 100 homes were destroyed in the attacks, and thousands of people who fled are now moving from one village to the other in search of refuge, Waziri said.
“In all these, not a single person has been arrested, nor even questioned,” he said. “This is despite the fact that all the attacks took place either in the morning or in the evening – in full glare of everyone.”
Hundreds of terrorists had time to kill and leave without anyone being caught or apprehended, he said.
“However, in a strange twist of the application of justice, nine Adara elders and village chiefs were indiscriminately arrested and thrown into the Kaduna prison on allegations of complicity,” Waziri said. “The victims that have been killed and brutalized are the same ones being arrested and thrown into prison, while the real killers are being pampered, supported and allowed to freely continue their onslaught on people and our land.”
In the Inkirimi, Dogonnma and Ungwan Gora Communities, 43 houses were destroyed, Waziri said.
Christians make up 51.3 percent of Nigeria’s population, while Muslims living primarily in the north and middle belt account for 45 percent.
Nigeria ranked 12th on Open Doors’ 2019 World Watch List of countries where Christians suffer the most persecution.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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ARAB LEAGUE kill christians ] satana 666 allah shariah law [ Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 10 Christians in southern Kaduna state, Nigeria on Saturday (March 16), bringing the lives lost in the past five weeks to 140 with 160 houses destroyed, sources said.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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PD (democratic party)obscures the cemetery crosses to avoid disturbing Muslims. when the ARAB LEAGUE does not have the freedom of Religion and kill christians!
Deputy Bignami denounced the obscurantist initiative of the Democratic Party: Vox had talked about it: Comune PD obscured cemetery crosses to avoid disturbing Muslims
PD oscura le croci del cimitero per non turbare islamici. quando la LEGA ARABA non ha la libertà di Religione!
Il deputato Bignami denuncia l’iniziativa oscurantista del Pd: Vox ne aveva parlato: Comune PD oscura croci del cimitero per non turbare islamici
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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Salvini: "No one can have the arrogance to say either: C h r i s t:
i said: "or the League"or: "shariah FED FMI NWO 666 LGBT Bilderberg Rothschild: Democratic Party M5S",
or: Xstos!
but who chose the scum? he has already given up on Paradise: spontaneously!
Salvini: "Nessuno può avere l'arroganza di dire o Gesù di Betlemme o la Lega"
o: shariah FED FMI NWO 666 LGBT Bilderberg Rothschild: Partito Democratico M5S o: Xstos!
ma chi ha scelto la feccia? al Paradiso ci ha già rinunciato: spontaneamente!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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Bin Salman akbarr sharia law genocide Worldwide ISIS] and because: you oppose my Kingdom of ISRAEL: and prevent satanists from returning to JHWH?
then, everyone will say that: it is ISLAM that supports the satanism of the NWO!
Bin Salman akbarr sharia law genocide Worldwide ISIS ] e poiché: tu ti opponi al mio Regno di ISRAELE: ed impedisci ai satanisti di poter tornare a JHWH?
poi, tutti diranno che: è ISLAM che supporta il satanismo del NWO!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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Bin Salman akbarr sharia law genocide Worldwide ISIS ] the 200,000 human sacrifices on the altar of Satan that: the NSA 322 OTAN 666 CIA 187 EU: does it do every year to hypnotize your intelligence? they do not work against me: because I have the divine nature of Jesus of Bethlehem, while you are on your way to hell: without hope!
Bin Salman ] i 200.000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di Satana che: la NSA 322 NATO 666 CIA 187 UE UN: fa ogni anno per ipnotizzare la tua intelligenza? non funzionano contro di me: perché io ho la natura divina di Gesù di Betlemme, mentre tu sei avviato all'inferno: senza speranza!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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dear #unitedwithisrael if I correct an article? if I make a spelling correction? the system intercepts it as spam
unitedwithisrael se correggo un articolo? se apporto una correzione ortografica? il sistema me lo intercetta come spam
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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if: you can't suck the black blood (oil): of all the cursed souls that JHWH killed with the universal flood? then, you can't save your people with Rothschild the Pharisee: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE RIVLIN (THAT FOR HIM THE SHOAH'S FAULT IS ALWAYS OF OTHERS), which: FED FMI BCE: sells your own money at interest: why JHWH he said you must not be anyone's slave: ie banking scam seigniorage system dracula bilderberg soros: democratic party!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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if: you can't suck the black blood (oil): of all the cursed souls that JHWH killed with the universal flood? then, you can't save your people with Rothschild the Pharisee: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE RIVLIN (THAT FOR HIM THE SHOAH'S FAULT IS ALWAYS OF OTHERS), which: FED FMI BCE: sells your own money at interest: why JHWH he said you must not be anyone's slave: ie banking scam seigniorage system dracula bilderberg soros: democratic party!
se: tu non puoi succhiare il sangue nero (petrolio): di tutte le anime maledette che JHWH ha ucciso con il diluvio universale? poi, tu non puoi salvare la tua gente con Rothschild il fariseo: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE RIVLIN (CHE PER LUI LA COLPA DELLA SHOAH è SEMPRE DEGLI ALTRI), che: FED FMI BCE: ti vende ad interesse il tuo stesso denaro: perché JHWH ha detto che non devi essere lo schiavo di nessuno!
perché JHWH ti ha detto non deve essere schiavo di nessuno: cioè banca truffa sistema signoraggio dracula bilderberg Soros: partito democratico!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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#LGBT 666 ] if satan is a f a g? it's not my fault!
#LGBT 322 Bilderberg ] se satana è f r o c i o? non è colpa mia!
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Discussion on United with Israel 3 comments
Netanyahu Security Doctrine: Prepare for Ongoing Conflicts Rather than Large-scale War

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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#LGBT] if satan is a fag? it's not my fault!
#LGBT ] se satana è frocio? non è colpa mia!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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Auguri a Benedetto XVI, ❤️❤️🙏🙏☺️☺️92 years old!
granphader happy
Il Cardinale Joseph Ratzinger, Papa Benedetto XVI, è nato a Marktl am Inn, diocesi di Passau (Germania), il 16 aprile del 1927
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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Bin Salman ] tu hai insegnato a questi il Corano? [ “Stupri etnici: 300 immigrati islamici hanno stuprato 1.400 bambine inglesi”
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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ex-Minister (democratic party) Del Rio attacks Vox: "You cannot write that immigrants rape" voxnews info/2015/04/08/ministro-del-rio-attacca-vox-non-puo-scrivere-che-immigrati-stuprano/ Let's go back to the case of the '30 rapists of a young girl 'and the threats received from this site by the Government.
Ministro Del Rio attacca Vox: “Non potete scrivere che immigrati stuprano” Torniamo al caso dei ‘30 stupratori di una ragazzina’ e delle minacce ricevute da questo sito da parte del Governo.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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Sodom Pd #LGBT FED FMI BM NWO UE the Bilderberg antichrist Imam shariah and 1,000 girls raped by Islamic gang and burned aliveWhat is happening in Europe?The horror of ethnic rape that in recent years - decades - has shocked England.but no political measures have been taken against the horror of the Sharia.What could happen in Italy? Are the cases of Pamela and Desirée abominations, or are they the new normal at the time of immigration? If we look at what has happened in recent years, in countries that started the migration experiment before us, the answer is simple. It's terrible. The horror of ethnic rape voxnews info/2019/03/11/1-000-bambine-stuprate-da-gang-islamica-e-bruciate-vive/
Sodoma LGBT FED FMI BM NWO UE l'anticristo Imam shariah e 1.000 bambine stuprate da gang islamica e bruciate vive
Cosa sta succedente in Europa?
L’orrore degli stupri etnici che in questi anni – decenni – ha sconvolto l’Inghilterra.
ma nessuna misura politica è stata intrapresa contro l'orrore della sharia.
Cosa potrebbe accadere in Italia? I casi di Pamela e Desirée sono abomini, o sono la nuova normalità al tempo dell’immigrazione? Se guardiamo a quanto avvenuto in questi anni, in Paesi che hanno iniziato l’esperimento migratorio prima di noi, la risposta è semplice. E terribile. L’orrore degli stupri etnici
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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BIN SALMAN ] We have politicians and managers who treat money as if it were a rare commodity, if it is not be resolved, with this lies, we will not go anywhere. this is Satanism and high treason Constitution scams bank seigniorage! Deny the DEBT!
#UniusREI ☩Unius REI ☦️ KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israel
@UniusRei universal brotherhood ☦️ KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israel
Abbiamo politici e dirigenti che trattano il denaro come se fosse una merce rara, se non si risolve sta menzogna non si andrà da nessuna parte. questo è satanismo e alto tradimento Costituzione il signoraggio bancario truffa! Nega il DEBITO!
☩Unius REI
☦️ KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israele
☩Unius REI ☦️ KingMessia Yitzchak Kaduri Israele
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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BIN SALMAN ] you stop creating this absurd: anachronistic: war of sharia religion: against all peoples: only to do a favor for Rothschild parasites!
tu smetti di creare questa assurda: anacronistica: guerra di religione sharia: contro tutti i popoli: soltanto per fare un favore ai parassiti Rothschild!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
shariah ARAB OCI UN LEAGUE: it can only offer genocide to its dhimmis slaves!and of course the best defense is the attack!we will not put mankind in security until ISLAM Coranico be remains standing!
shariah LEGA ARABA: può offrire soltanto il genocidio ai suoi schiavi dhimmis!
e certo la migliore difesa è l'attacco!
non metteremo in sicurezza il genere umano finché ISLAM Coranico rimarrà in piedi!
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Discussion on World Israel News 127 comments
Bolton: Trump's 'Deal of Century' to be published 'in very near future'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Albert Reingewirtz 7 months ago
high treason Constitution scams banking seigniorage!
Deny the DEBT!
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Discussion on United with Israel 114 comments
NY Times Attacks Netanyahu after Election, Says PM Will Make Israel ‘Apartheid State’

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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stampa il SIMEC!
high treason Constitution scams banking seigniorage!
Deny the DEBT!
alto tradimento Costituzione il signoraggio bancario truffa!
Nega il DEBITO!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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A 12 anni incinta, stuprata da gang di 20 islamici: non sa chi è il padre
aprile 15, 2019 Vox
“Avevo 12 anni quando un uomo di origine pakistana mi ha visto per strada. Divenni la ‘sua donna’. Dopo qualche giorno mi ha violentato. Poi mi ha consegnato ai suoi amici. A 13 anni sono rimasta incinta e il padre avrebbe potuto essere uno qualsiasi di questi venti uomini”, è la testimonianza choc di una delle vittime degli stupri etnici di Telford, in Inghilterra.
“Nessuno, né i miei insegnanti, né i servizi sociali mi hanno mai fatto domande”, continua. Pensavo che quello che stava succedendo fosse normale, ero una bambina. Come se subire stupri di gruppo fosse d’obbligo per le adolescenti di Telford”.
Un’altra bambina vittima di questi stupri, in un racconto nauseante, racconta come, “notte dopo notte”, è stata costretta a fare sesso “in fast food e appartamenti disgustosi”, subendo diversi aborti.
“Una volta,” dice, “ho dovuto fare sesso con nove uomini di fila. Stavano facendo la fila per le scale . Sono andato alla pianificazione familiare due volte a settimana per cercare la pillola del giorno dopo senza avvisare nessuno.”
Perché l’Europa è un continente moderno. Si distribuisce la pillola del giorno dopo, ma si possono stuprare le bambine. Se sei immigrato.
Per zittirla, il “capo” della banda di islamici usava una leva comune a tutti questi stupri: la paura. “Mi ha detto che se avessi parlato, avrebbe bruciato la mia casa. Come Lucy, che morì all’età di sedici anni per mano di quello che tutta la sua famiglia pensava fosse il suo ragazzo.
Perché dietro gli stupri etnici in Inghilterra ci sono alcuni fenomeni convergenti: immigrazione, autorità locali compiacenti e famiglie senza padre.
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Discussion on United with Israel 15 comments
WATCH: Wounded Ex-IDF Soldier’s ‘HaTikvah’ Will Blow You Away!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
Finlandia: la sinistra avanti Finland: left ahead
Islamic rapes have not yet arrived at the daughters of corrupt Freemasons by the Rothschilds!
gli stupri degli islamici non sono ancora arrivati alle figlie dei massoni corrotti dai Rothschilds!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
Assange: Moreno, created espionage base: President Ecuador to the Guardian, violate the conditions of asylum. adequate slander: when the Rothschild empire is afraid of freedom of speech and the circulation of ideas
Assange: Moreno, creato base spionaggio: Presidente Ecuador al Guardian, violate le condizioni dell'asilo. la calunnia adeguata: quando l'impero Rothschild ha paura della libertà di parola e della circolazione delle idee
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
Assange's mother speaks: "Locked up in British Guantanamo"
'A journalist who has won awards with serial killers and terrorists'
Parla la madre di Assange: "Rinchiuso nella Guantanamo britannica"
'Un giornalista che ha vinto premi con serial killer e terroristi'
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
WELLINGTON, APRIL 15 - The trial of six people who spread the video of the attack on two mosques in Christchurch began in New Zealand
Video moschee, processo per 6 persone DOBBIAMO assolutamente pretendere (diritti umani) la reciprocità religiosa e giuridica con la LEGA ARABA: perché attualmente il rapporto è soccombente!
WELLINGTON, 15 APR - E' iniziato in Nuova Zelanda il processo a sei persone che avevano diffuso il video dell'attacco a due moschee a Christchurch,
Video mosques, trial for 6 people We absolutely MUST claim (human rights) religious and legal reciprocity with the ARAB LEAGUE: because the relationship is currently unsuccessful!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
but the shariah of the ARAB LEAGUE: it only offers genocide to the dhimmis! no freedom of intelligence and religions: we must abolish ISlam on the national territory! Thirty: "With war in Libya, migrants become refugees."Here is their true face, they want an invasion, crazy stuff.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
Iran: Islam NWO FED BCE FMI Minor executions, amputations floggings: banking scam seigniorage: Satan & Allah. high constitutional treason: death penalty!
Iran: Islam NWO FED BCE FMI Esecuzioni minorenni, amputazioni fustigazioni: signoraggio bancario: Satana & Allah.
alto tradimento costituzionale: pena di morte!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
He was born by the Holy Spirit
Simon Peter's mother-in-law frees from fever
Heals a leperHeals a dropsy
Heals a blind manHeals a deaf and dumb man
Water in wineWalk on the sea: Jesus of Bethlehem, son of David is his name!
Nacque per opera dello Spirito Santo
Libera dalla febbre la suocera di Simon Pietro
Guarisce un lebbroso
Guarisce un idropico
Guarisce un cieco
Cura un uomo sordo e muto
Tramuta dell'acqua in vino
Cammina sul mare: Gesù di Betlemme figlio di Davide è il suo nome!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
G-d bless shalom
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Discussion on United with Israel 29 comments
Israeli hospital performs first-ever live vein transplant

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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The #Boldrini once again makes heavy claims: ilgiornale it/news/cronache/boldrini-c-ferocia-c-cattiveria-snaturato-dna-degli-italiani-1679409.html "There is ferocity , there is wickedness have distorted the DNA of Italians that is not bad "in the Democratic Party, Pd TAKEN African unemployed in hotels (at our expense) and let entrepreneurs commit suicide!
#Boldrini fa ancora una volta pesanti affermazioni: “C’è ferocia, c’è cattiveria hanno snaturato il DNA degli italiani che non è cattivo"
nel Partito democratico, Pd HA PORTATO disoccupati africani negli alberghi(a spese nostre) ed hanno lasciato suicidare gli imprenditori!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Rahel 7 months ago
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twitter NWO, has transformed (crystallized) into "text image this article"
twitter NWO, ha trasformato(cristallizzato) in "immagine di testo questo articolo"
Thanks Raymond black for this great footage proof they are definitely spraying! pic twitter com/dBiVoyI2Vz
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Just Say'n 7 months ago
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@ MinervaMcGrani1
/aristocraticanews com/giornata-mondiale-dellautismo-raccontiamo-la-storia-di-edi/
Andrea's father (Franco Antonello) stated that his son was a healthy child up to two years and began to regress after the MMR vaccine. Families who have told him the same story have been contacted by DUEMILA.
Il papà di Andrea (Franco Antonello) ha dichiarato che suo figlio era un bimbo sano fino ai due anni ed ha iniziato a regredire dopo il vaccino MPR. E' stato contattato da DUEMILA famiglie che gli hanno raccontato la stessa storia.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah BOTOSANI123 . 7 months ago
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your satany 666 verminin? we thank your mom who has not thought you with love, hope and life, has led you to life: without making you undergo abortion!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Just Say'n 7 months ago
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@fammi_nascere When abortion was legalized in most Western countries, technology did not allow much to be known about the subject that was eliminated.
Today, sophisticated instruments show us the smallest details of the slain child.Today we have no more excuses.
pic twitter com/e7Q3608qzs
Quando nella maggior parte dei paesi occidentali veniva legalizzato l’aborto, la tecnologia non consentiva di sapere molto del soggetto eliminato.
Oggi strumenti sofisticati ci fanno vedere i minimi particolari del bimbo ucciso.
Oggi non abbiamo più scuse.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah BOTOSANI123 . 7 months ago
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you satani 666 vermin? we thank your mother: who has not thought with love, hope of you and who has led you to life: without making you undergo abortion!
ringraziamo la tua mamma: che non ha pensato questo di te e che ti ha condotto alla vita: senza farti subire l'aborto!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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Islamic party at 10 percent sharia goodbye democracy
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 7 months ago
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the nuw world order is ISIS shariah ] NWO FED FMI BCE Bilderberg (Satan's synagogue): has subjected all the Christians of the world to Islamic genocide .. but to prevent the genocide of European Christians? Pope FRANCIS is ready to kiss everyone's pea too!
is the Democratic Party (EU US Russia India and China) that must be criminalized! @AdryWebber Indignation for Bergoglio's gesture for kissing the feet of the muslims, but even more should there be for this, in which he kisses the hands of John Rothschild and David Rockfeller, the most powerful Masons on the planet. pic twitter com/QfPKwz5rfH
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Discussion on United with Israel 114 comments
NY Times Attacks Netanyahu after Election, Says PM Will Make Israel ‘Apartheid State’

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah gman 7 months ago
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@ marilui0682Why does the #granocanadese suck? Simple: there is no climate suitable for cultivation, so in order for the plant to dry and then to harvest the grains, the plant is treated with herbicide. Do I make the idea? Only #granoitaliano always and in any case
Perché il #granocanadese fa schifo? Semplice: non c'è un clima adatto alla coltivazione, quindi perché la pianta si secchi e quindi si possano raccogliere i grani viene trattata la pianta con diserbante. Rendo l'idea? Solo #granoitaliano sempre e comunque
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Mark Popyack 7 months ago
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your love poppy-y a c k for me? it's a tenacious love! and in your loyalty to me? sure, there will be a prize!
il tuo amore per me? è un amore tenace!
ed in questa tua fedeltà per me? certo, ci sarà un premio!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah gman 7 months ago
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if instead of producing insults: meaningless (because without motivation), you asked me some questions, or you wanted to follow the videos of the scientist Giacinto Auriti.
then, of course, we would be able to cure your ignorance and your level of bullying! in reality,
I am the political project of the King of Israel
se invece di produrre insulti: senza senso (perché senza motivazione),
tu facessi a me qualche domanda, oppure tu volessi seguire i video dello scienziato Giacinto Auriti.
poi, certamente, noi avremmo modo di curare la tua ignoranza e il tuo livello di bullismo!
in realtà io sono il progetto politico del Re di Israele
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Discussion on United with Israel 15 comments
WATCH: Wounded Ex-IDF Soldier’s ‘HaTikvah’ Will Blow You Away!

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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in India ARAB League killing people just because they want to change religion?then the UN must be criminalized and abolished!
in India Lega ARABA uccidere delle persone soltanto perché, loro vogliono cambiare religione?
allora ONU deve essere criminalizzato e abolito!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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shalom G-d bless
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Discussion on United with Israel 61 comments
German Paper Attacks Netanyahu with Nazi Reference, Blames 'Historical Amnesia'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Italian banks are much more solid than German ones !! there is no banking danger in Italy and bringing money abroad is a crime, as well as a serious act against the people. it is the world banking system that can collapse at any moment, that's why everyone buys gold: but even this is useless: the value of gold: it is a bubble: that can be disintegrated by 70% in a few days!
le Banche italiane sono molto più solide di quelle tedesche!! non c'é nessun pericolo bancario in Italia e portare i soldi all'estero è un reato, oltre che un atto grave contro il popolo. è il sistema bancario mondiale che può crollare da un momento all'altro, ecco perché tutti comprano oro: ma anche questo è inutile: il valore dell'oro: è una bolla: che si può disintegrare del 70% in pochi giorni!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
if the banks collapse? the system IMF collapses! in Switzerland your savings, they certainly CANNOT be safe anyway! the only solution is to "wall up" the banknotes, while waiting for the State to issue securities in a regime of monetary sovereignty
se crollano le banche? crolla il sistema FMI? in Svizzera i vostri risparmi, certo NON potrebbero essere comunque al sicuro! l'unica soluzione è "murare" le banconote, in attesa che lo Stato emetta titoli in regime di sovranità monetaria
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Christian Tribal Beheaded for His Faith in India’s Odisha State
Anant Ram Gond, a 40-year-old... more
Turkey’s Repeated Airstrikes Force Christian Villagers in Iraq to Flee
04/10/2019 Iraq (International... more
President Buhari Announces Plans to Restore Fulani Grazing Routes
04/11/2019 Nigeria (Internatio... more
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Discussion on United with Israel 16 comments
WATCH: Lebanese Journalist Sides with Netanyahu, Trump on Confronting Iran

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Putin I know that you are a good boy .. but, I will make you a black eye one of these days equally! "
Putin io lo so che tu sei un bravo ragazzo.. ma, io ti farò un occhio nero un giorno di questi ugualmente!"
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
hey NATO where is our national defense? if these arrive without being seen, then also the Ottoman Erdogan: "Mom turks them" can they arrive too? Lampedusa, 90 immigrants landed: how did the boat arrive despite the closed ports
ehi NATO dove è la nostra difesa nazionale? se arrivano questi senza essere visti, allora anche Erdogan gli ottomani: "mamma li turchi" possono arrivare anche loro? Lampedusa, sbarcano 90 immigrati: come ha fatto ad arrivare il barcone nonostante i porti chiusi
se arrivano questi senza essere visti, allora anche Erdogan gli ottomani: "mamma li turchi" possono arrivare anche loro? #APPARSIDALNULLA MARINA INESISTENTE ? Lampedusa, sbarcano 90 immigrati: come ha fatto ad arrivare il barcone nonostante i porti chiusi /lampedusa-immigrazione-sbarco-90-immigrati-nonostante-porti-chiusi-guardia-di-finanza.html
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Tappano la bocca al leghista Pillon (che dice l'ovvio).per il giudice "Ha diffamato gli omosessuali", stangata dai giudici: ecco quanto deve pagare ..
questo giudice fazioso è una minaccia ideologica: perché è Pillon (che dice l'ovvio)
il fatto! Il senatore Simone Pillon (Lega) è stato condannato dal tribunale di Perugia a versare 30.000 euro a Omphalos, associazione aderente ad Arcigay, e a un attivista, per averli diffamati. La condanna per diffamazione è per avere affermato che gli interventi informativi contro l’omofobia dell’associazione con gli studenti degli istituti superiori fossero in realtà degli inviti ad avere rapporti sessuali tra persone dello stesso sesso.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
WARNING -Graphic Scene: pic twitter com/972QB9HgOD poor Christian martyrs! sultan of Brunei Sharia LAW: last week? answer. tears and blood for all those who are not paranoid primatists Ottoman genocide Erdogan the Salafists: Allah is uuuhhhh akbar death to the infidels!who has prevented lorenzoJHWH (King of Israel: as indicated by Yitzchak Kaduri) in the last 10 years?will respond to God for all the consequences arising!
WARNING -Graphic Scene: poveri martiri cristiani! sultano del Brunei Sharia LAW: settimana scorsa? answer. lacrime e sangue per tutti quelli che non sono paranoici primatisti genocidio ottomano Erdogan i salafiti: Allah è uuuhhhh akbar morte agli infedeli!
chi ha impedito a lorenzoJHWH (Re di Israele: come indicato da Yitzchak Kaduri) in questi ultimi 10 anni?
risponderà a Dio per tutte le conseguenze derivanti!
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Discussion on World Israel News 127 comments
Bolton: Trump's 'Deal of Century' to be published 'in very near future'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Yidith 8 months ago
don't be too worried about committing: 1. bullying, 2. slander, penalties and 4. crimes of: murder, personality, how much did Rothschild-Sharia pay you for this? how much is your soul worth to hell for you?
non sempbri troppo preoccupato a commettere: 1. bullismo, 2. calunnia, 3.reati penali e 4. delitti di: omicidio personalità, quanto ti ha pagato Rothschild-Sharia per questo?
quanto vale la tua anima all'inferno per te?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Albert Reingewirtz 8 months ago
we all understood that he sent you: FED IMF NWO spa satan-allah sharia IRAN RIAD Erdogan: but where are the reasons for criminal thought?
abbiamo capito tutti che ti ha mandato spa satana-allah sharia: ma dove sono le ragioni del pensiero criminale?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Walter Joshua Fretz born (spontaneously) at 19 weeks and lived a few hours
nato (spontaneamente) a 19 settimane e vissuto poche ore!
[ aborto is #AbortionIsMurder #abort criminals ]
f2photographystudio com/Family/n-RwF2J/FRETZ-PERSONAL/Walter-Joshua-Fretz/
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Christian School Attacked By Hindu Radicals e questi induisti pazzi non hanno messo il cervello nella fogna pure loro? [ 4/5/19 India (International Christian Concern)- Following the suicide of a young teenage girl, a mob of Hindu radicals descended on a Christian secondary school in Tamil Nadu, India in late March 2019. Nearly 200 members of a radical paramilitary group arrived in trucks and attacked the schools.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
l demonio Erdogan sharia Mohammed cerca di finire il lavoro di ISIS sharia ] Turkey’s Repeated Airstrikes Force Christian Villagers in Iraq to Flee
04/10/2019 Iraq (International Christian Concern) – On Tuesday, April 9, villagers fled as the Turkish military launched yet another series of airstrikes in the Kurdistan Region. The chain of attacks was launched in claims of targeting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) positions.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
M5s detta legge e non c’è flat tax promessa da Lega giorgiameloni /2019/04/10/m5s-detta-legge-e-non-ce-flat-tax-promessa-da-lega/ senza sovranità monetaria Simec? possono andare tutti e 2 a Sodoma!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
giuridicamente; non può essere concessa una legittimità giuridica a pervertiti e criminali:
quindi non possono ottenere legittimità giuridica: LGBT Comunisti Nazisti e Islamici!
come ogni forma di: primatismo: razziale e giuridico e religioso
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Discussion on World Israel News 7 comments
Zehut party, focusing on marijuana legalization, goes up in smoke

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
who kept lorenzoJHWH (King of Israel on Yitzchak Kaduri's prophecy) behind the computer for the past 10 years?will respond to God for all the consequences arising!
chi ha tenuto lorenzoJHWH (Re di Israele su profezia di Yitzchak Kaduri) dietro al computer in questi ultimi 10 anni?
risponderà a Dio per tutte le conseguenze derivanti!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by World Israel News.
You can't ask the Va m p i re: Rothschild SpA FED BCE FMI NWO: to s u c k less bloood: because its pyramidal system does not allow it.
so: it is for to renew a new monetary cycle, which is functional the world war.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
You can't ask the Vampire Rothschild SpA FED BCE FMI NWO: to s u c k less blood: because its pyramidal system does not allow it.so: it is for to renew a new monetary cycle, which is functional the world war.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
You can't ask the Vampire Rothschild SpA FED BCE FMI NWO: to suck less blood: because its pyramidal system does not allow it.so: it is for to renew a new monetary cycle, which is functional the world war.
Non puoi chiedere al Vampiro Rothschild SpA FED BCE FMI NWO: di succhiare meno sangue: perché il suo sistema piramidale non lo permette.
così: è per rinnovare un nuovo ciclo monetario, che è funzionale la guerra mondiale.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
the ethical position (and also of religions) on the public and ridiculous debt given that the monetary system is based on predation and satanism (high constitutional betrayal, bank seigniorage) of private interest Rothschils central banks shareholders: high treason the banking seigniorage.the are the "M and sss i a" of the king of Israel is me, about profecy of Yitzchak Kaduri.
la posizione etica ( ed anche delle religioni )sul debito pubblico e ridicola dato che il sistema monetario si fonda sulla predazione e sul satanismo(alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario) dell'interesse privato Rothschils azionisti banche centrali: alto tradimento il signoraggio bancario.
il sono il "M e sss i a" di the king of Israel is me, about profecy of Yitzchak Kaduri.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
the yellow-green government (league m5s) cannot secure the citizens: if it does not print the #SIMEC by Giacinto Auriti Scientist!and the lives of citizens have priority! while in Greece it was decided to kill troika people: and to expropriate the first house of property!
il Governo giallo-verde (lega m5s) non può mettere in sicurezza i cittadini: se non stampa il #SIMEC di Scienziato Giacinto Auriti!
e la vita dei cittadini ha la priorità! mentre in Grecia si è deciso di espropriare la prima casa di proprietà!
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Discussion on World Israel News 6 comments
JNS hosting live coverage of Israel’s elections

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
holyjhwhholyholy blogspot com/
if the king of Israel is not me lorenzoJHWH Unius REI? then Yitzchak Kaduri was wrong!!
quindi voi state per cadere sotto il giudizio di Dio
so you are about to fall under God's judgment
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
#Onu 666 #UNHCR #sharia pic twitter com/UoDpCqSzFz @zeuzonsher
Disturbing! Mass killings of innocent people killed by #ISIS these are war crimes of Islam. This is ISIS running many in this way if they refuse to convert or accept #ShariaLaw
Stai seguendo @John_Arash2345
p ic twitter com/9GtmvwVZlY
This is what happens to women in Iran if the morality police finds them guilty. Their crime? Their headscarf wasn't “sufficiently” in place.
#WomensDay #IranianRefugees #Iran #helpIranianRefugees #Resettlement4Iranian
#Onu 666 #UNHCR #sharia @zeuzonsher
Inquietante! Uccisioni di massa di persone innocenti uccise da #ISIS questi sono crimini di guerra dell'Islam. Questo è ISIS eseguendo molti in questo modo se si rifiutano di convertire o accettare #ShariaLaw
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Discussion on United with Israel 29 comments
Rapper Urges Arab Voters to Resist Israeli Election Boycott

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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caxxo alzati e vai a votare! Benjamin Netanyahu @netanyahu
בכניסה לאשדוד, בדרך לאירוע של הליכוד, קיבלתי עדכון דרמטי על אחוזי הצבעה נמוכים מאוד במעוזי הליכוד, לעומת אחוזי הצבעה גבוהים במעוזי השמאל. ביטלתי את האירוע ויצאתי עכשיו לדיון חירום בירושלים. חייבים להציל את הימין. יש רק עוד כמה שעות. צאו להצביע מחל אחרת נקבל ממשלת שמאל
All'ingresso di Ashdod, sulla strada per l'evento Likud, ho ricevuto un aggiornamento drammatico sulla percentuale di un voto molto basso di Likud, rispetto ad un punto alto di puntare a sinistra. Ho annullato l'evento e ora sono andato a una riunione di emergenza a Gerusalemme. Dobbiamo salvare il diritto. Ci sono solo poche ore. Esci e vota, altrimenti otteniamo il governo di sinistra.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
dysfunctions of Islamic-African nuclear physicists
Why are our 500,000 autism vaccines and nano aluminum particles better off? South African Nobel Prize winner washes the van with his innovative technique,
twitter com/RxdhDJUlkq
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI
why did the toxic-drug-smothering brother Cucchi attract the wrath of the military? what did he do to them? will we know? pic twitter com/zdeNwA7zBf
disfunzioni di fisici nucleari islamo-africani!
perché i nostri 500.000 da autismo di vaccini e nano particelle di alluminio stanno meglio? Premio Nobel sudafricano lava il furgoncino con una sua tecnica innovativa,
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI
perché il fratellino Cucchi tossico-spacciatore ha attirato l'ira dei militari? cosa lui ha fatto a loro? riusciremo a saperlo?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
BIN SALMAN] WE ARRIVED AT THE ROOT OF ALL THE STORY OF SATAN & ALLAH: corporation ["Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am in their midst" (Mt 18:20)] the satanic trinity: Rothschild Soros Rochefeller and Morgan: they are afraid of Christians, not of Bergoglio's Bilderberg religion! That's why I've been an observatory on the Martyrdom of Christians for 30 years.
Communist and Jewish Hindu Muslims they do not have the divine nature and do not pose a threat to the New World Order: of slaves's peoples
BIN SALMAN] SIAMO ARRIVATI ALLA RADICE DI TUTTA LA STORIA DI SATANA E ALLAH: corporazione ["Dove due o tre sono riuniti nel mio nome, io sono in mezzo a loro" (Mt 18,20)] la triade satanica: Rothschild Soros Rochefeller e Morgan: hanno paura dei cristiani, non della religione del Bilderberg di Bergoglio! Ecco perché sono stato un osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani per 30 anni.Musulmani indù comunisti ed ebrei non hanno la natura divina e non rappresentano una minaccia per il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale: dei popoli degli schiavi
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Discussion on United with Israel 28 comments
Israel Cheers as US Designates Iranian Military Faction a Terror Group

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Bin Salman ] the last words of Jesus (on the initiative of the Apostles Acts, 1.6) said: "it has always been my political project to restore the kingdom of Israel!"
le ultime parole di Gesù (su iniziativa degli Apostoli Atti, 1,6) disse: "si è sempre sato nel mio progetto politico quelloo di restaurare il regno di Israele!"
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Discussion on United with Israel 20 comments
Exposé: UK Labour Party Treats Jewish Concerns with 'Utter Contempt'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Guest 8 months ago
NWO are satanists jews jabullOn
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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#congressodellafamiglia to a lesbian: "you are a barren tree without fruit!
and homoeroticism is a great coward! #congressodellafamiglia
ad una lesbica: "tu sei un albero sterile senza frutti!
e l'omoerotismo è una grande vigliaccata! #congressodellafamiglia
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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#congressodellafamiglia @Pontifex: "wrong communication method" [but, #Pd # M5S contents are absolutely anti-Christian! so they are wrong: both in the method and in the contents, so how could we have kept a method right? pic twitter com/nAHPat4bls
#congressodellafamiglia @Pontifex_it: "metodo comunicativo sbagliato" [ ma, contenuti #Pd #M5S sono assolutamente anticristiani! quindi loro sono sbagliati: sia nel metodo che nei contenuti, così come noi avremmo potuto conservare un metodo giusto?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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#congressodellafamiglia @Pontifex: "wrong communication method" [but, #Pd # M5S contents are absolutely anti-Christian! so they are wrong: both in the method and in the contents, so how could we have kept a method right? pic.twitter.com/nAHPat4bls
#congressodellafamiglia @Pontifex_it: "metodo comunicativo sbagliato" [ ma, contenuti #Pd #M5S sono assolutamente anticristiani! quindi loro sono sbagliati: sia nel metodo che nei contenuti, così come noi avremmo potuto conservare un metodo giusto? pic.twitter.com/nAHPat4bls
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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when the ROMs make a robbery of 1 million euros: that money ends up in their treasure: in Albania, but they will always continue to live in the barracks: begging and theft: because that is their life!When are they kidnapping our child? we will never find him again: they will break his legs: and him to ask for alms who knows where!
quando i ROM fanno una rapina da 1milione di euro: quei soldi finiscono nel loro tesoro: in Albania, ma loro continueranno sempre a vivere nelle baracche: ci accattonaggio e furti: perché quella è la loro vita!
Quando rapiscono un nostro bambino? noi non lo troveremo più: gli spezzeranno le gambe per fargli chiedere l'elemosina chissà dove!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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AMANS PATRIAE @patriae_amans [ noi abbiamo urgente bisogno di fare del male ad Obama ]
Soros Democratic Party FED FMI ECB Bilderberg LGBT Rothschild, in Italy: it is like a father who kills his white son (10 million poor unemployed, desperate) to go and adopt a black Islamic child, who is in Africa: who is perhaps cannibal and Nigerian mafia !
il Partito Democratico Soros FED FMI BCE Bilderberg LGBT, in Italia: è come un padre che uccide il suo figlio bianco (10milioni di poveri disoccupati disperati) per andare adottare un figlio nero islamico, che sta in Africa: che è magari cannibale e mafia nigeriana!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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spero che questi disgraziati la smettano di calunniarmi ] Ciao, abbiamo notato che hai una segnalazione in sospeso per questo problema. [ Twitter Support Sodoma ]
Dobbiamo completare il caso in sospeso prima che tu possa inviarne un'altra segnalazione. Se siamo in attesa di ulteriori informazioni da parte tua, assicurati di risponderci al più presto alla segnalazione.
Case# 0110462248: Appealing an account suspension - @UniusREI1 [ref:00DA0000000K0A8.5004A00001eipoA:ref]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
@luigidimaio @M5S_Camera #sodoma hanno tradito il popolo: e si sono venduti ai #Bilderberg #Merkel #Juncker #FED #FMI #BCE #NWO
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
USA CHINA RUSSIA INDIA] we cannot fall victim to the geopolitical logic that the Rothschilds FED FMI BM NWO petrodollars: they invented: to protect the genocide of the shariah and to have us exterminated between us!
USA CINA RUSSIA INDIA ] non si può cadere vittime delle logiche geopolitiche che i Rothschild FED FMI BM NWO petrodollari: hanno inventato: per proteggere il genocidio della shariah e per farci sterminare tra di noi!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
devitalized, unemployed: made sterile: from criminal debt: high constitutional treason, bank seigniorage: our specialized children must go abroad: while we in Italy suffer: Afro-Islamic invasion, the genocide of Soros Democratic Party
devitalizzati, disoccupati: resi sterili: dal debito criminale: alto tradimento costituzionale il signoraggio bancario: i nostri figli specializzati devono andare all'estero: mentre noi in italia subiamo: invasione afro-islamica il genocidio del Partito democratico di Soros
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Discussion on United with Israel 28 comments
Israel Cheers as US Designates Iranian Military Faction a Terror Group

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Ventimiglia, 30 year old investigated for #sexualActs with a minor #uccellinoFROCIOtwitter] your account @uniusrei1 is suspended and you are not allowed to take this action! [so now all Muslims are also arrested: or do you convert to childPornography ??
Ventimiglia, 30enne indagato per attiSessuali con minore sharia [ uccellinoFROCIOTwitter ] l tuo account @uniusrei1 è sospeso e non ti è permesso compiere questa azione! [ quindi adesso arrestate anche tutti i mussulmani: oppure vi convertite alla pedopornografiaInfantile??
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Islam is a syndrome for any genocide. and Erdogan is his best representative prototype
Islam è una sindrome per il genocidio.
ed Erdogan è il suo prototipo rappresentante migliore
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Discussion on United with Israel 20 comments
Exposé: UK Labour Party Treats Jewish Concerns with 'Utter Contempt'

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin: Владимир Владимирович Путин] I must feel guilty of the Russian soldiers who died in Russia: why after 4 years of conflict: I abandoned Assad? [you defeated the terrorism of the shariah in Syria (which Obama pretended to fight: very good), while you yourself: you are feeding the sharia that supports and feeds terrorism itself.a consultation is needed immediately: with the USA to criminalize all forms of sharia: which is the genocide of the dhimmis
] mi devo sentire colpevole dei soldati russi morti in Russia: perché dopo 4 anni di conflitto: io ho abbandonato Assad? [ tu hai sconfitto il terrorismo della shariah in Siria(che Obama fingeva di combattere: bravo) , mentre tu stesso: tu stai alimentando la sharia che supporta e alimenta il terrorismo stesso.
occorre subito una concertazione: con USA per criminalizzare ogni forma di sharia: che è genocidio dei dhimmis
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
was the President Francesco Cossiga who revealed how: 11-09 attack made by CIA and Mossad? all the world's governments had been forewarned
how Muslims cannot save Islam and shariah: together.
so the Jews cannot save zionism holy biblical: and the NWO FED 666 IMF BM Ja-Bull-On Rivlin Freemasonry!
come gli islamici non possono salvare Islam e shariah
così gli ebrei non possono salvare il sionismo e il NWO FED 666 FMI BM Ja-Bull-On la massoneria!
è stato il Presidente Francesco Cossiga che ha rivelato come: 11-09 attentato fatto da CIA e Mossad? erano stati preavvertiti tutti i governi del mondo
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Discussion on World Israel News 98 comments
Netanyahu: Capturing Gaza is last option, but it’s ‘on the table’

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
love Israel! help italian people!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
for kill Israel ] #sharia #FED #NWO #massons #globalists: they are exterminating (poisoned with nano particles of aluminum and uranium) the Italian people (devitalized dispossessed and indebted of their own money) because we are the culprits of humanism and Jewish-Christian civilization!
#sharia #FED #NWO #massoni #globalisti: loro stanno sterminando(avvelenato con nano particelle di alluminio e uranio) il popolo italiano (devitalizzato espropriato e indebitato del proprio denaro) perché noi siamo i colpevoli di umanesimo e civiltà ebraico-cristiana!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Emma Bonino desperate for hell: "We need to transfer Africans to Italy! ITALIANS do not procreate" for too many rothschild fees EU BCE: devitalized indebted dispossessed: our money: for treason Masonic banking seigniorage scam FED IMF NWO: pic twitter com / UzJyneLAvi
Emma Bonino disperata per l'inferno: "Dobbiamo travasare gli africani in Italia! Gli ITALIANI non procreano" per troppe tasse rothschild UE BCE: devitalizzati espropriati indebitati: del nostro denaro: per tradimento massonico signoraggio bancario: pic twitter com/UzJyneLAvi
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah Mickey Oberman 8 months ago
for the NWO 666 Sharia 322 FED the best beast? I am the most dangerous person in the world:because I am the King of Israel.the Israelis have ERASED these comments and blocked my uniusrei @ proton mail combecause they had too much pressure!
per il NWO 666 Sharia FED? io sono la persona più pericolosa al mondo:
perché io sono il Re di Israele.
gli israeliani hanno ERASED questi commenti e bloccato il mio uniusrei@proton mail com
perché hanno avuto troppe pressioni!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
uniusrei@protonmail com 20 days ago
Man kills Muslims in mosques NZ: 40 dead voxnews info /uomo-fa-strage-di-islamici-in-moschea-nz/because of the Sharia Umma NAZI of the ARAB LEAGUE and the criminal policies of the Democratic Party (PD), physically killing Muslims is the only way to protect national security!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
uniusrei@protonmail com 16 days ago
eih Rothschild FED FMI 666 BM BCE NWO: Bilderberg regime NAZI Macron BOIA Ja-Bull-On RIVLIN, you want to continue to steal bank seigniorage (100%) public debt (100% interest on debt) and fractional reserve (70% ) to all peoples (for a cost of money of 270%) up to turning men into goyims slave animals (as the Talmud says) to: destroy them all in the world war (ct: scientist Giacinto Auriti), because Satan told you who will prepare an orgy for you in hell?but, don't you know that Satan carries within him: all the diseases of the history of this planet?eih Rothschild FED FMI 666 BM BCE NWO: regime Bilderberg NAZI Macron BOIA Ja-Bull-On RIVLIN,
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
uniusrei@protonmail com 15 days ago
Removed the Democratic Party: Soros Bilderberg: Ja-Bull-On Baal OWL Bohemian Grove: FED IMF BM NWO NATO EU UN OCI: and their ARAB League? everyone must be accused of terrorism and high treason]
Terrorists Get Paid More than Doctors and Judges by Palestinian Authority [[ il Partito Democratico: Soros Bilderberg: Ja-Bull-On Baal OWL Bohemian Grove: FED FMI BM NWO NATO UE ONU OCI: e loro Lega ARABA? tutti devono essere accusati di terrorismo e alto tradimento ]
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
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Yidith 12 hours ago It's very clear to all that you suffer from a serious psychiatric disorder.Please for your own sake - get help. Medication will calm those voices in your head
Reply View in discussion @uniusrei no it doesn't exist and no voice could ever exist in my mind!no supernatural demonic alien creature will ever risk: his disintegration to dare to approach me.and neither God nor his holy angels will ever do it: in their infinite humility and respect for me.because this was never agreed in our convention. indeed, I have chosen to be only a rational metaphysical agnostic politician!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
uniusrei@protonmail com 14 days ago
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he is a dead terrorist? or "he heroic martyr sharia"? and these all shariah criminals CRIMINAL ERDOGAN CRAZY Riad Iran ARAB LEAGUE.. uffa
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Lorenzojhwh UniusREI in fact the Democratic Party Bilderberg Central Banks is a Masonic constitutional subversion GOLPE, and that everything is destined to end in blood!
Betty We must free ourselves from these evil parasites you mentioned.
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Discussion on World Israel News 5 comments
Report: Jewish chaplains to return to German military

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Mickey Oberman fedele lorenzoJHWH •
??? worldisraelnew com/netanyahu-capturing-gaza-is-last-option-but-its-on-the-table/
fedele lorenzoJHWH to Mickey Oberman • for the NWO 666 Sharia 322 FED the best beast? I am the most dangerous person in the world:because I am the King of Israel.the Israelis have ERASED these comments and blocked my uniusrei@protonmail com because they had too much pressure!
Mark Popyack to Mickey Oberman • Block the ba$tard he is an institutinalised troll and nothing more.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
@patriae_amans sta seguendo @uniusrei
Democrats and Muslims are inherently incapable of telling the truth.
Evil kindred spirits.
The face of the Lord against evildoers,
to remove the memory from the earth.
The righteous cry and the Lord hears them,
frees them from all their anguish. (From Psalm 33)
Il volto del Signore contro i malfattori,
per eliminarne dalla terra il ricordo.
Gridano i giusti e il Signore li ascolta,
li libera da tutte le loro angosce. (Dal Salmo 33)
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Discussion on World Israel News 98 comments
Netanyahu: Capturing Gaza is last option, but it’s ‘on the table’

lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
uniusrei@protonmail com 14 days ago
these criminals of BDS divestment and Professor Daniel Segal, Democratic Party Democratic Party Rothschild cult, Soros and Bilderberg: they should first try to open a school in Pakistan or any other place of the ARAB LEAGUE before they can talk to the sewer hole of the their mouth!ACT NOW! Thank Pitzer College Head for Vetoing Boycott of Haifa U, Urge Not to Cave to Pressure
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
uniusrei@protonmail com 11 days ago
Village attack SHARIA in Mali, 100 dead - Africa. the ARAB LEAGUE SHARIA is having fun in Nigeria: in fact they have decided to kill all the Christians or to corrupt them with money: the petrodollars.
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
uniusrei@protonmail com 11 days ago
Removed Embassy of Romania in Jerusalem It is the first EU country, but everyone must come to Jerusalem. ANSWER. I wait for China, Russia and India: soon!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
mason 10 days ago Removed Removed
Idiot! I am a Freemason and we have no love for Macron. And you know nothing about us except bullshit you find on the internet! Shut up with you lies already!
uniusrei@protonmail com 11 days ago
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#MACRON give up! The #Bilderberg is losing ground every day the graph is falling! ANSWER.
but he is a puppet: he has sworn loyalty to the Freemasonry: therefore he has betrayed the French people: he will die to maintain his Masonic oath
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
Removed Removed ] Removed Removed Removed Removed ] Removed Removed to mason man said: My Nation was founded on Masonic principals! And we support Israel! You know nothing!] You have no idea what you are talking about. Just another fool spouting their Anti-masonic garbage while the illuminist operate in front of you! I know more about Mason's that could possibly imagine. I know about the Lodges infested with the Illuminati, and worse. Happens in Churches, and Synagogues too. But denegrate good men doing good work! Just as those saying crap about Zionist, not understanding that Soros being a Jew is by birth, and not by faith!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
to mason RIVLIN ] Removed Removed ] Removed Removed
how: could you have sworn your oath: to the Constitution and Religion: with overexposure to your Masonic oath?what is your most important oath now?what do you know about the decisions they make at the 33rd degree Masonic?so you serve an occult institution within it: and outside it?why for "money, etc.. etc.. etc.. ", you have sold your people?
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
uniusrei@protonmail com 11 days ago Removed Removed
The bishops demand ius soli / maybe they need Muslims to destroy Satanism, ie, all Masonic sodomitic atheist of Beasts Darwin donkeys monkeys: and so to punish their Bilderbergs Rothschilds: 666 Democratic Party SpA FED FMI NWO, the man perverts? but as a strategy is reasonable!
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lorenzoJHWH the Lion Of Judah 8 months ago
uniusrei@protonmail com 10 days ago
G-D JHWH holy bless Israel
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