
Dear lorenzoJHWH King and MESSIA of ISRAEL, Why is persecution rampant in our world?
Olivia at International Christian Concern icc@persecution org
to familiarize you with ICC's mission to serve persecuted Christians around the world.
In an ultimately sense, we know persecution exists because Jesus said: “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you" (John 15:18). Jesus made it clear that those bound in darkness would hate him, and in turn, his followers.
Today we look briefly at three factors—a mix of political, religious, social and cultural elements—that demonstrate how entrenched our world is in opposing Jesus.

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Communism: The Failed Creed Still Targets Christians
In communist
countries like Cuba, China, Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea, governments
view Christians and the Church as a potential contagion to be
Simply put, the authorities in these countries target
Christians for abuse because they worship Jesus Xrist and not the
Marxist regime.
Media network satellite TV, news and internet are tightly controlled by ROTHSCHILD Synagogue Talmud agenda
so that the outside world hears as little as possible about the suffering inflicted upon Christians and other minority groups.

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Communism: The Failed Creed Still Targets Christians
In communist countries like Cuba, China, Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea, governments view Christians and the Church as a potential contagion to be eradicated.
Simply put, the authorities in these countries target Christians for abuse because they worship Jesus Christ and not the Marxist regime.
Media network satellite TV, news and internet are tightly controlled by ROTHSCHILD Synagogue Talmud agenda
so that the outside world hears as little as possible about the suffering inflicted upon Christians and other minority groups.

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Discrimination: The Universal Phenomenon

Sadly, Christian persecution often occurs because of fear and intolerance of that which is different. People groups who share towns, cities, or lands often clash over their divergent cultural and social practices.
In India, for example, the government has passed anti-conversion laws to protect the predominant religion, Hinduism. Radical Hindus exploit these laws to discriminate against, deny employment to, physically attack, and sometimes even murder Christians.

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Radical Islam: Venting Its Full Fury on the Church

Fundamentalist Islam is vehemently opposed to other faiths, and in radical Muslim countries such as Egypt, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and Indonesia, Christians suffer greatly.
Treatment ranges from job discrimination to brutal forms of persecution including the abduction, rape, and forced conversion of women, imprisonment, and murder.

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Seven years ago kidnapped Dall'Oglio. «In its tragedy that of the Syrians»
Erdogan sharia al-Nusra and Bin Salman jihad UMMA said that the life of non-Sunnis: takfiri or kafir does not apply to Heaven!

Sette anni fa rapito Dall'Oglio. «Nella sua tragedia quella dei siriani»
Erdogan sharia al-Nusra e Bin Salman jihad UMMA hanno detto che la vita dei non sunniti: takfiri o kafir non vale per il Paradiso!

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NAZI Extension of the state of emergency approved also by the Chamber
Yesterday Conte asked for an extension to the Senate and today in the Chamber, now officially the state of emergency will last until 15 October.
to obtain full Nazi powers they are infecting us with an uncontrolled illegal immigration:
if, the technocratic Freemason coups lgbtq Tyrants: UE Pd M5S Bilderberg Soros
were they voting a year ago?
today they would disappear!
I get sick just to see them!

South African Chief Justice Says Bible Backs Him on Praying for Jerusalem

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Pope FRANCIS wants to give lay people the management of: marriage, funeral and baptism, rather than allowing priests to marry!
macro and micro cosmos are too perfect for God to hide himself effectively
we don't want to see it just because
we are scandalized by the wisdom of the cross

Jews set to mark Tisha B'Av, annual mourning of Temple's destruction

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Chinese hackers allegedly violated Vatican networks before talks between the Catholic Church and Beijing
to know what the Vatican slave goyim has to say?
it is enough to spy on Master Rothschild-BILDERBERG

Hacker cinesi avrebbero violato le reti vaticane prima dei colloqui tra Chiesa Cattolica e Pechino
per sapere cosa il goyim schiavo Vaticano deve dire?
è sufficiente spiare il padrone Rothschild

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Salvini and Open Arms investigation: I did everything together with Conte
Matteo Salvini risks going to trial for the Open Arms affair and says he did everything in compliance with the Government pact with Conte and Di Maio.
it's true but we've never had criminals like this: traitors and despicable like: Prodi, D'Alema, Monti Zingaretti, Bilderberg Conte and Di Maio
in the history of our unhappy republic!
when EU aid arrives in January 2021: in Italy it has already happened: a bloodly violent revolution

Salvini e inchiesta Open Arms: Ho fatto tutto insieme a Conte
Matteo Salvini rischia di andare a processo anche per la vicenda della nave Open Arms e dice di avere fatto tutto nel rispetto del patto di Governo con Conte e Di Maio.
è vero ma non abbiamo mai avuto criminali così: traditori e spregevoli come: Prodi, D'Alema, Monti Zingaretti, Bilderberg Conte e Di Maio
nella storia della nostra Repubblica infelice!
quando arriveranno gli aiuti della UE a Gennaio 2021: in Italia sarà già successa: una rivoluzione violenta

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Pentagon: almost 12 thousand soldiers withdrawn from Germany will end up between Belgium and Italy
Will human sacrifices on Satan's altar increase in Belgium and Italy now?
now the German satan priests have become autonomous!

Pentagono: quasi 12mila soldati ritirati dalla Germania finiranno tra Belgio e Italia
adesso aumenteranno in Belgio e Italia i sacrifici umani sull'alatare di Satana?
orami i sacerdoti di satana tedeschi sono diventati autonomi!

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Appeal by the Minister of the Environment Costa not to bring down the fugitive bear in Trentino
here they love killer animals more: people!
in the Masonic Institute of Health, WHO: World Health Organization, by order of Rothschild are killing millions of people:
1. the artificial respirator is useless if the lungs are already inflamed!
2. in Italy they brought the infected: to the homes of the elderly (RSA) to kill them, and they killed them!
3. against covid the drugs are: heparin, anti-inflammatories, and generic antiviarli have worked well!

Appello del ministro dell'Ambiente Costa per non abbattere orso fuggitivo in Trentino
quì amano di più gli animali assassini: delle persone!
nel massonico istituto della sanità, OMS: Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, su ordine di Rothschild stanno uccidendo milioni di persone:
1. il respiratore artificiale non serve a niente, se i polmoni sono già infiammati!
2. in Italia hanno portato gli infetti: nelle case degli anziani (RSA) per ucciderli, e li hanno uccisi!
3. contro il covid i farmaci ci sono : eparina, antinfiammatori, e antiviarli generici hanno funzionato bene!

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criminal neoliberism & his democratic party! Municipality of Premariacco arrested: irregularities in the management of contracts
the problem of MAGISTRATURA in Italy is that if you are not a mason? she will never answer / satisfy you!
the laws in ITALY are like this: unjust, and absurdly bureaucratic that the country has been killed: in its possibilities of development!
in fact 80% six European funds go back because,
we can't spend it!

Arrestato sindaco Comune di Premariacco: irregolarità nella gestione degli appalti
il problema della MAGISTRATURA in Italia è che se tu non sei un massone? lei non ti risponderà/soddisferà mai!
le leggi in ITALIA sono così: ingiuste, e assurdamente burocratiche che il paese è stato ucciso: nelle sue possibilità di sviluppo!
infatti 80% sei finanziamenti europei tornano indietro perché,
noi non riusciamo a spenderli!

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Injected the Russian vaccine "Vector", the first volunteer is doing well
all vaccines that are not made in the USA and EU SpA Bill Gates:
they will all be safe!

Iniettato il vaccino russo “Vector”, il primo volontario sta bene
tutti i vaccini che non sono fatti in USA e UE SpA Bill Gates:
saranno tutti sicuri!

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Facebook against the EU: EU Commission request violates employee privacy
the EU has a totally demonic and criminal Soros soul Kissinger Morgan 666 Rockefeller

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Madonna says the vaccine is there and they are hiding it. Instagram obscures it
if he said it, it is because he knew it from a reliable source !!
in official documents the CIA wrote in 2004 that it would target CHINA with a virus in 2020
it is clear that the neo-liberal Rothschild SpA FED shareholders
they were all vaccinated in advance
with vaccines free of: fetal serum, pig serum: and ninth particles to steel iron aluminum tungstemo and uranium

Madonna dice che il vaccino c’è e lo nascondono. Instagram la oscura
se lo ha detto, è perché lo ha saputo da fonte attendibile!!
in documenti ufficiali la CIA scrisse nel 2004 che avrebbe colpito la CINA con un virus nel 2020
è chiaro che i neoliberisti Rothschild SpA azionisti FED
loro sono stati tutti vaccinati in anticipo
con vaccini esenti da: siero di feti, siero di maiali: e nono particelle all'acciaio ferro alluminio tungstemo e uranio

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EU Nazi Rothschild Soros of the Jewish-Freemason antichrist: it is the greatest threat to mankind today!
Polish municipalities "free from LGBT" have lost "EU funds":
Some Polish municipalities had adopted a joint declaration to be an "LGBT free zone". The initiative has not found support in the EU, twin cities have started to break partnership agreements, but that's not all:
these municipalities have lost European financial support.

Since last year, dozens of municipal administrations have started to adopt resolutions in which they claim to be "LGBT free areas". The purpose of the statements, as their advocates point out, is to protect Christian values ​​and the traditional family model.
*** The initiative is slandered to spread hom0ph0bia and hatred towards people with a different s e x u a l orientation.
but as everyone knows the demonic and subversive ideology lgbtq (gender dictatorship) does not correspond with the rights of h0m0sexual people!

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#worldisraelnews] open letter [eih, BAMBOCCIONE !!
the other MY computer? I have only one account here, and you closed it to me: UNJUSTLY!
reactivate it immediately, because I am in difficulty with IT!

worldisraelnews ] open letter [ eih, BAMBOCCIONE!!
dell'altro MIO computer? io ho un solo account qui, e tu me lo hai chiuso: INGIUSTAMENTE!
riattivamelo subito, perché io sono in difficoltà con l'informatica!

Actor Seth Rogen: 'I don't understand Israel at all'

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Actor Seth Rogen:‘I don’t understand Israel at all’
dear son..
Rothschild stole the banker's seigniorage scam banking, from everyone:
and everyone blames the Jews and ISRAEL for it!
Rothschild ha rubato il signoraggio bancario a tutti:
e tutti danno la colpa agli ebrei e ISRAELE per questo!

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my holy YHWH] [i am Jewish Messiah
any resistance is futile!
it's all your fault, if all the people here think I'm a funny guy!

WATCH: Ax-Wielding Attacker Thwarted at Ukrainian Synagogue

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https://www youtube com/watch?v=n5MQFtjBeK4

this is hallucinating

https://youtu be/rIqtaArUajM

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I can also become terribly violent!
but, before subscribing to the IRA of God:
we must ask ourselves questions: "Why do more and more people have hangry it against us?"

io posso diventare anche terribilmente violento!
ma, prima di abbandonarsi all'IRA di Dio:
noi dobbiamo farci delle domande: "perché sempre più persone c'è l'hanno contro di noi?"

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ehi ROCKETTO!! 442rocketdave •
is it because we must avoid converting the enemy?
only with sharia Erdogan Muslims there is no valid hope!
perhaps it was necessary to send him to the Synagogue and say to him: "we too are the victims of Rothschild" ..
and maybe he would convert to Judaism ..
so you risked killing a potential brother!

442rocketdave •
è perché, noi dobbiamo evitare di convertire il nemico?
soltanto con i mussulmani sharia Erdogan non c'é una speranza valida!
forse bisognava invirlo, nella Sinagoga e dirgli: "anche noi siamo le vittime di Rothschild"..
e forse lui si sarebbe convertito all'ebraismo..
quindi tu hai rischiato di uccidere un potenziale fratello!

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it is easy in the world Fed regime Bilderberg regime, etc. of the democratic party: the swamp of the ANTIFA:
it's easy to find yourself with a sick and manipulated mind!
What if you don't have a personal and stable relationship with God?
then, like the Islamic fanatics sharia Erdogan ISIS
then you too have become a leaf in the wind of evil!

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yes yes let's kill them all:
I want to see all the rabbis with John Wayne's colt, on his belt!
but we must also ask ourselves:
because there are so many people out there who are
hate filled attackers, against us?

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maybe he (the idiot pupil of BIDEN Antifa BLM)
he was looking for Morgan Kissinger Soros
and he got very angry because they weren't there!

forse lui (il cretino alunno di BIDEN Antifa BLM )
lui cercava Morgan Kissinger Soros
e si è molto arrabbiato, perché loro non erano li!

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jews israelis christians all are all slaves
becouse goyims and "gentile" are synonymous.

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also, catholics or jews we are all brothers:
our common enemy is the neoliberalism of SpA FED SpA ECB SpA IMF NWO Rockefeller's “Beni Berith” Soros

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maybe like us
only anti Rothschild man

‘Hezbollah is playing with fire,’ Netanyahu warns after terror group attacks in north

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Danon slams Sanders: 'A liar, an ignorant fool, or both'
https://worldisraelnews com/danon-slams-sanders-a-liar-an-ignorant-fool-or-both/#.Xx80naiS_Dk.twitter

this comment: 10 minutes ago, it was deleted here !!!

I know

that you have to buy the cheese to your children, and what if you don't make the CIA troll?

then, Rothschild will starve you!

I am a Christian political ministry

I can't be paid by someone!

I'm not like you being a CIA professional

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se poi vi ostinate a non capire che la soluzione a tutti i problemi del pianeta
è far ritornare tutti gli ebrei dal loro Dio JHWH?
allora, è giusto che, voi vi facciate questa guerra mondiale nucleare!

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il popolo degli ebrei e il popolo dei mussulmani
sono le due più pericolose comunità di satanisti ,che oggi esistono in questo pianeta
ecco perché io sono:

lorenzoJHWH il Messia

lorenzoAllah il Mahdì

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Islam passa da un genocidio all'altro con la sua tecnica del vittimismo!
anche i satanisti del talmud SpA FED azionisti IMF ECB NWO anche fanno le vittime

Meet Max Strasser, Israel Critic on Ascent at Post-Bari Weiss New York Times

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from this position are invisible all my answer to you!

https://unitedwithisrael org/meet-max-strasser-israel-critic-on-ascent-at-post-bari-weiss-new-york-times/#comment-5007173504

Soros pours record $50 million into 2020 election

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Meet Max Strasser, Israel Critic on Ascent at Post-Bari Weiss New York Times https://unitedwithisrael org/meet-max-strasser-israel-critic-on-ascent-at-post-bari-weiss-new-york-times/#.Xx79fdj3I44.twitter
with the same computer and with the "Edge: and BRAVE" browsers
my 2 previous answers to you?

they are invisible!
here, in ISRAEL the first amendment is violated,
and this gives the legal rights for Muslims to carry out the Shoah genocide of the Israelis!

https://unitedwithisrael org/meet-max-strasser-israel-critic-on-ascent-at-post-bari-weiss-new-york-times/#comment-5007173504
con lo stesso computer e con i browser "Edge: e BRAVE"
le mie 2 risposte precedenti a te? sono invisibili!
quì, in ISRAELE viene violato il primo emendamento,
e questo da i diritti legali ai mussulmani di fare il genocidio Shoah degli israeliani!

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charliematerne •

My down vote simply means that I do not agree with your rants, so block away

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎 charliematerne •

why you troll CIA NWO FED IMF NWO satan still have not blocked me?

i am your leader and Messiah: palestinian people? all in Syria will go!

there is UMMA the OCTOPUS
like your OCTOPUS Rothschild neoliberalism Massonic Regime Bilderberg
lgbtq 666 satanism and scam banking seigniorage!

i am jewish messiah
and you will end up in hell!

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Brave Soros?
he is only a thief and a traitor
that the democratic party has legalized!

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but how do you blaspheme a man you don't know?
How can a perverted creature like you: load such a huge crime on his cursed soul?
then what wickedness or injustice have you heard me say?
and since in youtube the priests of satan are not able to defeat me in these 13 years?
then I can't be defeated by anyone!
I am the most powerful creature of God!
you should prove my lie, in order to be credible!
the whole world has already been doomed to hell by Rothschild Rockefeller and Bin Salman
I could never make it worse

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#Soros #Soros #Soros
why do you need Satan, to quickly close you in a fallout shelter ??
he doesn't love you and he won't treat you well
come and serve me!

Soros Soros Soros
perché servire Satana?
non ti vuole bene e non ti tratterà bene
vieni a servire me!

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Detected as spam Thanks, we'll work on getting this corrected.

*** I was consecrated before I was conceived in my mother's womb

*** I am an eldest son who was baptized in 24 hours

I have paternal genealogies for 5 centuries, and my ancestors have been men full of courage, honor and faith in God.

*** I am a 60 year old consecrated man, a theologian and philosopher with 20 consecrations,

*** I have exercised ministries of healing, prophecy and exorcisms with the Pentecostals.

*** I have been observing the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years.

*** after Almighty God I am the greatest Zionist in the whole history of mankind!

*** I spent 600,000 euros and, with Rothschild, I have a debt of another 140,000 euros: to help Israel's hope and to heal raise all the blessings of Abraham and Melkisech

*** I have undergone 60 years of persecution: to be, today: who I am

*** what have I done to all CIA satan priests on youtube against 187AudioHostem?

Netanjahu knows it!

*** I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI and you can search it in google.

*** now with the power of my creative faith, I have become a metaphysical rational agnostic, who is a universal politician for universal brotherhood in natural law and universal law

and then, after all this: you come here to spit on me

that I am the last hope left to all mankind?

*** io sono stato consacrato prima di essere concepito nel seno di mia madre

*** io sono un primogenito che è stato battezzato nelle 24 ore

io ho paterne genealogie per 5 secoli, e i miei antenati sono stati uomini pieni di coraggio onore e fede in Dio.

*** io sono un uomo consacrato di 60 anni, un teologo e filosofo con 20 consacrazioni,

*** io ho esercitato ministeri di guarigione, profezia e esorcismi con i pentecostali.

*** io sono osservatorio sul martirio dei cristiani da 33 anni.

*** dopo Dio Onnipotente io sono il più grande sionista di tutta la storia del genere umano!

*** io ho speso 600.000 euro ed, io ho con Rothschild un debito di altri 140.000 euro: per soccorrere la speranza di Israele e per risanare sollevare tutte le benedizioni di Abramo e Melkisech

*** io ho subito 60 anni di persecuzioni: per essere, oggi: quello che io sono

*** quello che io ho fatto a tutti i sacerdoti di satana della CIA in youtube contro 187AudioHostem?

Netanjahu lo sa!

*** io sono lorenzoJHWH Unius REI e tu lo puoi cercare in google.

*** adesso con la potenza della mia fede creativa, io sono diventato un agnostico razionale metafisico, che è un politico universale per la fratellanza universale nella legge naturale e nella legge universale

e allora, dopo tutto questo: tu vieni quì a sputare su di me

che io sono l'ultima speranza che è rimasta a tutto il genere umano?

US military chief makes unannounced visit to Israel as Iranian threat heats up

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and since in youtube the priests of satan are not able to defeat me in these 13 years?
then I can't be defeated by anyone!
I am the most powerful creature of God!

e poiché in youtube i sacerdoti di satana non sono riusti a sconfiggermi in questi 13 anni?
allora io non posso essere sconfitto da nessuno!
io sono la più potente creatura di Dio!

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the whole world has already been doomed to hell by Rothschild Rockefeller and Bin Salman
I could never make it worse

tutto il mondo è già stato tutto condannato all'inferno da Rothschild Rockefeller e Bin Salman
io non potrei mai peggiorare la situazione

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

*** I was consecrated before I was conceived in my mother's womb
*** I am an eldest son who was baptized in 24 hours
I have paternal genealogies for 5 centuries, and my ancestors have been men full of courage, honor and faith in God.
*** I am a 60 year old consecrated man, a theologian and philosopher with 20 consecrations,
*** I have exercised ministries of healing, prophecy and exorcisms with the Pentecostals.
*** I have been observing the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years.
*** after Almighty God I am the greatest Zionist in the whole history of mankind!
*** I spent 600,000 euros and, with Rothschild, I have a debt of another 140,000 euros: to help Israel's hope and to heal raise all the blessings of Abraham and Melkisech
*** I have undergone 60 years of persecution: to be, today: who I am
*** what have I done to all CIA satan priests on youtube against 187AudioHostem?
Netanjahu knows it!
*** I am lorenzoJHWH Unius REI and you can search it in google.
*** now with the power of my creative faith, I have become a metaphysical rational agnostic, who is a universal politician for universal brotherhood in natural law and universal law
and then, after all this: you come here to spit on me
that I am the last hope left to all mankind?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

but how do you blaspheme a man you don't know?
How can a perverted creature like you: load such a huge crime on his cursed soul?

ma come fai a bestemmiare un uomo che non conosci?
come può una cretura perversa come te: caricare sulla sua anima maledetta un così enorme delitto?

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if you come here to blaspheme my holiness,
I who am your redeemer and messiah
then, who can free you from the flames of hell?
you trampling on my holiness
you have sentenced all mankind to death!

se tu vieni quì a bestemmiare la mia santità,
io che sono il tuo redentore e messia
poi, chi ti potrà liberare dalle fiamme dell'inferno?
tu calpestando la mia santità
tu hai condannato a morte tutto il genere umano!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

then what wickedness or injustice have you heard me say?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

at this point there are only two options:
or the demon is me
you are the demon.
then what wickedness or injustice have you heard me say?

a questo punto ci sono soltanto due opzioni:
o il demone sono io
il demone sei tu.
allora quale cattiveria o ingiustizia tu mi hai sentito dire?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

there are those who are born black
there are those who are born white
there are those who are born yellow
there are those who are born fagggot
and there are those like ERDOGAN born a s s h0le ..
but I was born Messiah .. what to you?

c'é chi nasce nero
c'é chi nasce bianco
c'é chi nasce giallo
c'é chi nasce fr0o0cio
e c'é chi come ERDOGAN nasce
ma io sono nato Messia.. a te cosa?

Frustrated by national COVID-19 testing, Colorado turning to instate labs for faster turnaround

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the next negative vote that you put me?
I will block you!
put a negative vote without discussion? it means that you are not intellectually honest

What does Iran’s pivot to China mean for Israel?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

#Netanjahu] you know you're a coward .. but I can do it! [if the US does not want to engage in the destruction of IRAN

all that remains is to occupy a 50 km strip of Syrian territory to Iraq, to set up appropriate defensive systems!

after all Erdogan did the same in Syria!

US military chief makes unannounced visit to Israel as Iranian threat heats up

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

there are those who are born black
there are those who are born white
there are those who are born yellow
there are those who are born fagot
and there are those like ERDOGAN born a s s h0le ..
but I was born Messiah .. what to you?

c'é chi nasce nero
c'é chi nasce bianco
c'é chi nasce giallo
c'é chi nasce frocio
e c'é chi come ERDOGAN nasce
ma io sono nato Messia.. a te cosa?

India-China tensions spell a boom for Israel’s defense industry

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Narendra Modi, Primo ministro dell'India, TU SEI UN GRANDE DEMONIO E FIGLIO DI PUTTANA, NON COMBATTERE CONTRO I CINESI PERCHé LORO TI UCCIDERANNO! TESTA DI CAXXO! after Muslim pirates stole many oil tankers from India, India thought about making up for it and decided to start up on its own ... and the oil tanker Enrica Lexie, has fallen into the trap of the Indians ..
but the two heroes: the two Italian naval riflemen (marò), Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, defended their tanker well and professionally,
then, to hide the crime, and the defeat, taken from anger: the Indians killed two Catholic fishermen who were entering the port on the San Antony fishing boat

WATCH: Chinese President Xi made 'conscious move' to allow virus to spread, says retired Gen. Jack Keane

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

🕎 CHINA RUSSIA INDIA USA EU UN 🕎] without a Jewish homeland? this planet can no longer be saved [the objective of the third nuclear world war: it is to destroy all life on the surface of the planet for about 30 years!
this is a war of the ENLIGHTENED neo-liberal Jews Morgan, B'nai B'rith, Rockefeller, Soros, Bilderberg, Kissinger, Deep State: central bank shareholders, against all mankind ..
therefore, one must not respond to a thermonuclear aggression, but one must prevent it: with defensive weapons!
it is not possible to exterminate: the Muslims: that is, the first accomplices of the NWO, the Wahhabis and all their demoniac ARAB LEAGUE with a conventional war!
... all this being said, all investments in nuclear proliferation and offensive weapons must cease immediately ...
we must concentrate: on the impenetrability of airspace and space!
If neoliberals see that Russians and Chinese do not respond to a nuclear attack?
they themselves will destroy the US and EU with atomic weapons!

Two more years? Pelosi endorses Omar for re-election

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

sure, we are all brothers christians Jews & Israel
one only family..
ANTIFA Bilderberg freemasonry NWO Deep State are our betrayal and threat
I thought I had already answered you ...
in fact, it is disqus that has lost my answer for you

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

when he made that statement it was like that,
then, I complained, and the reality was changed!
at the beginning, without the right link?
the other 2 comments were invisible!

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

which cinesse or russian smart bomb do you want to be searched for?

🕎 Biden moderate terrorists 🕎

qui,sotto questo mio commento: ci sono 3 commenti
ma tu ne vedi soltanto uno, il tuo:

i am jewish messia

OBAMA is a Jewish-Masonic agent and is a Satanist, who is one level above all other criminal levels! Obama Granted Clemency To Terrorists And Traitors Published 22 hours ago on July 12, 2020 Stone…

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah to Ian Wilson •

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah to Brooklyn Ease •

lorenzoALLAH Mahdì Messiah to Karen Scarber •

here, under my comment: there are 3 comments

but you only see one, yours:

qui sotto questo mio commento: ci sono 3 commenti

ma tu ne vedi soltanto uno, il tuo:

https://worldisraelnews com/biden-picks-point-man-for-jewish-outreach/#comment-4990921464

https://worldisraelnews com/biden-picks-point-man-for-jewish-outreach/#comment-4990359724

https://worldisraelnews com/biden-picks-point-man-for-jewish-outreach/#comment-4990340538

Nessun commento:

Posta un commento

non è una testata giornalistica

non è una testata giornalistica

non è una testata giornalistica

troll Ja- Bull-On Allah lilith •

Obama moderate terrorist Biden

Obama moderate terrorist Biden
Erdogan jihad sharia akbar ISIS Riyadh

gli ebrei della diaspora sono una minaccia mortale per gli israeliani

gli ebrei della diaspora sono una minaccia mortale per gli israeliani
signoraggio bancario e satanismo

mussulmani caricano video di martiri cristiani

mussulmani caricano video di martiri cristiani
per far chiudere i siti ai cristiani