revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • an hour ago
quando la MAFIA si unisce al consociativismo massonico e coinvolge gli apparati dello Stato: NON è più possibile risalire ad una verità che incriminerebbe decine se non centinaia di fedeli servitori dello Stato Massonico! la Mafia è la dimostrazione che la democrazia è una truffa dei Rothschild FED 666 FMI 322 BM NWO Bidlerberg!
Bossetti, 49 anni, è il carpentiere di Mapello che il 13 ottobre 2018 è stato condannato in via definitiva alla pena dell'ergastolo con l'accusa di essere l'assassino di Yara Gambirasio.

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 2 hours ago
#Olanda, diversi accoltellati in via dello shopping a L'Aia: uomo IMAM ERDOGAN JIHAD SHARIA è in fuga ..
becouse allah is akbar ummah imperialism slave dhimmis kafir Murtidi apostate kaput Ursula Von Hitler-Soros-Rochefeller Rothschild saruman Biden and Democratic Party wins into FED hell IMF ECM NWO WW3nuclear
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 2 hours ago
Erdogan ha detto a Bin SALMAN: "1 sharia abbiamo perso noi, e molti infedeli hanno perso loro, noi stiamo vincendo!" La polizia ha sparato e ucciso un uomo jihad Erdogan: che correva con un coltello in mano sul "London Bridge" per amore di Allah. La zona è stata isolata. L'attentatore era un ex detenuto, in libertà, con il braccialetto elettronico. Non solo. Secondo la Bbc è stato già "condannato per reati di terrorismo". Sembra che l'incidente sia cominciato dentro Fishmonger's Hall dove era in corso un non precisato "convegno di giustizia penale"
Today the street of London have witnessed some incredible bravery these members of the public bravely pinned down the suspected terrorist armed with a knife while armed officers approached the scene. #LondonShooting #LondonBridge
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alpcns . • 2 hours ago
Excellent - the more Corbyn and his diabolical fascist beliefs are exposed, the better it is.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 2 hours ago
Erdogan ha detto a Bin SALMAN: "3 sharia abbiamo perso noi, e otto infedeli hanno perso loro, noi stiamo vincendo!" Sempre il London Bridge fu il 3 giugno del 2017 lo scenario di un attacco portato a termine da estremisti islamici a bordo di un camion. Il veicolo fu lanciato verso la folla a circa 50 km orari, e, una volta fermo, da esso vennero fuori tre terroristi, che, muniti di coltello, aggredirono all'impazzata chiunque si trovasse sulla loro strada. Il bilancio delle vittime fu di 8 morti e 48 feriti. I terroristi furono uccisi dalla polizia.
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Norm • 13 hours ago

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 2 days ago
l'ITALIA è il Paese in tutto il mondo dove ci sono meno attacchi antisemiti... ma, io non voglio dire che quei pochi attacchi sono meno gravi!!!
io cerco di dire soltanto: "cosa è questo antisemitismo: il Vampiro Rothschild che sorge sempre senza una motivazione?"
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sonofizzy revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a day ago
Post this in English if you dare.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit sonofizzy • 21 hours ago
ah ah ah it is not a question of courage
you just need to use "translate google"
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit sonofizzy • 21 hours ago
it is too pathetic to blame the GOSPEL on anti-Semitism:
since the Gospel has told the truth.
you Jews are full of demons: when you Jews do not see that anti-Semitism is aroused by the predation of the Rothschilds FED 666 IMF 322 NWO: against all the peoples of the world: and why you are the suckers of the devil Satan-Talmud: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE
while it is the demon allah that seeks your life!
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Alexander Harold Hersh revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 16 hours ago
You mean, more correctly, that evil anti-Semitism is rooted in the 4th Century CE or AD Synoptic Gospels. Jews read their Holy Torah or Law of Moses from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Joshua, the Books of the Prophets and the Ecclesiastical Writings of the Holy Hebrew Bible. The Talmud consists of the later Rabbinical Commentaries based upon the Holy Hebrew Bible or 'Tanach'. What say you O "knowledgeable" and "wise" Italian Counsellor?
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Aristobulus Alexander Harold Hersh • 16 hours ago
You're right of course, but you try to talk reason to a completely crazy person who won't understand one single word.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 13 hours ago
Did Jesus say that if you say crazy to a person?
you will burn in the fire of geenna / hell ..
but, so much here they all understood that you are a satanist a CIA agent!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 13 hours ago
You're a king, right?, but you behave more like Andrew Windsor.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 13 hours ago
your slanders have the value of everything you cannot prove: because you are a fake coin!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 12 hours ago
No; according to you, it's but about you here and always, not about me.
So answer my question if you're a king. And why you're behaving like a street jerk instead.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 12 hours ago
that I am the King of the Jews? this is all the Satanists know it, who are grafted into the collective symbiotic demonic creature: called "entity" or "control of the dark force" which is now out of control, because of me ...
they all know it: "I am the King of ISRAEL" ...
but, that the servants of God do not know me? this is the sign of their profound corruption!
how about your vulgarity? it always remains without arguments against me!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 11 hours ago • edited
Not true. Literally no one knows you're king. No one except yourself. Thus you must decide to convince them, right?, every king must do that (otherwise he would be the king of a lonely island).
So: START to convince them by being gracious, gentle, and reasonable like a true gentleman. No one out there wants a king who doesn't behave like a true gentleman on every occasion.
Don't understand still?, look, there once was the movie "King Ralph". Yes, Ralph was king of course, but he behaved poorly, so no one wanted that poor and insulting king until he learned from a gentleman how to behave like a king by becoming a gentleman himself.
What about your learning? Who is teaching you?
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 11 hours ago
and a gentleman is sukkers Obama Imam 322 Owl Baal peor?
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 11 hours ago
I am very gentleman, noble and delicate feelings: and very sensitive with friends ...
but unfortunately all over the world? I have no friends !
for example, why do you insult me all the time?
which way hole stinks: where Satan CIA lgbt UK GENDER fluid... screams at you?
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 10 hours ago
No; it is certainly not about noble and delicate feelings. It's but about noble, delicate, gracious, and simply good behaviour.
To be good. That's all.
If you have no friends: be gentle and polite towards other people; always. It's not about feelings; it's merely about doing. Preferably not on the internet where it's anonymous and not real. Do it in the real world.
You were a Christian once, right? Pray to Jesus that he might teach you how to care about some real people, how to listen to them, and how to do something for them.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 7 hours ago
if you are not about noble and delicate feelings.hen is ipocrisy
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 7 hours ago
Again: it's but about DOING; not about feelz'. Feelz are irrelevant.
- It's useless to explain this to you, isn't it?, you don't want to think about it. Stay a lonely island king, though. Poor choice, but your choice.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 8 minutes ago
Jesus on the cross has already done everything that needed to be done: in fact he said: "everything is finished" or ""everything is done""
and the meaning of his words embraced all the prophecies and all the biblical covenants!
I am already King: Unius REI in the Kingdom of heavenly God: and for me: that I am an eternal and universal authority:
all that can happen on this planet is irrelevant!
I can certainly become lorenzoJHWH the King of Israel: for the salvation of this planet:
but, this is a responsibility of Bin Salman alone: in reality ...
because the intervention of militar super powers, like Nations CINA RUSSIA USA INDiA ecc..: could only lead to the destruction and genocide of all the ARAB LEAGUE
which is an inevitable political act, that is, if everyone does not accept to enter the sharia and become mentally ill like Erdogan Iran OCI Riyadh: and not wanting to become crazy Muslims, paranoid dogmatic jihad without hope of redemption!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 3 minutes ago
if my identity: wasn't it an insurmountable obstacle for the NWO?
187AudioHostem (the youtube world director) would not have offered me a "cup of coffee" to give up my identity:
but, my destiny is irreversibly linked to my identity:
because, I will never give up the Kingdom of God.
to fall like: too many, and the many unfortunates like you: in hell that is a place of destruction and despair!
and if, I'm still on the internet it's because everything on this planet has been condemned to be destroyed by Bin SALMAN!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 10 hours ago
my best friends are two super: priests of Satan (besides the 33rd degree Masonic there is the 33rd Satanic degree and they are at the 30th level) they have the supernatural demonic powers, secret alien technology, and voodoo rites: for killing people: therefore it is a technology of invisibility
yes they do love me, but, they have Biden-Bush-Morgan.Rochefeller and they try to kill me all the time!
and I don't kill them, just because they make me sorry!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 10 hours ago
Then don't be a victim, and don't pity yourself. It's the best advice I can give you.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 8 hours ago
yes satan also wanted to give something to Jesus in the temptations of the desert!
but Jesus was not so naive as Adam and Eve, so as to give Rothschild their banking seigniorage
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 7 hours ago
I'm not anyone's victim:
yes, I pretend to be a victim, but to fill all my enemies with guilt ... then, I prepare the sentence of despair they deserved!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 6 hours ago
To be honest: you don't do or achieve anything, king; and certainly you don't fill anyone with guilt. This is the web, my goodness. It's not real.
Did you ever ask anyone what you could do to be better?
And if someone suggested something, did you ever listen?
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • an hour ago
in Italy there are no party offices in the area where citizens can speak, and where they can express democracy ..
all political parties are Masonic lobbies!
I tried to join the party: #FdI of Giorgia Meloni in Bari: but
1. they never let me talk;
2. they actually expelled me!
in fact the Masonic mafia barons? they are afraid of losing their chair ...
3. in fact, today in Italy we have a government of armchairs that the people hate!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • an hour ago
if the internet is not real, why do you work 10 hours a day, every day, like me, on the internet?
obviously, the announcement of the Word of God only serves 30% to call sinners to conversion,
in reality, the Word of God serves to ruin sinners ..
because God cannot condemn anyone in his ignorance ..
but when the word is spoken it makes sinners guilty ..
so I am here to ruin all those who do not want to obey me,
because I am Unius REI and nobody human, not even holy angels, can escape my eternal universal jurisdiction!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 38 minutes ago
God from nothing has created the Universe with his word,
and it was a creative act of only 6 days: because he enjoyed it this way: in rejoicing with his Wisdom!
therefore, mine is also a secondary creative Word: subordinate to the word of God.
for this reason: all the criminals on the planet fear me, and they silence in front of me!
my superiority over mankind:
could be used as a force: progressive: of renewal: wealth, prosperity, constructive and positive strength,
but, too many: they have decided to transform it into their ruin: because they are happy with the destruction of the peoples and with the wealth that Rothschild-Allah Satana jaBull-On: can give them,
this is why ISRAEL must be destroyed: because it is a denial of the NWO and of any imperialistic project on this planet
and this is why, even China and Russia are the scum of Satan: for they have not yet brought their embassy to Jerusalem: as I had ordered them to do!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 21 minutes ago
with algorithms and filters: CIA 666 NWO 322 UK lgbt: agenda aliens abduction: or esoteric agenda:
the agents of the NWO FED 666 FMI BCE BM: their priests of satan can turn you into an invisible person on the whole internet.
and this CIA bullying (esoteric control)and their alien demons: it can happen less on Israeli sites, because many priests of satan are Jews and still hope in God's mercy towards them ..
hope: that the Saudis are suffocating the hope of eternal life for all mankind
given that the satanism of the NWO OCi ONU has also entered into all religions: through: fake Islam and fake Judaism.
yet, I don't need the internet: because there is a parallel occult internet: that travels on alien neuronal connections positioned in the brain ... all the leaders of the planet are neurologically connected to the demonic ENTITY (without their knowledge),
ENTITY it is symbiotic and collective: linked to all the cursed souls who already live in hell,
so for me to turn off internet and write on my computer?
it's the same thing!
there is no world war that can stop the priests satanic CIA,
so, China and Russia are deluded.
only I can free the prisoners!
but the Saudis, like the Muslims all, they are too paranoid to think like a true servant of God should do: and therefore thinking that the devil Allah could be an enemy of the devil Satan:
but, they will end up ruining the whole human race!
and of course, all those who have not moved their embassy to Jerusalem are equally guilty!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh • 13 hours ago
so, evil anti-Semitism NOT is rooted in Dracula Rothschild FED IMF; scam banking seigniorage: satanism predations a DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE, 666 CIA 322 NWO 187AuduioHostem, ie, Deep State: esoteric agenda Bilderberg Trilateral?
it is a pity that on the internet: there are 2 million links on the satanic talmud and that you do not know it!
so, you will understand that the fault of anti-Semitism is only a Jewish fault!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh • 13 hours ago
187AudioHostem was the global and general director of youtube: before, I made him mad!
therefore, I have taken from him (to the churches of satan of the CIA) the control of the world Masonic government in youtube: because I am Unius REI,
and of course, I would like to learn many things: but, I doubt that you could teach me a scam like you!
the Gospel of Mark was already present in the 80d.C.
the Gospels are historically credible, and those Apostles paid with their lives: their testimony on the Resurrection ..
while, I see that in your lies you are still alive!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh • 13 hours ago
no one mourns the death of Jesus of betlemme:
because he came to give his life: for free: he is the lamb of atonement: to bless all mankind ..
so everyone killed Jesus of Bethlehem with their sins to start with me!
my fathers the Catholic Kings and Princes would have easily done a perfect gencodio of all the Jews, but instead: they deeply loved the Jewish people: despite aberrant ritual crimes committed in the synagogues of Satan and Rothschild ..
but the same cannot be said of the Jews of the Diaspora: who threaten of death: Israelis and Christians all the time!
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ihatefacebook121 • a day ago • edited
White replacement? I'm white, I'm Jewish and...uh...hold on, I'm thinking...hmmm...OK, I wanna French-kiss a black chick. Yeah. That's what I meant to say. Black chicks may think I'm bonkers and wanna duct-tape my mouth shut, but that's my passion.
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Alexander Harold Hersh ihatefacebook121 • 17 hours ago
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Alec Becker • a day ago
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Don Spilman Alec Becker • a day ago

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • an hour ago
quando la MAFIA si unisce al consociativismo massonico e coinvolge gli apparati dello Stato: NON è più possibile risalire ad una verità che incriminerebbe decine se non centinaia di fedeli servitori dello Stato Massonico! la Mafia è la dimostrazione che la democrazia è una truffa dei Rothschild FED 666 FMI 322 BM NWO Bidlerberg!
Bossetti, 49 anni, è il carpentiere di Mapello che il 13 ottobre 2018 è stato condannato in via definitiva alla pena dell'ergastolo con l'accusa di essere l'assassino di Yara Gambirasio.

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 2 hours ago
#Olanda, diversi accoltellati in via dello shopping a L'Aia: uomo IMAM ERDOGAN JIHAD SHARIA è in fuga ..
becouse allah is akbar ummah imperialism slave dhimmis kafir Murtidi apostate kaput Ursula Von Hitler-Soros-Rochefeller Rothschild saruman Biden and Democratic Party wins into FED hell IMF ECM NWO WW3nuclear
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 2 hours ago
Erdogan ha detto a Bin SALMAN: "1 sharia abbiamo perso noi, e molti infedeli hanno perso loro, noi stiamo vincendo!" La polizia ha sparato e ucciso un uomo jihad Erdogan: che correva con un coltello in mano sul "London Bridge" per amore di Allah. La zona è stata isolata. L'attentatore era un ex detenuto, in libertà, con il braccialetto elettronico. Non solo. Secondo la Bbc è stato già "condannato per reati di terrorismo". Sembra che l'incidente sia cominciato dentro Fishmonger's Hall dove era in corso un non precisato "convegno di giustizia penale"
Today the street of London have witnessed some incredible bravery these members of the public bravely pinned down the suspected terrorist armed with a knife while armed officers approached the scene. #LondonShooting #LondonBridge
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alpcns . • 2 hours ago
Excellent - the more Corbyn and his diabolical fascist beliefs are exposed, the better it is.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 2 hours ago
Erdogan ha detto a Bin SALMAN: "3 sharia abbiamo perso noi, e otto infedeli hanno perso loro, noi stiamo vincendo!" Sempre il London Bridge fu il 3 giugno del 2017 lo scenario di un attacco portato a termine da estremisti islamici a bordo di un camion. Il veicolo fu lanciato verso la folla a circa 50 km orari, e, una volta fermo, da esso vennero fuori tre terroristi, che, muniti di coltello, aggredirono all'impazzata chiunque si trovasse sulla loro strada. Il bilancio delle vittime fu di 8 morti e 48 feriti. I terroristi furono uccisi dalla polizia.
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Norm • 13 hours ago

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 2 days ago
l'ITALIA è il Paese in tutto il mondo dove ci sono meno attacchi antisemiti... ma, io non voglio dire che quei pochi attacchi sono meno gravi!!!
io cerco di dire soltanto: "cosa è questo antisemitismo: il Vampiro Rothschild che sorge sempre senza una motivazione?"
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sonofizzy revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a day ago
Post this in English if you dare.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit sonofizzy • 21 hours ago
ah ah ah it is not a question of courage
you just need to use "translate google"
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit sonofizzy • 21 hours ago
it is too pathetic to blame the GOSPEL on anti-Semitism:
since the Gospel has told the truth.
you Jews are full of demons: when you Jews do not see that anti-Semitism is aroused by the predation of the Rothschilds FED 666 IMF 322 NWO: against all the peoples of the world: and why you are the suckers of the devil Satan-Talmud: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE
while it is the demon allah that seeks your life!
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Alexander Harold Hersh revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 16 hours ago
You mean, more correctly, that evil anti-Semitism is rooted in the 4th Century CE or AD Synoptic Gospels. Jews read their Holy Torah or Law of Moses from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Joshua, the Books of the Prophets and the Ecclesiastical Writings of the Holy Hebrew Bible. The Talmud consists of the later Rabbinical Commentaries based upon the Holy Hebrew Bible or 'Tanach'. What say you O "knowledgeable" and "wise" Italian Counsellor?
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Aristobulus Alexander Harold Hersh • 16 hours ago
You're right of course, but you try to talk reason to a completely crazy person who won't understand one single word.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 13 hours ago
Did Jesus say that if you say crazy to a person?
you will burn in the fire of geenna / hell ..
but, so much here they all understood that you are a satanist a CIA agent!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 13 hours ago
You're a king, right?, but you behave more like Andrew Windsor.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 13 hours ago
your slanders have the value of everything you cannot prove: because you are a fake coin!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 12 hours ago
No; according to you, it's but about you here and always, not about me.
So answer my question if you're a king. And why you're behaving like a street jerk instead.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 12 hours ago
that I am the King of the Jews? this is all the Satanists know it, who are grafted into the collective symbiotic demonic creature: called "entity" or "control of the dark force" which is now out of control, because of me ...
they all know it: "I am the King of ISRAEL" ...
but, that the servants of God do not know me? this is the sign of their profound corruption!
how about your vulgarity? it always remains without arguments against me!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 11 hours ago • edited
Not true. Literally no one knows you're king. No one except yourself. Thus you must decide to convince them, right?, every king must do that (otherwise he would be the king of a lonely island).
So: START to convince them by being gracious, gentle, and reasonable like a true gentleman. No one out there wants a king who doesn't behave like a true gentleman on every occasion.
Don't understand still?, look, there once was the movie "King Ralph". Yes, Ralph was king of course, but he behaved poorly, so no one wanted that poor and insulting king until he learned from a gentleman how to behave like a king by becoming a gentleman himself.
What about your learning? Who is teaching you?
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 11 hours ago
and a gentleman is sukkers Obama Imam 322 Owl Baal peor?
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 11 hours ago
I am very gentleman, noble and delicate feelings: and very sensitive with friends ...
but unfortunately all over the world? I have no friends !
for example, why do you insult me all the time?
which way hole stinks: where Satan CIA lgbt UK GENDER fluid... screams at you?
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 10 hours ago
No; it is certainly not about noble and delicate feelings. It's but about noble, delicate, gracious, and simply good behaviour.
To be good. That's all.
If you have no friends: be gentle and polite towards other people; always. It's not about feelings; it's merely about doing. Preferably not on the internet where it's anonymous and not real. Do it in the real world.
You were a Christian once, right? Pray to Jesus that he might teach you how to care about some real people, how to listen to them, and how to do something for them.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 7 hours ago
if you are not about noble and delicate feelings.hen is ipocrisy
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 7 hours ago
Again: it's but about DOING; not about feelz'. Feelz are irrelevant.
- It's useless to explain this to you, isn't it?, you don't want to think about it. Stay a lonely island king, though. Poor choice, but your choice.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 8 minutes ago
Jesus on the cross has already done everything that needed to be done: in fact he said: "everything is finished" or ""everything is done""
and the meaning of his words embraced all the prophecies and all the biblical covenants!
I am already King: Unius REI in the Kingdom of heavenly God: and for me: that I am an eternal and universal authority:
all that can happen on this planet is irrelevant!
I can certainly become lorenzoJHWH the King of Israel: for the salvation of this planet:
but, this is a responsibility of Bin Salman alone: in reality ...
because the intervention of militar super powers, like Nations CINA RUSSIA USA INDiA ecc..: could only lead to the destruction and genocide of all the ARAB LEAGUE
which is an inevitable political act, that is, if everyone does not accept to enter the sharia and become mentally ill like Erdogan Iran OCI Riyadh: and not wanting to become crazy Muslims, paranoid dogmatic jihad without hope of redemption!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 3 minutes ago
if my identity: wasn't it an insurmountable obstacle for the NWO?
187AudioHostem (the youtube world director) would not have offered me a "cup of coffee" to give up my identity:
but, my destiny is irreversibly linked to my identity:
because, I will never give up the Kingdom of God.
to fall like: too many, and the many unfortunates like you: in hell that is a place of destruction and despair!
and if, I'm still on the internet it's because everything on this planet has been condemned to be destroyed by Bin SALMAN!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 10 hours ago
my best friends are two super: priests of Satan (besides the 33rd degree Masonic there is the 33rd Satanic degree and they are at the 30th level) they have the supernatural demonic powers, secret alien technology, and voodoo rites: for killing people: therefore it is a technology of invisibility
yes they do love me, but, they have Biden-Bush-Morgan.Rochefeller and they try to kill me all the time!
and I don't kill them, just because they make me sorry!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 10 hours ago
Then don't be a victim, and don't pity yourself. It's the best advice I can give you.
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 8 hours ago
yes satan also wanted to give something to Jesus in the temptations of the desert!
but Jesus was not so naive as Adam and Eve, so as to give Rothschild their banking seigniorage
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 7 hours ago
I'm not anyone's victim:
yes, I pretend to be a victim, but to fill all my enemies with guilt ... then, I prepare the sentence of despair they deserved!
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Aristobulus revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 6 hours ago
To be honest: you don't do or achieve anything, king; and certainly you don't fill anyone with guilt. This is the web, my goodness. It's not real.
Did you ever ask anyone what you could do to be better?
And if someone suggested something, did you ever listen?
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • an hour ago
in Italy there are no party offices in the area where citizens can speak, and where they can express democracy ..
all political parties are Masonic lobbies!
I tried to join the party: #FdI of Giorgia Meloni in Bari: but
1. they never let me talk;
2. they actually expelled me!
in fact the Masonic mafia barons? they are afraid of losing their chair ...
3. in fact, today in Italy we have a government of armchairs that the people hate!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • an hour ago
if the internet is not real, why do you work 10 hours a day, every day, like me, on the internet?
obviously, the announcement of the Word of God only serves 30% to call sinners to conversion,
in reality, the Word of God serves to ruin sinners ..
because God cannot condemn anyone in his ignorance ..
but when the word is spoken it makes sinners guilty ..
so I am here to ruin all those who do not want to obey me,
because I am Unius REI and nobody human, not even holy angels, can escape my eternal universal jurisdiction!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 38 minutes ago
God from nothing has created the Universe with his word,
and it was a creative act of only 6 days: because he enjoyed it this way: in rejoicing with his Wisdom!
therefore, mine is also a secondary creative Word: subordinate to the word of God.
for this reason: all the criminals on the planet fear me, and they silence in front of me!
my superiority over mankind:
could be used as a force: progressive: of renewal: wealth, prosperity, constructive and positive strength,
but, too many: they have decided to transform it into their ruin: because they are happy with the destruction of the peoples and with the wealth that Rothschild-Allah Satana jaBull-On: can give them,
this is why ISRAEL must be destroyed: because it is a denial of the NWO and of any imperialistic project on this planet
and this is why, even China and Russia are the scum of Satan: for they have not yet brought their embassy to Jerusalem: as I had ordered them to do!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus • 21 minutes ago
with algorithms and filters: CIA 666 NWO 322 UK lgbt: agenda aliens abduction: or esoteric agenda:
the agents of the NWO FED 666 FMI BCE BM: their priests of satan can turn you into an invisible person on the whole internet.
and this CIA bullying (esoteric control)and their alien demons: it can happen less on Israeli sites, because many priests of satan are Jews and still hope in God's mercy towards them ..
hope: that the Saudis are suffocating the hope of eternal life for all mankind
given that the satanism of the NWO OCi ONU has also entered into all religions: through: fake Islam and fake Judaism.
yet, I don't need the internet: because there is a parallel occult internet: that travels on alien neuronal connections positioned in the brain ... all the leaders of the planet are neurologically connected to the demonic ENTITY (without their knowledge),
ENTITY it is symbiotic and collective: linked to all the cursed souls who already live in hell,
so for me to turn off internet and write on my computer?
it's the same thing!
there is no world war that can stop the priests satanic CIA,
so, China and Russia are deluded.
only I can free the prisoners!
but the Saudis, like the Muslims all, they are too paranoid to think like a true servant of God should do: and therefore thinking that the devil Allah could be an enemy of the devil Satan:
but, they will end up ruining the whole human race!
and of course, all those who have not moved their embassy to Jerusalem are equally guilty!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh • 13 hours ago
so, evil anti-Semitism NOT is rooted in Dracula Rothschild FED IMF; scam banking seigniorage: satanism predations a DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE, 666 CIA 322 NWO 187AuduioHostem, ie, Deep State: esoteric agenda Bilderberg Trilateral?
it is a pity that on the internet: there are 2 million links on the satanic talmud and that you do not know it!
so, you will understand that the fault of anti-Semitism is only a Jewish fault!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh • 13 hours ago
187AudioHostem was the global and general director of youtube: before, I made him mad!
therefore, I have taken from him (to the churches of satan of the CIA) the control of the world Masonic government in youtube: because I am Unius REI,
and of course, I would like to learn many things: but, I doubt that you could teach me a scam like you!
the Gospel of Mark was already present in the 80d.C.
the Gospels are historically credible, and those Apostles paid with their lives: their testimony on the Resurrection ..
while, I see that in your lies you are still alive!
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revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh • 13 hours ago
no one mourns the death of Jesus of betlemme:
because he came to give his life: for free: he is the lamb of atonement: to bless all mankind ..
so everyone killed Jesus of Bethlehem with their sins to start with me!
my fathers the Catholic Kings and Princes would have easily done a perfect gencodio of all the Jews, but instead: they deeply loved the Jewish people: despite aberrant ritual crimes committed in the synagogues of Satan and Rothschild ..
but the same cannot be said of the Jews of the Diaspora: who threaten of death: Israelis and Christians all the time!
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ihatefacebook121 • a day ago • edited
White replacement? I'm white, I'm Jewish and...uh...hold on, I'm thinking...hmmm...OK, I wanna French-kiss a black chick. Yeah. That's what I meant to say. Black chicks may think I'm bonkers and wanna duct-tape my mouth shut, but that's my passion.
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Alexander Harold Hersh ihatefacebook121 • 17 hours ago
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Alec Becker • a day ago
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Don Spilman Alec Becker • a day ago
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