dove ci sono meno attacchi antisemiti

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit •
l'ITALIA è il Paese in tutto il mondo dove ci sono meno attacchi antisemiti... ma, io non voglio dire che quei pochi attacchi sono meno gravi!!!
io cerco di dire soltanto: "cosa è questo antisemitismo: il Vampiro Rothschild che sorge sempre senza una motivazione?"

sonofizzy revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 9 hours ago
Post this in English if you dare.

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit sonofizzy • 8 hours ago
ah ah ah it is not a question of courage
you just need to use "translate google"

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit sonofizzy •
it is too pathetic to blame the GOSPEL on anti-Semitism:
since the Gospel has told the truth.
you Jews are full of demons: when you Jews do not see that anti-Semitism is aroused by the predation of the Rothschilds FED 666 IMF 322 NWO: against all the peoples of the world: and why you are the suckers of the devil Satan-Talmud: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE
while it is the demon allah that seeks your life!

Alexander Harold Hersh revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 4 hours ago
You mean, more correctly, that evil anti-Semitism is rooted in the 4th Century CE or AD Synoptic Gospels. Jews read their Holy Torah or Law of Moses from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Joshua, the Books of the Prophets and the Ecclesiastical Writings of the Holy Hebrew Bible. The Talmud consists of the later Rabbinical Commentaries based upon the Holy Hebrew Bible or 'Tanach'. What say you O "knowledgeable" and "wise" Italian Counsellor?

Aristobulus Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 hours ago
You're right of course, but you try to talk reason to a completely crazy person who won't understand one single word.

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus •
Did Jesus say that if you say crazy to a person?
you will burn in the fire of geenna / hell ..
but, so much here they all understood that you are a satanist a CIA agent!

Aristobulus •
You're a king, right?, but you behave more like Andrew Windsor.

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus •
your slanders have the value of everything you cannot prove: because you are a fake coin!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh •
so, evil anti-Semitism NOT is rooted in Dracula Rothschild FED IMF; scam banking seigniorage: satanism predations a DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE, 666 CIA 322 NWO 187AuduioHostem, ie, Deep State: esoteric agenda Bilderberg Trilateral?
it is a pity that on the internet: there are 2 million links on the satanic talmud and that you do not know it!
so, you will understand that the fault of anti-Semitism is only a Jewish fault!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh •
187AudioHostem was the global and general director of youtube: before, I made him mad!
therefore, I have taken from him (to the churches of satan of the CIA) the control of the world Masonic government in youtube: because I am Unius REI,
and of course, I would like to learn many things: but, I doubt that you could teach me a scam like you!
the Gospel of Mark was already present in the 80d.C.
the Gospels are historically credible, and those Apostles paid with their lives: their testimony on the Resurrection ..
while, I see that in your lies you are still alive!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh •
no one mourns the death of Jesus of betlemme:
because he came to give his life: for free: he is the lamb of atonement: to bless all mankind ..
so everyone killed Jesus of Bethlehem with their sins to start with me!
my fathers the Catholic Kings and Princes would have easily done a perfect gencodio of all the Jews, but instead: they deeply loved the Jewish people: despite aberrant ritual crimes committed in the synagogues of Satan and Rothschild ..
but the same cannot be said of the Jews of the Diaspora: who threaten of death: Israelis and Christians all the time!

ihatefacebook121 •
White replacement? I'm white, I'm Jewish and...uh...hold on, I'm thinking...hmmm...OK, I wanna French-kiss a black chick. Yeah. That's what I meant to say. Black chicks may think I'm bonkers and wanna duct-tape my mouth shut, but that's my passion.

Alexander Harold Hersh ihatefacebook121 •

Alec Becker •

Don Spilman Alec Becker •

cammo99 •
Interesting that Australia also produced the Mosque shooter n New Zealand. Equal opportunity haters?.
The top ten countries in education? Something ain't right and needs explanation. Maybe the problem with gun shootings at schools isn't guns, but the schools? In any case how did the US climb so rapidly when I remember only a few ears ago seeing us in the lower 20s or less. ? We improved that much that fast or they just came up with an NEA approved test? Something is very wrong with this scale.
The United Kingdom
The United States
The Netherlands

Solving Politics •
I have fun with the “Jews control the world” l0sers. I just say to them: “Sounds like you are just too stup1d to compete with Jews! Can I get you an affirmative action program? Is the man keeping you down? Are you a victim? LOL you are the same people who scream when minorities say “ Whitey is keeping me down.” Then what do you do.....THE EXACT SAME THING! “The Jews are keeping me down” you are p@thetic! I never hear back from them.

Alexander Harold Hersh Solving Politics • 4 hours ago
I guess it is far easier to eliminate competitors than to strive for excellence in order to compete against or with them, LOL.

Lampa • 13 hours ago
I think it is obvious that anti-semitism has increased because an increase of Muslims has been immigrated in these countries. Imams in their mosques are freely preaching the "bad Zionist" theme and it began to take root and also becoming fashionable to blame the Jews for the wrongs of the world...

Alex Peshansky • 12 hours ago
I wonder: did anyone look for correlation between the growth of Muslim population and growth of anti-Semitism? Or is this a taboo topic for research?

Don Spilman Alex Peshansky •
See my comment Alex!

Don Spilman •
It always starts with stupid people bowing to evil people. Nice western people bowing to the damned GLOBS who then bring in mobs of vile parasitic muzslime to suck up all the welfare the nation has, then cater to the nasty vile things horrid “religious” demands, which leads to them having influence in the nation and spreading their vile hate for Jews and Christians! GLOBS and MUZSLIME are working together to destroy western civilization! Muzslime are deadly evil!

alpcns . •
That's what you get when you import a certain "religion" which is antithetical to Western (if fact, any other) civilization. Because that is the root cause of the problem. Let's start by acknowledging facts, shall we?

Capt. Rosslyn V. Crasto •
Extremely sad to hear this bad news about Australia which I visited many times in the course of my Sea Career. I had always found the Aussies to be a hospitable and open-hearted people. It just goes to show what can happen when a country allows unimpeded immigration of MUSLIMS who are inimical to Christian and Jewish Values and Cultures. This {immigration of Muslims} must stop. As to the so-called "White Supremacists", they should be suitable educated about Anti-Semitism at school and college levels.

jefz •
Ultimately anti-semites will get what they deserve, Islam and Sharia law. Jesus,God of Christians will not tolerate the hatreds and hurts to his people. Christians who worship Jesus will soon realize their punishment for persecuting Jews. Muslims will eventually give them a choice, convert to Islam or die.Since when are Jews not white? Either the supremacists are blind, stupid or as is obvious,both. Jews certainly did not contribute to the decline and destruction of of Europe, quite to the contrary. It was a self inflicted injury metastasized with the infiltration of primitives from Muslim countries. It may also be Jesus's response for the killing of his people under the Nazis regime.

Alexander Harold Hersh jefz •
Jews are like the Judaic Rainbow Nation - White Jews from Christian Europa, Brown or Olive-skinned Jews from Islamic Arabia, North Africa, Iran and India and Black Jews from Ethiopia in East Africa! - Not all Jews are White!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh •
the Jews of the diaspora: they have always been agents of Satan and of the antichrist: and you are showing it ...
the Catholic Church has lost its historic battle against the synagogue of satan FED IMF NWO ECB (640 excommunications against Rothschild and Freemasonry were useless) which now controls the Vatican-Bilderberg.
all the West is under the control of Jewish finance and Freemasonry, and do you dare to slander Christians who have no political control?
is your Bilderberg and the traitors of the Democratic Party, the technocratic EU: it is they who are in control,
therefore together with you you are bringing the Jewish-Christian civilization to perfect genocide: as well as to the destruction of Israel: because you are the Satanists!

Alexander Harold Hersh jefz •
Of course Jews did not contribute to the decline and destruction of Christian Europa. On the contrary, it was the leftist "liberal" post-war Socialist European Governments that have and are contributing to the decline and destruction of Christian Europa, along with European Culture, with a self inflicted injury metastasized with the huge influx and infiltration of Muslim migrants or invaders into Europe from the predominantly Islamic countries of the Middle East and North Africa. - History has shown that there is always a high price to pay for stupidity!
revenge dhimmis goyim dalit 8 hours agoit is too pathetic to blame the GOSPEL on anti-Semitism:since the Gospel has told the Jews are full of demons: when you Jews do not see that anti-Semitism is aroused by the predation of the Rothschilds FED 666 IMF 322 NWO: against all the peoples of the world: and why you are the suckers of the devil Satan-Talmud: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONEwhile it is the demon allah that seeks your life!

Alexander Harold Hersh
You mean, more correctly, that evil anti-Semitism is rooted in the 4th Century CE or AD Synoptic Gospels. Jews read their Holy Torah or Law of Moses from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Joshua, the Books of the Prophets and the Ecclesiastical Writings of the Holy Hebrew Bible. The Talmud consists of the later Rabbinical Commentaries based upon the Holy Hebrew Bible or 'Tanach'. What say you O "knowledgeable" and "wise" Italian Counsellor?
1 ReplyView in discussion

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit
no one mourns the death of Jesus of betlemme:
because he came to give his life: for free: he is the lamb of atonement: to bless all mankind ..
so everyone killed Jesus of Bethlehem with their sins to start with me!
my fathers the Catholic Kings and Princes would have easily done a perfect gencodio of all the Jews, but instead: they deeply loved the Jewish people: despite aberrant ritual crimes committed in the synagogues of Satan and Rothschild ..
but the same cannot be said of the Jews of the Diaspora: who threaten of death: Israelis and Christians all the time!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit
187AudioHostem was the global and general director of youtube: before, I made him mad!
therefore, I have taken from him (to the churches of satan of the CIA) the control of the world Masonic government in youtube: because I am Unius REI,
and of course, I would like to learn many things: but, I doubt that you could teach me a scam like you!
the Gospel of Mark was already present in the 80d.C.
the Gospels are historically credible, and those Apostles paid with their lives: their testimony on the Resurrection ..
while, I see that in your lies you are still alive!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit
so, evil anti-Semitism NOT is rooted in Dracula Rothschild FED IMF; scam banking seigniorage: satanism predations a DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE, 666 CIA 322 NWO 187AuduioHostem, ie, Deep State: esoteric agenda Bilderberg Trilateral?
it is a pity that on the internet: there are 2 million links on the satanic talmud and that you do not know it!
so, you will understand that the fault of anti-Semitism is only a Jewish fault!
revenge dhimmis goyim dalit vs Alexander Harold Hersh • the Jews of the diaspora: they have always been agents of Satan and of the antichrist: and you are showing it ... the Catholic Church has lost its historic battle against the synagogue of satan FED IMF NWO ECB (640 excommunications against Rothschild and Freemasonry were useless) which now controls the Vatican-Bilderberg. all the West is under the control of Jewish finance and Freemasonry, and do you dare to slander Christians who have no political control? is your Bilderberg and the traitors of the Democratic Party, the technocratic EU: it is they who are in control, therefore together with you you are bringing the Jewish-Christian civilization to perfect genocide: as well as to the destruction of Israel: because you are the Satanists! Australia faces alarming 30% surge in anti-Semitism gli ebrei della diaspora: sono sempre stati agenti di Satana e dell'anticristo: e voi lo state dimostrando... la Chiesa cattolica ha perso la sua storica battaglia contro la sinagoga di satana FED IMF NWO ECB (640 scomuniche contro Rothschild e massoneria sno state inutili) che ora controlla il Vaticano-Bilderberg. tutto l'Occidente è sotto il controllo della finanza e della massoneria ebraica, e voi osate calunniare i cristiani che non hanno nessun controllo politico? è il vostro Bilderberg e i traditori del partito democratico, l'UE tecnocratica: è loro che hanno il controllo, quindi insieme a voi state portando al genocidio perfetto la civiltà ebraico-cristiana: come anche alla distruzione di israele: perché voi siete i satanisti!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
jefz • Ultimately anti-semites will get what they deserve, Islam and Sharia law. Jesus, God of Christians will not tolerate the hatreds and hurts to his people. Christians who worship Jesus will soon realize their punishment for persecuting Jews. Muslims will eventually give them a choice, convert to Islam or die.Since when are Jews not white? Either the supremacists are blind, stupid or as is obvious,both. Jews certainly did not contribute to the decline and destruction of of Europe, quite to the contrary. It was a self inflicted injury metastasized with the infiltration of primitives from Muslim countries. It may also be Jesus's response for the killing of his people under the Nazis regime. Alexander Harold Hersh to jefz • Jews are like the Judaic Rainbow Nation - White Jews from Christian Europa, Brown or Olive-skinned Jews from Islamic Arabia, North Africa, Iran and India and Black Jews from Ethiopia in East Africa! - Not all Jews are White! Alexander Harold Hersh to jefz • Of course Jews did not contribute to the decline and destruction of Christian Europa. On the contrary, it was the leftist "liberal" post-war Socialist European Governments that have and are contributing to the decline and destruction of Christian Europa, along with European Culture, with a self inflicted injury metastasized with the huge influx and infiltration of Muslim migrants or invaders into Europe from the predominantly Islamic countries of the Middle East and North Africa. - History has shown that there is always a high price to pay for stupidity! jefz • Alla fine gli antisemiti otterranno ciò che meritano, l'Islam e la legge della Sharia. Gesù, Dio dei cristiani non tollererà gli odi e fa male al suo popolo. I cristiani che adorano Gesù realizzeranno presto la loro punizione per la persecuzione degli ebrei. I musulmani alla fine daranno loro una scelta, si convertiranno all'Islam o moriranno. Da quando gli ebrei non sono bianchi? O i suprematisti sono ciechi, stupidi o, come è ovvio, entrambi. Gli ebrei certamente non hanno contribuito al declino e alla distruzione dell'Europa, al contrario. È stata una lesione autoinflitta metastatizzata con l'infiltrazione di primitivi dai paesi musulmani. Potrebbe anche essere la risposta di Gesù per l'uccisione del suo popolo sotto il regime nazista. Alexander Harold Hersh a jefz • Gli ebrei sono come la Judaic Rainbow Nation: ebrei bianchi di Christian Europa, ebrei dalla pelle marrone o olivastra dell'Arabia islamica, Nord Africa, Iran e India e ebrei neri dell'Etiopia in Africa orientale! - Non tutti gli ebrei sono bianchi! Alexander Harold Hersh a jefz • Naturalmente gli ebrei non hanno contribuito al declino e alla distruzione di Christian Europa. Al contrario, sono stati i governi socialisti europei "liberali" del dopoguerra di sinistra che hanno e stanno contribuendo al declino e alla distruzione di Christian Europa, insieme alla cultura europea, con un infortunio autoinflitto metastatizzato con l'enorme afflusso e infiltrazione di musulmani migranti o invasori in Europa dai paesi prevalentemente islamici del Medio Oriente e del Nord Africa. - La storia ha dimostrato che c'è sempre un prezzo elevato da pagare per la stupidità

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Aristobulus to Alexander Harold Hersh • You're right of course, but you try to talk reason to a completely crazy person who won't understand one single word. answer Did Jesus say that if you say crazy to a person? you will burn in the fire of geenna / hell .. but, so much here they all understood that you are a satanist a CIA agent! Gesù ha detto che se tu dici pazzo ad una persona? tu brucerai nel fuoco della geenna.. ma, tanto quì lo hanno capito tutti che tu sei un satanista un agente della CIA!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
no one mourns the death of Jesus of betlemme: because he came to give his life: for free: he is the lamb of atonement: to bless all mankind .. so everyone killed Jesus of Bethlehem with their sins to start with me! my fathers the Catholic Kings and Princes would have easily done a perfect gencodio of all the Jews, but instead: they deeply loved the Jewish people: despite aberrant ritual crimes committed in the synagogues of Satan and Rothschild .. but the same cannot be said of the Jews of the Diaspora: who threaten of death: Israelis and Christians all the time! nessuno piange la morte di Gesù di betlemme: perché è venuto a dare la vita: gratis: è l'agnello dell'espiazione: benedire tutta l'umanità .. così tutti hanno ucciso Gesù di Betlemme con i loro peccati per iniziare con me! i miei padri i Re e i Principi cattolici avrebbero facilmente fatto un perfetto gencodio di tutti gli ebrei, ma invece: hanno amato profondamente il popolo ebraico: nonostante i crimini rituali aberranti commessi nelle sinagoghe di Satana e Rothschild .. ma non si può dire lo stesso degli ebrei della diaspora: che minacciano di morte: israeliani e cristiani in continuazione!

187AudioHostem was the global and general director of youtube: before, I made him mad! therefore, I have taken from him (to the churches of satan of the CIA) the control of the world Masonic government in youtube: because I am Unius REI, and of course, I would like to learn many things: but, I doubt that you could teach me a scam like you! the Gospel of Mark was already present in the 80d.C. the Gospels are historically credible, and those Apostles paid with their lives: their testimony on the Resurrection .. while, I see that in your lies you are still alive! 187AudioHostem era il direttore Mondiale e generale di youtube: prima che, io lo facessi impazzire! quindi, io ho tolto a lui (alle chiese di satana della CIA) il controllo del governo massonico mondiale in youtube: perché io sono Unius REI, e certo, mi piacerebbe imparare tante cose: ma, dubito che me le potrebbe insegnare una truffa come te! il Vangelo di Marco era già presente nell'80d.C. i Vangeli sono storicamente credibili, e quegli Apostoli hanno pagato con la loro vita: la loro testimonianza sulla Risurrezione.. mentre, io vedo che nelle tue menzogne, tu sei ancora vivo!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
so, evil anti-Semitism NOT is rooted in Dracula Rothschild FED IMF; scam banking seigniorage: satanism predations a DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE, 666 CIA 322 NWO 187AudioHostem, ie, Deep State: esoteric agenda Bilderberg Trilateral? it is a pity that on the internet: there are 2 million links on the satanic talmud and that you do not know it! so, you will understand that the fault of anti-Semitism is only a Jewish fault! è un vero peccato che in internet: ci sono 2 milioni di link sul talmud satanico e che tu non lo conosci! così, tu capirai che la colpa dell'antisemitismo è soltanto una colpa ebraica

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom37 minuti fa
Hatred remains 'dangerous weapon in hands of politicians,' Gantz tells Rabin memorial Bin SALMAN ] io sono un amore universale, ma, nel soprannaturale: le anime degli ebrei mi hanno dimostrato il più tenero amore: sono quelli che sono stati meno ingrati, verso il mio dono!

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel we don't know, yet in which psychiatric clinic, Erdogan could be re-educated! Isis, three convictions in Australia Attack foiled in 2016. Twenty-year-olds in prison noi non sappiamo, ancora in quale clinica psichiatrica, Erdogan potrebbe essere rieducato! Isis, tre condanne in Australia Attacco sventato nel 2016. A ventenni decine di anni di carcereLeggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel the demon spirit jihad sharia Allah before making God he was a butcher! Iraq, 5 more protesters killed Thirty-two those injured by the police, only in NajafLeggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a few seconds ago Pannis angelicus my love: all my love and life Fit panis hominum; Dat panis coelicus Figuris terminum; O res mirabilis! Manducat dominum Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis. Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis. Panis angelicus Fit panis hominum; Dat panis coelicus Figuris terminum; O res mirabilis! Manducat dominum Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis. Pauper, pauper Servus, servus et humilis.Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
ok dove è la ambasciata di China in Gerusalemme Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth; heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna at the highest levels. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest heaven. Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and power, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna at the highest levels. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna at the highest levels. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna at the highest levels. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna at the highest levels.Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel Avatar revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • Hosanna in excelsis! Hosanna in excelsis! Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis!! Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth: Pleni sunt cæli et terra gloria maiestatis tuæ, Hosanna filio David. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis. Hagios, hagios, hagios Kyrie o Theos. Hosanna in excelsis! Ἅγιος, ἅγιος, ἅγιος Κύριος Σαβαώθ · πλήρης ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ τῆς δόξης σου, ὡσαννὰ ἐν τοῖς ὑψίστοι. Εὐλογημένος ὁ ἐρχόμενος ἐν ὀνόματι Κυρίου. Ὡσαννὰ ὁ ἐν τοῖς ὑψίστοις. Hosanna in excelsis!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom8 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • ok where is the embassy of Bolivia in Jerusalem revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • holy holy holy Santo Santo JHWH holy holy oh our God JHWH holy the Almighty creator of heaven and earth. to you, only to you all the glory! Albert Reingewirtz • Wow! One Socialist Anti- Semite gone!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom8 ore fa
revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • ohh my God JHWH Holy you have mercy of us!!! Book Revelation to Jewish Song "Avinu Malkeinu", "Our Father our King", by Yossi, Azulay. A Jewish prayer recited during Jewish services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as well on the Ten Days of Repentance from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur. revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • Ethiopian Kids Meet the Israelis Who Saved Their Lives G-d is LOVE, love you alsoLeggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom8 ore fa
sonofizzy Post this in English if you dare. revenge dhimmis goyim dalit revenge dhimmis goyim dalit it is too pathetic to blame the GOSPEL on anti-Semitism: since the Gospel has told the truth. you Jews are full of demons: when you Jews do not see that anti-Semitism is aroused by the predation of the Rothschilds FED 666 IMF 322 NWO: against all the peoples of the world: and why you are the suckers of the devil Satan-Talmud: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE while it is the demon allah that seeks your life! è troppo patetico dare la colpa al VANGELO circa l'antisemitismo: dato che il Vangelo ha detto la verità. voi ebrei siete pieni di demoni: quando, voi ebrei non vedete che l'antisemitismo è suscitato dalla predazione dei Rothschild contro tutti i popoli del mondo: e perché voi siete i succhiatori del demonio Satana DEMO PLUTO GIuDAICO MASSONE mentre è il demonio allah che cerca la vostra vita!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom10 ore fa
Archbishop of Canterbury Supports UK Chief Rabbi’s Stand Against Labour Party revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a few seconds ago mi piace che: Putin, Erdogan, Xi-Jinping stiano combattendo contro il satanismo massonico dei Demo Pluto Giudaico Massone: e la loro lgbt perversione demoniaca... ma, questa è la verità: lo stanno facendo in nome del loro rispettivo demonio: non certo nel nome del Dio vivente di: Abramo Isacco e Giacobbe!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom10 ore fa
Archbishop of Canterbury Supports UK Chief Rabbi’s Stand Against Labour Party revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a few seconds ago CINA RUSSIA USA UE INDIA ] preparatevi al peggio [ Trump, ripresi i negoziati con i talebani .. non c'é un vero accordo che può essere preso con la LEGA ARABA.. islamici vanno messi tutti nel frullatore e questo la CINA lo sa già!!!! ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah un qualsiasi islamico sharia? o tu finirai per uccidere lui o lui finirà per uccidere te: il loro Dio Allah è una legione di demoni: loro non dimenticano e non perdonano: sono una legione di demoni sharia jihad!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom10 ore fa
Archbishop of Canterbury Supports UK Chief Rabbi’s Stand Against Labour Party Almost ISIS friends: Erdoğan jihad and Fethullah Gülen sharia, in fact, both contemplate the death penalty for apostasy .. the devil Allah does not want to lose his grip on the souls predestined to destruction Quasi ISIS amici: Erdoğan jihad e Fethullah Gülen sharia, infatti, entrambi comtemplano la pena di morte per apostasia.. il demonio Allah non vuole perdere la sua presa sulle anime predestinate alla distruzioneLeggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom10 ore fa
Archbishop of Canterbury Supports UK Chief Rabbi’s Stand Against Labour Party revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a few seconds ago L'arcivescovo di Canterbury sostiene la posizione del rabbino capo del Regno Unito contro il partito laburista ANSWER questa è la dimostrazione che ebrei e cristiani sono una sola famiglia sono stati i Rothshcild (DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE) che hanno maledetto entrambi ed hanno supportato ogni anticristo ed ogni demonio Allah!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
revenge dhimmis goyim dalit il mutuo ipotecario non è soltanto un furto, e un golpe, una grave violazione della sovranità dei popoli e degli stati... il mutuo ipotecario è soprattutto una creazione demoniaca: per plasmare la identità maligna dei popoli e per sradicarli dalla loro identità... il mutuo percorre la sua strada, il suo percorso a prescinde: dalla recessione economica: dalla paralisi del procedimento giudiziario, dalle mafie e da tutti gli incidenti di percorso che una attività economica può incontrare sul suo percorso! stevealevine stevealevine Una creazione mutuo ipotecario, indeed! It's amazing...some people can sound stupid in only one've succeeded doing so in two! revenge dhimmis goyim dalit revenge dhimmis goyim dalit tu sei quel parassita che guadagni sul mutuo ipotecario, mentre le economie vanno in recessione ed i massoni hanno reso inservibili i diritti costituzionali al 50% di tutto il popolo, alle fasce più povere della società!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit •
l'ITALIA è il Paese in tutto il mondo dove ci sono meno attacchi antisemiti... ma, io non voglio dire che quei pochi attacchi sono meno gravi!!!
io cerco di dire soltanto: "cosa è questo antisemitismo: il Vampiro Rothschild che sorge sempre senza una motivazione?"

sonofizzy revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 9 hours ago
Post this in English if you dare.

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit sonofizzy • 8 hours ago
ah ah ah it is not a question of courage
you just need to use "translate google"

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit sonofizzy •
it is too pathetic to blame the GOSPEL on anti-Semitism:
since the Gospel has told the truth.
you Jews are full of demons: when you Jews do not see that anti-Semitism is aroused by the predation of the Rothschilds FED 666 IMF 322 NWO: against all the peoples of the world: and why you are the suckers of the devil Satan-Talmud: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE
while it is the demon allah that seeks your life!

Alexander Harold Hersh revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • 4 hours ago
You mean, more correctly, that evil anti-Semitism is rooted in the 4th Century CE or AD Synoptic Gospels. Jews read their Holy Torah or Law of Moses from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Joshua, the Books of the Prophets and the Ecclesiastical Writings of the Holy Hebrew Bible. The Talmud consists of the later Rabbinical Commentaries based upon the Holy Hebrew Bible or 'Tanach'. What say you O "knowledgeable" and "wise" Italian Counsellor?

Aristobulus Alexander Harold Hersh • 3 hours ago
You're right of course, but you try to talk reason to a completely crazy person who won't understand one single word.

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus •
Did Jesus say that if you say crazy to a person?
you will burn in the fire of geenna / hell ..
but, so much here they all understood that you are a satanist a CIA agent!

Aristobulus •
You're a king, right?, but you behave more like Andrew Windsor.

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Aristobulus •
your slanders have the value of everything you cannot prove: because you are a fake coin!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh •
so, evil anti-Semitism NOT is rooted in Dracula Rothschild FED IMF; scam banking seigniorage: satanism predations a DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE, 666 CIA 322 NWO 187AuduioHostem, ie, Deep State: esoteric agenda Bilderberg Trilateral?
it is a pity that on the internet: there are 2 million links on the satanic talmud and that you do not know it!
so, you will understand that the fault of anti-Semitism is only a Jewish fault!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh •
187AudioHostem was the global and general director of youtube: before, I made him mad!
therefore, I have taken from him (to the churches of satan of the CIA) the control of the world Masonic government in youtube: because I am Unius REI,
and of course, I would like to learn many things: but, I doubt that you could teach me a scam like you!
the Gospel of Mark was already present in the 80d.C.
the Gospels are historically credible, and those Apostles paid with their lives: their testimony on the Resurrection ..
while, I see that in your lies you are still alive!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh •
no one mourns the death of Jesus of betlemme:
because he came to give his life: for free: he is the lamb of atonement: to bless all mankind ..
so everyone killed Jesus of Bethlehem with their sins to start with me!
my fathers the Catholic Kings and Princes would have easily done a perfect gencodio of all the Jews, but instead: they deeply loved the Jewish people: despite aberrant ritual crimes committed in the synagogues of Satan and Rothschild ..
but the same cannot be said of the Jews of the Diaspora: who threaten of death: Israelis and Christians all the time!

ihatefacebook121 •
White replacement? I'm white, I'm Jewish and...uh...hold on, I'm thinking...hmmm...OK, I wanna French-kiss a black chick. Yeah. That's what I meant to say. Black chicks may think I'm bonkers and wanna duct-tape my mouth shut, but that's my passion.

Alexander Harold Hersh ihatefacebook121 •

Alec Becker •

Don Spilman Alec Becker •

cammo99 •
Interesting that Australia also produced the Mosque shooter n New Zealand. Equal opportunity haters?.
The top ten countries in education? Something ain't right and needs explanation. Maybe the problem with gun shootings at schools isn't guns, but the schools? In any case how did the US climb so rapidly when I remember only a few ears ago seeing us in the lower 20s or less. ? We improved that much that fast or they just came up with an NEA approved test? Something is very wrong with this scale.
The United Kingdom
The United States
The Netherlands

Solving Politics •
I have fun with the “Jews control the world” l0sers. I just say to them: “Sounds like you are just too stup1d to compete with Jews! Can I get you an affirmative action program? Is the man keeping you down? Are you a victim? LOL you are the same people who scream when minorities say “ Whitey is keeping me down.” Then what do you do.....THE EXACT SAME THING! “The Jews are keeping me down” you are p@thetic! I never hear back from them.

Alexander Harold Hersh Solving Politics • 4 hours ago
I guess it is far easier to eliminate competitors than to strive for excellence in order to compete against or with them, LOL.

Lampa • 13 hours ago
I think it is obvious that anti-semitism has increased because an increase of Muslims has been immigrated in these countries. Imams in their mosques are freely preaching the "bad Zionist" theme and it began to take root and also becoming fashionable to blame the Jews for the wrongs of the world...

Alex Peshansky • 12 hours ago
I wonder: did anyone look for correlation between the growth of Muslim population and growth of anti-Semitism? Or is this a taboo topic for research?

Don Spilman Alex Peshansky •
See my comment Alex!

Don Spilman •
It always starts with stupid people bowing to evil people. Nice western people bowing to the damned GLOBS who then bring in mobs of vile parasitic muzslime to suck up all the welfare the nation has, then cater to the nasty vile things horrid “religious” demands, which leads to them having influence in the nation and spreading their vile hate for Jews and Christians! GLOBS and MUZSLIME are working together to destroy western civilization! Muzslime are deadly evil!

alpcns . •
That's what you get when you import a certain "religion" which is antithetical to Western (if fact, any other) civilization. Because that is the root cause of the problem. Let's start by acknowledging facts, shall we?

Capt. Rosslyn V. Crasto •
Extremely sad to hear this bad news about Australia which I visited many times in the course of my Sea Career. I had always found the Aussies to be a hospitable and open-hearted people. It just goes to show what can happen when a country allows unimpeded immigration of MUSLIMS who are inimical to Christian and Jewish Values and Cultures. This {immigration of Muslims} must stop. As to the so-called "White Supremacists", they should be suitable educated about Anti-Semitism at school and college levels.

jefz •
Ultimately anti-semites will get what they deserve, Islam and Sharia law. Jesus,God of Christians will not tolerate the hatreds and hurts to his people. Christians who worship Jesus will soon realize their punishment for persecuting Jews. Muslims will eventually give them a choice, convert to Islam or die.Since when are Jews not white? Either the supremacists are blind, stupid or as is obvious,both. Jews certainly did not contribute to the decline and destruction of of Europe, quite to the contrary. It was a self inflicted injury metastasized with the infiltration of primitives from Muslim countries. It may also be Jesus's response for the killing of his people under the Nazis regime.

Alexander Harold Hersh jefz •
Jews are like the Judaic Rainbow Nation - White Jews from Christian Europa, Brown or Olive-skinned Jews from Islamic Arabia, North Africa, Iran and India and Black Jews from Ethiopia in East Africa! - Not all Jews are White!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit Alexander Harold Hersh •
the Jews of the diaspora: they have always been agents of Satan and of the antichrist: and you are showing it ...
the Catholic Church has lost its historic battle against the synagogue of satan FED IMF NWO ECB (640 excommunications against Rothschild and Freemasonry were useless) which now controls the Vatican-Bilderberg.
all the West is under the control of Jewish finance and Freemasonry, and do you dare to slander Christians who have no political control?
is your Bilderberg and the traitors of the Democratic Party, the technocratic EU: it is they who are in control,
therefore together with you you are bringing the Jewish-Christian civilization to perfect genocide: as well as to the destruction of Israel: because you are the Satanists!

Alexander Harold Hersh jefz •
Of course Jews did not contribute to the decline and destruction of Christian Europa. On the contrary, it was the leftist "liberal" post-war Socialist European Governments that have and are contributing to the decline and destruction of Christian Europa, along with European Culture, with a self inflicted injury metastasized with the huge influx and infiltration of Muslim migrants or invaders into Europe from the predominantly Islamic countries of the Middle East and North Africa. - History has shown that there is always a high price to pay for stupidity!
revenge dhimmis goyim dalit 8 hours agoit is too pathetic to blame the GOSPEL on anti-Semitism:since the Gospel has told the Jews are full of demons: when you Jews do not see that anti-Semitism is aroused by the predation of the Rothschilds FED 666 IMF 322 NWO: against all the peoples of the world: and why you are the suckers of the devil Satan-Talmud: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONEwhile it is the demon allah that seeks your life!

Alexander Harold Hersh
You mean, more correctly, that evil anti-Semitism is rooted in the 4th Century CE or AD Synoptic Gospels. Jews read their Holy Torah or Law of Moses from the Book of Genesis to the Book of Joshua, the Books of the Prophets and the Ecclesiastical Writings of the Holy Hebrew Bible. The Talmud consists of the later Rabbinical Commentaries based upon the Holy Hebrew Bible or 'Tanach'. What say you O "knowledgeable" and "wise" Italian Counsellor?
1 ReplyView in discussion

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit
no one mourns the death of Jesus of betlemme:
because he came to give his life: for free: he is the lamb of atonement: to bless all mankind ..
so everyone killed Jesus of Bethlehem with their sins to start with me!
my fathers the Catholic Kings and Princes would have easily done a perfect gencodio of all the Jews, but instead: they deeply loved the Jewish people: despite aberrant ritual crimes committed in the synagogues of Satan and Rothschild ..
but the same cannot be said of the Jews of the Diaspora: who threaten of death: Israelis and Christians all the time!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit
187AudioHostem was the global and general director of youtube: before, I made him mad!
therefore, I have taken from him (to the churches of satan of the CIA) the control of the world Masonic government in youtube: because I am Unius REI,
and of course, I would like to learn many things: but, I doubt that you could teach me a scam like you!
the Gospel of Mark was already present in the 80d.C.
the Gospels are historically credible, and those Apostles paid with their lives: their testimony on the Resurrection ..
while, I see that in your lies you are still alive!

revenge dhimmis goyim dalit
so, evil anti-Semitism NOT is rooted in Dracula Rothschild FED IMF; scam banking seigniorage: satanism predations a DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE, 666 CIA 322 NWO 187AuduioHostem, ie, Deep State: esoteric agenda Bilderberg Trilateral?
it is a pity that on the internet: there are 2 million links on the satanic talmud and that you do not know it!
so, you will understand that the fault of anti-Semitism is only a Jewish fault!
revenge dhimmis goyim dalit vs Alexander Harold Hersh • the Jews of the diaspora: they have always been agents of Satan and of the antichrist: and you are showing it ... the Catholic Church has lost its historic battle against the synagogue of satan FED IMF NWO ECB (640 excommunications against Rothschild and Freemasonry were useless) which now controls the Vatican-Bilderberg. all the West is under the control of Jewish finance and Freemasonry, and do you dare to slander Christians who have no political control? is your Bilderberg and the traitors of the Democratic Party, the technocratic EU: it is they who are in control, therefore together with you you are bringing the Jewish-Christian civilization to perfect genocide: as well as to the destruction of Israel: because you are the Satanists! Australia faces alarming 30% surge in anti-Semitism gli ebrei della diaspora: sono sempre stati agenti di Satana e dell'anticristo: e voi lo state dimostrando... la Chiesa cattolica ha perso la sua storica battaglia contro la sinagoga di satana FED IMF NWO ECB (640 scomuniche contro Rothschild e massoneria sno state inutili) che ora controlla il Vaticano-Bilderberg. tutto l'Occidente è sotto il controllo della finanza e della massoneria ebraica, e voi osate calunniare i cristiani che non hanno nessun controllo politico? è il vostro Bilderberg e i traditori del partito democratico, l'UE tecnocratica: è loro che hanno il controllo, quindi insieme a voi state portando al genocidio perfetto la civiltà ebraico-cristiana: come anche alla distruzione di israele: perché voi siete i satanisti!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
jefz • Ultimately anti-semites will get what they deserve, Islam and Sharia law. Jesus, God of Christians will not tolerate the hatreds and hurts to his people. Christians who worship Jesus will soon realize their punishment for persecuting Jews. Muslims will eventually give them a choice, convert to Islam or die.Since when are Jews not white? Either the supremacists are blind, stupid or as is obvious,both. Jews certainly did not contribute to the decline and destruction of of Europe, quite to the contrary. It was a self inflicted injury metastasized with the infiltration of primitives from Muslim countries. It may also be Jesus's response for the killing of his people under the Nazis regime. Alexander Harold Hersh to jefz • Jews are like the Judaic Rainbow Nation - White Jews from Christian Europa, Brown or Olive-skinned Jews from Islamic Arabia, North Africa, Iran and India and Black Jews from Ethiopia in East Africa! - Not all Jews are White! Alexander Harold Hersh to jefz • Of course Jews did not contribute to the decline and destruction of Christian Europa. On the contrary, it was the leftist "liberal" post-war Socialist European Governments that have and are contributing to the decline and destruction of Christian Europa, along with European Culture, with a self inflicted injury metastasized with the huge influx and infiltration of Muslim migrants or invaders into Europe from the predominantly Islamic countries of the Middle East and North Africa. - History has shown that there is always a high price to pay for stupidity! jefz • Alla fine gli antisemiti otterranno ciò che meritano, l'Islam e la legge della Sharia. Gesù, Dio dei cristiani non tollererà gli odi e fa male al suo popolo. I cristiani che adorano Gesù realizzeranno presto la loro punizione per la persecuzione degli ebrei. I musulmani alla fine daranno loro una scelta, si convertiranno all'Islam o moriranno. Da quando gli ebrei non sono bianchi? O i suprematisti sono ciechi, stupidi o, come è ovvio, entrambi. Gli ebrei certamente non hanno contribuito al declino e alla distruzione dell'Europa, al contrario. È stata una lesione autoinflitta metastatizzata con l'infiltrazione di primitivi dai paesi musulmani. Potrebbe anche essere la risposta di Gesù per l'uccisione del suo popolo sotto il regime nazista. Alexander Harold Hersh a jefz • Gli ebrei sono come la Judaic Rainbow Nation: ebrei bianchi di Christian Europa, ebrei dalla pelle marrone o olivastra dell'Arabia islamica, Nord Africa, Iran e India e ebrei neri dell'Etiopia in Africa orientale! - Non tutti gli ebrei sono bianchi! Alexander Harold Hersh a jefz • Naturalmente gli ebrei non hanno contribuito al declino e alla distruzione di Christian Europa. Al contrario, sono stati i governi socialisti europei "liberali" del dopoguerra di sinistra che hanno e stanno contribuendo al declino e alla distruzione di Christian Europa, insieme alla cultura europea, con un infortunio autoinflitto metastatizzato con l'enorme afflusso e infiltrazione di musulmani migranti o invasori in Europa dai paesi prevalentemente islamici del Medio Oriente e del Nord Africa. - La storia ha dimostrato che c'è sempre un prezzo elevato da pagare per la stupidità
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
Aristobulus to Alexander Harold Hersh • You're right of course, but you try to talk reason to a completely crazy person who won't understand one single word. answer Did Jesus say that if you say crazy to a person? you will burn in the fire of geenna / hell .. but, so much here they all understood that you are a satanist a CIA agent! Gesù ha detto che se tu dici pazzo ad una persona? tu brucerai nel fuoco della geenna.. ma, tanto quì lo hanno capito tutti che tu sei un satanista un agente della CIA!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
no one mourns the death of Jesus of betlemme: because he came to give his life: for free: he is the lamb of atonement: to bless all mankind .. so everyone killed Jesus of Bethlehem with their sins to start with me! my fathers the Catholic Kings and Princes would have easily done a perfect gencodio of all the Jews, but instead: they deeply loved the Jewish people: despite aberrant ritual crimes committed in the synagogues of Satan and Rothschild .. but the same cannot be said of the Jews of the Diaspora: who threaten of death: Israelis and Christians all the time! nessuno piange la morte di Gesù di betlemme: perché è venuto a dare la vita: gratis: è l'agnello dell'espiazione: benedire tutta l'umanità .. così tutti hanno ucciso Gesù di Betlemme con i loro peccati per iniziare con me! i miei padri i Re e i Principi cattolici avrebbero facilmente fatto un perfetto gencodio di tutti gli ebrei, ma invece: hanno amato profondamente il popolo ebraico: nonostante i crimini rituali aberranti commessi nelle sinagoghe di Satana e Rothschild .. ma non si può dire lo stesso degli ebrei della diaspora: che minacciano di morte: israeliani e cristiani in continuazione!
187AudioHostem was the global and general director of youtube: before, I made him mad! therefore, I have taken from him (to the churches of satan of the CIA) the control of the world Masonic government in youtube: because I am Unius REI, and of course, I would like to learn many things: but, I doubt that you could teach me a scam like you! the Gospel of Mark was already present in the 80d.C. the Gospels are historically credible, and those Apostles paid with their lives: their testimony on the Resurrection .. while, I see that in your lies you are still alive! 187AudioHostem era il direttore Mondiale e generale di youtube: prima che, io lo facessi impazzire! quindi, io ho tolto a lui (alle chiese di satana della CIA) il controllo del governo massonico mondiale in youtube: perché io sono Unius REI, e certo, mi piacerebbe imparare tante cose: ma, dubito che me le potrebbe insegnare una truffa come te! il Vangelo di Marco era già presente nell'80d.C. i Vangeli sono storicamente credibili, e quegli Apostoli hanno pagato con la loro vita: la loro testimonianza sulla Risurrezione.. mentre, io vedo che nelle tue menzogne, tu sei ancora vivo!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom
so, evil anti-Semitism NOT is rooted in Dracula Rothschild FED IMF; scam banking seigniorage: satanism predations a DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE, 666 CIA 322 NWO 187AudioHostem, ie, Deep State: esoteric agenda Bilderberg Trilateral? it is a pity that on the internet: there are 2 million links on the satanic talmud and that you do not know it! so, you will understand that the fault of anti-Semitism is only a Jewish fault! è un vero peccato che in internet: ci sono 2 milioni di link sul talmud satanico e che tu non lo conosci! così, tu capirai che la colpa dell'antisemitismo è soltanto una colpa ebraica
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom37 minuti fa
Hatred remains 'dangerous weapon in hands of politicians,' Gantz tells Rabin memorial Bin SALMAN ] io sono un amore universale, ma, nel soprannaturale: le anime degli ebrei mi hanno dimostrato il più tenero amore: sono quelli che sono stati meno ingrati, verso il mio dono!
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel we don't know, yet in which psychiatric clinic, Erdogan could be re-educated! Isis, three convictions in Australia Attack foiled in 2016. Twenty-year-olds in prison noi non sappiamo, ancora in quale clinica psichiatrica, Erdogan potrebbe essere rieducato! Isis, tre condanne in Australia Attacco sventato nel 2016. A ventenni decine di anni di carcereLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel the demon spirit jihad sharia Allah before making God he was a butcher! Iraq, 5 more protesters killed Thirty-two those injured by the police, only in NajafLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a few seconds ago Pannis angelicus my love: all my love and life Fit panis hominum; Dat panis coelicus Figuris terminum; O res mirabilis! Manducat dominum Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis. Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis. Panis angelicus Fit panis hominum; Dat panis coelicus Figuris terminum; O res mirabilis! Manducat dominum Pauper, pauper Servus et humilis. Pauper, pauper Servus, servus et humilis.Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
ok dove è la ambasciata di China in Gerusalemme Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Sabaoth; heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna at the highest levels. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest heaven. Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and power, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna at the highest levels. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna at the highest levels. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna at the highest levels. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna at the highest levels.Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom7 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel Avatar revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • Hosanna in excelsis! Hosanna in excelsis! Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis!! Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth: Pleni sunt cæli et terra gloria maiestatis tuæ, Hosanna filio David. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Osanna in excelsis. Hagios, hagios, hagios Kyrie o Theos. Hosanna in excelsis! Ἅγιος, ἅγιος, ἅγιος Κύριος Σαβαώθ · πλήρης ὁ οὐρανὸς καὶ ἡ γῆ τῆς δόξης σου, ὡσαννὰ ἐν τοῖς ὑψίστοι. Εὐλογημένος ὁ ἐρχόμενος ἐν ὀνόματι Κυρίου. Ὡσαννὰ ὁ ἐν τοῖς ὑψίστοις. Hosanna in excelsis!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom8 ore fa
Bolivia to renew diplomatic ties with Israel revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • ok where is the embassy of Bolivia in Jerusalem revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • holy holy holy Santo Santo JHWH holy holy oh our God JHWH holy the Almighty creator of heaven and earth. to you, only to you all the glory! Albert Reingewirtz • Wow! One Socialist Anti- Semite gone!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom8 ore fa
revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • ohh my God JHWH Holy you have mercy of us!!! Book Revelation to Jewish Song "Avinu Malkeinu", "Our Father our King", by Yossi, Azulay. A Jewish prayer recited during Jewish services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, as well on the Ten Days of Repentance from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur. revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • Ethiopian Kids Meet the Israelis Who Saved Their Lives G-d is LOVE, love you alsoLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom8 ore fa
sonofizzy Post this in English if you dare. revenge dhimmis goyim dalit revenge dhimmis goyim dalit it is too pathetic to blame the GOSPEL on anti-Semitism: since the Gospel has told the truth. you Jews are full of demons: when you Jews do not see that anti-Semitism is aroused by the predation of the Rothschilds FED 666 IMF 322 NWO: against all the peoples of the world: and why you are the suckers of the devil Satan-Talmud: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE while it is the demon allah that seeks your life! è troppo patetico dare la colpa al VANGELO circa l'antisemitismo: dato che il Vangelo ha detto la verità. voi ebrei siete pieni di demoni: quando, voi ebrei non vedete che l'antisemitismo è suscitato dalla predazione dei Rothschild contro tutti i popoli del mondo: e perché voi siete i succhiatori del demonio Satana DEMO PLUTO GIuDAICO MASSONE mentre è il demonio allah che cerca la vostra vita!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom10 ore fa
Archbishop of Canterbury Supports UK Chief Rabbi’s Stand Against Labour Party revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a few seconds ago mi piace che: Putin, Erdogan, Xi-Jinping stiano combattendo contro il satanismo massonico dei Demo Pluto Giudaico Massone: e la loro lgbt perversione demoniaca... ma, questa è la verità: lo stanno facendo in nome del loro rispettivo demonio: non certo nel nome del Dio vivente di: Abramo Isacco e Giacobbe!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom10 ore fa
Archbishop of Canterbury Supports UK Chief Rabbi’s Stand Against Labour Party revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a few seconds ago CINA RUSSIA USA UE INDIA ] preparatevi al peggio [ Trump, ripresi i negoziati con i talebani .. non c'é un vero accordo che può essere preso con la LEGA ARABA.. islamici vanno messi tutti nel frullatore e questo la CINA lo sa già!!!! ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah un qualsiasi islamico sharia? o tu finirai per uccidere lui o lui finirà per uccidere te: il loro Dio Allah è una legione di demoni: loro non dimenticano e non perdonano: sono una legione di demoni sharia jihad!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom10 ore fa
Archbishop of Canterbury Supports UK Chief Rabbi’s Stand Against Labour Party Almost ISIS friends: Erdoğan jihad and Fethullah Gülen sharia, in fact, both contemplate the death penalty for apostasy .. the devil Allah does not want to lose his grip on the souls predestined to destruction Quasi ISIS amici: Erdoğan jihad e Fethullah Gülen sharia, infatti, entrambi comtemplano la pena di morte per apostasia.. il demonio Allah non vuole perdere la sua presa sulle anime predestinate alla distruzioneLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom10 ore fa
Archbishop of Canterbury Supports UK Chief Rabbi’s Stand Against Labour Party revenge dhimmis goyim dalit • a few seconds ago L'arcivescovo di Canterbury sostiene la posizione del rabbino capo del Regno Unito contro il partito laburista ANSWER questa è la dimostrazione che ebrei e cristiani sono una sola famiglia sono stati i Rothshcild (DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE) che hanno maledetto entrambi ed hanno supportato ogni anticristo ed ogni demonio Allah!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
revenge dhimmis goyim dalit il mutuo ipotecario non è soltanto un furto, e un golpe, una grave violazione della sovranità dei popoli e degli stati... il mutuo ipotecario è soprattutto una creazione demoniaca: per plasmare la identità maligna dei popoli e per sradicarli dalla loro identità... il mutuo percorre la sua strada, il suo percorso a prescinde: dalla recessione economica: dalla paralisi del procedimento giudiziario, dalle mafie e da tutti gli incidenti di percorso che una attività economica può incontrare sul suo percorso! stevealevine stevealevine Una creazione mutuo ipotecario, indeed! It's amazing...some people can sound stupid in only one've succeeded doing so in two! revenge dhimmis goyim dalit revenge dhimmis goyim dalit tu sei quel parassita che guadagni sul mutuo ipotecario, mentre le economie vanno in recessione ed i massoni hanno reso inservibili i diritti costituzionali al 50% di tutto il popolo, alle fasce più povere della società!
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