jihad sharjah sono una legione di demoni Allah Iran Erdogan Riyad e loro non dimenticano e non perdonano,
e Israele lo sa: "bravo. bravo, bravo", perché o c'é la sharia o c'é il genere umano!
Kabul, donne protestano contro le uccisioni di ex soldati http://a.msn.com/01/it-it/AASdczs?ocid=st
My father MAGA PATRIOT TRUMP was a better President than Joe Biden will ever be.
America was WINNING like never before under President Trump, and now we’re FAILING under Joe Biden’s dismal leadership.
I know you know our FEC-mandated End-of-Year Deadline is coming up, but I also need you to know how IMPORTANT it is that we reach our $2 MILLION goal. If we fall short, we risk losing our country further to the radical Left.
questa è una buona notizia in UE dell'anticristo ebreo-massone, mentre è una cattiva notizia nella LEGA ARABA dove essere cristiano signiica essere uno schiavo dhimmis che deve morire!
Così finisce una civiltà che considera il Dio cristiano "troppo bianco e maschio"
Giulio Meotti Dec 29
La Cattedrale e la Grande Moschea di Colonia
Il primo cancelliere tedesco non cristiano e "metà delle chiese che chiuderanno". Il celebre sociologo Detlef Pollack: "Il futuro della Germania? Meno chiese e più moschee. I vescovi vedono paesaggi in fiore dove in realtà non c’è nulla, se non il deserto". Molti di noi vedranno invece il giorno in cui i fedeli musulmani in Germania eguaglieranno la somma di cattolici e protestanti...
dichiarate guerra al Sudan! "Riportate a casa mio figlio" L'imprenditore Zennaro prigioniero in Sudan dallo scorso aprile, l'appello del padre http://a.msn.com/09/it-it/AAScNDO?ocid=st
quale religione positiva oltre al cristianesimo è rimasta nel mondo dell'ebreo massone satanista Rockefeller?
in India i crimini di odio contro i cristiani sono aumentati del 40,8 %. Cristiani nel mondo, fermare le violenze. In India chiese assaltate e sacerdoti aggrediti, in Myanmar una strage nel giorno di Natale
quando Rockefeller Spa: dopo avere rubato il signoraggio bancario, solo lui, ha il 90% della ricchezza mondiale, poi, lui che se ne fa?
Il miracolo brasiliano è al capolinea. Torna la fame nella ricca Amazzonia. Risultato: le persone alla fame sono schizzate a quota 19 milioni nel 2020, l’84 per cento in più rispetto a due anni prima. I brasiliani che, in vari gradi, non mangiano a sufficienza sono 116 milioni, il 56 per cento della popolazione.
Nell’Amazzonia ricchissima di risorse, in particolare in Nord-Est, da sempre ai margini dello sviluppo nazionale, la povertà è “l’altra pandemia”. In Maranhão, oltre il 14 per cento della popolazione è in miseria estrema: il record. http://a.msn.com/01/it-it/AASdgQu?ocid=st
President Trump emailed you, but this is so important that we’re emailing you AGAIN.
We’ve given him an updated list of Patriots at the end of every day who stepped up to help us reach our $2,000,000 FEC End-of-Year Fundraising. We want him to know that YOU are one of his BEST supporters, so we’re giving you a chance to get your name at the TOP of that list.
This is our MOST IMPORTANT and FINAL FUNDRAISING DEADLINE of the year and we cannot stress enough how important it is that we ABSOLUTELY CRUSH our goal. For that reason, we have decided to INCREASE your impact offer to 800%.
24 Dicembre 2021
L'Europa nuovamente sull’orlo del collasso a causa della crisi migratoria.
Per l’Europa, già presa a tenaglia da sud e da est, la crisi dovuta ai flussi migratori potrebbe ulteriormente aggravarsi. In un’intervista rilasciata all’inizio di dicembre alla testata Politico, Mohamed.
Leggi di più23 Dicembre 2021
Dazi di civiltà. In UE passa la linea Meloni contro chi non rispetta ambiente.
“L’Unione Europea finalmente pensa a introdurre dazi nei confronti dei prodotti provenienti da Stati che non rispettano i nostri standard di tutela dell’ambiente. In sintesi dovrebbe essere inserita una tassa.
Leggi di più23 Dicembre 2021
Bollette, Meloni: FdI raccoglie allarme Confcommercio, è emergenza che Governo Draghi non ha affrontato
“Fratelli d’Italia raccoglie e fa proprio l’allarme lanciato da Confcommercio che in un’analisi calcola gli effetti dell’inflazione e del caro-bollette su famiglie e imprese: una stangata da oltre 11 miliardi.
Leggi di più23 Dicembre 2021
Quirinale, Draghi presenta il conto ai partiti che lo sostengono
Il sistema politico, nella persona della maggioranza che sostiene il governo di larghe intese, è rimasto letteralmente spiazzato – per non dire di peggio – dalla conferenza stampa di fine.
Leggi di più22 Dicembre 2021
L'emendamento Fazzolari è legge: il 9x19 è finalmente legale!
Il 21 dicembre 2021 passerà agli annali come il giorno del solstizio d’inverno che quest’anno, in Italia, è caduto proprio ieri alle 16.59. In realtà, una buona fetta di italiani.
Leggi di più22 Dicembre 2021
Draghi, Meloni: da Premier conferenza di autocelebrazione da fine mandato.
“Più che una conferenza di fine anno quella di Draghi è sembrata una conferenza di fine mandato e questo spiegherebbe anche gli applausi e la “commozione” dei giornalisti. Dal premier.
Leggi di più22 Dicembre 2021
Meloni: manovra non mi convince e in Parlamento fuori tempo
“La manovra non mi convince. E’ arrivata fuori tempo massima e nel passaggio parlanentare è stata peggiorata perche c’è stato l’assalto alla diligenza della maggioranza”. Così Giorgia Meloni a Radio24.
Leggi di più21 Dicembre 2021
Il 'cambiamento talebano': le donne possono protestare, ma non studiare o lavorare fuori casa
Passano i mesi e la promessa del nuovo regime fondamentalista afghano di offrire una versione diversa del trattamento delle donne resta disattesa. Cinque mesi dopo il loro ritorno al potere a.
Leggi di più21 Dicembre 2021
Il Governo filo-cinese di Hong Kong emette mandati di arresto per attivisti in esilio
Il governo fantoccio di Hong Kong controllato da Pechino ha emesso mandati di arresto per attivisti in esilio, tra cui Nathan Law, con sede nel Regno Unito, in vista delle.
Lebanon: Do Not Let the Palestinians Destroy Our Country
by Khaled Abu Toameh • December 29, 2021 at 5:00 am
A growing number of people in Lebanon fear that... Hamas could drag Lebanon into another war with Israel -- as Lebanon's Hezbollah terrorist militia, backed by Iran, has done for the past three decades.The fears of the Lebanese are well-grounded in reality.Since 2007, Hamas has fired thousands of rockets at Israel from the Gaza Strip, triggering military confrontations that have wreaked havoc on the lives of Palestinians living there.The Lebanese are making it clear that they do not want Hamas -- or any other Palestinian group -- to drag them into another war with Israel. They are saying that they are done with decades-long Palestinian efforts to transform Lebanon into a war zone.With all this clarity on the part of the Lebanese, it remains to be seen whether international bodies will themselves speak out to prevent another catastrophe in Lebanon carried out by a Palestinian terrorist group.
A growing number of people in Lebanon are concerned that Hamas could drag Lebanon into another war with Israel. The fears of the Lebanese are well-grounded in reality. On December 10, a Hamas warehouse filled with munitions exploded in the Burj Shemali Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. Pictured: The shattered windows and blackened walls of a mosque damaged by the explosion in the Burj Shemali camp. (Photo by Mahmoud Zayyat/AFP via Getty Images)It appears that the Palestinians are determined to continue their fight against Israel until the last Arab. For decades, the Palestinians have used Israel's neighboring countries, especially Jordan and Lebanon, as launching pads for various types of attacks against Israel.
In the 1960s, '70s and '80s several Palestinian groups, including Fatah and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), set up military training bases in Jordan and Lebanon to launch attacks on Israel.
The Jordanians and Lebanese ended up paying a heavy price for hosting these groups and allowing them to use their territory to plan and carry out attacks against Israel.
In 1970, the Jordanians, after severe clashes, expelled the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from the kingdom. The violent confrontations, referred to as Black September, came after the PLO set up military bases and actually created a state within state in the kingdom.
Dear lorenzo,
At the end of each year, it's always a joy to look back on all the work that we have done together. This season is such a sweet time to reflect on how the Lord has moved in powerful ways in the lives of persecuted believers around the world.
If you would be willing, we ask that you please consider giving today to support the persecuted once more. The gifts that come in during the month of December play a crucial role in determining who and how many people we can support in the coming year.
Jeff King
President, International Christian Concern
Author, Islam Uncensored and The Last Words of the Martyrs
Host of Into the Deep Podcast
NewsBites and
Prayer PointsRead the top news stories from this week and ways you can be praying for the persecuted.
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Featured ContentShedding Light on Dark Trouble Spots Worldwide
Awakening the Church
Advocacy for the Persecuted
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Mayor Removes Disgusting Exhibit With Vicious Portrayal of Ultra-Orthodox; Jewish Leaders Furious at Israel for Closing Borders; BBC Loves to Hate Israel; Latest Israel News!
Syrian Port on Fire Following Israeli Airstrike
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2021 wrap-up: Our most read stories
USA Swimming official out, says trans policy is 'destroying' the sport
Cynthia Millen, a veteran USA Swimming official who has been actively officiating the sport for approximately 30 years, resigned on Dec. 17, saying that she believes trans-identified biologically male athletes should not be allowed to compete in women’s swimming meets. The move comes in the wake of the University of Pennsylvania's allowance of Lia Thomas to compete on the university women's swimming team after three years of competing on the men's team. "Everything fair about swimming is being destroyed," Millen wrote in her resignation letter.
Medi-Share breaks down everything you need to know about health care sharing
Medi-Share, the largest and most trusted Christian health care sharing ministry, might be exactly what you’ve been looking for. It could save you a significant amount of money each month. Click here to learn more!
WATCH: Evangelical Covenant Church leader on race, privilege through biblical lens
Many people scatter and run when the topic of race and privilege enters the conversation. But for Dominque Gilliard, the director of Racial Righteousness and Reconciliation for the Love Mercy Do Justice initiative of the Evangelical Covenant Church, it’s the complete opposite. Gilliard believes now is the right moment to discuss issues surrounding race and privilege, and not from secular society's point of view, but through a biblical lens. Click the image to watch the interview in full.
Vasectomies as an 'act of love' or population control?
The Washington Post reported Monday that in light of an abortion case that was recently argued before the U.S. Supreme Court that has the potential to change abortion legal precedent in the country, there has been an uptick in social activity suggesting that vasectomies are a way men can show solidarity. Some legislators are responding to abortion laws, such as Texas's heartbeat law, by introducing "parody" legislation. Pennsylvania state Rep. Chris Rabb, a Democrat, introduced such legislation that would require men to have vasectomies when they turn 40 or after the birth of their third child. Jennifer Roback Morse, author and founder of the Louisiana-based Christian coalition Ruth Institute, notes that such a "parody" bill is revealing, saying, "he inadvertently disclosed that limiting population is the real goal of so-called reproductive rights."
Op-ed: Bishop Tutu, God and democracy
Mark Tooley, editor of the Institute on Religion and Democracy's journal, Providence, writes about the life of South African Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu and several takeaways from his life and mission, particularly as a Christian who was both opposed to Apartheid and violent revolution. "Tutu at his best brought a Christian anthropology to South African politics. He wanted justice but also harmony and peace," Tooley says of Tutu.
India blocks foreign donations to Mother Teresa's Christian charity
India’s federal government has announced it will block foreign donations to a Christian missionary group founded by Mother Teresa amid a rise in attacks on religious minorities in the country. On Christmas Day, India’s Ministry of Home Affairs said they found “adverse inputs” when reviewing the Missionaries of Charity’s renewal application. As a result, the faith-based nonprofit no longer meets eligibility requirements under the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act.
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Commentary: Let’s pray for Brandon and the next generations
CP Voices contributor Michael Brown shares a video where he debates with gay pastor Brandon Robertson on the newly launched AWKNG TV network's "That's Debatable." Pointing to research on a growing number of young adults who identify as LGBT, Brown calls on Christians to pray for Robertson and warns, "[A] watered-down Gospel is no Gospel at all. And in the end, it will drive people away from the truth and from the Lord. It has no ability to fend off the deception of the world, and it has no power to transform." Click the image to watch the debate.
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