dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • Caroline Glick: Pompeo, the coronavirus and the ‘risks’ of sovereignty https://worldisraelnews com/caroline-glick-pompeo-the-coronavirus-and-the-risks-of-sovereignty/ if Muslims fail to commit genocide: sharia jihad of some people and nation? then, their demon Allah is not happy! and now, the Mohammedans want to steal the homeland even from the poor Jews, who because of them are forced to make the Satanists thieves masons in the NWO to steal the banking seigniorage of all peoples enslaved! there is no more stupid race in the world than Muslims! dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 18 minutes ago practically, filters and algorithms google youtube facebook and twetter etc .. make it impossible to live the first amendment outside Israeli sites dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • WATCH: Palestinians Burn Effigy of U.S. Secretary of State answer io ho sempre pensato che i mussulmani fossero delle streghe infatti fanno i riti voodoo con fuoco dell'inferno dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • an hour ago G-d bless you too in questo canale il 50% dei commenti che non piacevano a Rothschild e suo cognato Bin Salman? me li hanno cancellatiLeggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
Netanyahu inaugurates government with call for sovereignty https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahu-inaugurates-government-with-call-for-sovereignty/#.XsFNGcsoY5Y.twitter UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood • turkey at the Nakba of the Palestinians but the Nakba of the Armenian Kurds and all the Syrian peoples? this does not exist for him but the Nakba of 50 Christian nations that were before the ARAB LEAGUE? this does not exist for him because he is only an Islamic son of the devil named Biden turchia alla Nakba dei palestinesi ma la Nakba dei curdi armeni e tutti i popoli siriani? questo, non esiste per lui ma la Nakba di 50 nazioni di cristiani che erano prima della LEGA ARABA ? questo, non esiste per lui perché lui è soltanto un islamico figlio del demonio di nome BidenLeggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
While the House of Assad crumbles, the West plays Sykes-Picot 2.0 with Syria's Kurds https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200515-while-the-house-of-assad-crumbles-the-west-plays-sykes-picot -2-0-with-Syrias-kurds / While the House of Assad is crumbling, the West plays Sykes-Picot 2.0 with Syrian Kurds ANSWER ASSAD did not understand that Netanjahu and I were protecting him and now his body also stinks to the Iranians Mentre la House of Assad si sbriciola, l'Occidente gioca a Sykes-Picot 2.0 con i curdi siriani ANSWER ASSAD non ha capito che io e Netanjahu lo proteggevamo ed ora il suo cadavere puzza anche agli iranianiLeggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
Netanyahu inaugurates government with call for sovereignty http://disq.us/t/3osffxw all the ARAB OIC LEAGUE comes to say: that Jerusalem is their red blood red line jihad sharia 1400-year-old genocide: of genocides of all Christian peoples, as it is still today jihad sharia ISIS Riyadh. because the demoniac Mohammedans from their perverted prophet have not changed to this day .. then death will be their medicine! tutta la LEGA ARABA viene a dire che Gerusalemme è la loro linea rossa, di colore sangue rosso jihad sharia genocidio di 1400 anni: di genocidi di tutti i popoli cristiani, come tutt'oggi è sempre jihad sharia ISIS Riyadh. perché gli indemoniati Maomettani dal loro pervertito profeta a tutt'oggi non sono cambiati.. allora sarà la morte la loro medicina!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead https://worldisraelnews.com/chinese-ambassador-to-israel-found-dead/#.XsFJbmn8tDE.twitter Xi-Jinping] you receive my deepest condolences, for the precious loss of your ambassador, my prayers for him, his family, and my prayers for all the dear Chinese people! Xi-Jinping ] ricevi tu le mie più commosse condoglianze, per la preziosa perdita del tuo ambasciatore, le mie preghiere per lui, la sua famiglia, e le mie preghiere per tutto il caro popolo cinese!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom12 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: Israel Gets A Government; US Sends Israel 2nd Warning On China; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-may-14-2020/#.XsFDujB2ZPI.twitter Kjeld Hesselmann UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood • Unius, you have revealed yourself. Ppl with loose talk about “Rothchild,” secret society cabals, Freemasons, and the like in the same sentence I have already ascribed as lunatics.—And this despite you’re part on our side. UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood Kjeld Hesselmann • why am I part of your crap? Rothschild offered me several billion dollars but I didn't allow myself to be corrupted! perché io faccio parte della tua schifezza? Rothschild mi ha offerto diversi miliardi di dollari ma io non mi sono lascito corrompere!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom12 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: Israel Gets A Government; US Sends Israel 2nd Warning On China; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-may-14-2020/#.XsE-uIdQhSs.twitter Fred Younes • Donald Trump don't like China, China is asshoe. UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood Fred Younes • Chinese people are very smart well educated and disciplined. CHINA must be downsized but there is no hatred towards them by honest people that's your problem, you are the scum of mankindLeggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom13 ore fa
I am the Mahdi lorenzoAllahand I am also the Messiah lorenzoJHWH(you can ask google)after me: hell comes, until the end of the world, because freemasons, neoliberal FED kissinger shareholders, LGBT Islamists, and the Democratic Party are bad!yet I asked the ARAB LEAGUE to condemn sharia and stop killing Christians in the world,but they didn't want to, even though the devil allah wants to kill all Christians and because, the Saudis are always instigated by the B'nai B'rithand this is their choice and their fate of curse! Megiddo Megiddo Matthew 24:5 "For many will come in my name, saying I am the Messiah..." The Holy Bible WARNS about those claiming they are the Messiah. You've been exposed... you are fulfilling the Scripture prophecy as FALSE and lying. answer UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood of course, Jesus of Bethlehem is my Lord and God but why does anyone have to be punished forever for making a mistake once? they all know that JHWH is merciful and forgiving, the penitents! Gesù di Betlemme è il mio Signore e Dio ma perché qualcuno deve essere punito per sempre per avere sbagliato una sola volta? sanno tutti che JHWH è misericordioso e perdona, i penitenti!Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom13 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead https://worldisraelnews.com/chinese-ambassador-to-israel-found-dead/#.XsE3elLPQfg.twitter UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood Aldebaran • and it is really serious for you, because all the priests of satan like you they know I'm right when did you put yourself, doggy style under a bull the last time?Leggi tutto

lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom13 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead https://worldisraelnews.com/chinese-ambassador-to-israel-found-dead/#.XsEzpnw1fu4.twitter NoahTheNephilim • sorry Xi-Jinping ] Disqus @noahthenephilim all my disqus profiles? they don't work anymore! DemocracyRules NoahTheNephilim • 3 hours ago Me too UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood DemocracyRules • that harlot of the CIA 666 disqus cannibalsdracula FED IMF NWO regime Bilderberg the antichirist Erdogan Merkel Macron Jihad Saui arabia OCI blocked you and the Israelis have freed you! quella meretrice della CIA 666 disqus ti ha bloccato e gli israeliani ti hanno liberato!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI16 ore fa
Analysis: China's 'disappears' corona heroes, enters 'total censorship era' http://disq.us/t/3os85xt NoahTheNephilim • eih Xi Jinping ] no no no!! A major Chinese legal activist, Xu Zhiyong, who urged Xi Jinping to step down - "You're not smart enough," he said - was also arrested. answer NO NO NO! this is not done in a communist democracy led by Kim Jong-un so what am I supposed to do to all these 40 CIA trolls sent by Rothschild that they blaspheme and slander me all the time? Anche un importante attivista legale cinese, Xu Zhiyong, che ha esortato Xi Jinping a dimettersi - "Non sei abbastanza intelligente", ha detto - è stato anche arrestato. answer NO NO NO! non si fa così in una democrazia comunista guidata da Kim Jong-un e allora cosa dovrei fare io a tutti questi 40 troll della CIA mandati da Rothschild che loro mi bestemmiano e mi calunniano tutto il tempo?Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI16 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp NoahTheNephilim • sorry Xi-Jinping ] Maometto è un bisessuale lui va all'inferno dalla bambina piccola Aisha alla capra

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI16 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp NoahTheNephilim • 30 minutes ago sorry Xi-Jinping ] Disqus @noahthenephilim all my disqus profiles? they don't work anymore!

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI17 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp sorry Xi-Jinping ] Disqus @noahthenephilim all my disqus profiles? they don't work anymore! Disqus @noahthenephilim tutti i miei profili disqus? non lavorano più!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI17 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead https://worldisraelnews.com/chinese-ambassador-to-israel-found-dead/#.XsD3dXy9JZk.twitter NoahTheNephilim • sorry Xi-Jinping ] there is no possibility of control by the administration of Donald Trump (they too are victims) about, the agenda aliens abductions, and their Underground cities and Churches of satan, as of the world masonic government, all of this is under the control of Bush, and Jewish neoliberals who are all satanists. the only medicine to all this evil is my kingdom of Israel you find the Saudis who prevent my Kingdom of Israel and kill them all! non esiste nessuna possibilità di controllo da parte della Amministrazione di Donald Trump (anche loro sono vittime) circa, la agenda aliens abductions, e loro citta Sotterranee e Chiese di satana, come del governo massonico mondiale, tutto questo è sotto il controllo di Bush, e neoliberisti ebrei che sono tutti satanisti. l'unica medicina a tutto questo male malefico è il mio regno di Israele. trova i sauditi che impediscono il mio Regno di Israele e uccidili tutti!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI17 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp sorry Xi-Jinping ] they will say that it is normal to die of a heart attack at the age of 50, but in reality they have invisible supernatural and esoteric powers and in reality they strike to death, all those who do not want to collaborate with the kingdom of satan and allah, and that they have not received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit who could protect them. diranno che è normale morire a 50 anni per infarto, ma, in realtà, loro hanno i poteri invisibili soprannaturali ed esoterici e in realtà colpiscono a morte, tutti quelli che non vogliono collaborare con il regno di satana e allah, e che non hanno ricevuto l'effusione dello Spirito Santo che potrebbe proteggerli.Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI17 ore fa
sorry Xi-Jinping ] CIA have possession of alien technology and it's not back-engineering, since aliens are part of it, the ENTITY "lucifer allah eye" Integrated are the aliens in Church of Satan FED IMF NWO and the demonic supernatural powers of witchcraft Hillary and voodoo? then the CIA can kill invisibly, all over the world all those who are in mortal sin, for doing something bad against the seed of Abraham: in Israel and in the Christian martyrs .. but, to Muslims do NOT do anything wrong: because they are their accomplices-association in the agenda of the antichrist the talmud Koran the synagogue SpA shareholders Rochefeller Kissinger Soros, and their kalergy agenda and Islamic theology of substitution because they hate Jesus of Bethlehem who did everything wrong deciding to be love and justice embodied, theology of jihad replacement and Islamic sharia worldwide genocide against dalit kafir dhimmis Murtidi GoyimsLeggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp sorry Xi-Jinping ] CIA have possession of alien technology and it's not back-engineering, since aliens are part of it, the ENTITY "lucifer allah eye" Integrated are the aliens in Church of Satan FED IMF NWO and the demonic supernatural powers of witchcraft Hillary and voodoo? then the CIA can kill invisibly, all over the world all those who are in mortal sin, for doing something bad against the seed of Abraham: in Israel and in the Christian martyrs .. but, to Muslims do NOT do anything wrong: because they are their accomplices-association in the agenda of the antichrist the talmud Koran the synagogue SpA shareholders Rochefeller Kissinger Soros, and their kalergy agenda and ethical replacement and Islamic sharia worldwide genocide against dalit kafir dhimmis Murtidi Goyims avere il possesso della tecnologia aliena e non è retroingegneria, dato che gli alieni sono parte integrata della Chiesa di Satana FED IMF NWO e i poteri soprannaturali demoniaci stregoneria Hillary e voodoo? allora la CIA può uccidere invisibilmente in ogni parte del mondo tutti coloro che, sono in peccato mortale, per avere fatto qualcosa di cattivo contro il seme di Abramo: in Israele e nei martiri cristiani.. agli islamici NON fanno niente di male: perché sono i loro complici-sodalizio nella agenda dell'anticristo il talmud corano la sinagoga SpA azionisti Rochefeller Kissinger Soros, e loro agenda kalergy e sostituzione etnica e genocidio islamicoLeggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp NoahTheNephilim • sorry Xi-Jinping sorry i satanisti della CIA non potrebbe fare nulla se la LEGA ARABA non li istigasse! LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 26/01/2020 https://friendxkinguniusrei blogspot com/2020/01/sorry-xi-jinping-sorry.html NoahTheNephilim • ONLY THE CIA could have a criminal interest in this possible crime!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp ONLY THE CIA could have a criminal interest in this possible crime! SOLTANTO LA CIA potrebbe avere un criminale interesse in questo possibile delitto!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation https://worldisraelnews.com/eu-foreign-ministers-vow-to-fight-annexation/#.XsDrGfcyPJk.twitter UN OCI Russia China Saudi Arabai] I swear, IO VI DEVO ROMPERE TUTTE LE EMORROIDI DI ALLAH, LURIDI CANI! if the Israelis call me? I will not leave to all the ARAB LEAGUE, that 2 hours of life! and that's just why they haven't called me yet, because, Israelis are too peaceful people you are pushing to despair! ONU OCI Russia Cina Arabai Saudita ] io lo giuro, se gli israeliani mi chiamano? io non lascerò a tutta la LEGA ARABA, che 2 ore di vita! ed è soltanto per questo che non mi hanno chiamato ancora, perché, israeliani sono delle persone troppo pacifiche che voi state spingendo alla disperazione!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation http://disq.us/t/3oroto5 this land is not mine! this land was given by the God JHWH of the Jews, only to the Jews. and who contends this land to the Jews? will be punished by God my Lord Jesus of Bethlehem the heir to the throne of David who sits at the right hand of the Father. and paradoxically the Koran also says these things (this is the land God gave the Jews), but, to Jordan Iran and Erdogan etc.. scrum scam jihad genocide sharia shoah; a their likes the interpretation of Riyadh's ISIS, and its jihadist galaxy questa terra non è mia! questa terra è stata data dal Dio degli ebrei, soltanto agli ebrei. e chi contende questa terra agli ebrei? sarà punito da Dio my Signore Gesù di Betlemme l'erede al trono di Davide che siede alla destra del Padre. e paradossalmente anche il Corano dice queste cose (questa è la terra data da Dio agli ebrei), ma, alla Giordania Iran e Erdogan piace la interpretazione dell'ISIS di Riyad, e la sua galassia jihadistaLeggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation http://disq.us/t/3oroto5 cursed Rothschild masons and wretched satanists servants of the B'nai B'rith, as EU antichrist foreign tecnocracy neoliberalists scrum, scam banking seigniorage, minister Josep Borell. they were predestined to become the atomic fuel of our star planet. 1. Israel must not cease commercial trade with CHINA as the US would like. 2. Israel will not lack trade and international relations 3. the annexation of Judea and Samaria must take place as quickly as possible! 4. Those who boycott us will in turn be boycotted and the damage will be all their own! because only our allies will have the technology to overcome the challenges of the future and the world war! maledetti massoni Rothschild e disgraziati satanisti servi del B'nai B'rith, come ministro degli esteri dell'UE Josep Borell. sono stati predestinati a diventare il combustibile atomico del nostro pianeta nucleo stella. 1. Israele non deve cessare gli scambi commerciali con la CINA come vorrebbero gli USA. 2. ad Israele non mancheranno i commerci e le relazioni internazionali 3. la annessione di Giudea e Samaria deve avvenire il più velocemente possibile! 4. chi ci boicotterà sarà a sua volta boicottato e il danno sarà tutto suo! perché solo i nostri alleati avranno la tecnologia per vincere le sfide del futuro e la guerra mondiale!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI19 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation http://disq.us/t/3oroto5 #CHINA #RUSSIA #INDIA ] codardi [ but what if Allah wasn't the devil? then, certainly I would not have done the observatory of the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years! you have prevented the rise of my Kingdom of ISRAEL because you didn't move your embassy to Jerusalem .. then, you cannot say that this devastating third world nuclear war is only the fault of the ARAB LEAGUE! CINA RUSSIA INDIA ] [ ma se Allah non fosse il demonio? poi, certamente io non avrei fatto l'osservatorio del martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni! voi avete impedito il sorgere del mio Regno di ISRAELE perché non avete spostato la vostra ambasciata a Gerusalemme.. allora, non potete dire che questa devastante terza guerra mondiale nucleare è soltanto la colpa della LEGA ARABA!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI19 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation https://worldisraelnews.com/eu-foreign-ministers-vow-to-fight-annexation/#.XsDj9VsYexo.twitter I'm not alone: 1. lorenzoJHWH the laicity-theocratic King and the Messiah of the Jews. I am also: 2. Unius REI the procurator and governor of all mankind, for universal brotherhood with exclusively rational agnostic and metaphysical properties. so everything lorenzoJHWH says to believers? Unius REI can rationally tell it to atheists! only on a concrete homeland for all the Jews of the planet, only so, the international law can be built on this foundation. this is why Muslims are the most dangerous Satanists, because by preventing my Kingdom of ISRAEL, so, also: they prevent the Satanists' NWO 666 CIA cannibals, occult masonic power, deep State, FED IMF from collapsing! non sono soltanto lorenzoJHWH il laico-teocratico Re e il Messia degli ebrei. io sono anche Unius REI il procuratore e governatore di tutto il genere umano con proprietà agnostiche e metafisiche esclusivamente razionali. quindi tutto quello che lorenzoJHWH dice ai credenti? Unius REI può dirlo razionalmente agli atei! soltanto su una Patria concreta per tutti gli ebrei del pianeta, soltanto su questo fondamento si può erigere il diritto internazionale.. per questo i mussulmani sono i più pericolosi satanisti perché impedendo il mio Regno di ISRAELE loro impediscono al NWO FED IMF dei satanisti di poter crollare!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI19 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation http://disq.us/t/3oroto5 when the Jews had no faith that they could conquer the promised land? God kept them 40 years in the desert of Saudi Arabia waiting for all that generation of unbelievers to die quando gli ebrei non ebbero fede di poter conquistare la terra promessa? Dio li tenne 40 anni nel deserto della Arabia Saudita in attesa che tutta quella generazione di increduli fosse mortaLeggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Jordan threatens Israel with 'massive conflict' over sovereignty plan https://worldisraelnews.com/jordan-threatens-israel-with-massive-conflict-over-sovereignty-plan/#.XsB8Ft1ZbtA.twitter Jordanian king Abdullah II Answer and this is true: if Allah uuhh akbar ISIS begins to lose sharia jihad territory, how could sharia genocide and jihad demonstrate that he is a true god-demon? Il re della Giordania Abdullah II Answer e questo è vero: se Allah uuhh akbar ISIS, incomincia a perdere del territorio sharia jihad, come potrebbe dimostrare sharia genocidio e jihad di essere un vero dio-demonio?Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
WATCH: Israel's Skies Are Safer Than Ever http://disq.us/t/3oqdwp7 Bin SALMAN ] [ but if I don't tell anyone lies because someone wants to lie to me to find himself dead dead in hell quickly? Bin SALMAN ] [ ma se io non dico menzogne a nessuno perché qualcuno ha voglia di mentire a me per trovarsi morto stecchito all'inferno rapidamente?Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
WATCH: Why Israel’s Skies Are Safer Than Ever https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-israels-skies-are-safer-than-ever/#.XsAssCIYkUA.twitter Bin SALMAN ] [ Abd Allāh bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd, or ʿISIS Abd666Allāh or king of the worms: Abdullah uh akbar or "Abdullah bin sulfuric Abdulaziz Al Saud": عبد الله بن عبد العزدز الععود; from Riyadh, ok he said in the youtube World Government who esteemed me. so the youtube World Director Synnek1 told me, and of course I didn't believe him and I threw that beast of your Uncle to hell, and I made Synnek1 go crazy and fired who has now become 187AudioHostem and AudioHostem187 the cannibal Abd Allāh bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd, o ʿISIS Abd666Allāh o re dei vermi: Abdullah uh akbar o "Abdullah bin sulfuric Abdulaziz Al Saud" : عبد الله بن عبد العزيز السعود; from Riyad, ok lui disse nel Governo Mondiale di youtube che mi stimava. così il Direttore Mondiale di youtube Synnek1 me lo disse, ed ovviamente io non gli ho creduto e ho buttato all'inferno quella bestia di tuo Zio, e ho fatto impazzire e licenziare Synnek1 che ora è diventato 187AudioHostem e AudioHostem187 il cannibaleLeggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Israel Blasts Ukrainian Police for Demanding Names of All Jews in Central City http://disq.us/t/3onm1t4 these are friends of Merkel's Victoria Jane Nuland (New York, 1961), Macron Soros Bilderberg Rothschild, Biden and Antichrist the Mason of B'nai B'rith questi sono gli amici della Victoria Jane Nuland (New York, 1961) della Merkel, di Macron Soros Bilderberg Rothschild, Biden e dell'Anticristo il massone del B'nai B'rithLeggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Israel Blasts Ukrainian Police for Demanding Names of All Jews in Central City http://disq.us/t/3onm1t4 [16:10] Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has sought you to sift you like wheat; but I prayed for you, that your faith will not fail; and you, once repentant, confirm your brothers. And Peter said to him, "Lord, with you I am ready to go to prison and even to death, because of Bin SALMAN & Rothschild." He replied: "Peter, I tell you: the cock will not crow today, before you, three times, you have denied knowing me." (1 like) Simone, Simone, ecco satana vi ha cercato per vagliarvi come il grano; ma io ho pregato per te, che non venga meno la tua fede; e tu, una volta ravveduto, conferma i tuoi fratelli. E Pietro gli disse: “Signore, con te sono pronto ad andare in prigione e anche alla morte, per colpa di Bin SALMAN & Rothschild”. Gli rispose: “Pietro, io ti dico: non canterà oggi il gallo, prima che tu, per tre volte, tu avrai negato di conoscermi”. (1 Mi piace)Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
nessuna creatura è stupida. finché c'é la sharia ? allora, OIC è responsabile e mandante di ogni atto terroristico! Scovato a Mosca uomo che ha raccolto 700 mila euro per l’Isis. VIDEO© Sputnik . Center for Public Relations of the FSS of Russia MONDO , 13:34 16.05.2019URL abbreviato5282 Seguici su A Mosca è stato arrestato un uomo originario dell’Ossezia del Nord che nel 2015 ha trasferito più di 50 milioni di rubli (687 mila euro) ai terroristi in Siria. Lo comunicano i servizi segreti. Il nome dell’uomo in stato di fermo è Georgij Guev. Secondo gli investigatori i guerriglieri che aiutava sarebbero attivi nella repubblica araba tra i membri dell’organizzazione terroristica Stato Islamico. Inoltre secondo i servizi segreti russi (FSB) Guev avrebbe mandato soldi al predicatore islamico e fondatore dell’associazione Mukhadžirun, Israil Akhmednabiev, noto come Abu Umar Sasitlinskij e ricercato per terrorismo. I soldi venivano ritirati all’estero e finalizzati “alla preparazione ed esecuzione di crimini di carattere terroristico”. Non è ancora noto da dove Guev prendesse i soldi. Durante la perquisizione sono stati rinvenuti libri sull’estremismo islamico, carte bancarie e telefoni in grande quantità e le istruzioni dei coordinatori dell’Isis. Al più presto saranno sporte le accuse e presa una decisione sulle misure da prendersi, ha comunicato il rappresentante del Comitato d’inchiesta Svetlana Petrenko. Oggi nella città di Tver sono stati arrestati altri tre uomini che finanziavano l’Isis.Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
[10/05 19:43] Entrate per la porta stretta, perché larga è la porta e spaziosa la via che conduce alla perdizione, e molti sono coloro che entrano per essa. Quanto stretta è invece la porta e angusta la via che conduce alla vita! E pochi sono coloro che la trovano! (1 Mi piace)[mercoledì 09:28] C’è più felicità nel dare che nel ricevere. (2 Mi piace)[11:38]Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Major backlash against Missouri restaurant for tacking on 'Coronavirus surcharge' https://worldisraelnews.com/major-backlash-against-missouri-restaurant-for-tacking-on-coronavirus-surcharge/#.Xr_pSm01FCQ.twitter BIN SHARIA ISIS SALMAN FROM RIYADH WAHHABIS ] TU HAI PROGETTATO DI RESISTERE AL MIO AMORE PER TE? VERAMENTE TU FARESTI QUESTO? [ no creature is stupid. as long as there is sharia? then, OIC is responsible and responsible for every terrorist act! Man who raised 700 thousand euros for Isis was found in Moscow. VIDEO © Sputnik. Center for Public Relations of the FSS of Russia WORLD 13:34 16.05.2019URL abbreviated 5282 Follow us on In Moscow, a man originally from North Ossetia was arrested and in 2015 he transferred more than 50 million rubles (687 thousand euros) to terrorists in Syria. Secret service reports. The name of the man in custody is Georgij Guev. According to investigators, the guerrillas he helped are active in the Arab republic among members of the Islamic State terrorist organization. Furthermore, according to the Russian secret services (FSB) Guev allegedly sent money to the Islamic preacher and founder of the Mukhadžirun association, Israil Akhmednabiev, known as Abu Umar Sasitlinskij and wanted for terrorism. The money was collected abroad and aimed at "preparing and executing terrorist crimes". It is not yet known where Guev got the money from. During the search, books on Islamic extremism, bank cards and telephones in large quantities and instructions from ISIS coordinators were found. Accusations will be raised as soon as possible and a decision will be taken on the measures to be taken, the representative of the Investigation Committee Svetlana Petrenko said. Three other men who financed ISIS were arrested today in the city of Tver.Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
[10/05 19:43] Enter through the narrow door, because the door is wide and the way leading to perdition is wide, and many are those who enter through it. How narrow is the door instead and narrow the way that leads to life! And few are those who find it! (1 like) [Wednesday 09:28] There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. (2 likes) [11:38] Matthew 20 "The Kingdom of Heaven is in fact similar to a landowner who went out early to hire workers for his vineyard. A 2 After agreeing with the workers for a money a day, he sent them to his vineyard. 3 Then going out towards the third hour, he saw others who were unemployed in the square 4 and said to them: 'Go to the vineyard too and I will give you what is right.' 5 And they went there. Going out again around the 6th hour and the 9th hour, he did the same thing. 6 Finally, towards the 11th hour, he went out and found others who were around, and said to them: 'Why have you been here all day without work?' 7 They replied: 'Because no one has hired us'. Then he said: 'Go to the vineyard too.' 8 "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager: 'Call the workers and give them the wages, b starting from the last to the first.' 9 When the men of the 11th hour arrived, they received a money each. 10 So the first ones, when they arrived, thought they were getting more, but they too were paid with money each. 11 On receiving it they began to murmur against the owner of the vineyard, 12 saying: 'The latter worked only an hour; yet you treated them like us, who have endured the weight of the day and the scorching heat! '13 But the master replied to one of them:' Friend, I am not doing you any wrong. Hadn't we agreed on a money? C 14 Take what is yours and go away. I want to give the latter as much as you do. 15 Don't I have the right to do what I want with what belongs to me? Or is your eye envious because I am good? ' 16 In this way the last will be first and the first last ”. (2 likes) [11:38] Nobody has ever seen God; if we love one another, God remains in us and his love is perfect in us. No one who has put his hand to the plow and then looks back is suitable for the kingdom of God. If one says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar. For whoever does not love his brother who sees cannot love God who does not see. This is the commandment we have from him: whoever loves God also loves his brother. You have understood that it was said: You will love your neighbor and you will hate your enemy; but I say to you: love your enemies and pray for your persecutors. What is impossible for men is possible for God. I am giving you a new commandment: that you love one another; just as I loved you, so love one another too. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. Truly, truly, I say to you: whoever believes has eternal life. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are those who, despite not having seen, will believe! (3 likes) [15:11] Do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will already have its concerns. His pain is enough for each day. But I say to you that men will account for every unfounded word on the day of judgment; for according to your words you will be justified and according to your words you will be condemned.Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
BIN SALMAN RIYADH ] [ no creature of God is stupid! Erdogan OIC, ARAB League and all the Sunnis with him, and all the Shiites with him, they think they will earn in WW3 they believe they will recover the Ottoman caliphate, lost and much, much, much more, all over the world! also, it is ISLAM that allowed Rothschild to attack Russia and China, but they will win the war and therefore Islam will disappear: and the fact that ISLAM will disappear? this is also good for rothschild but, it's not good for me! all Muslims can do a good job for me (the Kingdom of God)! So, it is unlikely that anyone will survive in Saudi Arabia where the armies of the planet will collide, so how could Islam survive? Major backlash against Missouri restaurant for tacking on 'Coronavirus surcharge' https://worldisraelnews.com/major-backlash-against-missouri-restaurant-for-tacking-on-coronavirus-surcharge/#.Xr_lZVtgvcU.twitter nessuna creatura di Dio è stupida! Erdogan OIC, Lega ARABA e tutti i sunniti con lui, e tutti gli sciiti con lui, loro pensano di guadagnarci nella WW3 credono di recuperare il califfato ottomano, perduto e molto, molto, molto altro ancora, in tutto il mondo! inoltre, è l'ISLAM che ha permesso a Rothschild di aggredire la Russia e Cina, ma loro vinceranno la guerra e quindi Islam sparirà: e il fatto che ISLAM sparirà? anche questo è buono per rothschild ma, non è buono per me! i mussulmani tutti possono fare un buon lavoro per me(il Regno di Dio)! Allora, è difficile che qualcuno potrà sopravvivere in Arabia Saudita dove gli eserciti del pianeta si scontreranno, quindi come Islam potrebbe sopravvivere?Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Major backlash against Missouri restaurant for tacking on ‘Coronavirus surcharge’ http://disq.us/t/3oqlkod Bin SALMAN ] [ my Kingdom of ISRAEL it cannot be stopped by your devil Allah and not by anyone. so if I break down the NWO through world war: Islam will be lost, but, if you bring it down: and will you allow me to peacefully politically bring down the NWO? I will allow you to save Islam, on my terms! il mio Regno di ISRAELE non può essere fermato dal tuo demonio Allah e neanche da nessuno. quindi se abbatto io il NWO attraverso la guerra mondiale: Islam andrà perso, se lo abbatti tu: e mi permetti di abbattere politicamente il NWO? io ti permetterò di salvare Islam, alle mie condizioni!Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
George from Satan H. W. Bush 41st president of the United States feel beast. because your satanists & lgbtq spam me all the comments i write from my other channel On the canal https://www.youtube.com/user/noahNephillim/discussion why already? George from Satana H. W. Bush 41º presidente degli Stati Uniti senti bestia. perché i tuoi satanisti & lgbtq mi mettono in spam tutti i commenti che io scrivo da altro mio canale sul canale https://www.youtube.com/user/noahNephillim/discussion già perché?Leggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Major backlash against Missouri restaurant for tacking on ‘Coronavirus surcharge’ http://disq.us/t/3oqlkod the Italian government (Pd M5S) raped the Italian people, because they knew that if they went to the vote, they would be kicked out! we have an abusive government of Rothschild masons in Italy. government liquidity injection will not be enough, because the judicial system, and bureaucratic, the legal and institutional and administrative system it's all ideologically criminal, the most vulnerable sectors of the population, and the small family business? they have no future prospect il Governo Italiano (Pd M5S) ha stuprato il popolo italiano, perché sapeva che se si andava al voto, loro sarebbero stati cacciati! noi abbiamo un governo abusivo di massoni Rothschild in Italia. la iniezione di liquidità del Governo non sarà sufficiente, perché il sistema giudiziario, e burocratico, il Sistema legale e istituzionale e amministrativo è tutto ideologicamente criminale, le fascie più vulnerabili della popolazione, e la piccola impresa familiare? non hanno una prospettiva futuraLeggi tutto

lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
why should we be raped by the ARAB LEAGUE and Soros NGOs? the Democratic Party must be investigated as a subversive and criminal organization! UCOII THREATS LEGAL ACTIONS AGAINST ITALIANS: "VELO DI SILVIA AISHA ROMANO is used against Islam AISHA: SILVIA ROMANO TAKES THE NAME OF THE 9-YEAR-OLD GIRL "MARRIED" BY Muhammad SILVIA ROMANO, CAPUOZZO: "the DEAD OF BERGAMO for coronaviruses were CREATED TO PAY families, but the state gave 4 MILLION to TERRORISTS" AISHA: SILVIA ROMANO, ISLAMIC SOCIALS CELEBRATE CONVERSION: "THANKS TO ALLAH IT IS NOW AISHA" AISHA: SILVIA ROMANO, #SALVINI: ITS LANDING AS A SPOT TO ISLAMIC TERRORISTS We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Opinion: The abduction of Western freedom https://worldisraelnews.com/opinion-the-abduction-of-western-freedom/#.Xr_Yf49TZvk.twitter
dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • Caroline Glick: Pompeo, the coronavirus and the ‘risks’ of sovereignty https://worldisraelnews com/caroline-glick-pompeo-the-coronavirus-and-the-risks-of-sovereignty/ if Muslims fail to commit genocide: sharia jihad of some people and nation? then, their demon Allah is not happy! and now, the Mohammedans want to steal the homeland even from the poor Jews, who because of them are forced to make the Satanists thieves masons in the NWO to steal the banking seigniorage of all peoples enslaved! there is no more stupid race in the world than Muslims! dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • 18 minutes ago practically, filters and algorithms google youtube facebook and twetter etc .. make it impossible to live the first amendment outside Israeli sites dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • WATCH: Palestinians Burn Effigy of U.S. Secretary of State answer io ho sempre pensato che i mussulmani fossero delle streghe infatti fanno i riti voodoo con fuoco dell'inferno dhimmis kafir murtids Yitzhak • an hour ago G-d bless you too in questo canale il 50% dei commenti che non piacevano a Rothschild e suo cognato Bin Salman? me li hanno cancellatiLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
Netanyahu inaugurates government with call for sovereignty https://worldisraelnews.com/netanyahu-inaugurates-government-with-call-for-sovereignty/#.XsFNGcsoY5Y.twitter UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood • turkey at the Nakba of the Palestinians but the Nakba of the Armenian Kurds and all the Syrian peoples? this does not exist for him but the Nakba of 50 Christian nations that were before the ARAB LEAGUE? this does not exist for him because he is only an Islamic son of the devil named Biden turchia alla Nakba dei palestinesi ma la Nakba dei curdi armeni e tutti i popoli siriani? questo, non esiste per lui ma la Nakba di 50 nazioni di cristiani che erano prima della LEGA ARABA ? questo, non esiste per lui perché lui è soltanto un islamico figlio del demonio di nome BidenLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
While the House of Assad crumbles, the West plays Sykes-Picot 2.0 with Syria's Kurds https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200515-while-the-house-of-assad-crumbles-the-west-plays-sykes-picot -2-0-with-Syrias-kurds / While the House of Assad is crumbling, the West plays Sykes-Picot 2.0 with Syrian Kurds ANSWER ASSAD did not understand that Netanjahu and I were protecting him and now his body also stinks to the Iranians Mentre la House of Assad si sbriciola, l'Occidente gioca a Sykes-Picot 2.0 con i curdi siriani ANSWER ASSAD non ha capito che io e Netanjahu lo proteggevamo ed ora il suo cadavere puzza anche agli iranianiLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
Netanyahu inaugurates government with call for sovereignty http://disq.us/t/3osffxw all the ARAB OIC LEAGUE comes to say: that Jerusalem is their red blood red line jihad sharia 1400-year-old genocide: of genocides of all Christian peoples, as it is still today jihad sharia ISIS Riyadh. because the demoniac Mohammedans from their perverted prophet have not changed to this day .. then death will be their medicine! tutta la LEGA ARABA viene a dire che Gerusalemme è la loro linea rossa, di colore sangue rosso jihad sharia genocidio di 1400 anni: di genocidi di tutti i popoli cristiani, come tutt'oggi è sempre jihad sharia ISIS Riyadh. perché gli indemoniati Maomettani dal loro pervertito profeta a tutt'oggi non sono cambiati.. allora sarà la morte la loro medicina!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom11 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead https://worldisraelnews.com/chinese-ambassador-to-israel-found-dead/#.XsFJbmn8tDE.twitter Xi-Jinping] you receive my deepest condolences, for the precious loss of your ambassador, my prayers for him, his family, and my prayers for all the dear Chinese people! Xi-Jinping ] ricevi tu le mie più commosse condoglianze, per la preziosa perdita del tuo ambasciatore, le mie preghiere per lui, la sua famiglia, e le mie preghiere per tutto il caro popolo cinese!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom12 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: Israel Gets A Government; US Sends Israel 2nd Warning On China; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-may-14-2020/#.XsFDujB2ZPI.twitter Kjeld Hesselmann UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood • Unius, you have revealed yourself. Ppl with loose talk about “Rothchild,” secret society cabals, Freemasons, and the like in the same sentence I have already ascribed as lunatics.—And this despite you’re part on our side. UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood Kjeld Hesselmann • why am I part of your crap? Rothschild offered me several billion dollars but I didn't allow myself to be corrupted! perché io faccio parte della tua schifezza? Rothschild mi ha offerto diversi miliardi di dollari ma io non mi sono lascito corrompere!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom12 ore fa
DAILY RECAP: Israel Gets A Government; US Sends Israel 2nd Warning On China; More Top News https://worldisraelnews.com/watch-daily-israel-news-recap-may-14-2020/#.XsE-uIdQhSs.twitter Fred Younes • Donald Trump don't like China, China is asshoe. UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood Fred Younes • Chinese people are very smart well educated and disciplined. CHINA must be downsized but there is no hatred towards them by honest people that's your problem, you are the scum of mankindLeggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom13 ore fa
I am the Mahdi lorenzoAllahand I am also the Messiah lorenzoJHWH(you can ask google)after me: hell comes, until the end of the world, because freemasons, neoliberal FED kissinger shareholders, LGBT Islamists, and the Democratic Party are bad!yet I asked the ARAB LEAGUE to condemn sharia and stop killing Christians in the world,but they didn't want to, even though the devil allah wants to kill all Christians and because, the Saudis are always instigated by the B'nai B'rithand this is their choice and their fate of curse! Megiddo Megiddo Matthew 24:5 "For many will come in my name, saying I am the Messiah..." The Holy Bible WARNS about those claiming they are the Messiah. You've been exposed... you are fulfilling the Scripture prophecy as FALSE and lying. answer UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood of course, Jesus of Bethlehem is my Lord and God but why does anyone have to be punished forever for making a mistake once? they all know that JHWH is merciful and forgiving, the penitents! Gesù di Betlemme è il mio Signore e Dio ma perché qualcuno deve essere punito per sempre per avere sbagliato una sola volta? sanno tutti che JHWH è misericordioso e perdona, i penitenti!Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom13 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead https://worldisraelnews.com/chinese-ambassador-to-israel-found-dead/#.XsE3elLPQfg.twitter UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood Aldebaran • and it is really serious for you, because all the priests of satan like you they know I'm right when did you put yourself, doggy style under a bull the last time?Leggi tutto
lorenzojhwh Unius REI kingdom13 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead https://worldisraelnews.com/chinese-ambassador-to-israel-found-dead/#.XsEzpnw1fu4.twitter NoahTheNephilim • sorry Xi-Jinping ] Disqus @noahthenephilim all my disqus profiles? they don't work anymore! DemocracyRules NoahTheNephilim • 3 hours ago Me too UniusREI🕎Governor brotherhood DemocracyRules • that harlot of the CIA 666 disqus cannibalsdracula FED IMF NWO regime Bilderberg the antichirist Erdogan Merkel Macron Jihad Saui arabia OCI blocked you and the Israelis have freed you! quella meretrice della CIA 666 disqus ti ha bloccato e gli israeliani ti hanno liberato!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI16 ore fa
Analysis: China's 'disappears' corona heroes, enters 'total censorship era' http://disq.us/t/3os85xt NoahTheNephilim • eih Xi Jinping ] no no no!! A major Chinese legal activist, Xu Zhiyong, who urged Xi Jinping to step down - "You're not smart enough," he said - was also arrested. answer NO NO NO! this is not done in a communist democracy led by Kim Jong-un so what am I supposed to do to all these 40 CIA trolls sent by Rothschild that they blaspheme and slander me all the time? Anche un importante attivista legale cinese, Xu Zhiyong, che ha esortato Xi Jinping a dimettersi - "Non sei abbastanza intelligente", ha detto - è stato anche arrestato. answer NO NO NO! non si fa così in una democrazia comunista guidata da Kim Jong-un e allora cosa dovrei fare io a tutti questi 40 troll della CIA mandati da Rothschild che loro mi bestemmiano e mi calunniano tutto il tempo?Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI16 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp NoahTheNephilim • sorry Xi-Jinping ] Maometto è un bisessuale lui va all'inferno dalla bambina piccola Aisha alla capra
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI16 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp NoahTheNephilim • 30 minutes ago sorry Xi-Jinping ] Disqus @noahthenephilim all my disqus profiles? they don't work anymore!
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI17 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp sorry Xi-Jinping ] Disqus @noahthenephilim all my disqus profiles? they don't work anymore! Disqus @noahthenephilim tutti i miei profili disqus? non lavorano più!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI17 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead https://worldisraelnews.com/chinese-ambassador-to-israel-found-dead/#.XsD3dXy9JZk.twitter NoahTheNephilim • sorry Xi-Jinping ] there is no possibility of control by the administration of Donald Trump (they too are victims) about, the agenda aliens abductions, and their Underground cities and Churches of satan, as of the world masonic government, all of this is under the control of Bush, and Jewish neoliberals who are all satanists. the only medicine to all this evil is my kingdom of Israel you find the Saudis who prevent my Kingdom of Israel and kill them all! non esiste nessuna possibilità di controllo da parte della Amministrazione di Donald Trump (anche loro sono vittime) circa, la agenda aliens abductions, e loro citta Sotterranee e Chiese di satana, come del governo massonico mondiale, tutto questo è sotto il controllo di Bush, e neoliberisti ebrei che sono tutti satanisti. l'unica medicina a tutto questo male malefico è il mio regno di Israele. trova i sauditi che impediscono il mio Regno di Israele e uccidili tutti!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI17 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp sorry Xi-Jinping ] they will say that it is normal to die of a heart attack at the age of 50, but in reality they have invisible supernatural and esoteric powers and in reality they strike to death, all those who do not want to collaborate with the kingdom of satan and allah, and that they have not received the outpouring of the Holy Spirit who could protect them. diranno che è normale morire a 50 anni per infarto, ma, in realtà, loro hanno i poteri invisibili soprannaturali ed esoterici e in realtà colpiscono a morte, tutti quelli che non vogliono collaborare con il regno di satana e allah, e che non hanno ricevuto l'effusione dello Spirito Santo che potrebbe proteggerli.Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI17 ore fa
sorry Xi-Jinping ] CIA have possession of alien technology and it's not back-engineering, since aliens are part of it, the ENTITY "lucifer allah eye" Integrated are the aliens in Church of Satan FED IMF NWO and the demonic supernatural powers of witchcraft Hillary and voodoo? then the CIA can kill invisibly, all over the world all those who are in mortal sin, for doing something bad against the seed of Abraham: in Israel and in the Christian martyrs .. but, to Muslims do NOT do anything wrong: because they are their accomplices-association in the agenda of the antichrist the talmud Koran the synagogue SpA shareholders Rochefeller Kissinger Soros, and their kalergy agenda and Islamic theology of substitution because they hate Jesus of Bethlehem who did everything wrong deciding to be love and justice embodied, theology of jihad replacement and Islamic sharia worldwide genocide against dalit kafir dhimmis Murtidi GoyimsLeggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp sorry Xi-Jinping ] CIA have possession of alien technology and it's not back-engineering, since aliens are part of it, the ENTITY "lucifer allah eye" Integrated are the aliens in Church of Satan FED IMF NWO and the demonic supernatural powers of witchcraft Hillary and voodoo? then the CIA can kill invisibly, all over the world all those who are in mortal sin, for doing something bad against the seed of Abraham: in Israel and in the Christian martyrs .. but, to Muslims do NOT do anything wrong: because they are their accomplices-association in the agenda of the antichrist the talmud Koran the synagogue SpA shareholders Rochefeller Kissinger Soros, and their kalergy agenda and ethical replacement and Islamic sharia worldwide genocide against dalit kafir dhimmis Murtidi Goyims avere il possesso della tecnologia aliena e non è retroingegneria, dato che gli alieni sono parte integrata della Chiesa di Satana FED IMF NWO e i poteri soprannaturali demoniaci stregoneria Hillary e voodoo? allora la CIA può uccidere invisibilmente in ogni parte del mondo tutti coloro che, sono in peccato mortale, per avere fatto qualcosa di cattivo contro il seme di Abramo: in Israele e nei martiri cristiani.. agli islamici NON fanno niente di male: perché sono i loro complici-sodalizio nella agenda dell'anticristo il talmud corano la sinagoga SpA azionisti Rochefeller Kissinger Soros, e loro agenda kalergy e sostituzione etnica e genocidio islamicoLeggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp NoahTheNephilim • sorry Xi-Jinping sorry i satanisti della CIA non potrebbe fare nulla se la LEGA ARABA non li istigasse! LionJudah ☦️UniusREI ☦️kingdom di Israele il Re lorenzoJHWH 26/01/2020 https://friendxkinguniusrei blogspot com/2020/01/sorry-xi-jinping-sorry.html NoahTheNephilim • ONLY THE CIA could have a criminal interest in this possible crime!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead http://disq.us/t/3os4xdp ONLY THE CIA could have a criminal interest in this possible crime! SOLTANTO LA CIA potrebbe avere un criminale interesse in questo possibile delitto!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation https://worldisraelnews.com/eu-foreign-ministers-vow-to-fight-annexation/#.XsDrGfcyPJk.twitter UN OCI Russia China Saudi Arabai] I swear, IO VI DEVO ROMPERE TUTTE LE EMORROIDI DI ALLAH, LURIDI CANI! if the Israelis call me? I will not leave to all the ARAB LEAGUE, that 2 hours of life! and that's just why they haven't called me yet, because, Israelis are too peaceful people you are pushing to despair! ONU OCI Russia Cina Arabai Saudita ] io lo giuro, se gli israeliani mi chiamano? io non lascerò a tutta la LEGA ARABA, che 2 ore di vita! ed è soltanto per questo che non mi hanno chiamato ancora, perché, israeliani sono delle persone troppo pacifiche che voi state spingendo alla disperazione!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation http://disq.us/t/3oroto5 this land is not mine! this land was given by the God JHWH of the Jews, only to the Jews. and who contends this land to the Jews? will be punished by God my Lord Jesus of Bethlehem the heir to the throne of David who sits at the right hand of the Father. and paradoxically the Koran also says these things (this is the land God gave the Jews), but, to Jordan Iran and Erdogan etc.. scrum scam jihad genocide sharia shoah; a their likes the interpretation of Riyadh's ISIS, and its jihadist galaxy questa terra non è mia! questa terra è stata data dal Dio degli ebrei, soltanto agli ebrei. e chi contende questa terra agli ebrei? sarà punito da Dio my Signore Gesù di Betlemme l'erede al trono di Davide che siede alla destra del Padre. e paradossalmente anche il Corano dice queste cose (questa è la terra data da Dio agli ebrei), ma, alla Giordania Iran e Erdogan piace la interpretazione dell'ISIS di Riyad, e la sua galassia jihadistaLeggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI18 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation http://disq.us/t/3oroto5 cursed Rothschild masons and wretched satanists servants of the B'nai B'rith, as EU antichrist foreign tecnocracy neoliberalists scrum, scam banking seigniorage, minister Josep Borell. they were predestined to become the atomic fuel of our star planet. 1. Israel must not cease commercial trade with CHINA as the US would like. 2. Israel will not lack trade and international relations 3. the annexation of Judea and Samaria must take place as quickly as possible! 4. Those who boycott us will in turn be boycotted and the damage will be all their own! because only our allies will have the technology to overcome the challenges of the future and the world war! maledetti massoni Rothschild e disgraziati satanisti servi del B'nai B'rith, come ministro degli esteri dell'UE Josep Borell. sono stati predestinati a diventare il combustibile atomico del nostro pianeta nucleo stella. 1. Israele non deve cessare gli scambi commerciali con la CINA come vorrebbero gli USA. 2. ad Israele non mancheranno i commerci e le relazioni internazionali 3. la annessione di Giudea e Samaria deve avvenire il più velocemente possibile! 4. chi ci boicotterà sarà a sua volta boicottato e il danno sarà tutto suo! perché solo i nostri alleati avranno la tecnologia per vincere le sfide del futuro e la guerra mondiale!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI19 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation http://disq.us/t/3oroto5 #CHINA #RUSSIA #INDIA ] codardi [ but what if Allah wasn't the devil? then, certainly I would not have done the observatory of the martyrdom of Christians for 33 years! you have prevented the rise of my Kingdom of ISRAEL because you didn't move your embassy to Jerusalem .. then, you cannot say that this devastating third world nuclear war is only the fault of the ARAB LEAGUE! CINA RUSSIA INDIA ] [ ma se Allah non fosse il demonio? poi, certamente io non avrei fatto l'osservatorio del martirio dei cristiani per 33 anni! voi avete impedito il sorgere del mio Regno di ISRAELE perché non avete spostato la vostra ambasciata a Gerusalemme.. allora, non potete dire che questa devastante terza guerra mondiale nucleare è soltanto la colpa della LEGA ARABA!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI19 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation https://worldisraelnews.com/eu-foreign-ministers-vow-to-fight-annexation/#.XsDj9VsYexo.twitter I'm not alone: 1. lorenzoJHWH the laicity-theocratic King and the Messiah of the Jews. I am also: 2. Unius REI the procurator and governor of all mankind, for universal brotherhood with exclusively rational agnostic and metaphysical properties. so everything lorenzoJHWH says to believers? Unius REI can rationally tell it to atheists! only on a concrete homeland for all the Jews of the planet, only so, the international law can be built on this foundation. this is why Muslims are the most dangerous Satanists, because by preventing my Kingdom of ISRAEL, so, also: they prevent the Satanists' NWO 666 CIA cannibals, occult masonic power, deep State, FED IMF from collapsing! non sono soltanto lorenzoJHWH il laico-teocratico Re e il Messia degli ebrei. io sono anche Unius REI il procuratore e governatore di tutto il genere umano con proprietà agnostiche e metafisiche esclusivamente razionali. quindi tutto quello che lorenzoJHWH dice ai credenti? Unius REI può dirlo razionalmente agli atei! soltanto su una Patria concreta per tutti gli ebrei del pianeta, soltanto su questo fondamento si può erigere il diritto internazionale.. per questo i mussulmani sono i più pericolosi satanisti perché impedendo il mio Regno di ISRAELE loro impediscono al NWO FED IMF dei satanisti di poter crollare!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI19 ore fa
EU foreign ministers vow to fight annexation http://disq.us/t/3oroto5 when the Jews had no faith that they could conquer the promised land? God kept them 40 years in the desert of Saudi Arabia waiting for all that generation of unbelievers to die quando gli ebrei non ebbero fede di poter conquistare la terra promessa? Dio li tenne 40 anni nel deserto della Arabia Saudita in attesa che tutta quella generazione di increduli fosse mortaLeggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Jordan threatens Israel with 'massive conflict' over sovereignty plan https://worldisraelnews.com/jordan-threatens-israel-with-massive-conflict-over-sovereignty-plan/#.XsB8Ft1ZbtA.twitter Jordanian king Abdullah II Answer and this is true: if Allah uuhh akbar ISIS begins to lose sharia jihad territory, how could sharia genocide and jihad demonstrate that he is a true god-demon? Il re della Giordania Abdullah II Answer e questo è vero: se Allah uuhh akbar ISIS, incomincia a perdere del territorio sharia jihad, come potrebbe dimostrare sharia genocidio e jihad di essere un vero dio-demonio?Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
WATCH: Israel's Skies Are Safer Than Ever http://disq.us/t/3oqdwp7 Bin SALMAN ] [ but if I don't tell anyone lies because someone wants to lie to me to find himself dead dead in hell quickly? Bin SALMAN ] [ ma se io non dico menzogne a nessuno perché qualcuno ha voglia di mentire a me per trovarsi morto stecchito all'inferno rapidamente?Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
WATCH: Why Israel’s Skies Are Safer Than Ever https://unitedwithisrael.org/watch-israels-skies-are-safer-than-ever/#.XsAssCIYkUA.twitter Bin SALMAN ] [ Abd Allāh bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd, or ʿISIS Abd666Allāh or king of the worms: Abdullah uh akbar or "Abdullah bin sulfuric Abdulaziz Al Saud": عبد الله بن عبد العزدز الععود; from Riyadh, ok he said in the youtube World Government who esteemed me. so the youtube World Director Synnek1 told me, and of course I didn't believe him and I threw that beast of your Uncle to hell, and I made Synnek1 go crazy and fired who has now become 187AudioHostem and AudioHostem187 the cannibal Abd Allāh bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd, o ʿISIS Abd666Allāh o re dei vermi: Abdullah uh akbar o "Abdullah bin sulfuric Abdulaziz Al Saud" : عبد الله بن عبد العزيز السعود; from Riyad, ok lui disse nel Governo Mondiale di youtube che mi stimava. così il Direttore Mondiale di youtube Synnek1 me lo disse, ed ovviamente io non gli ho creduto e ho buttato all'inferno quella bestia di tuo Zio, e ho fatto impazzire e licenziare Synnek1 che ora è diventato 187AudioHostem e AudioHostem187 il cannibaleLeggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Israel Blasts Ukrainian Police for Demanding Names of All Jews in Central City http://disq.us/t/3onm1t4 these are friends of Merkel's Victoria Jane Nuland (New York, 1961), Macron Soros Bilderberg Rothschild, Biden and Antichrist the Mason of B'nai B'rith questi sono gli amici della Victoria Jane Nuland (New York, 1961) della Merkel, di Macron Soros Bilderberg Rothschild, Biden e dell'Anticristo il massone del B'nai B'rithLeggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Israel Blasts Ukrainian Police for Demanding Names of All Jews in Central City http://disq.us/t/3onm1t4 [16:10] Simon, Simon, behold, Satan has sought you to sift you like wheat; but I prayed for you, that your faith will not fail; and you, once repentant, confirm your brothers. And Peter said to him, "Lord, with you I am ready to go to prison and even to death, because of Bin SALMAN & Rothschild." He replied: "Peter, I tell you: the cock will not crow today, before you, three times, you have denied knowing me." (1 like) Simone, Simone, ecco satana vi ha cercato per vagliarvi come il grano; ma io ho pregato per te, che non venga meno la tua fede; e tu, una volta ravveduto, conferma i tuoi fratelli. E Pietro gli disse: “Signore, con te sono pronto ad andare in prigione e anche alla morte, per colpa di Bin SALMAN & Rothschild”. Gli rispose: “Pietro, io ti dico: non canterà oggi il gallo, prima che tu, per tre volte, tu avrai negato di conoscermi”. (1 Mi piace)Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
nessuna creatura è stupida. finché c'é la sharia ? allora, OIC è responsabile e mandante di ogni atto terroristico! Scovato a Mosca uomo che ha raccolto 700 mila euro per l’Isis. VIDEO© Sputnik . Center for Public Relations of the FSS of Russia MONDO , 13:34 16.05.2019URL abbreviato5282 Seguici su A Mosca è stato arrestato un uomo originario dell’Ossezia del Nord che nel 2015 ha trasferito più di 50 milioni di rubli (687 mila euro) ai terroristi in Siria. Lo comunicano i servizi segreti. Il nome dell’uomo in stato di fermo è Georgij Guev. Secondo gli investigatori i guerriglieri che aiutava sarebbero attivi nella repubblica araba tra i membri dell’organizzazione terroristica Stato Islamico. Inoltre secondo i servizi segreti russi (FSB) Guev avrebbe mandato soldi al predicatore islamico e fondatore dell’associazione Mukhadžirun, Israil Akhmednabiev, noto come Abu Umar Sasitlinskij e ricercato per terrorismo. I soldi venivano ritirati all’estero e finalizzati “alla preparazione ed esecuzione di crimini di carattere terroristico”. Non è ancora noto da dove Guev prendesse i soldi. Durante la perquisizione sono stati rinvenuti libri sull’estremismo islamico, carte bancarie e telefoni in grande quantità e le istruzioni dei coordinatori dell’Isis. Al più presto saranno sporte le accuse e presa una decisione sulle misure da prendersi, ha comunicato il rappresentante del Comitato d’inchiesta Svetlana Petrenko. Oggi nella città di Tver sono stati arrestati altri tre uomini che finanziavano l’Isis.Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
[10/05 19:43] Entrate per la porta stretta, perché larga è la porta e spaziosa la via che conduce alla perdizione, e molti sono coloro che entrano per essa. Quanto stretta è invece la porta e angusta la via che conduce alla vita! E pochi sono coloro che la trovano! (1 Mi piace)[mercoledì 09:28] C’è più felicità nel dare che nel ricevere. (2 Mi piace)[11:38]Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Major backlash against Missouri restaurant for tacking on 'Coronavirus surcharge' https://worldisraelnews.com/major-backlash-against-missouri-restaurant-for-tacking-on-coronavirus-surcharge/#.Xr_pSm01FCQ.twitter BIN SHARIA ISIS SALMAN FROM RIYADH WAHHABIS ] TU HAI PROGETTATO DI RESISTERE AL MIO AMORE PER TE? VERAMENTE TU FARESTI QUESTO? [ no creature is stupid. as long as there is sharia? then, OIC is responsible and responsible for every terrorist act! Man who raised 700 thousand euros for Isis was found in Moscow. VIDEO © Sputnik. Center for Public Relations of the FSS of Russia WORLD 13:34 16.05.2019URL abbreviated 5282 Follow us on In Moscow, a man originally from North Ossetia was arrested and in 2015 he transferred more than 50 million rubles (687 thousand euros) to terrorists in Syria. Secret service reports. The name of the man in custody is Georgij Guev. According to investigators, the guerrillas he helped are active in the Arab republic among members of the Islamic State terrorist organization. Furthermore, according to the Russian secret services (FSB) Guev allegedly sent money to the Islamic preacher and founder of the Mukhadžirun association, Israil Akhmednabiev, known as Abu Umar Sasitlinskij and wanted for terrorism. The money was collected abroad and aimed at "preparing and executing terrorist crimes". It is not yet known where Guev got the money from. During the search, books on Islamic extremism, bank cards and telephones in large quantities and instructions from ISIS coordinators were found. Accusations will be raised as soon as possible and a decision will be taken on the measures to be taken, the representative of the Investigation Committee Svetlana Petrenko said. Three other men who financed ISIS were arrested today in the city of Tver.Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
[10/05 19:43] Enter through the narrow door, because the door is wide and the way leading to perdition is wide, and many are those who enter through it. How narrow is the door instead and narrow the way that leads to life! And few are those who find it! (1 like) [Wednesday 09:28] There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. (2 likes) [11:38] Matthew 20 "The Kingdom of Heaven is in fact similar to a landowner who went out early to hire workers for his vineyard. A 2 After agreeing with the workers for a money a day, he sent them to his vineyard. 3 Then going out towards the third hour, he saw others who were unemployed in the square 4 and said to them: 'Go to the vineyard too and I will give you what is right.' 5 And they went there. Going out again around the 6th hour and the 9th hour, he did the same thing. 6 Finally, towards the 11th hour, he went out and found others who were around, and said to them: 'Why have you been here all day without work?' 7 They replied: 'Because no one has hired us'. Then he said: 'Go to the vineyard too.' 8 "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his manager: 'Call the workers and give them the wages, b starting from the last to the first.' 9 When the men of the 11th hour arrived, they received a money each. 10 So the first ones, when they arrived, thought they were getting more, but they too were paid with money each. 11 On receiving it they began to murmur against the owner of the vineyard, 12 saying: 'The latter worked only an hour; yet you treated them like us, who have endured the weight of the day and the scorching heat! '13 But the master replied to one of them:' Friend, I am not doing you any wrong. Hadn't we agreed on a money? C 14 Take what is yours and go away. I want to give the latter as much as you do. 15 Don't I have the right to do what I want with what belongs to me? Or is your eye envious because I am good? ' 16 In this way the last will be first and the first last ”. (2 likes) [11:38] Nobody has ever seen God; if we love one another, God remains in us and his love is perfect in us. No one who has put his hand to the plow and then looks back is suitable for the kingdom of God. If one says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar. For whoever does not love his brother who sees cannot love God who does not see. This is the commandment we have from him: whoever loves God also loves his brother. You have understood that it was said: You will love your neighbor and you will hate your enemy; but I say to you: love your enemies and pray for your persecutors. What is impossible for men is possible for God. I am giving you a new commandment: that you love one another; just as I loved you, so love one another too. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. Truly, truly, I say to you: whoever believes has eternal life. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are those who, despite not having seen, will believe! (3 likes) [15:11] Do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will already have its concerns. His pain is enough for each day. But I say to you that men will account for every unfounded word on the day of judgment; for according to your words you will be justified and according to your words you will be condemned.Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
BIN SALMAN RIYADH ] [ no creature of God is stupid! Erdogan OIC, ARAB League and all the Sunnis with him, and all the Shiites with him, they think they will earn in WW3 they believe they will recover the Ottoman caliphate, lost and much, much, much more, all over the world! also, it is ISLAM that allowed Rothschild to attack Russia and China, but they will win the war and therefore Islam will disappear: and the fact that ISLAM will disappear? this is also good for rothschild but, it's not good for me! all Muslims can do a good job for me (the Kingdom of God)! So, it is unlikely that anyone will survive in Saudi Arabia where the armies of the planet will collide, so how could Islam survive? Major backlash against Missouri restaurant for tacking on 'Coronavirus surcharge' https://worldisraelnews.com/major-backlash-against-missouri-restaurant-for-tacking-on-coronavirus-surcharge/#.Xr_lZVtgvcU.twitter nessuna creatura di Dio è stupida! Erdogan OIC, Lega ARABA e tutti i sunniti con lui, e tutti gli sciiti con lui, loro pensano di guadagnarci nella WW3 credono di recuperare il califfato ottomano, perduto e molto, molto, molto altro ancora, in tutto il mondo! inoltre, è l'ISLAM che ha permesso a Rothschild di aggredire la Russia e Cina, ma loro vinceranno la guerra e quindi Islam sparirà: e il fatto che ISLAM sparirà? anche questo è buono per rothschild ma, non è buono per me! i mussulmani tutti possono fare un buon lavoro per me(il Regno di Dio)! Allora, è difficile che qualcuno potrà sopravvivere in Arabia Saudita dove gli eserciti del pianeta si scontreranno, quindi come Islam potrebbe sopravvivere?Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Major backlash against Missouri restaurant for tacking on ‘Coronavirus surcharge’ http://disq.us/t/3oqlkod Bin SALMAN ] [ my Kingdom of ISRAEL it cannot be stopped by your devil Allah and not by anyone. so if I break down the NWO through world war: Islam will be lost, but, if you bring it down: and will you allow me to peacefully politically bring down the NWO? I will allow you to save Islam, on my terms! il mio Regno di ISRAELE non può essere fermato dal tuo demonio Allah e neanche da nessuno. quindi se abbatto io il NWO attraverso la guerra mondiale: Islam andrà perso, se lo abbatti tu: e mi permetti di abbattere politicamente il NWO? io ti permetterò di salvare Islam, alle mie condizioni!Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
George from Satan H. W. Bush 41st president of the United States feel beast. because your satanists & lgbtq spam me all the comments i write from my other channel On the canal https://www.youtube.com/user/noahNephillim/discussion why already? George from Satana H. W. Bush 41º presidente degli Stati Uniti senti bestia. perché i tuoi satanisti & lgbtq mi mettono in spam tutti i commenti che io scrivo da altro mio canale sul canale https://www.youtube.com/user/noahNephillim/discussion già perché?Leggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
Major backlash against Missouri restaurant for tacking on ‘Coronavirus surcharge’ http://disq.us/t/3oqlkod the Italian government (Pd M5S) raped the Italian people, because they knew that if they went to the vote, they would be kicked out! we have an abusive government of Rothschild masons in Italy. government liquidity injection will not be enough, because the judicial system, and bureaucratic, the legal and institutional and administrative system it's all ideologically criminal, the most vulnerable sectors of the population, and the small family business? they have no future prospect il Governo Italiano (Pd M5S) ha stuprato il popolo italiano, perché sapeva che se si andava al voto, loro sarebbero stati cacciati! noi abbiamo un governo abusivo di massoni Rothschild in Italia. la iniezione di liquidità del Governo non sarà sufficiente, perché il sistema giudiziario, e burocratico, il Sistema legale e istituzionale e amministrativo è tutto ideologicamente criminale, le fascie più vulnerabili della popolazione, e la piccola impresa familiare? non hanno una prospettiva futuraLeggi tutto
lorenzoJHWH Unius REI1 giorno fa
why should we be raped by the ARAB LEAGUE and Soros NGOs? the Democratic Party must be investigated as a subversive and criminal organization! UCOII THREATS LEGAL ACTIONS AGAINST ITALIANS: "VELO DI SILVIA AISHA ROMANO is used against Islam AISHA: SILVIA ROMANO TAKES THE NAME OF THE 9-YEAR-OLD GIRL "MARRIED" BY Muhammad SILVIA ROMANO, CAPUOZZO: "the DEAD OF BERGAMO for coronaviruses were CREATED TO PAY families, but the state gave 4 MILLION to TERRORISTS" AISHA: SILVIA ROMANO, ISLAMIC SOCIALS CELEBRATE CONVERSION: "THANKS TO ALLAH IT IS NOW AISHA" AISHA: SILVIA ROMANO, #SALVINI: ITS LANDING AS A SPOT TO ISLAMIC TERRORISTS We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by World Israel News. Opinion: The abduction of Western freedom https://worldisraelnews.com/opinion-the-abduction-of-western-freedom/#.Xr_Yf49TZvk.twitter