Discussion on World Israel News 97 comments
Ousting Netanyahu: First petition filed in Israel’s High Court to force PM out

LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
after 33 degrees Masons?
the 33 satanic degrees begin
and then there is my satanic trinity: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE: rothschild: FED 322, IMF 666 morgan, 187 rochefeller: this is the eye: of lucifer: and inside the triangle: (we are a legion, we do not forget , and we do not forgive) there is Satan-Allah in person who gives instructions!
you will curse in hell, the moment you were conceived, one minute after your carrion is born!
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pity that the scam banking seigniorage, sodoma satana rothschild mohammed: it is a prejudice that the Masons: they cannot see
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI Katalina Wierzba
Katalina Katalina Katalina come sei una cretina?
atheists are all smarts? see Putin-Stalin Maduro- kin jong-un as is idiot criminals!
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI MikeyParks
freemason: thief usurer
thief usurer scam banking seigniorage: you are demonic souls with no hope of eternal life!
freemason: thief usurer, massone: usuraio ladro
ladro usuraio scam banking seigniorage: voi siete delle anime demoniache senza nessuna speranza di vita eterna!
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI horten
la massoneria internazionale vuole uccidere: TRUMP e Netanjahu: attraverso i llro giudici massoni rothschild
e poi vengono quì dei massoni: con [il DR GUSTAVO KRAISELBURD LtcHoward • 9 hours ago
I"m also a 32degree mason ] a dire che loro TRUMP e Netanjahu: sono i veri bravi ragazzi,
mentre, nella loro massoneria loro sono i cattivi?
così fanno i satanisti della CIA, loro mentono su tutto!
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SATANISM AND BANKING SEIGNIORAGE SCAN TIEF ] international Freemasonry wants to kill: TRUMP and Netanjahu: through the llro rothschild Masonic judges
and then come here of the Masons: with [the DR GUSTAVO KRAISELBURD LtcHoward • 9 hours ago
I "m also a 32degree mason] to say that their TRUMP and Netanjahu: they are the real good guys,
while in their freemasonry they are the bad guys?
so do the CIA satanists, they lie about everything!
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1. your demonic system "NWO Ja-Bull-On Baal synagogue of satan FED 666 spa ECB IMF": he didn't tell me that you had answered me, I realized your answer casually.
2. if you use capital letters, you're shouting at me: with bullying, and I didn't do it to you!
3. Your ideological vision of history is Islamic-fascist: where the faults evil bad are all of the others, but you and yours are all good satanist scam banking seigniorage (DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE, money lender TIEF): and your it is a childish approach.
4. I am the Zionist messiah of JHWH holy holy holy: and, I am the King of ISRAEL: to reunite all the tribes: of the Jews from all over the world: and you are my enemy here: so you are an anti-Semite of Masonic Rothschild and the churches of satan: certainly ..
5, it was your synagogue of Satan with the persecution of Jerusalem to begin hostilities against Christians: because in the thought of God we were one people: this is why you Masons are Satan
1. il tuo sistema demoniaco "NWO Ja-Bull-On Baal sinagoga di satana FED 666 spa ECB IMF": lui non mi ha detto che tu mi avevi risposto, io mi sono accorto della tua risposta casualmente.
2. se tu usi le lettere maiuscole, tu mi stai gridando in testa: con bullismo, e io questo non lo ho fatto a te!
3. la tua visione ideologica della storia è di tipo islamico-fascista: dove le colpe sono tutte degli altri: ed è una impostazione infantile.
4. io sono il sionista messia di JHWH holy holy holy: e, io sono il Re di ISRAELE: per riunire tutte le tribù: degli gli ebrei da tutto il mondo: e tu sei il mio nemico quì: quindi tu sei un antisemita di massone Rothschild e le chiese di satana: certamente..
5, è stata la tua sinagoga di Satana con la persecuzione di gerusalemme ad iniziare le ostilità contro i cristiani: perché noi nel pensiero di Dio eravamo un solo popolo: ecco perché voi massoni siete Satana
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
you have been banned by coward United with Israel. ] [ lorenzoJHWH Unius REI @disqus_KK1imyQipf North America. #Usa 2020, #Bloomberg has decided. 'I run to beat Trump'
'And to rebuild America' ANSWER.
therefore, according to him, the pirates "skull and bones" the Masons Rothschild Bush, and the Satanists: with human sacrifices on the altar of satan:
what did they do to Trump the Maga patriot and to America all wrong?
you have been banned by United with Israel.
Nord America. #Usa 2020, Bloomberg ha deciso. 'Corro per battere Trump'
'E per ricostruire l'America'
quindi secondo lui, i pirati "teschio e ossa " i massoni Rothschild Bush, e i satanisti: con sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana:
loro cosa hanno fatto di male a Trump patriota Maga e all'america tutta?
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI michael greene
Israel is the Jewish homeland given by God.
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI MikeyParks
Masons JaBul-On, Marduck: lilit jihad Erdogan ISLAM, Leftist/Globalists. Soros lgbt: is one only kingdom of satana
when could he do it?
the Catholic Church made 640 excommunications against: sharia Rothschild (centesimus Anno): against Freemasonry (Humanum Genus), heresy modernism, Bilderberg, FED FMI NWO ECB: sodoma lgbt
quando poteva farlo?
la Chiesa cattolica ha fatto 640 scomuniche contro: sharia Rothschild (centesimus Anno): contro la Massoneria (Humanum Genus), eresia modernismo, Bilderberg, FED FMI NWO ECB: sodoma lgbt
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Discussion on World Israel News 42 comments
Caroline Glick: Israeli democracy at stake as corrupt prosecutors target Netanyahu for crimes invented to des…

LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
China Russia India EU US] is you shoot at the demon lunar head blasphemous Allah idol who lives in Mecca Kaaba, before he jihad Erdogan sharia kills you: because Allah is the strength of the NWO FED IMF the petrodollars of the devil!
Cina Russia India UE USA ] è tu spara alla testa demonio idolo lunare blasfemo che vive in Mecca Kaaba, prima che lui jihad Erdogan sharia uccida te: perché è Allah la forza del NWO FED IMF i petrodollari del demonio!
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
Don't blame the Masons; blame the Leftist/Globalists. Blame Soros.
☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
Masons JaBul-On, Marduck: lilit jihad Erdogan ISLAM, Leftist/Globalists. Soros lgbt: is one only kingdom of satana
when could he do it?
the Catholic Church made 640 excommunications against: sharia Rothschild (centesimus Anno): against Freemasonry (Humanum Genus), heresy modernism, Bilderberg, FED FMI NWO ECB: sodoma lgbt
quando poteva farlo?
la Chiesa cattolica ha fatto 640 scomuniche contro: sharia Rothschild (centesimus Anno): contro la Massoneria (Humanum Genus), eresia modernismo, Bilderberg, FED FMI NWO ECB: sodoma lgbt
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
Parody of the democratic norms: AND ESCAPE OF NEWS: LINCIAGGIO MEDIATICO AND CALUNNIE: NOTHING is SERIOUS if it is committed against the enemies of the world Satanism usury! For the applause of Israel's corrupt media, our legal lords have gnawed all aspects of political power in Israel for the past three years, and in the process - not that they cared - they corrupted Israel's legal system from top to bottom. From beginning to end, their criminal persecution against Netanyahu was a parody / desecration: distortion: corruption: of every norm: in demonic societies governed by the state of the LGBT right of sodomitic Satanists vampires and zombies: thieves, usurers and perverted men.
Carefully edited and completely distorted records and transcriptions of Netanyahu's police interrogations, his wife, his son and his advisors have been systematically disseminated to the media. The fact that every similar flaw was a criminal offense didn't matter.
any compliance with the objective law? everything useless! Netanyahu's lawyers applied after Mandelblit was asked to order an investigation into criminal losses. All were summarily and contemptuously rejected.
now martial law is the only answer that TRUMP or Netanjahu could make!
it is the judiciary that has lost credibility: not the government
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
Parody of democratic norms: that have been raped by the Masonic society: lgbt, Pd, Bilderberg: esoteric agenda: parasitic: for the destruction of civil society and enslavement of the whole human race
The moment he made his announcement, the right began to slip into the polls.
The scattershot campaign of Blue and White converged around Mandelblit's "recommendation". The left had a battle cry and a reason to vote.
Netanyahu's neck was on the block.
Since Mandelblit gave his "recommendations", he and his companions sodom ac dracula FED IMF ECB deep State: they were the only political actors: in scam banking seigniorage: democratic party
with any power to talk about. Our current elected leaders have become actors in the lawyers' regime. Mandelblit's announcement on Thursday just made it official: democracy has never existed: this is a conspiracy: DEMO PLUTO GIUDAICO MASSONE.
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LionJuda☦️lorenzoJHWH UniusREI
without monetary sovereignty even political sovereignty cannot exist:
that's why ALLAH can only be a CIOLA!
the demon Mandelblit (the corrupt rothschild traitor) decreed that it made no sense to speak if Israel, will go to the new elections in March.
so he manipulated the elections: so much so that if the charges against Netanjahu were to fall he should be arrested for high constitutional treason
Voters decide nothing. Lawyers do it. Politicians are irrelevant. The only people who count in Israel today are the unelected lawyers who run the country.
But then we already knew it. And the fact that - as expected - Mandelblit severely announced that he is accusing Netanyahu of three charges of breach of trust, and a corruption charge was at best anti-climate.
so The game of democracy: for the conspiracy of the Masonic technocrats it was over, if it had ever been played, in February: or in the last 50 years really.
Last February, at the height of the first election campaign of the year, when Netanyahu and his partners in the right-wing coalition were leading all the polls by a wide margin, Mandelblit took the unprecedented - and legally doubtful - step of announcing the his intention to indict Netanyahu on such charges - pending a hearing for trial.
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